John Furey of MindTime: A Universal Framework for Understanding People
Susan Bratton

Episode 172 - John Furey of MindTime: A Universal Framework for Understanding People

For more than a dozen years, John Furey has been perfecting an entirely new and universal framework for UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE.

You know Myers Briggs. You know Strengthsfinder by Gallup and my past DishyMix guest, Marcus Buckingham.

You may even know what Color Your Parachute is.

Now, learn the most simple and elegant way to understand others, speak to them in ways that they like to communicate and even build more effective teams, using The Mind Time Model.

This model can not only be used to increase the efficacy of collaborate teams, or to understand the perspective of your particular organization, it can be used in marketing to create messages that are most appropriately stated for your clusters of customers.

First, take the survey yourself at

See what your blend of Past, Present and Future is and how it compares to others in the digital marketing industry.

Then, listen to this interview where John describes how the model parses all humans into 10 Archtypes (not ficticious personas) and how the structure can be used for collaboration and messaging.

Burham Marketing and Catalyst SF have joined together with MindTime to create Telepathy, a new organization devoted to leveraging the elegance of this construct for Cognitive Targeting.

And join John Furey and I at ad:tech NY 2010 for a keynote luncheon on November 3rd

DishyMix listeners, get a free copy of “It’s All About Time: How People Work and Why Some Do It Better - A Guide for Executives, Entrepreneurs and Everyone Else.” Just post your desire on the DishyMix Facebook Page