J. Duncan Berry on Neuro-Semiotics: Emotional Imagery in Marketing
Susan Bratton

Episode 196 - J. Duncan Berry on Neuro-Semiotics: Emotional Imagery in Marketing

Want to know how images affect consumers' purchases?

Duncan Berry is the penultimate expert in neuro-semiotics. This is the study of how images, symbols, icons and indexes create emotional triggers.

In this episode you'll learn about biometric latency response, the 10 dimensional measures of a brand's emotional life, the three most important things on a sales or landing website to drive positive action, the Valence response, the hottest brands measured emotionally, and how best to embody emotional triggers in your marketing.

We also talk about the architecture of the 1880's in France, Austria, Switzerland and Germany. the best recipe for lamb chops and why the work of the Stoics, including Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius and Seneca are as important today as they were when written.

Duncan Berry is a fascinating man, at the intersection of human emotion and consumerism. A 12th generation Cape Cod resident, his family has lived between the same two rivers since 1639 and in the same house since the 1850's.

Duncan answer's listeners questions from Stan Dahl, COO of Marketing Rebel, David Garfinkel, one of the world's foremost copy writing experts and Mark Joyner, Chairman and Founder of Construct Zero on subjects ranging from neuro-biological factors that increase lifetime customer value, the three most important attributes of a working website from a neuro-semiotics perspective and the single most important factor that affects an individual's decision to buy.

You will hear key insights that I guarantee are completely new and cutting edge that you can use today in your marketing.

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