Orgasmic Manifestation: Channeling Creative Energies on All Levels of Being (Part Two) with Baba Dez
Expanded Lovemaking
Dr. Patti Taylor

Episode 70 - Orgasmic Manifestation: Channeling Creative Energies on All Levels of Being (Part Two) with Baba Dez

Dr. Patti talks with Baba Dez Nichols, a Daka and transformational guide currently living in Sedona and Hawaii. Baba Dez has studied with many masters around the world for over 20 years. He is the founder of the Sedona Temple, a renowned school that has trained hundreds of men and women to become sexual healers, and he is the author, along with Kamala Devi, of the new book, Sexual Healing, the Shaman Method of Sex Magic.

We are going to focus on some of the bigger issues of orgasmic energy as BIG Energy! Baba Dez is certainly a master of big energy… which will be quite evident when you look at his accomplishments… and how he has circulated this energy. So we will ponder the issues of culture, and manifestation, and, orgasmic energy, and of course, what this means for you!

Learn the important of connecting up the inner masculine and feminine, vs. looking to the outside to accomplish this. Find out why manifestation is connected to the healing of the core wound and why this energy is best circulated, not kept inside of you. Learn about the amazing Sedona Temple, and the significance of this reemergence of “temple energy” for the planet. Discover what this means for the people that go there to study the sacred sexual healing arts. Find out what orgasmic practices you can do on your own to begin to build skills towards greater manifestation. An amazing, two part show on core wounds – their hidden nature, their power, their discovery, and their ability to be transformed into love, energy, and manifestation beyond your greatest dreams!



Announcer: This program is intended for mature audiences only.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to the "Expanded Lovemaking" show. I am your host, Dr. Patti Taylor of, and I teach you how to make exquisite love.

This is Part Two of a two part series. We are going to be discussing orgasmic manifestations, giving and receiving creative energies on all levels of being.

We are talking to Baba Dez Nichols. We've been talking about orgasmic radiance and the core wound which we hope we have explained to you is something that can help you unlock the radiance in your heart. It's something really beautiful and it's something we hope you can get in touch with and get familiar with and learn to love and cherish as something uniquely yours to own and claim and set free. So, that's all in Part One.

Baba Dez: It's so important to understand the nature of core wound because that is what is undermining our ability to manifest the desire to get these tools and to be able to take yourself through and then support others is really one of the most beautiful gifts that we can move with right now.

When we address our sexual issues and we create sexual wholeness in our beings, then what happens is that automatically addresses our issues around finance, around relationship, around physical health. These are all related to the sexual wound.

Dr. Patti Taylor: We're back and I'd like to welcome our guest, Baba Dez.

Baba Dez: Hello. It's a pleasure to be on.

Dr. Patti Taylor: It's great to have you on. Let me tell you. Baba Dez is a Daka and transformational guide who has trained hundreds of men and women to become sexual healers. He is the author, along with Kamala Devi of the new book, "Sacred Sexual Healing: The Shaman Method of Sex Magic".

We're going to focus in this show on some of the bigger issues of orgasmic energy as big energy, and Baba Dez is certainly a master of big energy which will be quite evident when you look at some of his accomplishments. He has circulated this big energy with his school, his book, his CD, his - I guess you've got a DVD out now or coming out. So, lots of creative energy flowing from this amazing man.

We’re going to ponder the issues of culture and manifestation and orgasmic energy and, of course, what this means for you, our listener. So, anyway, Baba Dez, we’ve been talking about the work you do with men and women, and I'd like to talk about the bigger picture here for a minute which is the healing of our cultural attitudes around sexual energy.

What do you think is going on with the core wound? Let's just back up for a moment. You can describe the core wound, and then maybe what do you think is going on at the cultural level with this energy?

Baba Dez: Well, the core wound is that place inside of us individually and collectively that disconnects us from our love, our beauty, our power and our magic. And so, it is really important to address these issues because without addressing them we're not able to manifest what's possible in our lives.

