Episode 54 - The Art of Instant Orgasm (Part Two) with Drs. Steve and Vera Bodansky
In Part Two of this interview, hear Dr. Patti talk once again with Drs. Steve and Vera Bodansky about Instant Orgasm. Discover how the art of being playful can help partners overcome resistances to pleasure and be a part of the building up of pleasure. Find out all about peaking, and why peaking is so important to having a prolonged sense of pleasure. Learn how you can incorporate the art of Instant Orgasm into an Extended Massive Orgasm date so that the energy will stay fresh and juicy. Listen as Drs. Steve and Vera describe what they do in their client consulting, and how peoples’ relationships, and lives, are being transformed by becoming more orgasmic. Great work! The Bodanskys are modeling being totally (instantly) orgasmic as they write, teach, talk, and go about their lives.
Announcer: This program is intended for mature audiences only.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to The Expanded Lovemaking Show. This is part two of a two-part show. I’m your host Dr. Patti Taylor, of expandedlovemaking.com and I teach you how to give and receive way more pleasure than you ever dreamed possible.
Today on the show we’re continuing our talk on instant orgasm with Dr. Steve and Vera Bodansky. They are amazing teachers of extended massive orgasm, how to have an orgasm that goes on for hours. They’re very very famous and well known and we are very very lucky to have them on our show with us today.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: People resist pleasure, and its just another opening or opportunity to have more fun.
Before they don’t feel, or they feel less, you want to deliberately bring them down. So then you are in control of that pleasure, you’re in control of that level of tumescence, in control of the orgasm by doing so.
“Before I start licking on, sucking on your pussy I’m going to do a few strokes and then I’m going to take breaks when I feel like your attention is waning:” so she’ll know what’s going on more. And this way he doesn’t have to talk while it’s happening, because it’s hard to talk with a pussy in your mouth.
And it’s better to peak too early than too late
Dr. Patti Taylor: Definitely.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Its not how long you do it, its how much you feel with each stroke. And all you need is one stroke. Instant orgasm is possible and available to anybody.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: On stroke one.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And we’re talking about their new book Instant Orgasm, which is really, I think, how to open the door on to having these long wonderful amazing orgasms. As we were saying, you wrote the book because a lot of people were kind of time oriented and frustrated that they couldn’t get the long one. And so you wrote this book to have people start cuming right away, is that correct?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yes, and a lot of people are missing the point about the extended orgasm. It wasn’t how long it was, but it was how much pleasure you felt right now.
Dr. Patti Taylor: You know that’s such a guy thing, I think, to get into the performance and the goal.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well, that’s a human thing, I don’t know if it’s a guy thing?
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, maybe.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So this is really about getting rid of all your goals, isn’t it, and your performance?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I don’t think you get rid of your goals, but not to make your goals the priority.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Because I’ve always wondered that, because you do have a certain goal, you want to give someone the greatest experience of your life, you want to take them up. What do you do if you’re getting a weak signal from someone and how do you not get frustrated?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well people resist pleasure, and its just another opening or opportunity to have more fun.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: I think that’s an opportunity to be more playful rather than hard pressure or something.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, what do you mean by playful?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Flirtation is play and light flirtation can lead to more pleasure.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: If you said, “Let’s go to bed honey”, and she said yes every time it wouldn’t be much of a game. But if somebody resists a little bit then you get to have to use your seductive abilities to overcome their resistances and it becomes more fun, and it becomes more valuable. If something’s too easy then you don’t value it. So resistances aren’t bad. If somebody says no it isn’t always bad.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So let’s role play this. Maybe we can do that again, I love it when you two role play. Who wants to be the resistant one and who wants to be the playful one?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: What do you want Vera?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: I’ll be resistant, ok.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Can you role play it? You guys do such a good job with that.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: What are we resisting though?
