Episode 18 - Your New Mentor Host with Robert Harrison
Your New Mentor Host with Robert Harrison
Announcer: This program is brought to you by personallifemedia.com.
Jason McClain: Welcome to Coaching the Life Coach. I’m your host Jason McClain and your guide in the 21st century marketplace. As I talked about a couple of episodes ago, we got Robert Harrison whom I greatly respect and who I have had the benefit of handpicking to hand this show off to.
I picked Robert because I feel that he is an incredibly successful coach who’ll be able to give you too many tools and will literary be your virtual mentor on the show and will be able to give you more concentrated as well as a broader range of tools to assist you in fixing your practice making it more successful.
Robert Harrison: Yeah, we found that in building a successful practice there is a lot of key check points from the business, from the start to finish in really making it work well. So one of the things we want to do is provide a series of mini series where we can showcase a plug and play skill set that the practitioner can take back, put into their business to improve a certain aspect of their business. It’s going to be pretty well focused.
To build a business you have to be constantly sharpening the saw. You have to be constantly working on your craft and each year I spend thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands of dollars on different training and books and seminars and tapes and going and working one on one with mentors. I just flew back from North Dakota where I work with a gentleman by the name of Scott McFall for five days. So it’s really important to constantly be perfecting the craft.
Build your business, have it striving. Serve the client that you want to serve and that you were meant to serve in a way that is very beneficial for them and have a life at the same time. It’s very important for you to do that.
Jason McClain: Robert, welcome and thank you please speak to the listeners say, “Hi!”
Robert Harrison: Everyone, I’m looking forward to jumping on the mike and getting things rolling as we say in northern California here “keep on trucking down the road” of building your business. Of being successful and developing the skill set that you need to get what you want out of your business and help your clients. So I’m really looking forward to being part of this show and serving you well and taking very good care of everyone listening.
Jason McClain: So Robert so that the listeners could get a little sense of what you are up to professionally and what kind of insight you’ll be bringing to the listeners. Tell us a little about what you’re up to professionally and what your vision for the show is.
Robert Harrison: Well right now I have a dual purpose. I have the coaching clinic and we are building that and constantly working on that and constantly trying to expand our services to our clients and we’re also taking on a mentoringship role where we have a new website called practicefix.com that is a resource portal for coaches and hypnotist where they can go and they can get all the resources they need to build their business.
It’s a free community based type portal and we have a lot of plans in the works for that.
Jason McClain: And then so for the show, what’s your vision for the show in terms of what you’ll be bringing to bear for the listeners and you mentioned a couple of things that you’re excited about, I know you can’t talk about all of it yet but can you give us a little peek at it?
Robert Harrison: Sure and of course the show will continue to evolve and I hope to do it justice. I know you’ve put a lot of time and effort into it but there are some new things that I think would really be nice to help take the listeners to the next level. We’re taking a look at really doing a set of series where we give the listener a plug and play skill set they can actually take, bring it into your business, we’ll show you the nuts and bolts of how it works, how it applies to your business, give you real life case studies.
Then have a least a couple of shows to field questions on how to actually apply that as you go and take those skills and apply them in your practice and find out what works and what doesn’t work for you.
Jason McClain: Thanks a lot. Thanks Robert and on those, I’m sure there’re a lot of practitioners out there, practices that are working fairly well where there’s a few rough spots, a few pick up speed bums if you will, can you please a little bit about how you’ll serve them in troubleshooting those spots?
Robert Harrison: Yeah, we found that in building a successful practice there’s a lot of key check points from the business, from start to finish in really making it work well. So one of the things we want to do is provide a series of mini series where we can showcase a plug and play skill set that the practitioner can take back, put into their business to improve a certain aspect of their business. It’s going to be pretty well focused so that it’s something that’s pluggable, easy to use, easy to implement and will really help you take your business to the next income level.
Jason McClain: Thanks Robert we’re going to take a short break to support our sponsors. I’m your host Jason McClain here with your future host, soon to be host Robert Harrison. You’re listening to Coaching the Life Coach on Personal Life Media Network and we’ll be right back.
Jason McClain: Welcome back to your Coaching Life Coach. I’m Jason McClain here with your future host Robert Harrison and before we’re talking about Robert’s vision for the show and Robert I’m just curious for those people who really want to take their businesses to the next income level, how exactly will you assist them in doing that?
Robert Harrison: Of course the first piece is really to make sure that the foundational pieces are there to make a sound business and that’s where the plug and play skill sets are going to come into place. We found from mentoring and coaching a number of different coaches and hypnotist that there’s certain pieces of the business that you really need to have.
