Libido: Energies of the Sexual Soul (Part Two) with Isa Magdalena, Author, Sex Educator, Healer, and Teacher
Expanded Lovemaking
Dr. Patti Taylor

Episode 96 - Libido: Energies of the Sexual Soul (Part Two) with Isa Magdalena, Author, Sex Educator, Healer, and Teacher

Hear Dr. Patti talk again with Isa Magdalena, author of Libido: Where Sex, Science, and Spirit Meet. She’s a sex educator, healer, teacher, and pioneer in the field. We have been talking about Isa’s model of libido, related to the chakra system, discussed in some detail in Part One of this show. Now we consider the importance of breathing and ways of moving to get libido circulating and firing up even further! Also we examine the need to ground sexual energies. How important is breathing? Are orgasms better when sex and orgasm are “full spectrum”? Can one have “higher spectrum” sex right away or does one need to practice for a while to achieve these experiences? What are stages and states in sex, relating, and sexual experience, and why are these distinctions important? All this, and more, is discussed on this fascinating and lively show!



Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to the Expanded Lovemaking show. I’m your host, Dr. Patti Taylor of, and I teach you how to make exquisite love. This is part two of a two-part series. Today we’re talking about energies of the sexual soul. Libido is a model for people in the West who wish to be wonderful and sensitive lovers while juggling a demanding lifestyle. We’ve been talking already, and our guest, in part one of this show about libido and how it weaves together the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of sex. How empowering it is when we are at the controls of how much libido we choose to feel. So I am so happy to welcome back our show guest for today, Isa Magdalena. Welcome back Isa.

Isa Magdalena: Hi Patti. Thank you for having me back.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Oh, it’s such a joy. So I’ve told you about Isa, but just for those people hopping on board right now, Isa Magdalena is a pioneer in the field and has been for a long time. She’s the author of the book called Libido: Where Sex, Science and Spirit Meet. And she’s been a teacher and pioneer in the field for quite a long time. She facilitates classes and hosts individuals and small groups in Taos, New Mexico, including The Libido Getaway, which sounds really great. And, so why don’t we just continue on with our conversation from last time. We were talking about what were some of the moves that you could make, and I kind of jumped right up into the moves you could make that were internal to you, so I just want to kind of backtrack and maybe go to one where you actually made physical moves. So I wanted to kind of focus on one of the colors of the spectrum. Maybe we’ll just backtrack for people joining in. Could you just sort of fill us in again on what is your libido system and how it works?

Isa Magdalena: It’s a map, an internal map in our body and it’s also a map to communicate and to know the different expressions of sexuality, and they are translated in colors, so this, I will talk about red sex and orange sex and yellow sex and green sex and blue sex and purple sex and white sex.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Right, and they’re all connected. So we’ve been talking about this for quite a bit and now I want to talk about, I’m just picking one, and I’m thinking of this, it just sounds like fun, which is yellow sex, and I just want to get an idea right now of what are some of the moves that you might make in your body that would go, what is yellow sex and what are some of the moves that might go along with it?

Isa Magdalena: Yellow sex, the area in our body, it is what people know as solar plexus or it’s the place in our spine, in our body that’s, it’s really in the middle of our torso and it’s a little bit below our breast bone, that’s where yellow lives. And the movement of yellow, you can activate it by breathing in strongly and pushing out your diaphragm and pushing and pushing and, because yellow is really the place where will and direction comes into place, you push with your ego will, and then you breath out and you just rest and then you make space for what I call cosmic will. And so that’s how it activates. Do it two or three times, breathe in deep, push out your diaphragm, and then relax. And then what will happen, when your spine relaxes that way it will want to make a wave. So in yellow is really where our spine starts to undulate. And so the movement of yellow is undulation and it’s like a wave. And that is when, especially women, when we have an orgasm it happens completely spontaneously. We will arch, our head will roll back and then roll forward, it’s like our whole spine goes into this wave, forward and, you know. So that’s, that starts in yellow.

Dr. Patti Taylor: So, that was really beautiful what you said. I have a question; I notice that you, all of your exercises actually have a breathing exercise. I mean all of your colors have breathing exercises with them as well, so, you know, if you just practice the breathing will that help your libido.

Isa Magdalena: Actually except for yellow, I’m actually not emphasizing the breathing too much in this libido practice, but it does happen automatically though because we will, because our nervous system slows down, our nervous system gets calmer, the breathing will go almost automatically deeper and slower.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, great. So really you should just read the book and find out maybe if you’re wanting a certain kind of mood or energy would it just be good to kind of read that color and do the practices associated with it?

