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Business Success Tips
Sean Daily
Business Success Tips is a humorous and insightful look into the world of running your own business. In between fits of laughter, show hosts Paul Sanneman, Sean Daily, Lee Strong, Steve Chipman, and JC Sanneman and their guests discuss what it takes to have a start up and run a successful business, and leave your day job behind forever.

BST helps listeners make more money in less time and have more fun doing it. The show hosts are a group of entrepreneurs and business consultants who have gone through the school of hard knocks in business and love sharing their insights and enthusiasm with listeners. Listen to the gang each week as they get together over some fine Northern California wines to talk, debate and sometimes argue about what it takes to believe in yourself, to create your own reality and become successful in any business endeavor -- and life in general.

Enjoy camaraderie while we discuss companies, industries and trends from a real-life perspective -- better than NY Times, Business Week or Wall Street Journal!

Show topics include: Common hurdles to starting and effectively managing your own business, creative a compelling business plan or marketing plan, how to take business ideas from inspiration to inception, applying for small business grants, generating money to start a new business, business finance, effective leadership and employee management techniques, staying motivated, getting referrals and generating new business, writing meaningful business plans, being successful in challenging economic times, Internet marketing strategy and many more work and job related issues. Are you are tired of working in a job that makes you feel unappreciated? Do you feel like your most productive years are being used to benefit someone else, while you are earning less than you are worth? Have you ever fantasized about starting up your own business, but were too afraid or unsure to take the first steps? Do you already own a small business that's flat-lining and needs a shot of hope, inspiration, and money?

Whether you're about to make the plunge or are only starting to consider it, you'll find BST an addictive and valuable addition to your list of business resources. This is definitely not what they teach you at Harvard!


The Advantages of Adversity

Does adversity benefit us? JC talks about his recent philosophical reading.


Geeking Out on Google Apps

We discuss the benefits for businesses of using Google Gmail and Apps, and whether Microsoft is still relevant.


Creating Your In-Office Video Production Studio

We offer some tips on creating a home/office video production studio on the cheap.


Jay’s Vision Statement

We continue our work with Jay Tarpy on his China exporting business and review his vision statement.


Paul shares his near-death experience

Paul shares his near-death experience and brings us some business tips from the great beyond.


The Business of Pilates Part 2

We continue the discussion with Chantill and Kristen of Pilates Collective about working on their business rather than in it.


The Business of Pilates Part 1

We talk with local Pilates studio owners Chantill Lopez and Kristen Iuppenlatz about refining their business pitch and strategy.


Live with Donny of iDonny Productions

We talk with Donny of iDonny Productions about his web development business and offer some advice


Live with Jay Tarpy of Golden Key Pacific

Jay Tarpy, BST consulting candidate with a China outsourcing business idea, joins us via Skype


Outsourcing to China and BST Consulting Candidate 2

We hear from BST consulting-for-equity candidate 2, with an interesting business model around China outsourcing.
