Episode 12 - “The Greatest Guidance System on Earth” with Zen DeBrucke
Alissa Kriteman interviews Zen DeBrucke, a young, hip, inspirational teacher, speaker and creator of an amazing body of knowledge called Power Manifestation. Zen’s work takes everything you have heard about The Secret and The Law of Attraction and gives it grounding and depth so you can REALLY produce powerful results in your life. Zen teaches us how to tap into our body’s knowledge to get to the deepest core of our desire and take action from that place of deep awareness. She breaks down for us the science of being a vibrational match to that which we desire and why this is an important piece to understanding how we can attract the LOVE, lovers, money, jobs, people, experiences, etc. we desire to have in our lives! She gives us deep insight into how our thoughts create our reality (unlike you have ever heard before) with real life examples from the modern dating scene. Learn how to use your power to attract to meet the kind of men you can build a life with. Using what Zen calls your Internal Guidance System the IGS she discusses how we can be guided to create the life of our dreams (the lives we are here to create) without relying on external processing or direction. Zen offers this simple, yet very powerful approach to using our emotions and feelings as indicators to making choices that will serve us best.