Episode 97 - Women, Hormones, and Sexual Desire (Part One) with Dr. Harvey Bartnof
Dr. Patti talks with Dr. Harvey Bartnof, renowned age management medical specialist, about issues related to women, lifestyle, hormones, and the female lifecycle. While hormones, the desire for sex, a woman's age, and her relationship cannot be separated out all that neatly, we can make certain generalizations. At what age do hormones begin to decline for a woman? What would those symptoms look like? What can be done to restore a woman's body to optimal functioning? What hormones should a woman take to restore libido? What are bio-identical hormones? Should women take testosterone? Can estrogen help with vaginal dryness? What other factors play into helping a woman have an optimal sex life? What other books does Dr. Bartnof recommend? Learn about Dr. Bartnof's own Internet audio interviews, and website full of resources and articles. Dr. Patti reveals, in a powerful testimony, what she has found true in her own circle of friends using bio-identical hormones. This is a show every woman will want to hear who is interested in maintaining the quality of her sex life. Men, listen in, too!