Dr. Patti Taylor: Pleasure. She’s resisting being orgasmic and whatever you’re doing, your strokes. And you’re going to be playful.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I can be playful but Vera can’t… it’s hard for Vera to resist.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Model what your clients might be doing.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: OK. I’d love to give you an extended orgasm right now.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Oh, I was in the middle of writing a letter to my son.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: That’s OK, do you want me to help you with the letter, or how about writing a letter to all of your kids. You have four of them, right?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: [laughs] Are you willing to write them on your behalf?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I’ll help you.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: OK.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: If that’s what you’d like?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: OK.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: OK. Don’t you think we’d be able to write a better letter if we had pleasure first?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Sometimes.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Maybe we can write one letter first and then have pleasure, and see how much pleasure you have after that. On second thought, maybe just have pleasure first and then write a letter. And then have some more pleasure and then write another letter. How does that sound?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: OK.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I don’t know, it’s just being playful. I don’t know.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s wonderful, I love that. That was great. I love that, and I wish, I mean my partners do that to me, but I think we can all do it more than we do. I would love it, if, when I was resisting, my partner was playful like that. Instead of taking it personally, you know.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: It’s not like I’m always playful. Sometimes I’ll take it personal and say, “Oh”, you know. I’ll usually take my bat and glove and go somewhere else. But there’s always an opportunity to be playful in resistance.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And people love to be teased, its true.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: And you do it for the fun of it. And if you don’t get into bed at that time it’s ok too. So you write some letters together and you have some fun writing letters.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Do you use teasing if you’re writing the letter and say, “I don’t know if you’re going to write a better letter if you had pleasure”? How would you use teasing in that?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: You can always be playful. I think being more playful will make your life more fun. Life doesn’t have to be so difficult, and it doesn’t have to be a struggle. You can have challenges but you can be playful with the challenges when they show up.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I think that’s really wonderful. You do talk about that in your book, right?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I think so.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yes.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I haven’t read it for a while.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I know in one of our books we’ve discussed it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well a lot of people are verbally challenged, right? They want to be playful but they don’t know what to say.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I think with men its ego; they think they’re going to lose or something so they won’t even risk it. You don’t have to be a genius to be playful.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, cool. Well we’re going to take a quick break and then I want to talk about peaking, which is, near and dear one of my most favorite topics of all.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well peak then just by mentioning it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: [laughter] Good point. So stay with us. Go have an instant orgasm while we were waiting and we’ll be right back. We’re going to take a short break. This is Dr. Patti Taylor and I’m with Drs Steve and Vera Bodansky. And you can learn more about them at extendedmassiveorgasm.com and we have been talking about their new book, Instant Orgasm.
Announcer: Listen to “Sex, Tantra and Kama Sutra”, a weekly Internet audio program from personallifemedia.com. Learn ancient secrets that turn on the soul of sex at personallifemedia.com.
Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back. This is Dr. Patti Taylor and we’re talking to Drs Steve and Vera Bodansky about peaking. What is peaking and why is that so important?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: If we have a mountain range and there are a bunch of mountain peaks in this mountain range and in order to peak somebody you want to get to the top of that mountain range. But you don’t know in advance how high the mountain is, but you want to go as high as you can get. So you’re going to be stimulating your partner and you want to stimulate them as long as they can keep climbing up that hill of pleasure. The pleasure hill. But you don’t want to get to the point where you start sliding back or you get stuck. So, while you’re keeping your attention on your partner you can notice when you’re kind of getting to the top of that hill, or that mountain.
And by you attention being on that you can deliberately bring them down. Instead of slipping back, or waiting for them to stop feeling, you deliberately change the stroke or you stop stroking and that’ll bring your partner down and that creates the peak. Does that make sense?
Dr. Patti Taylor: Sure. So this works for men and for women, right?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah, it makes it much better.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Of course.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: You bring a person up as high as you can, and then stroke, stroke, stroke and then before they don’t feel, or feel less, you want to deliberately bring them down. So then you are in control of that pleasure, you’re in control of that level of tumescence, in control of the orgasm by doing so.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that sounds really fun. Yeah, go on.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: You bring them down and then you can start bringing them up, either right a way or you can wait a while, you can bring them down. It depends on how far you want to bring them down.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Or how new somebody is, if somebody is new to being stimulated, like on the clitoris for example, you may not be able to touch them a lot of strokes right away. It may be just two, three, four strokes and they may start going away at that point. So you want to have your attention on them so you know when they go away and stop before that happens, or right when that happens.
You can then take 30 seconds or a minute break and then start again. And with somebody who has been doing this for a while you can rub for a minute or two or three straight and then take like a split second break and then go up again. So there are all kinds of ways to peak somebody. Its not just one size fits all. It’s a matter of your attention on a person and then, again, communicating and deciding what one you want to start again and how high you’re going to be going. And also a person’s intention has a lot to do with how high you can take them.