Isa Magdalena: That is one way, although I recommend to become familiar with all the colors, especially the red, orange and yellow in our lower body, pelvis and belly and the middle of our body, because that is really the colors that really matter to activate, they really are the engine and they set all the rest in motion. And it is much more important to cultivate and activate those lower colors than it is to activate the upper colors. And a lot of, actually that is one of the hopes I have for the system is that there is quite a lot of spiritual practices that emphasize the upper; the heart, the third eye and this and that, but it doesn’t, it’s not grounded.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, so what can we do then to generate more lust?

Isa Magdalena: Rock.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, so rock. And then how ‘bout that, then how ‘bout the yellow one?

Isa Magdalena: The yellow one is more…

Dr. Patti Taylor: No, the orange one.

Isa Magdalena: Oh, the orange one. So the red is rocking. Rock your pelvis, rock. And it’s really, it’s really the classical fucking movement, okay. It’s, everybody can do it. The orange wiggles. It’s wiggling, it’s like the shimmy of the belly dance. And the yellow does this undulation.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, so go out dancing would be a great thing or turn on some music?

Isa Magdalena: Yes, yes, yes. Absolutely. You can do it in bed laying down, you can do it sitting on a chair, but yes, dancing. Perfect. If, even trance dancing. Trance dancing, the trance on the top of our head or whatever, in our upper system, is ignited by getting the pelvis moving. Move your pelvis, rock your pelvis.

Dr. Patti Taylor: You know, I love that idea because I have never actually thought about trance dancing as a way, as a kind of foreplay. This to me sounds like something that I’ve never done.

Isa Magdalena: Well there’s always ways to learn.

Dr. Patti Taylor: I thought I did everything, but there’s always something new.

Isa Magdalena: Yes. Well, yeah. It’s, I think one of the things that happens in our dancing culture is that because when we get sexual we think it has to go somewhere, and when we’re sexual with somebody on the dance floor, then the next think, the conclusion is, “Okay, we’re sexual now so we have to jump in bed with each other, but that’s also real limited. It’s your energy, and it doesn’t have to, what is it, move forward. We don’t have to go from A to Z, you know. We can use that energy to ignite our own system and it’s much cleaner.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that’s what I was thinking. I was thinking, you know, even without doing it with someone else, just putting on some music by myself in the privacy of my own home and, you know, maybe even blindfolding myself and, you know, just sort of self-expressing and kind of really doing the wild thing.

Isa Magdalena: Yeah, women especially, do the wild thing. Rocking, put music on and get your pelvis and get your butt going. All that helps to ignite the heat, the lust energy, the sexual, sexy energy.

Dr. Patti Taylor: And how ‘bout men?

Isa Magdalena: And men also. I mean there’s many men, they feel less, but it’s, it is, it’s not necessarily easy for men to freely move their pelvis. So rocking pelvis back and forth for men is totally, totally encouraged because if we don’t move our body the energy gets stuck. It gets stuck in that red. And by moving our spine and by moving our pelvis it actually has a chance to connect and integrate all the other fantastic things that we are.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, so in addition to all your other sex supplies, get out your CD player everybody. Okay, so we are going to take a break. Please stay with us. We are talking with Isa Magdalena about libido, energies of the sexual soul. I’m getting lots of great tips here. She’s the author of the book Libido: Where Sex, Science and Spirit Meet, and you can find out more about her at So please stay with us, we’ll be right back.

Dr. Patti Taylor: So we’re back and we are talking with Isa Magdalena. And I would like to find out more about being orgasmic. So what happens when we really have our libidos and our sexual energy is really online, how does it influence the quality of our orgasms?

Isa Magdalena: How does it influence our orgasm? Again, generally speaking, a lot of peoples orgasm is, tends to be located more in our genitals, in our pelvis. And even though that feels fantastic and, really again, no judgment, it’s just all about choice. There is also, we really have the capacity to feel orgasmic energy going through our whole body and our whole spine and our whole systems. So it’s like, it’s more like our whole body and our whole system becomes the vessel for this life force, for this, for this ecstatic energy. And the libido compasses one of the ways, one of the many ways, that can help to open the pathway, the libido compass practice is really designed to open the pathway in our body, which is our nervous system, our spine, so that the sexual energy can flow it, so that we can feel that orgasm in our whole body and in our whole being, and therefore not only about that sensation when the orgasm happens, but literally these are ways that expand our consciousness.

