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Suzanne Maiden
Zanny, aka Suzanne Maiden, M.A., Family Therapist, certified grief counselor, and co-host of TheDivaCast Internet talk show, recently merged her professional experience with broadcasting to produce Dear Zanny, a one-of-a-kind virtual cozy couch where listener’s plop down their most confidential concerns. The online audio advice column offers a compassionate ear, a sympathetic shoulder, and sound suggestions to the world’s most universal relationship dilemmas.

Do you need to set firm boundaries with a toxic friend or family member? Maybe your child has suicidal tendencies or is engaging in the disturbing new trend of “cutting” (self injurious behavior). Is your spouse depressed, addicted, or abusive? Do you suspect he/she is caught up in an extramarital affair? Listeners are encouraged to email or call into the Dear Zanny hotline with their concerns. Zanny posts questions to her website, minus any identifiers for anonymity, and shares answers on-air in a radio-style format with concise considerations, suggestions, and resources.

Is Dear Zanny a substitution for professional counseling? Absolutely not. Zanny is quick to point out her show is for entertainment purposes only. Her talk show is an excellent place to touch one’s toe into the sometimes-intimidating reflecting pool of therapy, but is never intended to substitute for professional help.

To ask an anonymous question, call the Dear Zanny hotline at (678) 884-0524 or visit


DZ080721 – Tell Your Friend About their Kid’s High Risk Behavior – 678-884-0524

Marion from WI left a vm and wants to know if she should tell her friend information she heard from another friend about her child.  The child, assuming they're an adolescent, is involved in high risk behaviors.  What to do?  Listen and see what you think.Check out... Read More


DZ080715 – Divorce or Stay – 678-884-0524

Shannan's marriage has some big time problems: verbally abusive husband who's addicted to on-line porn and she's emotionally over-eaten and gained 80-100lbs.  Should she stay so her son has both parents?  What would you do?  What do the experts say about divorce vs... Read More


DZ080707 – 2 Girls Making Out? – 678-884-0524

Wife discovers her husband's cell phone photos from last nights party - must have been a wild one because she discovered pictures of 2 women making out.  Husband doesn't understand why the wife is "furious."  Would you be?  What would you do?  How to get the d... Read More


DZ080706 – Spoiled or Depressed? – 678-884-0524

Sometimes when it seems like we have it all - we don't.  Something's missing.  It's even embarrassing to try to explain these feelings to someone else when they may actually envy our life.  But, depression can happen to anyone at anytime for so many reasons.&n... Read More


DZ080617 – Friends and Boundaries – 678-884-0524

How far do we go for our friends?  What are the boundaries when we've had life long buddies?  Yikes, always a tough one.  I believe in loyalty to a fault with friends, and covering "their six" in most situations - except when kids are involved.  Listen to Beth... Read More


DZ080616 – Girlfriend Stuff – 678-884-0524

Amanda from IL left a vm and expressed frustration with her girlfriend - but acknowledged, "I know it's me."  Anytime we get a zing from someone - stop, go to the nearest mirror, and look at your reflection.  It's nearly always a projection.  What characterist... Read More


DZ080615 – Tim Russert and Sudden Death – 678-884-0524

Tim Russert, aged 58, died this week of a cornonry emoblism.  I always liked him - he seemed like a really nice and decent man.  Lolita S. emailed and wanted to know why his death feels so painful to her when she never met him.  If you have felt this way, ask yours... Read More


DZ080612 – Listener Response – 678-884-0524

I've been MIA the last two months - I had a cancer recurrence, surgery, then off to a healing retreat in Eagle Nest, NM for a week.  I just returned several days ago and have been catching up with my clients.  Thanks for hanging in there with me.  I recieved multip... Read More


DZ080324 – Verbal Abuse – 678-884-0524

Kim from TX sends an email to first, and we (The Divas) agreed that it was better responded to by me, Zanny.  Kim has been married for 5 years to "a wonderful father, a good provider, and a life partner..."  but his fatal flaw is the verbal abuse he... Read More


DZ081703 – Toxic Parents – 678-884-0524

This email came from Anabella, a 42 year-old Italian immigrant.  Her own mother was abusive both phsycially and emotionally.  Now, Anabella's father is dying and her mother wants Anabella and her two young children to stay with her.  NO! NO! NO!  Anabella - yo... Read More
