Episode 53 - The Art of Instant Orgasm (Part One) with Drs. Steve and Vera Bodansky
In Part One of this interview, hear Dr. Patti talk to Drs. Steve and Vera Bodanksy, the famous teachers of the art of Extended Massive Orgasm. Learn what is an “Instant Orgasm”, and why they feel it so important to emphasize learning the skill of having one. Find out what you can do to become “instantly orgasmic”. When and where and how often can you have these? Learn how developing connections between your genitals and other body parts can make your whole body respond more orgasmically. Find out how can you practice Instant Orgasm, and how Instant Orgasm relates to their other teachings on Extended Massive Orgasm? Discover the value of resistance, as the Bodanskys role-play overcoming resistances as a part of building turn-on with hot and juicy dialog. Everyone’s having massive “instant orgasms” all through the show! So join in and learn how you can, too.
Announcer: This program is intended for mature audiences only.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to The Expanded Love Making Show. This is part one of a two-part show. I’m your host, dr. Patti Taylor of expandedlovemaking.com, and I teach you how to give and receive far more pleasure than you ever dreamed possible.
Well today on the show we’re talking about instant orgasm. Have you ever thought that an orgasm takes a while to achieve? Maybe so long that your thoughts get in the way and you get frustrated or lose interest? Well, what if you could have an orgasm at the first touch and then every touch is totally amazing?
So here to tell us more about how we can do this with are guests for today, Dr. Steve and Vera Bodansky.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: … putting your attention, instead of on your problems, of putting your attention on your pleasure and its just a matter of attitude change really.
When a person can relax the body instead of tense up the body, which is the way most people do is by tensing up. You can actually feel your genitals and feel the strokes with more intensity and more feeling.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Does that mean then that if someone touches my lips I’ll have an orgasm?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah, when you kiss somebody you can feel more pleasure. And your whole body becomes more orgasmic so that when you are stimulated on your genitals you’ll feel it all over your body too.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: … and the body is having contractions down below but they didn’t connect their brain. And it is strange to see someone orgasmic and they say, “I don’t feel anything.”
Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome.
Dr. Steve Boadansky: Hi.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Thank you.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Great to have you on the show again. Let me tell you a little bit about Dr. Steve and Vera Bodansky. They did receive their doctorates in sensuality from More University in 1990. They’ve written several best selling books on sensuality. All of them are really great and that includes The Illustrated Guide To Extended Massive Orgasm. Their newest book is called Instant Orgasm. They conduct workshops nationwide and do give private instruction from their home near San Francisco.
I think our listeners will love this show. You will learn how to be hot, turned on and ready for pleasure without barriers or hesitation.
Well that’s quite a promise, so I do want to find out more about that. Why don’t we start out by defining an instant orgasm, what is that? That’s a pretty radical concept.
Dr. Steve Boadansky: Well we think that we’re actually potentially an orgasm whenever you want to be. It just a matter of putting our attention on our genitals. This is especially true for women as women are the source, turn on and pleasure and orgasm actually.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, well that’s a pretty radical concept I think, for most people, that we’re already in an orgasmic state. What do you mean by that?
Dr. Steve Boadansky: California is an orgasmic state.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, well…
Dr. Steve Boadansky: Just come to California and you’ll get, no… its just about putting your attention, instead of on your problems, of putting your attention on your pleasure and its just a matter of attitude change really. Its not a difficult thing to do once you get the concept.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, well let me back up a bit.
Dr. Steve Boadansky: Its not like a big massive orgasm at first, but there is, whatever pleasure you feel, if you can approve of that, it can grow and get better.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, so why don’t we back up, just forgetting for a moment about instant orgasm, just plain orgasm, what is an orgasm?
Dr. Steve Boadansky: Orgasm, according to Webster, is the climax of sexual tension, and we think that’s kind of limited. That’s like the patriarchal male definition, which is like comparing orgasm to ejaculation for a guy and women trying to emulate that and to copy that. When a person can relax the body instead of tense up the body, which the way most people do is by tensing up. You can actually feel your genitals and feel the pleasure and feel the strokes with more intensity and more feeling. And once you learn how to do that and are able to receive that kind of pleasure then the orgasm is very similar to the tensed up kind except its even better because there’s more blood and oxygen coming into that area so it can continue for a long period of time rather than be just for a few second.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And keep getting more and more intense as you are feeling it, instead of ending the sensation.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: An orgasm is contractions, there’s lubrication, there’s flushing, the heartbeat increases; orgasm is orgasm except that you didn’t have to wait.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right, thank you. You’ve written extensively about orgasm, in fact you’re very famous teachers on orgasm so you really know from what you speak here. How long is it possible to have an orgasm once you get into this state?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well, I think as long as you really want to until you decide you don’t want to do it anymore. The longest we’ve done it is three hours and that was plenty long. You know you get hungry after three hours.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: But you know, five minutes, or ten minutes of fifteen minutes of intense pleasure is a lot of pleasure. We do demonstrations of a one-hour orgasm; we actually have a DVD of that.