Dr. Patti Taylor: So can you give us any examples of someone whose put this into practice?

Isa Magdalena: Example for practice?

Dr. Patti Taylor: Just someone whose put this into practice, how its shifted their sexing.

Isa Magdalena: I think there’s various ways. Some people choose to stay with one color for a while. Like I know a woman, she read the book, she said, after a month she said, “I want to only do red. I don’t want to go to orange, I just want to do red.” And so what she did, she just started to move. When she was playing with herself or when she was with a partner, what she did, she added movement to her sexual arousal, and that for her was a gigantic shift, instead of laying still she started to move, so that made the orgasm much fuller. That was one way. Another woman just told me… That’s a long time ago actually, she said, “You know, I met this person and I wanted to have his phone number, but then I said to myself, ‘Well, I should do a little yellow.” And she did some yellow, and she got the guts to call for his phone number. So there’s a whole other way of using it. That’s why I’m saying libido is not just in bed. Libido is in bed and in our life, so she used it in that moment to empower herself and get the courage to say, “Okay, I want this, lets go for it.”

Dr. Patti Taylor: That makes total sense, right. I mean, you know, isn’t it a little crazy to separate out our sexual energy from our life force?

Isa Magdalena: It’s not only crazy, I think it is a depravation, it’s a deep, deep starving that we have inherited from out culture that separates those two.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, thanks. So I want to talk about white sex for a moment.

Isa Magdalena: Mmm.

Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s the highest one, right? Or purple sex, or whatever the highest one is.

Isa Magdalena: The highest, I would, I tend to talk about the deepest rather than the highest because high and low, you know, it has a little bit of a connotation of good and bad. White sex is actually white sex that is an opening up to a, to, what is it, the entire cosmos, the whole whatever, godness. Now white sex, some people aspire to do white sex, personally I don’t, because white sex means basically when we are in that ultimate trance place what it really means is that our entire ego, our entire system is annihilated, and that’s not a small thing. And so to me it’s not something to aspire for. It is, because it can get as completely lost, it can get as completely disoriented. It can be dangerous. So it’s important to, when white sex happens it will happen, but hopefully then we are ready for it. We have to first build our system stronger in order to be able to carry that intensity.

Dr. Patti Taylor: So I can see where that might be an issue for some people. So what would be the one that’s the safe upper end for people?

Isa Magdalena: The purple.

Dr. Patti Taylor: And what happens with the purple?

Isa Magdalena: The purple is a very still speechless awe. It’s a place where words don’t really exist and it’s just really, it’s meditative, it’s still, it’s awe. It’s pure awe.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I really love that because I don’t hear enough about the really still sex.

Isa Magdalena: Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. No we don’t, do we? We are always so busy, huh?

Dr. Patti Taylor: I guess there’s not enough money to be made from still sex. I mean you don’t sell as much lube and you don’t sell a book on technique, you know.

Isa Magdalena: That is true, and I also think that again those upper, those upper stages of our being of consciousness and in sex are, the kind of are a result. I don’t necessarily think, for meditatives it’s very well possible to start there, but generally speaking starting with the ground as much and the purple sex is a result of that utter, of the utter expressions.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Does that mean that, as a result that means that you would probably get there after some time of practice?

Isa Magdalena: That is one way, yes. Can I just go a little bit off here?

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well we can but we have to take a break. So everybody just hang on one second. This is Dr. Patti Taylor and we are talking with Isa Magdalena, and you can learn more about her at her website, You can also find out about her teaching schedule, and she’s in the Bay area, she’s in Taos, New Mexico, she’s got some great book, her book Libido: Where, Sex, Science and Spirit Meet. So please stay with us. We’ll be right back.

Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back. So we were talking about purple sex, and you had a comment.

Isa Magdalena: But I forgot your question.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, well the point was there’s nothing to sell because it’s just a book that says be still, and, you know, enjoy. Oh, my question was do you have to practice to get there? Does it take a bit of time or do people just ride there? Or do you build up to it?

