Episode 28 - The 6 Most Common Mistakes Practitioners Make In Building Their Business
In this episode, Robert turns the table on former host Jason McClain to find out the 6 most common mistakes practitioners make in building their business.
In it you’ll discover the importance of integral thinking and living a purpose filled life – and how that impacts your business.
Listen in and learn how to integrate your financial and spiritual life together.
Woman: This program is brought to you by PersonalLifeMedia.com.
[musical interlude]
Robert Harrison: Hello, everyone. This is Robert Harrison, and welcome to “Coaching by the Life Coach.” Today, we're going to be talking with your original host, Jason McClain, who's coming to us today from CoachingTheLifeCoach.com. Jason today is going to talk about the six mistakes coaches and practitioners make and their solutions.
[musical interlude]
Jason McClain: First of all, a lack of integral thinking, I call it, or a lack of integrating your spirituality and your finances. In other words, most people think that they're in conflict, and really, they're not. That’s a thinking that is at least 300 years old or became passé at least 300 years ago. It's true that a thousand years ago, you had to rob, steal, inherit, or exploit to make money.
One of the things of an entrepreneur is you’ve got to be ready to throw yourself out there. You might get run over a few times but you’ve got to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and get going.
[musical interlude]
Robert Harrison: Jason, welcome to the show.
Jason McClain: Thanks for having me, Robert, I appreciate being here.
Robert Harrison: Excellent. So, Jason, tell us, what are the six most common mistakes that practitioners make in really building their business and taking it to the next level?
Jason McClain: Some of these are not simple and some of them are philosophical and thinking mistakes. I'm going to start with the most philosophical and, therefore, esoteric and we're going to move into the not simples. So I just like to say the first three is first of all a lack of integral thinking, I call it, or a lack of integrating your spirituality and your finances.
In other words, most people think that they're in conflict, and really, they're not. That’s a thinking that’s at least 300 years old or became passé at least 300 years ago. It's true that a thousand years ago, you had to rob, steal, inherit, or exploit to make money, but that’s not the case anymore. The funny thing is that the word “capitalism” is actually coined by Marx, one of the greatest enemies, really, of the free enterprise system. The word capitalism didn’t exist until Marx has began his writings and he created that term.
The truth is, you can do good today and do well as long as you still have that separation in your thinking between earning money and living a purpose-filled life. A lot of people think that you’ve got work in a non-profit to do good or an NGO or, heaven forbid, not too many people think this is morbid, you do that by working in the government, being a “civil servant.”
But really, we can do a lot more and we have a lot more flexibility and we could become a lot more wealthy by integrating our spiritual life--that is, our spiritual purpose--along with our financial life. So the first error and one of the top mistakes that coaches make is thinking that their financial life and their spiritual life needs to be separate. What this does is it creates a division within them that has them feel guilty if they charge money but has them not being clear about the value they're creating in people’s lives. Fundamentally, it has them live disintegrated lives and so they're profession is disintegrated.
Robert Harrison: So what's you're saying, Jason, is that most people who kind of go into the business, particularly the helping business for the reason that they want to help people, is that their concerns is that, “Gee, if I make it about the money or make it about building about the business, I'm not making it about them,” then what you're saying is to integrate both. How would you do that?
Jason McClain: First of all, and I'm not saying, “Go ahead and make it about the money.” I think, it is about the money but the money is secondary. So really, what you need to do is you need to come from a grounding of service and contribution. When you come from a grounding or a base of service and contribution, that is, you're serving the other person’s outcomes, then you can charge whatever you like in terms of the value of perception as long as you learn how to sell and market.
So really, what's important is that people come from the service and contribution first, that’s how you integrate that. Then, the rest is logistics, skills, learning, and other nuts and bolts stuff. When I teach solopreneurs [sp] I actually have them sign an agreement that they won't use the skills except in service of another’s outcomes.
Robert Harrison: So how do you see them actually get in in conflict? Do you need to talk a little bit more about that?
Jason McClain: Sure. One of the evidence is guilt and some of the evidence is shame. Some of the evidence is an inability to actually charge what it's worth. I can tell you, virtually, every solopreneur I met whether it's a dance instructor or a coach, I look at their business and the first thing I say is, “You need to increase your rates by 30 or 40%.” I mean, normally, they are shocked. You know, they have beliefs and [xx] about what they can charge, but the bottom line is, you can charge anything you want if the values being created in the perception of the prospect or your client.