Dr. Patti Taylor: You do, I’ve seen it and it’s a great DVD.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: But we only do that to show its possible, not me saying everybody’s got to do an hour of that and that’s one of the reasons we wrote this newest book. Because people say, “I don’t have an hour, I don’t have time to do that.” And we say, well how about an instant orgasm then?
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, great. So what would you say to people who are saying, “Well, I’m not feeling very orgasmic right now?” How would apply an instant orgasm in contrast distinction to what you were already teaching, which was extended massive orgasm?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Actually the extended massive orgasm included the instant orgasm, actually some of the information on that, but we decided that people were putting their attention mostly on the extended part. And were missing, what is it, missing the trees for the forest, or the forest for the trees, I’m not quite sure what that means anyhow. But anyhow they were missing the beginning part, when you can actually feel pleasure from the first stroke or even before the first stroke.
So we decided, why don’t we write more about that, and kind of expanded that into a whole book, believe it or not.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, great. Can you describe an instant orgasm and whether you’re doing it right now?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well, its about putting your attention on your genitals, just putting your attentions there and feeling the pleasure. There are about 8,000 nerve endings on the head of a woman’ clitoris, she puts her attention there and doesn’t think about anything else but that pleasure, that feeling and allow that feeling to be.
I don’t know if you’ve read The Power Of Now?
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah, I have.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well its like being present with your body and being present with your genitals and being present with your pleasure.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, so is it good to touch yourself while you’re doing this or you can just imagine it?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well in some of the exercises in the book its first about just imagining it and just feeling it without touching it, and then we give you some exercises where you do touch it, just like one touch. You do that over and over again but not like doing strokes exactly, but kind of just touching it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, well I want to come back to that in one minute. We’re going to take a break to hear from our sponsors. This is Dr. Patti Taylor and I’m with Drs Steve and Vera Bodansky and we will be right back.
You can learn more about the Bondansky’s at extendedmassiveorgasm.com. They have lots of great stuff to find out about on their website. So check them out and please stay with us, we’ll be right back.
Announcer: Listen to Sex, Tantra and Kama Sutra, a weekly Internet audio program from personallifemedia.com. Learn ancient secrets that turn on the soul of sex at personallifemedia.com.
Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back. I’m Dr. Patti Taylor and we’re talking to Dr. Steven Bodansky. And you were just starting to say that there are some really cool exercises in your book for creating an instant orgasm. So why don’t we continue with that?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: OK, its just like putting your attention, but most people say, well, you know, first they have to just believe its possible. That’s the major concept to get because most people say oh, that’s a lot of nonsense. I say, well try it out, put your attention on your genitals. And you can practice in different places, lets say that you’re reading a book and you come to the end of a chapter, well pay attention on your genitals. Or you’re watching television and a commercial comes on, so instead of using the remote to go channel surfing, how about putting your attention on your genitals for a few seconds right then.
So you can just have like kind of conditioned places in your life where you just get reminded, ok let me put my attention on my genitals. Most of the time our brains are just filled with thoughts of doubts, negativity, planning, the future, past, all kinds of nonsense that aren’t really very pleasurable. So this is a chance to have a little pleasure in your life. And its easy and its not very expensive.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I’m doing that right now and I can feel myself contracting.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah, see.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Hey!
Dr. Steve Bodansky: The power of suggestion. We’ll even do a course and point our finger at a woman who’s saying she can’t feel or something and just by all that attention there she starts going into contractions and feeling pleasure.
And that’s not expected to be like bombs bursting or the Fourth of July when you first start. Just go for any little tingle or any little sensation of heat and approve of that and it will get better the more times you do it.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: It seems to grow rather quickly with some people and others take a little longer. But it doesn’t matter as long as they’re willing to have more.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Another exercise to do is a connection exercise, where you connect different parts of your body to your clitoris or your penis. You can connect your facial lips.