I mentioned in the last show about... We spoke a lot about that wounding, and I feel like the really amazing thing and what I really love is when I work with someone and they reach a certain place in their evolution, where they reach a certain level of wholeness in their being and they've reclaimed enough personal power in their lives. What's really exciting is then they start being able to actually wield that power and start being able to manifest their dreams and desires and start accelerating the process of building more bliss and ecstasy in their lives. That's where it really gets fun and juicy.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, I'm really glad you put core wound and manifestation in the same sentence - really glad. And I just want to say, first of all, for those of you who haven't met Baba Dez. This is someone who I know personally. He walks his walk, talks his talk. I mean, he's gorgeous. He has achieved more than most people will. His school is just bursting with success. His book is amazing. This man is manifesting. This is someone you do want to... You know, you look at him. You wonder how is he doing this. This is someone I want to find out how he's doing this.

The part I'm happy about is you put it in the same sentence with core wound because I think that a lot of our listeners are just going to reach for the dial and turn off the radio. If they hear the words, core wound, like it's some kind of... I can't even hear that word. I want to start connecting core wound with no, you know. Let's put this in the vocabulary as something that we need to unearth and that it is connected with manifestation.

Baba Dez: Absolutely. Thank you for all the kind words, Patti. You know it's so important to understand the nature of core wound because that is what's undermining our ability to manifest.

Dr. Patti Young: It's as if there's batteries down there, right, that need connecting.

Baba Dez: Yeah. Right. And so, I go into it in great deal in the book, and I give a lot of processes and techniques and understanding about what this wound is about and how to heal it. But, basically, it's the split and it's the split in our own individual psyches of our masculine and feminine energies. When we can bring those energies into cooperation, communication and communion what happens is the sacred union occurs and alchemy happens. What happens in that union is separation has ended and healed, and then magic occurs in that divine sacred union.

We all have this desire to create this in our lives. Most men and women are looking for it externally in a relationship. So, we have this desire for union and yet what people need to realize is that if we deal with the core wound in the separation within us and we heal that internally. Then, what happens is it happens externally. It's like... What's that Michael Jackson song, "If you want to make the world a better place, take a look in the mirror and make the change" or whatever. That's it. That's where it happens. As we heal that core wound in ourselves and we come back into oneness and heal that separation, then manifestation externally follows.

Dr. Patti Young: Well, I have a question for you now. This may be a little bit off the wall, but we just had a historic election. Do you think that there's a sort of wave where there's been enough healing of enough people that we were able to change something in the culture in the outer level? Do you know what I am saying?

Baba Dez: It's interesting. I do know what you're saying, and I feel like the answer is yes. I think what's really interesting is that our next president is a man with heart. He is a man with sensitivity. He is a very feeling man. He is a very heartfelt man, and he's very intelligent. I think that's a reflection of what people are really wanting, and it's an opportunity to take the step in this direction. I feel like this is all part of what is shifting as far as the collective consciousness goes on the planet right now and that we are moving more into an age of light and healing.

I am very excited to be alive right now. I think it's a fantastic opportunity. It's an amazing time to be on the planet to witness all of this. I am really happy that we actually have someone in the White House that has a great deal of intelligence and heart presence.

Dr. Patti Young: And heart, that's good. It brings me to the topic I wanted to come to next which is the Sedona Temple and just kind of bringing this battery that comes when you connect up inside of yourself. I think, at first, a lot of people like you said, when it's not connected inside they go outside themselves to kind of get charged. What you're saying is you have to do that kind of fulfillment on the inside, so I thought that was a really beautiful point.

Baba Dez: You were just making the point of healing on the inside and that happening at our reflection, and at the Sedona School pf Temple Arts what's really wonderful is it's a great place to do this work because energetically Sedona is just such a wonderful beacon, and the earth energies are really powerful there.

We use the dynamic earth energies along with a lot of Shamanic techniques and a lot of just good old academic learning about what we need to do to facilitate ourselves and each other to step more into our beauty, power and presence. It's an honor to have this school and really what the Sedona School of Temple Arts is all about is about bringing the temple back to the planet. It's about training the priests and priestesses. Many of us have this sacred calling and we're starting to remember who we are.

There's actually a space in place, and there's safety to embody that now. That's what we're doing. We're bringing the temples back on the planet. We're supporting people to come back into their power and into their health and into their ease and into their abundance.

It's contagious because when you're around someone who is vibrant and healthy and in their joy; you just want to emulate that. You just want to embody that so it just keeps happening more and more and more. So, having the desire to get these tools and to be able to take yourself through and then support others is really one of the most beautiful gifts that we can move with right now on this planet.

