Journey to Self-Compassion
How being present helps make you slimmer, plus a guided exercise to feel more compassion and kindness towards yourself now, which will help you create the you that you want to become.
Letting Go of a “Fat” Identity
What to do when you see yourself as a fat person – how to update your identity. Learn how your identity can help you become who you want to be, body and all.
Letting Go of a “Fat” Identity, Pt II
What becomes possible when you stop identifying as either "fat" or "thin", and realize you are so much more. Plus, the real effects of people pleasing.
Express Trip to Naturally Slender
How doing nothing can make you slimmer, plus how to live the Naturally Slender life today.
Dissolving Body Hatred
Learn a 60 second technique to release your struggle and invite in self-compassion and self-acceptance.
Ending Black and White Thinking
Can an addictive personality change? Learn a hallmark of addictive thinking and how to shift it.
The Best of Intentions
How to create a virtuous cycle of healthy behaviors that creates its own momentum, plus discover multiple layers of positive intent behind your weight struggle.
Sharing the Self-Love
A guided journey to help release your weight struggle while inviting in peace and ease, plus a nifty process to create an open-hearted waterfall of self-kindness and compassion.
Bouncing Back from Bumps in the Road
Hitting the re-do button on your slip ups as a way to re-write your personal history, and prime new habits for the future.
Bouncing Back from Bumps in the Road, Pt II
The little daily practice that will transform your eating habits.