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Green Radio
Sean Daily
Green Radio helps you lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Navigate the explosion of green and ecology-oriented products and services with host, Sean Daily, CEO and co-founder of Support the environment by changing your preferences and behaviors, not by simply increasing consumerism. Sean entertains and educates you with smart choices on products and services in the green world through interviews with innovative and caring companies, authors and experts from around the world. Hear the critical issues facing the global environment today, as well as the technologies, products and practices you can employ to go green in every area of your life including alternative energy and fuels, green building and remodeling materials and practices, organic and natural foods, natural medicine and health, hybrid and electric cars and motorcycles, eco-tourism and green hospitality, forestry management and green printing, green real estate, co-housing communities, natural body care, recyclable carpet and clothing, eco-friendly diapers, wind-powered appliances, solar water heating, fair trade consumables, organic wine and viticulture, bio-dynamic farming, recyclable shopping bags, green office practices, green banking and all of the freshest ideas in green living!


Green Business, Peak Oil, and Climate Change with Andre Angelantoni

GreenTalk Radio Host Sean Daily discusses greening business operations in the face of peak oil and climate change with Andre’ Angelantoni of Inspiring Green Leadership.


Tech ReUse Panel Discussion with Rob Zopf and Ross Brouse

GreenTalk Radio Host Sean Daily holds a panel discussion about reducing eWaste through equipment donations and the challenges this poses to businesses with Rob Zopf, Vice President of the National Cristina Foundation, and Ross Brouse, CEO of Solar VPS.


The Zero Carbon Car and Alternative Fuel Technologies with Author William Kemp

GreenTalk Radio Host Sean Daily discusses the zero carbon car, high fuel efficiency vehicles, and alternative fuel technologies with Author William (Bill) Kemp.


Automated Home Energy Control Systems with Amazing Controls

GreenTalk Radio Host Sean Daily talks about using technological components to remotely manage every aspect of your home’s energy and security systems with Raj Marya, President and CEO of Amazing Controls!


eBook Publishing and Greener Reading with EcoBrain

GreenTalk Radio Host Sean Daily talks about digital book technologies and eBooks focused on environmentalism with Angela Wieck and Staley Krause of


Recycled and Reused Retail Goods with Savers

GreenTalk Radio Host Sean Daily discusses retail goods business models and the market for second-hand, reused goods with Tony Shumpert, Vice President of Operations with Savers Recycling, Inc.


Rebuilding as a Green Community with Greensburg Greentown

Host Sean Daily, discusses rebuilding as a green community in the aftermath of a natural disaster with Daniel Wallach, Director of Greensburg GreenTown.


Quitting Our Paper Addiction with Esker

Host Sean Daily talks with Renee Thomas of Esker about conserving paper and document management as strategies for combating paper addiction in the office.


The Quest for Eco-friendly Bottled Drinking Water with Primo to Go

Host Sean Daily talks about the process of greening bottled water by using high-quality, mineral-enhanced water and recyclable, compostable, plant-based water bottles with Dave Burke, President and COO of Primo to Go.


Current and Future Trends in the Solar Industry with SPG Solar

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-in-Chief, discusses current trends and future developments in the solar technology industry with Dan Thompson, Founder and CEO of SPG Solar.
