Episode 26 - Rebooting Your Sales Mastery; ES Version 3.5 Intro
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Jason McClain: Welcome to Evolutionary Sales. I’m Jason McClain, your host and your guide in the 21st century marketplace. Welcome back finally to Evolutionary Sales. This is really version 3.5 of Evolutionary Sales, and I’m really excited about this particular version, and I would like to explain why and then I’d like to lay out the program for you and talk about the different modules that we’ll be exploring, as well as explaining why you should be excited about this particular version.
The first version of Evolutionary Sales, while it was solid conceptually, wasn’t nearly as well fleshed out as the last one, perhaps the one that you’ve been listening to over the last several months. And now we’re actually shifting the format, as I mentioned in the last episode, to be tighter, to give you greater access to the distinctions and to help you integrate more. More palatable sizes, for you to have a bite-size access to your improvement as a sales professional. And for some of you, it’s about moving you from a salesperson to a sales professional, from a hack to an engineer. That’s what we’re hoping to achieve in this program.
And there’s a few reasons I’m excited about it. First of all, I’ve talked to a lot of people on both sides of the divide. Both sides – you know, the prospect who just absolutely hates sales and they hate sales people. And frankly, it’s for good reason. And the salesperson who’s in the sales business largely because they need to be or because they have to be or because they found out that what being a mortgage broker really means is that you’re a sales professional, or being a stock broker really means you’re a sales professional. Or they started their own company and they realized that, unfortunately, they have to sell first and they absolutely can’t stand sales. And then there’s the sales professional who is going in the way of the dinosaur – the person who was a professional last century, but is no longer considered a professional, the person who considers a prospect an object, somebody to move to a goal, move around like a chess piece, an object rather than someone that they’re in a relationship with.
And it’s my belief – and it’s the feedback as well, so it’s what I’m hearing from others listening to this – is that this solves the problems on both sides And I’m glad. And that’s one of the reasons I’m excited about this. It makes it even more accessible and to really solve the problem that causes pain and internal conflict for people as they become either a salesperson, a sales professional, or as they start their own business or as they need to actually engage with sales professionals on the other side.
There’s five major modules in this program, and let me tell you what they are, why you should care, frankly, and why it’s important to you, how we’re going to go over them and what it makes possible for you in your life and in your business.
The first one is one that nobody really wants to engage in. It’s your platform, though, and it’s the one thing that if you don’t address it, will be the only thing that stops you every single time. It’s the one aspect of the way you approach the world and approach prospects that must be addressed, and that’s your personal work. Your fear, your anxiety, your skill level, the beliefs you have about what’s possible, what’s not possible for you or in your business, your beliefs about your product, your beliefs about the market, your beliefs about the economy, and of course, your emotional life. It’s the one aspect of who you are that cannot go unaddressed. So while some people go, oh, I really want to get to the techniques, the truth is that if you use the techniques without coming from a solid grounding in who you are as coming from [xx] contribution, and having resolved the limitations that stop you, the techniques are worth nothing to you. I would be irresponsible if I move forward without addressing that.
The first module is personal work, and we’ll go into lots of visualizations. We’ll do exercises to bring your limiting beliefs to the forefront of your mind so that you actually understand why you respond in a certain way, and actually teach you how to manage your mind. And while I could go on about just that for months at a time, we’re going to try and do it pretty tightly until we reboot this thing again, which I’m sure we will.
Module two will be connecting, really how to connect to your prospect as somebody you’re in a relationship with at a very deep level. What this will allow you to do is it’ll allow you to gain a rapport with someone no matter where they’re from, what color they are, where you went to school, whether they were in a rival school, whether they didn’t go to school at all, or what you think about them or they think about you, because you’ll be doing it at an unconscious, nonverbal level. What this makes possible in your business is the ability to move mountains that you didn’t think were possible to move.
At the same time, if you don’t address rapport – connection – then you can have all the techniques in the world, and they just won’t like you for some reason. They may not even be able to say why. And there goes that opening. Because, of course, as those of you who have been listening know, we don’t close deals in the 21st century marketplace, we open relationships.
Module three is engaging and inquiring, which will be really the largest collection of simple techniques and tool sets and questions to ask and ways in which to find out the information you need to make sure that first of all, you can be of service to this prospect, not just push your product or service onto them but truly it will serve them. And give you all the information you need to later on leverage them beyond their limitations if that is what is necessary. I hope that what that makes possible is obvious to you – dramatic increase in your results.
Fourth is inspiring, which is what you need to do with a prospect – inspire them towards a vision and a vision that they will create with your guidance, based on the information you’ve gathered in the previous module of engaging and inquiring, as well as your own skill as being able to direct their mind in a powerful way that’s in service of them.
And finally, actual opening of the relationship, and some of that’s just simple logistics. Make sure you have a contract, things of that nature. Make sure you have something for them to sign or some way for them to pay. But sometimes, you haven’t done enough up front, and you find out that there’s some information you didn’t know or perhaps there was something that you weren’t skillful at, a question you forgot to ask, or part of the Evolutionary Sales process which simply slipped your mind. Even for me sometimes, I get distracted with a particular aspect of a client’s experience, or in a relationship with them, and I forgot a step. Happens once in a while, and I always find out in the end. Oh, right, I forgot step four, oh, man. And here it is. Now I get to deal with the results of my lack of attention to a particular aspect of it.
Well, fortunately, we’ve still got some more tools. Some aspects of relating with them, some ways in which you can leverage them based on the information you know, again, assuming, of course, that your product or service truly is in service of them. In other words, we’ll give you ways to save your bacon in the end if you slip up or if you haven’t built enough rapport for them to tell you the full truth, or however we would like to frame it. Because in the end, me and my friends, no matter what happens, there’s some way in which you are responsible.
There isn’t any gain for you or for them in blaming the prospect for not understanding or for lying to you or not telling you the truth, because there’s always a way in which you could have avoided that. If they lied to you, you didn’t have enough rapport. It’s your job to build that. If in the end, you have to close them hard, which, gosh, I hope that you use this system and you never have to have that experience, and I hope your prospects never have that experience because there likely to be the last time you interact with them even if you get that deal.
But what’s important for you to do, and make your decision now, is that you are responsible for every aspect of the results that you’re producing, including the irrational reactions from your clients, including them not telling you the truth, including prospects being “resistant,” because right now, the best thing you could do for yourself and for your success is to make a decision that there is no such thing as a resistant client. There is simply more skill that you need to acquire. There is simply more responsibility you need to take, because there is no power for you. While there might be some comfort, there’s no power in doing anything else.
I hope to assist you in that process. And let me urge you – if you’re not willing to do that, then don’t waste your time. Listen to another sales program because this one is going to demand a lot of you. And, of course, you’ll get the results back for the investment you make, exponentially. But make a decision now to have the mindset that there’s always something that you could do, that it was your responsibility. Not your fault – you’re not to blame. Those are different. But you are able to respond.
I’m Jason McClain, your host and your guide in the 21st century marketplace. I look forward to contributing to you further. Wishing you health, success, and fulfillment.