Bouncing Back from Bumps in the Road, Pt III
Eroding your urge to binge by programming kindness and compassion into your reactions.
Where to Start Your Weight Loss Journey
Where to start your weight loss journey. Three powerful questions to get you going.
Where to Start Your Weight Loss Journey, Pt II
The third and final power question to create what you want (a naturally slender life perhaps?), plus a primer on how to really change your habits.
Healing from Physical and Sexual Trauma, Pt. I
What healing twisted ankles and weight loss have in common – how healing from physical and sexual trauma can help you release weight for good.
Healing from Physical and Sexual Trauma, Pt. II
Renee guides you though a mini trauma release process to give you a taste of reversing trauma right out of your psyche. Full process available at
Two Step Habit Change, Pt I
Two tips on trauma release, and the two keys to thoroughly changing an overeating habit.
Two Step Habit Change, Pt II
The power of commitment and part two of the two part habit change recipe with an all new technique to stop your overeating in its tracks.
Two Step Habit Change, Pt III
The final technique to interrupt your overeating autopilot and create new normal behaviors.
When Weight Is Money, Pt I
Why releasing compulsive overeating is often the last stop addiction, and the hidden belief than can really hold your weight and how to release it.