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Evolutionary Sales
Jason McClain
Are you a sales professional or small-business person with a revenue goal? Selling techniques constantly evolve and this “daily sales techniques” audio program will teach you the most current strategies integrated from the best sales professionals in today’s market - the 21st Century market. Evolutionary Sales: 21st Century Psychology & Ethical Sales Techniques will expose you to a new sales skill every day that you can use immediately to increase your success. Evolutionary Sales integrates ethical approaches with 21st century psychology techniques summarized from the teachings of leaders in the field such as Anthony “Tony” Robbins, Jim Rohn, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abrahams, Jason D. McClain and more. Your sales would predictably explode if we stopped there--but we will take you even further. Guided by Jason D. McClain, a leading-edge thinker and your guide in the 21st century marketplace, you will gain practices, techniques and mindsets that will set you apart from the competition and make your explosive success, not just possible, but predictable. Would you like to drive your prospects to close faster? Would you like to achieve your sales goals with a greater sense of ethics, while maintaining your spiritual principles, and feeling better about the entire process? Would you like to enjoy all of that while becoming even more prosperous? Then Evolutionary Sales: 21st Century Psychology & Ethical Sales Techniques is required listening for you as a sales professional or small-business person.


Creating Meaning and Conviction for Your Prospective Client

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason McClain continues to deliver the difference that will make the difference for you in the 21st Century Marketplace. The next step in the Evolutionary Sales Process is meaning and conviction. Using advanced linguistic techniques and cons... Read More


Gap Analysis: Gathering Information for Optimal Service

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason teaches you one of the most effective processes for determining how to best design and deliver what your client or prospect truly needs and desires. You will learn to distinguish precise sensory-based evidence for your success in assis... Read More


Depth Selling: The Importance of Questions and Eliciting Values

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason takes you one step further in distinguishing yourself form the competition and opening a relationship with your prospect. He will discuss the importance of asking questions, rather than reading a script or launching into a monologue on... Read More


Levels Of Learning

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, in service of your full integration of the material, Jason not only gives a comprehensive review of the material covered so far, but also teaches you about the four levels of learning. In Addition, he teaches you the the four aspects to mode... Read More


Permission-Based Selling and the Telephone

In this episode of Evolutionary Sales, Jason discusses the concept of permission-based selling and how it is a critical component of Evolutionary Sales and the 21st Century Marketplace. Learn the tools to always be receiving permission from your client or prospect making it all t... Read More


Rapport: Non-verbal Communication

Jason first reinforces the importance of following the instructions in the podcasts. He does this by emphasizing how the format, exercises, and instructions are in service of your learning and your success. If you want to make the most out of this series of podcasts, follow those... Read More


Creating an Identity and Prospecting

In this episode, Jason discusses the power of creating a marketable identity that is literally making a name for yourself, but not in the way people used to think. Creating an identity will not only allow you to be memorable to clients, but will also positively convey what you do... Read More


Setting Goals and Understanding Your Unconscious Organization of Time

Jason teaches you more powerful tools for mental mastery. In this Episode, he discusses the well-formed conditions to achieving your goals. That is that they be S.M.A.R.T. goals. If you have goals or want to set goals, be sure to acquire these powerful distinctions for achieving ... Read More


Mastering your Mind

In Episode 2 of Evolutionary Sales, Jason teaches you how the structure of your thoughts creates your emotional experience. Jason then leads you through two very impact full examples of this to demonstrate it to you. Additionally he will take you through two very powerful exercis... Read More


Mindsets for Success and Your Personal Developmental Work

Jason explains how the only thing in your way of having the life you dream of is you and how the main block stopping you may simply be your thinking. From your limiting beliefs, your lack of emotional master, the way you "see" events in your minds eye, or your negative self talk.... Read More