Dr. Patti Taylor: I totally agree and I think the Sedona Temple is an amazing phenomenon so I want to share with our listeners just a little bit about what it is because a lot of them may not know the whole story. Could you tell us just a little bit of the background, like who goes there? And maybe, also, how it's been growing over the last few years and what you teach there.

Baba Dez: Well, what's happened is, I think it's important to note that the foundation where the temple starts is inside of the every being, that we are the temples. As we start embodying this sacredness in the presence of, let's say, that temple energy within us, then the external manifestation starts to happen. I know of several people and allies and people around the planet who are also on this mission to bring the temples back on to the planet.

So, I feel like it's a phenomenon that is just starting to happen now, and we have a plan to teach temple building and to support people to start helping them bring it up all around the world in very community.

What's happened at Sedona Temple, I think the main thing is that I've actually reached out probably about eight years ago starting to connect in with other - what I call - alone priests and priestesses. Most of us have been in hiding for several thousand years, and so it's about reconnecting and saying, "Hey, I see you. You can see me. We can compare notes. We can start remembering. We can start bringing this wisdom and knowledge and presence onto the planet and start anchoring that and start creating a community of support."

I know a lot of people, like you said earlier, they have this calling and there was no support for it. And they felt crazy having these memories of being a temple priest or priestess or doing healing work, often times doing sexual healing work. In this culture there is so much guilt, shame and sex around sexuality that people haven't gotten the proper training.

They feel their soul pulling them in a certain direction, and the only real outlets or advantage to be able to interact with people like this, often times it's in the realm of prostitution. And it's not really who they are and what they want, but there isn't a container for it anywhere else.

What we're doing is we're - often times a lot of the people that come to the conferences and come to the school for training are psychotherapists or massage therapists or yoga teachers or beings who serve other beings.

We also get a lot of people who come from the escort business because our touch and our presence and our love are very powerful. Granted a lot of people in the escort business are just in it for the money, but there's also a lot of people in the escort business who genuinely care about people and really love to share their love in a physical kind of way. So, what this does is it actually gives them the training and the presence to realize that it's more than just the physical experience. It's an experience of the body, of the heart, of the mind and of the emotions.

That's really what a sacred sexual healer is all about. It's about really grounding that and sharing that and teaching people how to move that way.

Dr. Patti Taylor: So, everyone, just wait because it gets better from here. This is really one of the greatest parties on earth. We're going to pause and take a break. This is Dr. Patti Taylor, and I'm here with Baba Dez Nichols.

You can learn more about Baba Dez at his website,, and also is another website you can go to to find out about Sedona Temple. Baba Dez, I'm going to spell that. So, please stay with us. We'll be right back. And also, the book is "Sacred Sexual Healing: The Shaman Method of Sex Magic." So, stay with us.

Announcer: Listen to Sex, Love and Intimacy, a podcast providing weekly audio workshops for your pleasure and connection on

Dr. Patti Taylor: We're back and we're talking to Baba Dez about orgasmic manifestation. I just want to say that you used to do these twice a year or once a year and 50 people would come. Now, it's twice a year and 80 people come. Now, it's like four times a year and there's like 100 people coming. Everyone lives together or sleeps together or they're all camping out around town. It's like a giant party.

What do people do? I mean, can you imagine just hanging out with a hundred sexual healers for three days? What could be more fun than that? And sharing, here's how I heal. Here's how I do mind, body, heart, spirit healing because it's more. Sexual healing is sacred sexual healing, and it's like you said, it's all being healing.

What kind of parties...? I've been myself a few times. It's great. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Tell us about it.

Baba Dez: Well, there are conference and gatherings for sacred sexual healers so it's kind of like our opportunity to share professionally and network with each other and learn new techniques and bring these skills back to the planet. It's also a great place for people who want to consider this vocation or learn this art to come and find mentors, find teachers and to learn quite a bit. You're right. It has been growing. The last conference in May we actually had over 200 people.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Oh my gosh.

Baba Dez: This last year and the location of the events is great because it's all around a lot of different hotels in the area, and we have multiple presentations of some amazing people who are coming. Of course, you can read more about that at the Sedona Temple website on the events page. But now, not only do we have one in Sedona every year in the spring, we also do one on the East Coast in the fall. We now have our first one in Australia which is happening in January, and we've also done one in Munich. We'll probably another one in Europe next year, also. Again, the overall mission is to bring the temples and to bring the healers back.