Dr. Patti Taylor: How would the average person know when to peak someone?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well it would be good if your partner can communicate to you. Like, “Keep stroking, keep stroking, keep stroking” and “So it’s fading now”, and you can learn how that’s happening. It’s by practicing and not always hitting the nail right on the head but getting as close to the nail as you can each time. And the more you practice the more you’ll feel their pleasure with your hand and you’ll notice. So it’s not something you become an expert at… it takes a while to become an expert peaker.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: The more you practice the better you get with each session.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: At first the person is going to communicate to you, “I think its time for a break now”, and after a while you’ll be able to take over and know when that’s happening. Again, its part of the training. It’s about training your partner as we talked to you about earlier, the last time.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: You want to learn how to peak them and when to peak them. And if they talk to you and let you know and if they’re honest about it you can take over and they won’t have to do that any more. You’ll be able to control the orgasm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I think peaking is such an important part of all of this. Can you just tell us again what happens when you don’t peak somebody? What is it like?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well if you keep stroking somebody they can either… a number of things can happen, sometimes they’ll tense up and they’ll go over and they don’t want to feel any more. Sometimes they’ll just stop feeling and they kind of just go away into the closet and just go into their head and start thinking about who knows what. You’ll see some loss in their eyes.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So peaking real focuses your attention on what’s going on.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: It keeps your attention on the ‘now’ again. And then the instant orgasm comes in because every time you start after you’ve peaked you want to feel as much pleasure as you can with that first stroke again. So if you’re able to be instantly orgasmic then you can have the ability to put you attention fully on your genitals and fully on your pleasure and you can start going high quickly, and going up again.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, good. Is it ever difficult to know when someone else has peaked you? Is it a good thing to tell them, you know peak, just peaked you, just because they may not realize that you peaked them?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I think it’s good to talk about it before, what peaking is, that you’re going to be taking breaks. Take oral sex, some guys will just be licking away for half an hour and his mouth is numb and she’s not feeling, and nobody’s talking. If he would say, “Before I start licking on, sucking on your pussy I’m going to do a few strokes and then I’m going to take breaks when I feel like your attention is waning:” so she’ll know what’s going on more. And this way he doesn’t have to talk while it’s happening, because it’s hard to talk with a pussy in your mouth.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yes.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: We think it’s better if you use your hands of course, but a mouth can be fun too. And, again, its something that, I think its good to start with your hands because then both people can be talking and learning. So you can be asking her…
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Do you like it?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Do you want me to peak you now, do you want me to take a break? You can ask her questions like that.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Would you like it harder, would you like it faster?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Would you like me to peak you now?
Dr. Patti Taylor: These are really great suggestions.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Would you like me to start now? Are you ready to start again?
Dr. Patti Taylor: I just want to say your book is so wonderful. It illustrates some wonderful positions for giving manual stimulation. There’s a lot of wonderful pictures in here for people who are new to this and just want to learn a really good position step.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: And also for a woman giving pleasure to a guy, to peak him before he ejaculates, to learn at what point is too far and what point is not far enough. And then when you get close to ejaculation you can peak him by taking your hand away or putting your hand on his ejaculatory duct and squeezing or squeezing the head of his penis. There are a number of things you can do that we describe. And then taking a break and then starting again, and how soon to start. You can give him a lot of peaks before he ejaculates. It doesn’t have to be like, wham, bam, thank you ma'am. It can give him an extended pleasure trip too.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well the think I love about peaking is, I think once you learn the basics it’s all about the peaking. And that’s what makes it fun as a giver, as well as the receiver.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: And it’s better to peak too early than too late.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Right.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Definitely. Obviously for a man that’s that case, and probably for a woman too, right?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Yes.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yes. If you keep rubbing then she’ll start wondering, “Well, I guess his attention really isn’t on me because he’s rubbing me when I’m not feeling”. And then she’s in her head and she’s feeling even less. I think if he keeps rubbing she’s going to give less and less… she won’t give the surrender to him.
