Episode 5 - Lisa DeRosimo, MD: Diet Myths Debunked
America is overweight. Most of us are on one diet or another throughout our entire lives. What is wrong? Why don't we lose weight? What is the right kind of diet? Is the same approach best for everyone? Our guest today is Lisa DeRosimo, M.D. who is board certified in a relatively new field of medicine, Bariatric medicine. Bariatric Medicine specializes in the comprehensive treatment of overweight, obesity and related disorders. If you or someone you love needs to lose weight, this podcast is for you. Dr. DeRosimo holds a Masters Degree in Nutrition from Cornell University and a medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. She is in private practice in Palm Beach Florida and Charleston South Carolina. In her wellness care clinic, Dr. DeRosimo prepares a "personalized eating plan" for each patient. Included are lifestyle changes that each person needs to make to maintain their proper weight, energy and health. Patients check in weekly. She encourages women around 50 to eat 3 meals per day but they must include an activity plan and cut back 500 calories per day. Women who follow her plan lose 2 lbs. per week and do not gain any back. She gives suggestions on what to eat, what not to eat, and talks in depth about your metabolism and nutrition.