Now the next step or evolution of that is what we call “the over the shoulder” coaching sessions and one of things we’d really like to do is actually have live coaching sessions for common coaching challenges that come up. Where the listeners can actually listen in on the live coaching session that myself or guest host will be doing with the client and in that really start to learn how to develop that repartee with the client. See the coach in action working with the client to help them resolve a particular issue or particular challenge that they’re struggling with.
Jason McClain: So really assisting practitioners who were probably already competent becomin even more skilled as well as elegant.
Robert Harrison: Exactly.
Jason McClain: Wow of course taking their income level up a notch or two or three.
Robert Harrison: Well the better you are the, better your business will do.
Jason McClain: [laughs] Thanks Robert. One final question, I know we’ve already signed a couple of affiliate deals which means that listeners of Coaching Life Coach will be getting this kind of certain products through certain affiliates. Can you speak a little bit more about how you intend to expand and deepen that program?
Robert Harrison: Yes. One of the ways in which, and this is a lesson for anyone building and running a business, but one of the ways in which we can leverage the power of the group of building up the listener base of Coaching the Life Coach is we can then use that large group, that network to expand out and go and find some of the very best products and services that are available that a lot of the coaches are already using but approach them as a group in such a way that we can provide discounts and provide access to resources that you would not have been able to receive otherwise and that’s one of the things I have a particular knack for doing. And I think that would be a really useful resource for listeners.
Jason McClain: So it sounds like what you’re saying is not only will we be signing affiliate deals for the listeners but you’ll also be researching the best products for them and making some recommendations, is that accurate?
Robert Harrison: Yeah absolutely. To build a business you have to be constantly sharpening the saw. You have to be constantly working on your craft and each year I spend thousands upon thousands, upon thousands of dollars on different training and books and seminars and tapes and going and working one on one with mentors. I just flew back from North Dakota where I worked with a gentleman by the name of Scott McFall for five days so it’s really important to constantly be perfecting the craft but you want to do so in a way that makes sense.
You want to do so in a way that it’s going to bring value to what you are doing and one way to do that is to get connected with a good mentor and leverage the recommendations. Don’t go out and spend 6,000 dollars on a product that someone has already gone and tested it out and found out it hasn’t been successful. I do that research anyway and that’s something I can bring to the group and that I’m bringing to the people at practicefix.com and I’m happy to provide that to the listeners.
Jason McClain: Thanks Robert and I’m curious before we wrap up, are there any other surprises in store? Any other…give us some more.
Robert Harrison: Well the one other theme that I really want to explore on the show is really in service of why most of us went into business in the first place. I mean for myself, I’ve always loved helping other people and I am one of those people. So I really believe in working in such a way where you can make good money, you can provide a valuable service to people who can really benefit from it and have a life at the same time. So that is a theme I’d really like to explore in the show is how to really get ahead, build your business, have it striving, serve the clients that you want to serve and that you were meant to serve in a way that is beneficial for them and have a life at the same time. It’s really important to do that.
Jason McClain: Thanks Robert I feel really confident about handing the show off to you. Thanks so much for being in service of our listeners and we’re going to take a short break to support our sponsors, I’m your host Jason McClain and your guide in the 21st century marketplace and we’ll be right back.
Jason McClain: Welcome back to the show I’m your host Jason McClain and your guide in the 21st century marketplace and we’ve been here with Robert Harrison. Again you can reach Robert through practicefix.com. I’m delighted to be able to hand over the show to him and you’re in great hands.
In addition, I wanted to let you know about a couple of affiliate programs that we have negotiated for you the listener of this show. One is through audible.com. If you’re not familiar with audible.com they’ve got over 40,000 titles of books on audio. Whether it’s science fiction or whether it’s personal development, they’ve got you covered in just about every genre that exists. For you to get your discount for listening to this show you need to go this following web address audiblepodcast.com\coach . We’ve negotiated a discount for you, you have to go to that landing page though to take advantage of it so be sure that you do that.
In addition if you’re interested in a neurolinguistic programming which some people have called Jedi mind tricks for coaches, enabling you to be more effective at whatever you’re doing with your clients. There’s a wealth of resources at 123nlp.com. You’ll need to use the promotional code again “coach” to take advantage of that. I encourage you to go to both website addresses now to increase not only your breath and depth of knowledge but also those real and perceived value as a consultant in assisting others in living a life they want.
Thanks for listening. I’m your host Jason McClain and your guide in the 21st century marketplace. I’ll be with you for a few more weeks and I’ll be exposing you to some of the critical mind tips I consider as organizing principles that will make the difference for you in your business and in your practice. Thanks again for listening.
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