Updates Galore
Learning Digital Photography
Jason Anderson

Episode 43 - Updates Galore

Holy cow was there a ton of news to cover!  I did a multicast show with kerry Garrison of Camera Dojo, we both joined forces to cover a pretty extensive range of news items for a rather long show this week.  That's what happens when you let news build up over time, so start that treadmill, or start listening before you hit the car because we have almost 2 hours of content to enjoy! 

We hit on everything too

  • the iPad release, how it will change things for people in so many ways...
  • Adobe Lightroom 2.7 RC and Lightroom 3.0 beta 2
  • Drobo FS - new added networking and gigabit to boot, what's not to love?  (Also 5 drive bays so up to 10 TB of storage - 8 if you go redundant).)
  • And the mac daddy - Adobe CS5

Last but not least, we tackle some listener questions...show notes should be available either over on LDP's blog (www.canonblogger.com) or Camera Dojo depending on when you listen! :)

Enjoy the show, and I'll be back next week with a shorter show and more photo goodness...happy shooting all!