Episode 7 - Old Jawbone @ The Ace
We're back at the Ace in the Hole for a band which has the style of The Band; Old Jawbone.
For this episode the NB returns again to the Ace in the hole pub in Sebastopol ca. This episode of the Northbay features a 3 guy band called Old Jawbone… Though lacking a drummer they make up for it with a driving rhythm from the bass. Also… note that the bass player not only maintains the rhythm, but provides vocals as well as an awesome harmonica backup. Their sound is close to the style of the classic group called The Band.
This is a live binaural recording with as candid and raw a performance as you would get if you were there. So you’re gonna hear talking and sounds from the pub and the audience. To get the best binaural effect use earbuds or headphones.