Dr. Patti Taylor: How would you do that?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: You can start, as I said before, just touching your clitoris briefly, one touch and then take your hand off. So you can touch your lips and your clitoris at the same time and then take your hand off. And then put them back on, and then put your hand just on your lips, and then put your hand on your clitoris, and then put you hand back on both of them again. And take turns doing that. And then you can start doing some stroking on your clitoris with some lubricant and you can put a little lubricant on your facial lips too and get them actually…
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Connected.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: …pretty connected. Again, every time you take your hand off feel the same sensation in the area you took you hand off last and then put your hand back on again and stroke together again. So we can experiment, its really fun. Any erectile tissue on your body can be connected, even un-erectile tissue can be connected, anything that has nerve endings.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So what’s the value of doing these connections? Does that mean then that if someone touches my lips I’ll have an orgasm?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah, when you kiss somebody you can feel more pleasure. And also your whole body becomes more orgasmic so then when you are stimulated on your genitals you’ll feel it all over your body too, so it won’t localize to your genitals.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, I was wondering, thank you for that. I’m very orgasmic so I’m just rubbing my lips while I’m talking to you.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Its definitely working on me.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Phone sex here.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah! So what do you do with women, lets just start with women that aren’t very aroused? Because a lot of them will say, “I don’t feel anything.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah, we get a lot of clients like that. In our instant orgasm book we have a whole chapter dedicated to all kinds of resistances that people have shown us, and there’s all kinds. People will actually have orgasmic sensation or visible orgasm in their genitals while you’re touching them, or we’re touching them, or when they’re touching themselves and they won’t even realize it. It won’t be like going to their… its like its cutoff somehow so their brain won’t even feel it. They won’t even feel the pleasure that they’re having.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: And the body is having contractions down below but they didn’t connect their brain. And it is strange to see someone orgasmic and they say, “I don’t feel anything.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: And others would say, “Well I really don’t feel very much you know.” And, its true, they don’t feel very much. But once they start to find that its ok, a lot of people actually think orgasm is that imitation of a male orgasm. So a lot of women say, “Well I don’t have that kind of sensation.” And then a lot of women think they’re supposed to have orgasm with intercourse. And, again, that’s difficult to achieve for a woman because the nerve endings are on her clitoris.
So once they start touching their clitoris, the women who aren’t that aroused start becoming more aroused. Sometimes it takes time and sometimes it depends on their conditioning and their willingness and their desire and that’s a number of factors.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Do you think it’s a good idea to give an instant orgasm to yourself, and if you do what would that look like?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well, its just a moment of pleasure whenever you want it. I think you can’t really tell, unless you’re really knowledgeable, that a person’s having an instant orgasm over there. Maybe they have a smile on their face. It’s not like they’re drooling or anything. Its just an instant pleasure.
We call it instant orgasm, its really instantly orgasmic and being able to feel your genitals at will. Anyone can do it all day long, its just about doing it once in a while. Just to have some more fun in your life. You’re not going to become addicted to it where you’re going to want to do it all day long.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Its not a drug.
Dr. Patti Taylor: What would happen if you did start giving yourself instant orgasms all day long?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Then you have an extended orgasm. It wouldn’t be instant any more.
Dr. Patti Taylor: How do you think it would change your life? Do you think you’d just be happier, or just kind of attract people from all sorts of energy? Would you be more powerful in business meetings?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I think all those things are possible, but not to do them for those reasons. You do it for the reason because you want pleasure now. If you’re doing it for some future reason you’re going to stop feeling.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I think that’s a really important point.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: But yes, there’s a lot of women we have that become more financially richer, that become more generous, that become nicer people. They’re more fun to be around. They attract more lovers, or lover, if they want just one.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I think what you’re saying is really profound, is that people are already orgasmic, and women are orgasmic and its about opening up to that quality.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah, its like realizing women’s power. Women have not come to the fullness of their power yet, its just beginning.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I do want to find out what we an do actually to train your partner even though we can do this on our own but we need to take a break. Please stay with us. This is Dr. Patti Taylor and I’m talking with Drs Steve and Vera Bodansky and we will be right back.
You can learn more about them at their website extendedmassiveorgasm.com, and once again, their new book is called Instant Orgasm and its a gorgeous, amazing, very detailed, illustrated, beautiful book. So Instant Orgasm is their new book. We’ll be right back.
Announcer: Listen to Sex, Love and Intimacy, a podcast providing weekly audio workshops for your pleasure and connection, on personallifemedia.com.
Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back. I’m Dr. Patti Taylor and we’re talking to the Bodansky’s about how to give and receive pleasure at any moment in time. And this is from people who have trained people to give orgasms for hours. I just want to say these are probably the most well known training couple, one of them anyway, in the country. Its just so interesting and amazing to talk to you and get your insights on this.
