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Evolutionary Sales
Jason McClain
Are you a sales professional or small-business person with a revenue goal? Selling techniques constantly evolve and this “daily sales techniques” audio program will teach you the most current strategies integrated from the best sales professionals in today’s market - the 21st Century market. Evolutionary Sales: 21st Century Psychology & Ethical Sales Techniques will expose you to a new sales skill every day that you can use immediately to increase your success. Evolutionary Sales integrates ethical approaches with 21st century psychology techniques summarized from the teachings of leaders in the field such as Anthony “Tony” Robbins, Jim Rohn, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abrahams, Jason D. McClain and more. Your sales would predictably explode if we stopped there--but we will take you even further. Guided by Jason D. McClain, a leading-edge thinker and your guide in the 21st century marketplace, you will gain practices, techniques and mindsets that will set you apart from the competition and make your explosive success, not just possible, but predictable. Would you like to drive your prospects to close faster? Would you like to achieve your sales goals with a greater sense of ethics, while maintaining your spiritual principles, and feeling better about the entire process? Would you like to enjoy all of that while becoming even more prosperous? Then Evolutionary Sales: 21st Century Psychology & Ethical Sales Techniques is required listening for you as a sales professional or small-business person.


You Are Perfect, But What is Your Market Value? Deepening Your Understanding of Your Self, Part 2 of 2

In this two part series, you’ll get a guided visualization for overcoming your fears about selling in Part One. Then in the second episode, Jason takes you deeper into the difference that makes the difference—especially in these economic times. Your ego; your esteem for yours... Read More


Deepening Your Understanding of Your Self; Positive Ego Development Part 1 of 2

In this two part series, you’ll get a guided visualization for overcoming your fears about selling. Then in the second episode, Jason takes you deeper into the difference that makes the difference—especially in these economic times. Your ego; your esteem for yourself. Imagine... Read More


Keeping At It; The Daily Grind and Your Thankless Job

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason gives you a moment to pat yourself on the back and encourages you to keep going—to play for the long haul. He also lets you know that while you may be in the grind and that while you have a thankless job, some people do understand yo... Read More


Rebooting Your Sales Mastery–ES Version 3.5; Personal Work

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason delves into the first Module in Evolutionary Sales: Personal Work. He explains why this is the most overlooked—yet the most critical component of your sales success. Be it your ability to manage your emotions or to separate your res... Read More


Rebooting Your Sales Mastery; ES Version 3.5 Intro

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason reminds you that we are rebooting the entire series. Making it tighter and more effective at assisting you in producing rapid results. In this podcast he lays out the episode progression by explaining the Evolutionary Sales Modules: Pe... Read More


Evolutionary Sales v3.0: Rebooting the System

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason reboots the entire Evolutionary Sales system for you. Taking both listener feedback, as well as direction from the brilliant leadership at Personal Life Media, Jason McClain, your host and Your Guide in the 21st Century Marketplace, ha... Read More


Retail Applications — Balancing Financial Quotas and Ethical Sales Techniques

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason answers a listener question about whether or not Evolutionary Sales can be applied to high-end retail department environments. In addition he explains how quotas can take a person off-center and that in the long run, if they keep sigh... Read More


Qualifying Over the Phone and In-Person Meetings

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason answers a listener question about when and how to qualify over the phone versus selling over the phone. He also covers when to set an in-person meeting and how much selling to do beforehand—or frankly, how little. While the questione... Read More


Critical Changes in Show Format to Support Your Success More Effectively

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason D. McClain wraps up the previous format and given you critical insight into the future of the show, what value you can expect from it—and how important it is for you to share the previous episodes with your colleagues and to do it no... Read More


How to Get the Decision Makers in the Room—and therefore avoid the pitfalls of not doing so

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason D. McClain answers an important listener question about how to deal with not being in direct contact with the decision maker especially in the case of it being a spouse or multi-party process. This is critical for any practitioner or s... Read More