Now it has to be something you feel comfortable with, but that’s how it shows up. The conflict is using guilt and/or thinking that money is bad or the capitalism is bad or thinking that you have to be a struggling artist to be out in the world. That’s just not true.
Robert Harrison: Here's something I'm curious about, Jason, because I get the point you're making and I think a lot of people do undercharge. Unfortunately, one of the other things that I see some coaches and solopreneurs get into is what I call “overextension” where they're literally like a part of the conflict is coming up is they're trying to make promises they can't keep. An example is someone who has not been able to hold down a relationship for a decade more than six months. He's been engaged and broken up five or six times and is presuming being in a relationship [xx]. You and I both have seen examples like this, so how do you make that distinction?
Jason McClain: Well, that’s one of the mistakes I think that people make, first of all. So that’s one of the top six mistakes is--that’s number five on my list.
Robert Harrison: Oh, is it? OK. You may go back to that.
Jason McClain: I'd like to get to it. [laughs] But I call the whole like let me solve the problem that I haven’t solve yet like this, I'm overweight, “Oh, gee, look at all these overweight clients and getting to solve this weight problems. Oh, the universe is reflecting or something.” I actually have a policy that I won't work with somebody or something I haven’t already mastered myself. I think every coach or every therapist should do that.
The whole like, “Well, you know…” just like you said, “Well, you know, I haven’t been in a relationship. Oh, it's the universe reflecting back to me that that’s what I need to work on.” No, thank you. I actually consider that--and I hesitate to use this word--it's unethical, it's unethical to try and solve problems of people that you haven’t solve in your own life. No, Sir.
Robert Harrison: Awesome, awesome. What's the next mistake?
Jason McClain: The next mistake is a lack of skill, and the way I like to talk about this at first because it challenges people [xx] to say, if you haven’t learned that you're a salesperson first, then you're missing the whole picture on turning your practice into a business. What I do currently is that to teach people how to turn their practice into a six-figure business.
Now, I'm not saying not to--first of all, you have to be competent. Of course, you have to be good at what you do, you have to solve the problem in your own life and solve these problems for other people. Second though, you have to come from a grounding of service and contribution, then you need to learn to sell and market. I'll tell you what, you can be the best person in the world at something, the most effective and you'll starve if you don’t learn to sell and market. You'll be struggling forever if you don’t know how to sell and market.
You have to learn those sales skills, the ability to enroll people in your vision and leverage them beyond their limitations. That’s the way I lever sales is enrolling someone in a vision and leverage in them beyond their limitation, you’ve got to gain that skill.
Robert Harrison: Wonderful.
Jason McClain: So that’s one of the problems, the top mistakes that coaches make is they don’t think that they're sales people. It took me nearly a decade to accept it myself, Robert. Like this isn't--I was like, “Oh, sales, sales is a dirty word, it's a four-letter word. It's horrible. Ooh, salespeople.”
Robert Harrison: You can always tell who really doesn’t have those skills yet and they're clever because those are the people who are inevitably struggling to get by, struggling to make money. Here's the thing that I always to tell people is that, one of the downsides to not really allowing yourself to develop your sales and marketing skills is you're not really helping the people that you're meant to serve. You can't help them if they don’t know about you. You can't help them if they can't make a decision to work with you.
Jason McClain: That’s exactly right.
Robert Harrison: And you can't help them if they don’t feel confident that you can do as you say you can do. It's not that you know that you can do what you can do, the question is do they get it in the way that they understand?
Jason McClain: That’s exactly right. So the only way you can really do good in the world is to learn to sell and market. Then you can do good in the world on a grand scale, Robert, on a grand scale.
Robert Harrison: Awesome, awesome. OK, so what's next? [xx]. By the way, before we get to what's next, because we're going to take a break here in just a minute. What I'd like to know is…
Jason McClain: In fact, that’s the break signal.
Robert Harrison: Yes, that’s the break signal right now.
Jason McClain: That’s the break signal. [laughs]
Robert Harrison: OK. So we're going to take a quick break for our sponsors and we'll be right back with “Coaching the Life Coach.” This is Robert Harrison with Jason McClain. It's been a pleasure to turn the tables on you as the host and you as the guest. Oh, yes, the questions will be mine. [both laugh] Our goal, everyone, is to extract as much valuable information as possible for your benefit. So we'll be right back with “Coaching the Life Coach.”
