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Green Radio
Sean Daily
Green Radio helps you lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Navigate the explosion of green and ecology-oriented products and services with host, Sean Daily, CEO and co-founder of Support the environment by changing your preferences and behaviors, not by simply increasing consumerism. Sean entertains and educates you with smart choices on products and services in the green world through interviews with innovative and caring companies, authors and experts from around the world. Hear the critical issues facing the global environment today, as well as the technologies, products and practices you can employ to go green in every area of your life including alternative energy and fuels, green building and remodeling materials and practices, organic and natural foods, natural medicine and health, hybrid and electric cars and motorcycles, eco-tourism and green hospitality, forestry management and green printing, green real estate, co-housing communities, natural body care, recyclable carpet and clothing, eco-friendly diapers, wind-powered appliances, solar water heating, fair trade consumables, organic wine and viticulture, bio-dynamic farming, recyclable shopping bags, green office practices, green banking and all of the freshest ideas in green living!


Blue Gold: World Water Wars (Part 2)

Green Talk Radio host Sean Daily talks with Sam Bozzo of Purple Turtle Films about his new award-winning film: "Blue Gold: World Water Wars". Part 2 of a 2-part interview.


Blue Gold: World Water Wars (Part 1)

Green Talk Radio host Sean Daily talks with Sam Bozzo of Purple Turtle Films about his new award-winning film: "Blue Gold: World Water Wars". Part 1 of a 2-part interview.


Sustainable Cabinetry with Armstrong Cabinets

Green Talk Radio host Sean Daily talks to Kal Nanji of Armstrong Cabinets about about sustainability trends with cabinetry in green home building and remodeling.


Greener Countertops Using Quartz with CaesarStone

Green Talk Radio host Sean Daily speaks with Ed Rodgers of Caesar Stone about the use of quartz, one of natures hardest stones, to create brand new surfacing and counter top products.


Documenting the Global Water Crisis with FLOW director Irena Salina

Host Sean Daily talks subject with filmmaker Irena Salina, director of the documentary "FLOW: How Did a Handful of Corporations Steal Our Water?" about the global water crisis and her experience making the film.


GTR Green Blogger Series: Tim Hurst of Red, Green and Blue

Host Sean Daily talks with environmental politics blogger Tim Hurst, editor of and publisher of, about his writing and the role of new and social media in environmental politics and activism.


Attachment and Natural Parenting with API

GreenTalk Radio host Sean Daily talks about attachment and natural parenting concepts and resources with Attachment Parenting International (API) founders Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker, who also co-authored the upcoming book "Attached at the Heart". 


Improving Home Heating, Cooling, and Energy Savings with Eclipse Curtains

GreenTalk Radio host Sean Daily talks home winter heating and summer cooling efficiency tips with Budd Goldman, President of Ellery Homestyles, makers of energy-efficiency Eclipse Curtains.


Strategies for the Green Economy with Joel Makower

GreenTalk Radio host Sean Daily talks about business strategies and opportunities in the new green economy with author and executive editor Joel Makower.


Building an On-Campus Eco-Fashion Business with Factory Green

GreenTalk host Sean Daily talks with Daniel Lyons and Jack Short of Factory Green, a purveyor of eco-friendly, fashion-forward apparel, accessories, and apartment wares, provides socially and environmentally aware consumers with an expressive way to live green.
