Episode 32 - DZ080822 – Holding Your Partner Emotional Hostage – 678- 884-0524
VM from Stephanie in Lousianna needs help in letting go over her husband's former poor financial decisions. She wants to know how to let it go! Click below and listen.
Check out this listener's questions/comments at: www.DearZanny.com followed by a written response for suggestions. I prefer voice mails because it makes the show more interesting, but emails are great too. I finally installed a Levelator program to make vm's easier to hear. My goal is to eventually have 1 show/day. Your emails and voice mails are what make this show work. THANKS for sharing yourself.
*Talk To Me! Call me: 678-884-0524, or Listen by cell phone: 1-801-823-1125
Email me: [email protected]. Do you need relationship advice? Call Zanny. Let's talk!
*Disclaimer: Dear Zanny is for entertainment purposes only. Any suggestions are general in nature and never intented to substitute proffessional help. For legal reasons, I cannot answer e-mails directly - but will use them on a future show so listen and subscribe to have DZ automagically delivered to you.