[radio break]
Robert Harrison: All right, everyone, this is Robert Harrison. We're back with “Coaching by the Life Coach”. We're talking here today with Jason McClain on the six common mistakes that coaches and practitioners make and the solutions to them.
Now, just before the break, Jason, we're talking about one of the most common--I really think this is one of the most common things, I think you're right on with this--is people want to be in the helping business. So they're in it because they want to make the world a better place but they're not allowing themselves, or for some reasons, they just lack the skills to really be a good salesman and a good marketer which is essential. Now, once you’ve identified this as a weakness of the person, which as we have already talked about, you can look at their bottom line and know instantly. What is one of the first things that you would recommend a person to do to correct that?
Jason McClain: Buy my “Evolutionary Sales System.” [laughs] You didn’t expect that answer. [laughs]
Robert Harrison: Am I, I'm not surprised. You’ve just seen the lesson of shameless self-promotion, folks. [laughs]
Jason McClain: People don’t know that, how can they buy them, improve their lives, and make six-figure business.
Robert Harrison: That’s true. You have to be one to put yourself out there. Isn't that true?
Jason McClain: You do, and shamelessly and unabashedly, I can't tell you how many people have said, “Wow! McClain, you just put yourself out there over and over. How do you do that?” I go, “Well, you know, one of the things of an entrepreneur is you really get to throw yourself out there. You might get run over a few times, but you’ve got to pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and you’ve got to keep going.”
You know, for me, I've worked as a field salesman for Tony Robbins. I worked in the IT industry as a salesperson. I started in four corporations myself in varying fields, one of them in medical profession, one in the IT consulting services. So that’s the range of it. I'm doing what I do because I want to do good in the world and I want to help other people. At the same time, some of the sale systems, they were just icky. It was about technique, not about philosophical grounding from service and contribution and then towards of influence.
It's not a joke. Right now, I would really say go to CoachingTheLifeCoach.com and look at the Evolutionary Sales System. Now, for a very short time, and by the time most people listen to this, it probably won't be available, you can get that whole system on the Personal Life Media Network because I perfected that system on the sister podcast that I used to do for this one and it's simply Evolutionary Sales. So go in to iTunes, get it for free, download it, back it up, share it with as many people as you like. It's not going to be available for free for much longer. It's a really complete sales system. So that’s what I would say.
If I may, I think the next big problem, speaking of sales and marketing, is that people only have one stream of prospects and it's usually referrals. Maybe some advertising but it's usually in a kind of word of mouth referrals or maybe they're really out there on the edge and they go to a networking event once a month or something like that.
Robert Harrison: [laughs] Which is useless if you don’t know what you're networking.
Jason McClain: And it's useless if you don’t know how--a lot of people say elevator pitch, and it's this buzz phrase about how to sell what you do. People go, “What's an elevator pitch?” I say, “You better build you say what you do in between floors on the elevator.” That’s what an elevator pitch is. It's not that you're going up to the 20th floor and you get some person’s ear all the way up the building. It's between floors. Everybody asks me what I do, currently, I say, “I help people build six-figure practices.” Boom! That’s it. Turn your practice into a business is another way to say it, but it's between floors in an elevator.
So have multiple streams of prospects. You should be getting up and speaking about what you do at least once a month, I recommend twice partly just to get good at speaking about what you do. You also get to provide for your value, but make sure you turn those events into prospect funnels for yourself and you just say it in the first three minutes, “I'm here for two reasons. I'm here to give you some value but I'm obviously also here to market my business. Does anybody have a problem with that?”
Of course, they won't. When you do that, you, of course, take their objections away, right away. How could they possibly complain about being sold later on when you said in the first three minutes that, obviously that’s what you're there to do, and you've given them two hours of free value or an hour of free value. [xx]. So I think the fourth biggest mistake is that people don’t have multiple streams of prospects. I have two formalize referral systems: one is a straight up commission system, the other one is that every contract that somebody signs with me, they agree to refer at least two people for complimentary exploratory session as part of their contract with me.
Robert Harrison: Do you find everyone does that?
Jason McClain: Well, no. What I found is that if I'm rigorous now, a lot of times I just have so much business, I don’t care. But occasionally, if I haven’t gotten up and talk for a couple of months, I need to tap those referrals. So I call them and say, “Hey, part of your agreement was blah, blah, blah.” Really, I coach them to say as little as possible, and you can't explain what I do really. The deeper you go work, moving people through stages of egoic development, nobody wakes up thinking, “I need that.”
