Episode 83 - TDC080225-Women over 40 Show
Suzanne and Sharon discuss emailssome recent emails, Andy Rooney's comments on why he likes women over 40.. we now love Andy, he is so insightful. And finally we discuss a study done where over 100 sixteen year old boys openly discuss what they are looking for in a relationship. And finally, do our kids listen to anything we say? Find out what we think about all of this..Links mentioned: http://www.catalogchoice.com Listen to the Divas on your phone. Dial510-495-6717Put it in your speed dial...Pease Help us outTake our 5-minute Survey to help us get better.Leave a Review Leave a comment Call us at678-884-0524Share us with your friendsPodSafe Music by:Our Regular Natalie Brown - Queen of Me Beatrix Ericson - Put alittle love