Isa Magdalena: Okay. Yeah, can I go a little bit of a side street here? It’s actually Ken Wilbur I found out not so very long time ago. He has, he uses words that I, that are very helpful to me. He talks about states and stages. States are like peak experiences. An orgasm can be a state. I also feel that love is a state. It’s not something that we can do, but it’s a state, a state of being. Lust is a state of being. Love is a state of being. Feeling union is a state of being, okay. Those are states and they, we can reach those definitely in what we call peak experiences, like flash, boom, bam, it’s like a momentarily. And then there is the other thing that’s called stages. It’s stages of being, it’s stages of consciousness. They last. They are not momentary, but they are, they become an integrated part of who we are and how we move through life. So a lot of sexual people have, or sexual people tend to have peak experiences. A lot of spiritual practices are about stages. So the spiritual people over here, they get to do the stages, the slow development, and the sexual people get to have the peak experiences, but I hope that we all get to have all of them, the peaks and the stages. So what it, so in answer to your question I do think that a regular practice really helps to strengthen our familiarity, to cultivate, to cultivate our familiarity with those stages so we don’t have to leave them. We can be much more, lets say, ecstatic or orgasmic state all the time. We don’t have to get back, we don’t have to get out of them. Does that make sense?

Dr. Patti Taylor: I think that was beautifully said. So thank you so much for that. So I want to find out a little bit about you. So can you just tell me a little bit about your work in the world; where you’re headed, what you do, what you teach, where are you going?

Isa Magdalena: It has, had so many… Talk about stages and phases. Where I am right now is I feel the work, me but not only me, there’s other colleagues thank god, kind of moving in the direction I feel that, again, also tying in actually with states and stages. The states and stages, we tended to the body metric line, kind of tended to provide experiences that were like peak experiences, cathartic, dah-dah-dah, big experiences. They were often really good experiences for people. But then people went home and we could fall into a nothing because we couldn’t talk to anybody about it, we couldn’t… So now my teaching is much more focused on actually providing tools so that we can, when we come home we can do that for ourselves. And tied to that very closely is what I’m hoping for and that over time what we start, what we will develop is more community or a group that is ongoing. So it’s not a one-time event, but it is about integrating that into life, which means on a more regular basis. That is one of the main things that I am very passionate about.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that’s really beautiful. So you teach in Taos, New Mexico and you teach in the Bay area and you do these libido getaways.

Isa Magdalena: Uh huh. Yeah, like this weekend there’s going to be a weekend, and the, my dear friend Barbara who organizes this is, it’s actually through Flesh and Spirit, for men and women, so that is one that happens on a regular basis in the Bay area. And then, yes I am quite dedicated to New Mexico and the Sexicological Body Work that’s now branching out to Europe, that’s very exciting to me too.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Uh huh. Are you a teacher there?

Isa Magdalena: Yes, yes. With Joseph, co-teaching.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that’s very exciting, isn’t it? Yes. Okay, well we are going to bring the show to a close. I wanted to invite you to share any thoughts that just you might want to with our listeners before we did.

Isa Magdalena: Well, I’m getting a little preachy here maybe for a moment forgive me but, and I really don’t mean it that way, but I think one of the core things on my path has really been about we are really finding sexuality, but we’re also really finding spirituality. And I feel that there’s still quite a gap between people who call themselves spiritual and people who call themselves sexual and there’s no dialogue, which I feel it’s one thing to not dialogue with the person that you don’t care about, but there’s also often no dialogue really within ourselves. So there is, as long as we dismiss sexuality because we think we’re spiritual, we deprive ourselves of something, and when we’re sexual and we dismiss the spiritual side of ourselves we also, we are, what is it, missing the boat on something, so I’m hoping to encourage the dialogue and get it out of the connotation of religion and rules and none of that, none of that, it is really, it’s really about our inner authority and our very own inner connection to ourselves, which is instinctual and divine in all of it.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well thank you very, very much. That’s very beautiful. So on that note, we’re going to bring this show to a close. We have been talking with Isa Magdalena, and you can learn more about her at her website, And she does teach in the Bay area and Europe, as we just found out and Taos New Mexico and she does libido getaways and she has an amazing book called Libido: Where Sex, Science and Spirit Meet, and I guess you can get that from her website. And it does come with a CD, so you can find out about that on her website. So thank you once again. Please send me email at [email protected]. For texts and transcripts of this show and other shows on the Personal Life Media network, please visit our website at Also please visit me, Dr. Patti Taylor, at where you can join my mailing list and find out more about my products, services and events. This is Dr. Patti Taylor. That’s all for now. I remain yours in ever expanded lovemaking, and I’ll see you next week.