So I call people to just get their permission to give me their contact information. I don’t even have cards anymore. I have thrown away cards for people that write the information to back up, I don’t really give business cards out there anymore. Here's the thing, clients are scared they’ll lose your card, they’ll talk themselves out of it, they forget about why, you know. So there's no reason in my world to have business cards except to turn that thing over, to slide it towards them with a pen and ask them for their contact information. If you really want to be of service, you don’t want to just see if they call you. If you really want to be of service, you want to call them and you want to really guide them, gently, compassionately, but strongly and rigorously towards making changes in their lives.
Robert Harrison: You mentioned something about when you're getting up and talking in front of a group, it's important to know what you're there for. And the other thing I heard you saying, Jason, in some of your advice so far, has been very clear on your message. Now, what are your two examples I think will really be helpful to our listeners. One is, I went to a networking event and as a woman came up and asked what I did and I gave a tour about the business. I told her that I help people build their business. When we start talking about her, she went into she sold MonaVie Nutritional Liquid for rehooved horses, believe it or not, and she also was a notary public.
Jason McClain: OK.
Robert Harrison: OK. Now, this example of spreading yourself out thinly. I know another guy called me up for some coaching. He couldn’t understand why people weren't really leaving messages. He put advertising in the paper, people call him up, and he wasn’t really getting into business. So when I called up his answering machine, he said “Well, thank you for calling so and so of [xx] Institute and a PR firm. His message said he was two different things, completely different, and whenever you do that, you [xx] the message, and it kind of makes you look like, “What does this person really doing?”
Jason McClain: That’s right. That’s right.
Robert Harrison: That’s one of things. Now, another thing to note is I recently went to a Project Management Institute workshop with my wife as guide to an NLP training. I got that NLP training coming up that we're going to do. So when we're there, this guy…
Jason McClain: When is that, by the way?
Robert Harrison: It's in February. But this guy was a comedian and he wants to talk NLP. The only thing who want to talk NLP was [xx], but he sat up there and did a comedy skit for two and a half hours and he never even alluded to the fact that he did anything other than comedy. He alluded to the fact that he slept in his car, he alluded to the fact that he drank too much, [Jason laughs] he alluded to the fact that he smoke for a performance one time but he never alluded to the fact that he had any service to offer and at best, he sold a book at the end. Now, guess what the tile of the workshop was? “How to get people to buy what you're selling?” [laughs]
Jason McClain: That’s hysterical, that’s hysterical.
Robert Harrison: I mean, I didn’t get it.
Jason McClain: You’ve got to understand the message. People ask me what I do and I go, “Well, that depends.” And I ask them some questions. I've got four different websites but I don’t have full websites listed on my card, of course. I do buy cards but they're free cards because they're mostly I just turn them over and slide them to people to get their information, but I've got four different branded business cards because you don’t want to have all that stuff on there. You can do lots of different things, but for God’s sakes, don’t talk about how many different things you do.
First of all, the message is that you're probably not good at any one of them and the other message is that you're not really sure what you're supposed to be doing. Some of these, I just have a certain focus on, but I might have a website that’s just for one audio product or just for one particular niche within the same business. But it’s very good advice, Robert, you can't, certainly in your outgoing message, my goodness.
Robert Harrison: [laughs] Needless to say, I called him back and said, “Well, I think I have discovered one of the major flaws in your business model.” [Jason laughs]
Jason McClain: Unless you want your horse to stop smoking so they can stand [xx] hooved on a notarized document. [xx] after you sign the document. Right?
Robert Harrison: Exactly. Madness, madness. I think a great litmus test is just look at yourself in the mirror, give your infomercial or your elevator speech or whatever it is, tell yourself what you do in your mirror and if you don’t believe yourself--be honest, people--why in the world would anyone else believe you? Be honest.
Jason McClain: That’s right.
Robert Harrison: So what's the next mistake people make, Jason?
Jason McClain: Well, you know, the biggest one, and this is a little bit more nuts and bolts is that they give away free consultations but they really give away free sessions, it's like people get to taste their work. Robert, I haven’t given a free session away for three years, but I always give a complementary exploratory session which is 90 minutes at no cost to people. They come in and I talk to them about what they want and then I explain what it is that I do and how I would approach that. At the end of that, we make a decision as to whether or not to work together after they review an agreement.