I want to go ahead and find out, how do you train your partner? Does that make any sense at all if everyone’s responsible for their own orgasms?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Oh, sure, you want your partner to be able to give you even more pleasure than you give yourself. Because the most pleasure available is when you’re, we call that being a total effect, which is when you’re receiving the pleasure. And that’s your whole emphasis.
When you’re giving it to yourself you have to be giving it and receiving it, so you’re kind of playing both roles. And when you in total effect your only role is to receive the pleasure. So the most pleasure is available and its also the most vulnerable place to be for people so its kind of scary. Because “They can do whatever they want to me and I’ll owe them something”, or who knows, whatever reason people are afraid.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah, I think you hear that, I hear that more than anything else, “How do I train my partner?” So what would that look like?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well you have to make it fun for your partner. If you’re a woman and you want to train your man partner, for instance, what men want to do is win and succeed. Men love to win at whatever they do. That’s how men are valued, by how successful they are. And one way to be successful for a man is to be a great lover.
Except they don’t know how to do it so a lot of men will actually stay away from that area because they’re afraid they’re going to lose. So if a woman could have her man feel successful he’ll want to do it whenever she wants it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, lets just role play this out. Some guy is putting his hand on my clit and I was thinking about my genitals and turning myself on. But when he puts his hand on my clit, lets say I don’t feel that much, its not in the right place.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: You would immediately say, “Oh I’m so glad you’re interested in touching it”, give him a win. Because if you tell him he’s doing it wrong he’s going to not be interested or feel bad about the situation.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: We think it’s a good idea, before he puts his hand there, to talk first and tell him how you like to be touched and where you like to be touched and you can even show him with your own hand and show him, “This is the area I like to be touched.” You can touch his hand and, “This is the kind of pressure I like.” Make it easy for him and make it fun. Make it kind of a game where you can touch his hand and say, “Then touch my hand and let me feel” and say, “Oh, yeah, that’s really good.” Don’t start right jumping to your clitoris where you’re going to get all freaked out. Go slowly and take baby steps with him and have him win on each time out.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, because I think a lot of people, its one think if you’re with a new partner, then you can just say, “I’d like to spend some time showing you what I like.” But if you’re with a long-term partner is that still important to do?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yeah, definitely talk to them, say, “I’ve been playing with myself”, or “I found out about this new way of touch and I really want you to do it to me because you do it so good to me and I want to show you what I learned and you can take me even higher than I ever took myself.” Make it so he’s not threatened, but make it fun where he feels like he’s winning.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Yeah, guys want to feel like they’re winning. If you find something wrong you are not engaging into a winning situation. And even if its the teeniest amount of right touch, if its just barely there you still make an acknowledgement.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: It also sound like, with your old partner that a lot of stuff that has happened between you causes a lot of women to be angry or pissed off at the guy and therefore she’s not really inclined to have him be successful and win.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So what would a woman do about that if she’s angry?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Well, besides that anger is choice, we all actually learned a long time ago that anger is actually the result of thinking that you have some right and that some right was violated and realize that you don’t have any rights. You have choices and you have opportunities and you have the ability to communicate. So, what is more important to you, your anger or your pleasure? If your anger is more important, well fine, be angry. But you can’t have anger and pleasure, it doesn’t work together.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Isn’t that the truth. If I try having an orgasm when I’m angry its impossible.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: You can’t have an instant orgasm when you’re angry.
Dr. Patti Taylor: No.
What if the guy just wants to be helpful, is there a communication that the guy can do, lets say if he is more into the instant orgasm and the extended orgasm them the woman? Are there things that a guy could do to draw out a woman.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Oh, yeah, again communication is most important. Put his attention on her, see when she wants to be touched and where she wants to be touched and don’t touch her for any longer than she wants it. And to ask her questions, “Do you like it lighter?” because most women like it lighter than most men believe.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Could you role-play with Vera what that might sound like? A short session of just getting some information, pretend the two of you are on a date and you’re trying to find out more information.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: We like to go to movies or dinner and she’ll say…
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Movies.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: OK, what kind of movie would you like to go to. When you’re in bed you actually want to ask questions they can answer with a yes or no.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Do you want to role-play that for us, model that for us?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: OK, so lets say we’re in bed and I can say, “Do you want me to stroke your thigh?”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “Yes.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Great, and it’s always good to tell her what you’re going to do first. “I’m putting my hand on your thigh now, would you like a long stroke?”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “Yes, I love long strokes.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: OK, I start giving her one long stroke and I say, “Would you like that faster?”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “No, I’d like it slower.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: And she can tell me if she likes it slower, or she doesn’t have to, she can just say no. And then I say, “OK, would you like it faster?”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “Yes.”