Dr. Patti Taylor: So, that just gives me shivers up and down my spine because I remember it when it was 50 people, and now it sounds like this thing is really taking off.

Baba Dez: It's time.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Something tells me the world is just waking up to this as a genuine calling, a sexual healing as a genuine profession. Obviously, there must be a real demand from people to have sexual healing.

Baba Dez: Sure.

Dr. Patti Taylor: For this to really work.

Baba Dez: Well, you know, Patti, when we address our sexual issues and we create sexual wholeness in our beings, then what happens is that automatically it addresses our issues around finance, around relationship, around physical health. These are all related to the sexual wound. This is all related to this wound, this core wound that we're talking about.

For many years I was involved in psychology and doing work with people in therapy. For many years I was involved in nutritional healing and nutritional counseling. I've looked at what it is that healing beings need on this planet to look happier and healthier. What I realized is that all of these issues that I've been working on and I've seen so many of my colleagues working on, they are all traced back to this original core wound which is this core separation which is rooted in our second chakra which is our whole separation around sexuality.

That's why I have decided in my life - it's like everything else is just talking around it. It's all kind of patching it up. Why not just go for the core wound, and then when you heal that everything is healed.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Do you take that being in a group setting like the Sedona Temple that the people that are coming are also moving through their own issues better?

Baba Dez: Well, I feel like having a group setting and then energetic support is really important because for a lot of people they'll maybe start looking at these issues and start looking at the wound and start really feeling into their lives and what needs to change. If they are in a family or in a community where there is no support for that and if every time you start to get real and start feeling into these things the people around you don't want to hear about it because if you start - here's the thing.

If you start stepping into your power and you start feeling and you start healing, then the people around you are going to start feeling that and their stuff is going to come up. And most people don't want to deal with it. They're like, let's side step this. By the way, get out of my life because you're making me think, you're making me feel. Being in a group setting or having community support or the support of the school or temple is really important to anchor the changes and to get the energetic support needed so that you can start really taking steps and come into health.

Dr. Patti Taylor: I think that's so important, and I think our listeners could just go on to and just look up the links and look up the bios and some of the teachers on there. There are a variety of people, you know. Some people are doing meditative things. It's not all just that chakra feeling. There's a variety of kinds of healing, but finding the flavors of the healing that your soul is calling for in that moment is so important to find that support. You know, to do it all on your own is kind of risky.

Baba Dez: Thanks for mentioning that, Patti, because being a really masterful Daka or Dakini or temple priest or priestess your skills and tools that you embody are not just traditional psychotherapy. You also have an understanding of physical anatomy, medical aspects, acupuncture, acupressure.

You have an understanding of a lot of, of course, the actual temple arts which are involved in sacred sexual healing, but you also understand about health and nutrition, cleansing and purifying the body. You have a good understanding of what it is to be healthy financially and teach all kinds of things around successful communications and business practices.

A temple priest or priestess, people used to come to them and still come to them for divination and for soul searching and for advice and for counseling. The skills and tools, the potential is phenomenal and, of course, depending upon someone's presence and their training and their practice and all those other things will depend on the power and presence of each individual healer that you go to. It's kind of like anyone. If you go to a surgeon, did this guy just get out of medical school and how many times has he done this operation successfully? You want to be careful. You want to be prudent in choosing someone who resonates with you, and you feel confident because his back will support you when you're healing.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Absolutely. What kind of techniques do Dakas and Dakinis that are coming want to learn? What do you find are most popular? Just a few that are always very much in demand.

Baba Dez: Well, I feel like what's in demand in the culture, and in this culture we're dealing with a culture where sacred sexual healers or anybody in this culture - we need to make a living. And so, anywhere where we can support people to feel more connectedness, more health, more joy, more happiness in making a difference in people's lives is where we're going to work.

I think one of the biggest challenges as a sacred sexual healer is that often times people come to us because they want to feel good and they want to have a loving sexual experience. It's being able to walk that edge between being able to validate their desires and feelings for a healthy sexual experience. And at the same time realize that there's so much more that's going on because you can have a sexual experience, and it can be physically gratifying. But, it's not really going to bring about what it is you're really wanting as far as love and being loved. And that's where the emotional body and the heart come in.