Her goal is to surrender her nervous system to somebody else’s hands in order to have the most pleasure. But if she feels that he’s not attentive and that he doesn’t know what he’s doing and he’s not peaking her at the right point she’s not going to be able to surrender. And you can’t surrender totally when you’re training somebody either. So when you’re training you have to give up part of the surrender part.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So maybe you have a training session and then that turns into the full on EMO, right?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah, eventually, or you can practice for a few minutes or then you can do something else.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: You may have intercourse.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, I love that. So a peak could just be as easy as, stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke – peak, stroke, stroke, stroke – like that could also be a peak. Or it could be a squeeze or a change in direction.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah. I’ve noticed a lot of women who come to us, even the first session, I may just give them three or four strokes and then peak them and do that for a few minutes. If I do that for a while, even up to ten strokes or twenty strokes, even in the first session, they’re already able to extend their level of attentiveness on their genitals.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well good, I’m really really glad we’re talking about peaking. Because I think that’s the heart of being a master, is being a good peaker. As well as a good playful person and a good teaser.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah, you have to have all the tools in your bag and you have to use them all.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right. Thank you for all your books. Actually I wanted to say we do have another interview with Dr. Steve and Vera Bodansky talking about extended massive orgasm. And I think we did that last spring. So it should be there for people to look up and download. I don’t have the episode number off hand but I highly encourage everybody to listen to that show. It’s an amazing show and one of my absolute favorite ones. So if you’re enjoying this show then to definitely check out their other show.
We’re going to take a break. Please stay with us, we’re going to peak you out here a little bit. I’m Dr. Patti Taylor and we’re talking to Dr. Steve and Dr. Vera Bodansky about instant orgasm. And we will be right back.
Announcer: “Listen to Sex, Love and Intimacy”, a podcast providing weekly audio workshops for your pleasure and connection on personallifemedia.com.
Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back. I’m Dr. Patti Taylor and we’re talking to Dr. Steve and Vera Bodansky about instant orgasm. I’d like to find out, how did you come about writing this book?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: One thing that really happened was people would ask the same question in many ways and we thought we should write it down and they can read it instead of calling us up. Calling us up after they read the book they could get further information.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I can say that I compare writing the book to sex. In that, when I sit at the computer and do the typing that, I think some writers will type away for hours and hours and they won’t notice that their back is cramping up or anything and I wanted to do this as pleasurable as I could. So that means that you have to have some kind of discipline in order to accomplish writing a book. But I didn’t want to spend hours where it became un pleasurable. I wanted it to be as pleasurable as I could.
So I would pretty much write every day for a short time and do it as long as it was fun. But I made sure that I did it deliberately daily. So I had the goal of doing it deliberately every day but not to the point where it became unpleasurable. And if somebody is learning about how to have more pleasure in their life, and this is a good example, is that its good to practice every day or to regularly. But not to do it where it comes to the point where it’s just doing it because you want to become great at it or something. You do it because you’re enjoying it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So you had an instant orgasm just from writing the book?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah, I would take breaks too. As I said, men really can’t have the instant orgasm exactly but you can fantasize and touch your penis and instead of stroking your penis just touch it, like with one squeeze or one touch and then take a break and do that over and over again. So you can actually, for a man to actually learn how to have that kind of pleasure too.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Or take a break to go to the bedroom and make out. [laughter]
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that’s certainly a great way to write a book. We’re running out of time but I wanted to find out a little bit just about your practice with clients. What is it exactly you do when you see people one on one?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well it depends on what they want. But mostly we see women who want to expand their orgasms and expand their ability to feel. We usually talk, it’s usually about an hour, but the first session, I would say is an hour and a half usually. We talk for a while, we get to know them, we have them feel comfortable and safe. They become nervous and a little crazy sometimes and we want to get them into their bodies and feel . We find out about them, we find out about what level they think they’re at.
And then we’ll go in the bedroom and I’ll demonstrate on Vera and they get to feel and then we’ll demonstrate on them with some hands on. And have them talk and respond as much as they can about the pleasure they’re feeling.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: And afterwards we sit down in the living room, our living room and talk. They tell us how they liked it and what the experience was for them.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: It’s a lot of communication and it’s step by step. We like to switch places because then you can take breaks and play with the instant orgasm. Touch them once and then take a break and touch them again. Or we’ll have them just feel their genitals while they’re sitting in the chair. So it really depends on the person’s goal. Sometimes their goal is to learn how to pleasure a man, or they want to learn how to pleasure a woman.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So you often work with couples, right?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Lots of times guys don’t want me touching their girlfriends or wives, say girlfriends, most of them that have wives, they don’t mind so much, but just the girlfriends. [laughter]
So we’ll just coach, I’ll demonstrate on Vera first and then we’ll coach the guy and get him into position and show him the positions and show him how to hold his hands and how to pull back the hood.
