Episode 84 - TDC080308 Advice
Have you ever had someone give you unsolicited advice? Call us at 678-884-0524 or email us at [email protected] and share your experience. Even if the intention is well-meanining, unsolicited advice can sting, especially if the one making the suggestion is off the mark or you're just not in a place to hear it. Can't we gals just vent once in awhile and get the support only a good girlfriend can give? Come listen in on Carrie's situation with receiving some unwanted"guidance" and the bad advice Sharon gave and the reprecussions that ensued years later with a run-in with a disgruntled mother-in-law. The Divas also consider the age-old competitive nature between working moms and stay-at-home moms ~ Can't we all just cut one another some slack, give each other the benefit of the doubt, and squelch the need to be the one that's doing it the"right" way ~ We're really all doing this thing called LIFE the best we can, so let's all be supportive of our Diva Sistas!Listen to the Divas on your phone. Dial510-495-6717Put it in your speed dial...Pease Help us outTake our 5-minute Survey to help us get better.Leave a Review Leave a comment Call us at678-884-0524Share us with your friendsPodSafe Music by:Our Regular Natalie Brown - Queen of Me Geoff Smith - Heard it on the Radio