That's really the difference in this work. Most people might not even realize that that's what they are seeking. As a sacred sexual healer or a temple priest or priestess, what we're doing is we're actually holding space for their higher selves to go, "OK, yes, you're physical needs are important. Yes, your sexual desires are important and take a look at this bigger picture. There is so much more." What we do is we support people's hearts to break open and their emotional bodies to start vibrating. That's really the greatest gift of working with a priest or priestess.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Wow, that's hot. [laughs] Wow. Thank you.

Baba Dez: Thank you, yeah. It's not bad to feel. It's a very exciting time to be alive, and it's been such a joy and such a privilege to support people in their expansion and in their power. One of the things about bringing the temples back on the planet and, of course, the Sedona Temple is committed to, is creating that phenomenal place where that temple is being embodied in every being and the core of it is manifested in heaven on earth.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Yes. I just wanted to say you couldn't do this without your batteries being hooked up, so back to manifestation. I just want to say that I think this is very obvious because what you're doing is a very amazing thing. It clearly springs from having hooked up the batteries at the center of your very being, and I just want to make that point.

Baba Dez: Well, something sure is moving through me, and it sure is juicing me. You know, I get my rest. I eat well. I do all those things, and yet part of what I realize in my being; sometimes because I'm living it I forget the difference. But, this is what I teach. It's like, how do we cultivate our passions? How do we cultivate our power?

And so, as a Shaman one of my key interests is looking at my life and looking at what builds power and what drains power. And so, the more power that I am able to channel through me the more I can use that power and wield that power, not just for myself to have an abundance of joy, a physical, beautiful, loving experience but to create that all around me because there's nothing more joyful than to see other beings and their power and in their beauty and in their health and in their vibrance. That's just delicious.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Right. The name of this show was Orgasmic Manifestation, giving and receiving, creative energies on all levels of being. I don't think anybody could have had a sentence that said it better than that.

When you started out, you said I don't even know how I do it because I'm not even thinking about it. I'm just circulating it and I forgot the rest of what you said. But, you're just living it and you're channeling it. It's just really beautiful and I hope people of faith catch every word of it. We'll go back in just a bit.

Baba Dez: Me, too. You know, part of what I think is really interesting is that when we realize that we have the power to choose, that we all have the power to choose in our lives. And then the other thing is just realizing when do we choose. So, it's a matter of realizing we have the power to choose and that we get to choose now. And so, if we can all take a deep breath and start making choices right now that bring in more power, more ease, more joy, more health, more abundance. That's going to affect our lives there in every choice, in every now, and it's going to affect all the beings that come into contact with us.

That's really about reclaiming our power, and part of reclaiming our power is being able to heal that core wound which is feeling again because wisdom does not live in our minds. That's what we've been told to think that wisdom lives in our minds.

Wisdom lives in our bodies, in our bellies and in our hearts. Our mind is the processing center, and we need to teach our mind not to be a bully, step out of the way, hold space for the wisdom of our divine feminine, our emotional bodies, our hearts and our bellies. So that then we can take that wisdom, that flows to the mind as a gift and then be able to implement the wisdom that comes to us.

Dr. Patti Taylor:  Wow. I'm speechless. I'm going to take a break because we have to. I'm just going to say thank you for that yet again another precious, beautiful sentiment. So, this is Dr. Patti Taylor and I'm here with Baba Dez Nichols.

You can learn more about Baba Dez at his website,, and also He's the author of the book, "Sacred Sexual Healing: The Shaman Method of Sex Magic" and also the founder of the school, Sedona Temple. The website for that is, the party of a lifetime. It's also a profound place for learning how to become a priest or priestess in the healing arts and also a place where these temples are coming back into life again after thousands of years. So, you choose how you want to view them. They're amazing, an amazing phenomenon. We're so lucky to be able to share the word on this incredible, beautiful story about Sedona Temple so please stay with us.

Announcer: Listen to Sex, Tantra and Kama Sutra, a weekly Internet audio program from Learn ancient secrets that turn on the soul of sex at

Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back and we’re talking with Baba Dez. I want to talk about orgasmic energy.

Baba Dez: OK.

Dr. Patti Taylor: [laughs] What does that have to do with manifestation?

