Episode 23 - DZ080615 – Tim Russert and Sudden Death – 678-884-0524
Tim Russert, aged 58, died this week of a cornonry emoblism. I always liked him - he seemed like a really nice and decent man. Lolita S. emailed and wanted to know why his death feels so painful to her when she never met him. If you have felt this way, ask yourself: "How is this situation similar to something I've experienced before?" Think hard. Your answer will give you THE answer. Get it? Good! : ) I prefer voice mails because it makes the show more interesting, but emails are great too.Listen and leave me a voice mail!
*Talk To Me! Call me: 678-884-0524, or Listen by cell phone: 1-801-823-1125
Email me: [email protected]. Do you need relationship advice? Call Zanny. Let's talk! Help make this show more interesting by leaving a voice mail.
*Disclaimer: Dear Zanny is for entertainment purposes only. Any advice suggestions are never intented to substitute proffessional help. For legal reasons, I will not answer e-mails directly but will use them on a future show so listen and subscribe to have DZ automagically delivered to you.