I also tell them three times that that’s how it's going to go, reach them on the phone, I make sure that they want something and I can help them in achieving. Then I let them know that there's a couple of exploratory session and the structure of it. I may ask them what they want in greater detail, I'm going to explain what I do, and then we're going to review an agreement. If it seems like it fits [xx] both and then we'll move forward. I say the same thing in writing to them so that they are ready that that’s the structure of it.
There's only even one time, in the last three years, that I've actually let somebody sample what it's like to work with me. That’s because the woman had told me she wants to work with me but she had been screwed over so many times by so many incompetent coaches that she'd spent tens of thousands of dollars on people who, she said, were basically charlatans. My heart really went out to her and we worked together for nearly three hours. At the end of that--with tears in her eyes--she signed an agreement and she's one of my greatest clients. We worked together for eight months and then she went into my [xx] a few years ago. I'll probably never do that again.
I'm glad you're doing it, I'll probably never do that again, [xx] world, really. But for her, she needed that. I wanted to make a difference in her life and I knew that I can help her get what she finally wanted and she’d been screwed over so many times. But otherwise, people need to look at--it's not a free consultation, it's not a free coaching session, it's not “Hey, let me sample your work.” It's let's talk about what you want, if I can assist you in that, I'll explain how we'll go about it, and then we'll sign an agreement or not.” I don’t care if people sign or not, I mean I do for them, but I don’t care. What I care about is that they make a choice and that choice can be yes or no.
That’s the second mistake under this particular subset that people make, coaches make, as well as some of those, “Well, I'm going to think about it.” You know, that never works. Here's why it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because people go away, they get unclear on what you presented. They talk themselves out of it. Rather than looking at the value it create in their lives, whether it would open up in their lives, if they’d do the work and [xx] see if they want it, they start looking at how many groceries they could buy with that money. Or, they start thinking about how many car payments it is. I got people who go, “Wow! You're more than a Mercedes payment a month.” [laughs] I say, “Yes, but first of all, it's only for seven months for payments.” But the truth is, how much more will make possible in your life and measured against that, it's insignificant, of course. I'm actually not that expensive.
It's your duty, again, if you're coming from service and contribution, it's your duty to leverage them beyond their limitations, and I just tell them that. I'm being interviewed on Blog Tech Radio soon for authenticity in business and sales, and he goes, “How do you be more transparent?” I say, “Well, I tell them it's my job to influence them.” And I ask him, believe it or not, I say--I believe, you don’t want me to influence you here--is this the thing that’s been stopping you [xx] in your life? Now, often, they say, “Yes.” I go, “Great, and how heavily? On a scale of one to ten, how heavily do you want me to influence you here?” [laughs]
Robert Harrison: Good. Now, let me ask you a question, Jason, because this idea of the free screening or the fee consultation is critical and we are crystal clear as successful practitioners. The point of that consultation is to help them make a decision and a commitment as Richard Bandler would say.
Jason McClain: That’s right.
Robert Harrison: OK. So is this one of the things that you really walk people through in the apprenticeship program? Here's why I ask because I've seen as a coach, [xx] our practice, we've coached [xx] since we've got a couple of hundred [xx] we've worked with all around the world and that is one of the number one places that people blow it, is in the free consultation. They either try to do therapy or they try to do too much work but they miss the point of the free consultation, it's critical. So is that something you really will walk a person through in that apprenticeship and really make sure they get up and run on.
Jason McClain: Yes, not only how to create--and we haven’t actually [xx] which you remind me. You not only know how to create those sessions but how to make sure that you're responsibly and ethically guide a prospect into it and through it. I'm really big on making sure it's ethical, it's clear, it's upfront. The reason people are so comfortable signing agreements with me and I've got 100%--I call it opening relationships not closing deals--I got a 100% opening relationships in the last 18-20 months, something like that. Because they know what to expect and I don’t let people come into my office that I'm not convinced that I can help them.
So yes, it's critical that you're not only set the structure but also you guide the client respectfully, clearly, and rigorously through what you expect. You set their expectations appropriately and you set context so they know what's happening. I don’t even call it a free consultation, it's a complimentary exploratory session probably because we get away from the whole [xx] out there about, “Oh, a free session or a free consultation or a free initial coaching sessions.” I don’t do that, I don’t do that. I'm not even sure we should work together yet. So it's a complimentary exploratory session to see if we're appropriate and we make a decision at the end.