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that’s wonderful.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Then I go a little faster and I say, “Would you like it faster?” and she’ll say…
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “No.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: So then I know I have the right speed there. “Would you like more pressure?”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “No.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: “OK, would you like less pressure?”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “Yes.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: So I’ll lighten up on my stroke and “Would you like less pressure?”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “Yes.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: And I keep asking that same question until she starts saying yes. So now I know I’ve got the pressure and I’ve got the right speed and then I can ask like that. And you can do that with any part of the body, “Would you like your genitals touched now?”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “Yes.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: “Would you like me to use a lubricant?”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “Yes.”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: OK, I say, “First I’m going to lubricate your perineum and then I’m going to lubricate your inner lips” And I take some lubricant and I start doing that and I say, “Would you like me to do it a little faster?” And you keep doing that.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I love all this talking, its such a turn on to me, I have to say I’m just a junkie for all that talking.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: And then you could also practice the instant orgasm training too. You could say, “I’m going to touch your clitoris with one stroke now.”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “OK!”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: “And its just one stroke, and then I’m going to take my hand off and then I’m going to touch it again with a little lighter stroke, is that OK?”
Dr. Vera Bodansky: “OK!”
Dr. Steve Bodansky: So I touch it with a lighter stroke. So, be playful and experiment around, don’t just copy what we say. You have the whole world to play with here with words and you know.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that was hot. So the instant orgasm training is you just put your hand on and off for a moment.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yes, and then you can do a little connection exercises, maybe touch her lip and her clitoris for a second and then take your hand off. Its like each person did to themselves.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Is that like a good kind of foreplay or is that just training yourself to have longer orgasms or just a practice in its own right?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I think you can use it for whatever goals you want.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: You can use it for both ways.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: But, again, you have to enjoy what you’re doing while you’re doing it.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Yes.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: As long as you keep communicating there everybody’s winning.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well you have lots of exercises in your book. I want to come back for part two and really talk about peaking. But we’re going to close the show pretty soon and then we’ll come back for part two. Before we do that I’d love to ask you both one question, which is what really turns you on about instant orgasm and bringing this work into the world?
Dr. Steve Bodansky: I just think its opening the world to having more pleasure. If everybody’s out there at red lights giving themselves an orgasm, people coming out of their work spaces or their apartments with a smile on their face, it would be a lot more fun to walk around the streets. To live, you’d have more fun by everybody being happy. And as far as what we personally get out of it, it the beginning to having an EMO. And you can’t have an EMO unless you have an IO, an instant orgasm. So they go hand in hand.
Dr. Patti Taylor: An EMO is a long extended massive orgasm.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Yes.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Ok, it all starts with the end Vera, do you have any final comments?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Yes, what just happened to me was a wonderful… as a teacher I found just one person popped into my head was a Belgium lady who found us on the Internet. She was very intelligent and she’d never been to the United States and she decided to come to Walnut Creek to meet us to see what an orgasm looks like. It was an amazing experience from a total stranger to want to see it. She popped in and she stayed in our town for a week and she didn’t care about looking at United States or anything, she wanted to see an orgasm. That was great! She was very intelligent and university graduate and all that and she left thrilled to know that there is something she can have, a wonderful orgasm.
Dr. Steve Bodansky: Anytime she wants for the rest of her life.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: That’s right.
Dr. Patti Taylor: What an amazing investment in yourself.
Dr. Vera Bodansky: That was great, I loved it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I think anyone that can come and work with the two of you would be incredibly fortunate. It would be probably a truly, certainly a total life changing experience. It’s a beautiful story, thank you.
Well we’re going to close out part one of our show, so thank you so much for coming on today, it was really really fun. I’ve been practicing instant orgasm the whole time I’ve been talking with you, and it does turn into an extended one doesn’t it?
Dr. Vera Bodansky: Yes.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So, again, you can find out more about Dr. Steve and Vera Bodansky at extendedmassiveorgasm.com and we’ve been talking about the information in their new book, Instant Orgasm.
So that does bring us to the end of our show, thank you for listening, to my listeners. Please send me email at [email protected]. For text and transcripts of this show and other shows on the Personal Life Media Network please visit our website at personallifemedia.com. And also please visit me, Dr. Patti Taylor at expandinglovemaking.com, where you can join my mailing list and find out more about my products, services and events. So this is your host Dr. Patti Taylor and that’s all for now. I remain yours in ever expanding lovemaking and I’ll see you next week.
Announcer: This concludes part one; the interview will be continued in the next episode of this show.
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