Dr. Patti Taylor: What an amazing thing that is. That is such a rare training and investment in a relationship to be able to have that. Do you have any really cool stories of a client that you worked with in a training session and a transformation?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Lots of them but they would probably be upset if we exposed them.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well you don’t have to use their names.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: No names.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: We just had this couple a few months ago, he didn’t want me touching her but he was thrilled that we had her communicate to him like, “Oh that felt good, do it a little lighter, a little more.” So we told him, try this, bend your finger this way and he was feeling a contraction, he was feeling her orgasm and he was so thrilled doing that.
He just wanted to keep doing it to her and give her more pleasure. And they went home and they had more fun and they called us up and told us how much fun they had. We never touched them ourselves, we just had to show them and that was enough.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: But they had a life changing experience. They had the beginning of a new romance and sex in their lives.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I guess when you’re orgasmic that does change things, doesn’t it?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Yes.
Dr. Patti Taylor: For both the man and the woman, I guess it’s a really wonderful feeling. And that you could feel all that just from watching them, what he should do, that’s pretty amazing.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: And a lot of couples, well not a lot, but sometimes they’ve come to the last straw, their marriage is dying out. We’ve saved a number of marriages because she felt like he was a lousy lover and we made them into heroes.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I can understand that. Where do you go to school to learn about this stuff?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Well, you know a lot of religions are against any sexual training. You hush hush about it and you don’t talk about it. And they grow up and grow old without ever seeing their spouse’s genitals.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So I think it’s amazing that you’re putting this kind of work into the world. Absolutely amazing.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well, we like it anyhow.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well we’re coming to the end of our show so I was wonder, and I ask this of both of you, if you’d like to leave a parting final thought with our listeners.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Its not how long you do it, its how much you feel with each stroke and all you need is one stroke. Instant orgasm is possible and available to anybody.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: On stroke one.
Dr. Patti Taylor: On stroke one.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Or before, you don’t even need a stroke. You need to have an imagination.
Dr. Patti Taylor: It’s a state of mind, a state of being.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yes.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Beautiful. Vera, any last words?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Well…
Dr. Steve Bodansky: The power of pussy now.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: The power of pussy now!
Dr. Patti Taylor: Wow, short and to the point.
Well that does bring us to the end of our show. I want to say this episode nine, if you want to hear the Bodansky’s earlier show, which is one of my all time favorite shows, I highly encourage everyone listening to go back and hear that show as well.
We’ve been talking with Dr. Steve and Vera Bodansky, the authors of the new book Instant Orgasm and also the authors of a few other books, Extended Massive Orgasm and also The Illustrated Guide To Extended Massive Orgasm, which are both great books in their own right.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: How about To bed And Not To Bed.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And also To bed And Not To Bed.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I think people are finally realizing it’s a pretty good book too.
Dr. Patti Taylor: There’s a wealth of wisdom to come from our guests today. And also your DVD, which is a phenomenal DVD and I highly highly recommend it for anyone who wants to see what you guys are talking about in terms of how this is really real. This can really happen. It’s a beautiful DVD and you can find out more about all of that at their website extendedmassiveorgasm.com.
So we’re at the end of our show. Thank you both for coming on today.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Our email is [email protected] too if anybody has any questions.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Perfect.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: And also remember a lot of them have been translated into French and German and Chinese, I think, there was one in Chinese.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Spanish, Portuguese.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Your books have been translated?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Yes.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Wow, that’s cool. Well you guys are pretty famous and well known. So if you have a boyfriend who’s Chinese or Portuguese or whatever, get him the book in his language or her language.
Well great. That does bring us to the end of our show and thank you so much for listening. You can send me email at [email protected]. And for text and transcripts of this show, in case you want to mail it to someone who likes to read, and other shows on the Personal Life Media Network, please visit our website at personallifemedia.com. And if you haven’t already, please visit me at expandedlovemaking.com where you can join my mailing list too.
So this is your host, Dr. Patti Taylor, I think I’ll go have an instant orgasm, nope, I just had it. It’s just been a lot of fun and that’s all for now. I remain yours in ever-expanding lovemaking and I’ll see you next week.
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