Robert Harrison: Good.
Jason McClain: Yes.
Robert Harrison: Good. Excellent. All right. Before we wrap up here, we're running out of time, quickly, here's I want to discuss, OK. We've got about three minutes here, tell me quickly about the apprentice program, how people can get in it, and the extraordinary [Jason laughs] amazingly generous discount you're going to offer people [xx] for being on the show for mentioning “Coaching by the Life Coach.” Now remember, Jason’s website is CoachingTheLifeCoach.com. This show is now called “Coaching by the Life Coach” partly because of the website. [both laughs]
Jason McClain: What do you mean?
Robert Harrison: Talk to the owner of Personal Life Media Network. [laughs]
Jason McClain: [laughs] I think I came up with the name of the show, actually, so I bought the domain right away.
Robert Harrison: Yes.
Jason McClain: Although it is sometimes better to apologize and ask permission. The apprentice program is a 16-week—we're still working out some of the structures, I've been told that quite a few people who’ve already signed up would like a three-week break in the middle--but it’s 16 one-hour teleseminars with me and a once monthly mastermind meeting in person in my San Francisco office or by video conference if you're not available geographically.
The promise--there's a money back guarantee first of all--a promise is that if you don’t think it's just an insane amount of value by two months after the completion of the program, then you can have all your money back. You get access to a presentation’s [xx] audio set. You get access to “How to set goals and use your future timeline,” another audio set. You get access to “Evolutionary Sales” audio set which is something like 20 modules.
It's all the tools you could possibly need to build your practice. I'm going to give you all of my templates, my documents, my contracts, my info sheets, my feedback forms, and teach you how to play a website, a very professional-looking website for under $200. We're going to talk about blogging, we're going to talk about podcasting. Basically, teach you everything that they need to go from discovering their purpose to making sure that they have formalize referral systems. The promise, of course, is to turn your practice into a six-figure business.
Now, something about the money back guarantee. The money back guarantee is if you don’t feel that it was worth for or more than you paid, then you get your money back. It's no questions ask on the money back guarantee. Now, I'll ask you lots of questions before you sign up though. [laughs] Even thought there's a Buy Now button on the website, I actually don’t want that. In fact, we're taking that down because I want to talk to people because I've had a couple of people who will give me money just because they want to seek your spot and that really isn't working. So I want to make sure that everybody there is really committed to turn their practice and their business and I want to make sure the program is right for them. The truth is nobody is happy if the program is not right for them.
What's the deal for the listeners? The deal for the listeners is 20% off, 20% off of the program regardless of the current price in the website for listeners of this program. Go to CoachingTheLifeCoach.com, make sure when you contact me that you say “Robert Harrison and Coaching by the Life Coach” referred you the program and we'll make sure that you get 20% off. Again, the audio products alone are worth more than the cost of the program itself. So it's just an insane deal. It's going to be twice the price for version 2.
So you know, “Why it's so cheap?” Well, part of it is it's a pilot program. However, I have mastered building a six-figure practice. I can essentially turn a faucet on and turn it off. If I may slip at the wheel, I make seven to eight grand a month, Robert. If I'm actually doing what I'm supposed to be doing, I make about 12 grand and that’s when my body starts to go, “Aahh!” [laughs] There's only so much you can do working 101 with clients. We're not going to get into building audio products in this program, but that will be a more gradual program but how to build a six-figure practice and they get everything they need. A full suite of supporting products, and you know, me and my brain.
Robert Harrison: Wonderful, wonderful. Well, Jason, thanks. It's been a pleasure to have you on the show. It's an honor to interview the original host of the show and I look forward to doing it justice over the next year and I also look forward to shanghaing you out of San Francisco and dragging you down here at [xx] to do several more interviews over the course of the year.
For transcripts of the show, go to PersonalLifeMedia.com, under “Coaching by the Life Coach.” Remember, if you want to be a guest on the show, get live coach on the show, go to the blog or email [email protected] and we will get you on the show.
I look forward to seeing you soon, Jason. Thank you for being here.
Jason McClain: Thanks so much, Robert. I know they're in good hands, I love the direction you're taking the show in and the listeners are very lucky to have you.
Robert Harrison: Excellent. Good bye, everyone. Remember, whenever you think about your business, just hear this.”
Recorded voice: That was easy.
Woman: Find more great shows like this on PersonalLifeMedia.com.
[music fades out]