Baba Dez: Well, orgasmic energy is a very powerful force, and we can only really be in our orgasmic energy if we feel safe, so creating safety to feel our orgasmic energy and then to be able to clear all of the guilt, shame and fear we feel around being orgasmic is going to free up that energy because it's the orgasmic energy that actually propels manifestation.

Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, so you wrote a great book. Are there any exercises, either in the book or otherwise, that you like to recommend to a wide variety of listeners on the spot?

Baba Dez: OK. Well, we already mentioned something earlier in the show about just being able to feel and breathe and get connected with all of that. We shared a little bit about presence and presencing and how important it is just to kind of melt away all the distractions that are happening and get real present with what's happening in our bodies and our hearts and our bellies.

I feel like that's a real powerful exercise there, but I feel like one of the things I'd like to share is, you know, everybody either does or has self-pleasured in their life. Everyone has experienced masturbation if they're an adult on one level or another. If we can look at how do we approach our own individual masturbation? Are we in judgment around it? Is it bad? Is it good? Is it oppressed? Is it excessive?

You know, I think one of the powerful practices to really look at is how we feel about our own sexual pleasure, and how do we feel about self-pleasuring rituals? For most of us in this culture, there was a lot of guilt, shame and fear around masturbation. We didn't want to be caught. We didn't want to admit we did it. We were teased for it. There is all this other stuff that has to do with that, with masturbation.

What we know in our healing practices and what we know as priests and priestesses and Dakas and Dakinis as sexual healers that self-pleasuring rituals are very important and very powerful. We can use those self-pleasuring rituals to actually clear the guilt, shame and fear that's undermining our ability to manifest our dreams and desires. I go into great detail about this in the book, "Sacred Sexual Healing: The Shaman Method of Sex Magic".

Not only does our masturbatory ritual help us to reclaim our power and integrate the way we circulate that energy. Now when we say masturbation I'm not talking about ejaculation. And especially for men, to learn the difference between masturbating and just using it as something to get off or to release tension or fall asleep at night or something.

When you actually start cultivating that energy and start using it, what happens is you use that to awaken other parts of your power that you bring consciousness to your masturbation ritual and it starts activating deeper conduits of your power. It's that life force energy that's been directed and held that gets so juicy because most men are operating under the addictive belief that it feels better to ejaculate than it does to orgasm and hold on to that energy and to circulate that energy.

Until you have the experience of actually feeling how good it feels to circulate that energy and breathe that ejaculation energy up and down your spine, you're still addicted to doing your seed which they're nothing wrong with that. It's just there's other choices. There are other choices around ejaculation, rather than feeling like you're addicted to having to do it every time you get pleasured or you're pleasuring yourself. That's a very powerful exercise, and again I go into great detail about it in the book.

Dr. Patti Taylor: And I'll just chip in for women. You can do the same time. It feels just as good, and we don't even have to worry about ejaculating because we can ejaculate all we want and still circulate the energy. Anyway, I'm sure you talk about that in your book, too - because you do; I actually read about it.

We are coming to the end of our show. I would love to go on all day. I would love it if you would leave an inspirational thought for our listeners.

Baba Dez: Inspirational thought? Please create the safety for yourself to feel and feel deeply, and to hold space in your feelings because it's your emotional body and your feelings that will steer you to your next step in life. You're not going to figure out how to make your life the life you want by thinking about it. You are going to be able to create the life you want by feeling into it and training your mind to serve your body and valiant heart rather than your mind being a bully and telling your body and your belly and your heart what to do. So, there you go.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Thank you. That is so beautiful. That is worthy of actually getting the transcript and just cutting it out and sticking it right on the top of your computer or your icebox, whatever. It's absolutely gorgeous.

Baba Dez: Feel.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Feel it. Feel it. I feel it baby, whoo!

Baba Dez: Thank you, Patti. What a joy being on the show.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Thank you so much, Baba Dez. It's a blast having you on.

Baba Dez: And blessings.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Blessings, blessings, blessings. Anyway, that does bring us to the end of our show. You can find out more about Baba Dez at his website, Baba, b-a-b-a-d-e-z or also He's the author of the book, "Sacred Sexual Healing: The Shaman Method of Sex Magic".

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Please send me email at [email protected]. For text and transcripts of the show and other shows, go to Also, please visit me, Dr. Patti Taylor, at

This is Dr. Patti Taylor and that's all for now. I remain yours in ever expanding lovemaking, and I'll see you next week. Bye for now.

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