Episode 69 - Orgasmic Radiance: Moving from Personal Story into Overflowing Ecstasy (Part One) with Baba Dez
Hear Dr. Patti talk with Baba Dez, a Daka and transformational guide currently living in Sedona and Hawaii. Baba Dez has studied with many masters around the world for over 20 years. He is the founder of the Sedona Temple, a renowned school that has trained hundreds of men and women to become sexual healers, and he is the author, along with Kamala Devi, of the new book, Sexual Healing, the Shaman Method of Sex Magic.
Many of us can remember a time when we were sexually innocent… and then, and our stories got in the way. Find out how what core wounds are and how they got buried in our cultural milieu. Today, an entire industry has evolved that helps us remove our personal stories so we can reclaim the magnificence of our truly liberated beings… including our sexuality, but so much more. Find out why the core wound is a precious part of your soul and why you need to discover it… and heal it… before it gets to you! Discover how going deep to uncover and transform your sexual story is the flip side of opening your whole being to radiance. We’ll learn more about Baba Dez’s own journey and the work he does with others.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to the expanded lovemaking show. I’m your host, Dr. Patti
Taylor, of Expanded Lovemaking.com, and I teach you how to make exquisite love. This
is part one of a two-part series. In part one, we’ll be discussing orgasmic radiance,
moving from personal story into overflowing ecstasy. Many of us can remember a time
when we were sexually innocent and then our stories got in the way. Today an entire
industry has evolved that helps us remove our personal stories so that we can reclaim
the magnificence of our liberated beings, including our sexuality, but so much more.
Here to talk with us today is our guest Baba Dez Nichols.
Baba Dez: People can be controlled and they can be good servants and good slaves
and good subjects, and so they can assert their power. And so the way they did that,
understanding energy, to a certain extent, and understanding people, is that they knew
if they could disconnect people from their sexual energy, that they could disconnect
them from their power, and then they could be very easily controlled and manipulated.
The most powerful way to look at it is a disconnect from our own inner masculine, from
our own inner feminine. What is the nature of being an extraordinary human being?
What is the nature of using our power and manifesting our dreams and desires and
really being able to create a life and a situation that we are ecstatic about?
The ego, which lives inside of all of us, it’s a very powerful mechanism that keeps us
safe and feeling good about ourselves. And so the ego does not want to look at what’s
Dr. Patti Taylor: Hi, Baba Dez, welcome to the show.
Baba Dez: Good morning. Thank you, it’s a pleasure to be on.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah, it’s wonderful to have you. Let me tell you a little bit about Baba
Dez. He is a daka, and we’ll see what that means in a little bit. A daka and a
transformational guide currently living in Sedona, Arizona, and also Hawaii. Baba Dez
has studied with many masters around the world for over 20 years. He is the founder of
the Sedona Temple, a renowned school that has trained hundreds of men and women
to become sexual healers. He is the author, along with Kamala Duffy, of the new book
“Sexual Healing: The Shaman Method of Sexual Magic.” And he also has a
documentary coming out and a new CD as well. So we’ll find out more about all of this.
Anyway, today we’re going to find out about how going deep can uncover and transform
your sexual story. The flipside is opening your whole being to radiance. We’ll also find
out more about Baba Dez’s own journey and the work he does with others.
In part two we’re going to go on and learn more about the Sedona Temple and just how
working with your orgasmic energy and also our deep core story and unleashing it
translates into manifesting into the world. So this is a very exciting two-part show for us.
So let’s get started, and let’s find out what Baba Dez... what’s a “daka”? Or a dakini, but
since you’re a daka, maybe you can start with that.
Baba Dez: Well, dakas and dakinis are beings who... it’s a sanskrit word. Basically, it’s..
they’re sexual healers, but they’re more than that, they’re actually beings that work and
study they’re whole lives to embody the divine and reflect that back to people to support
them in their evolution. We’re all energy beings, and so if we’re in the presence of
someone who can emanate and ground that reference point for what it is to embody
divine, and that supports the people that come to work with dakas and dakinis to also
ground that reference point and step deeper into their divinity. So, they’re trained to be
powerful reflections and interact in every aspect of living, including sexual.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So, is there a long history of tradition for being a daka or a dakini...
Baba Dez: You know, every culture has had its priests and priestesses, and our sexual
energy is one of the most powerful creative forces that moves through human beings.
And so every culture, whether it be Egypt or the Celtic culture or the Hawaiian culture or
the Roman culture or the Greek culture, or, you know, the Hindu or Buddhist culture or
the Persian culture, they’ve all had their temples and priests and priestesses. And so
this information was taught mostly to young men and young women to prepare them to
become healthy, creative adults in their respective cultures, and so this is nothing new
and nothing that’s particular to any one culture. They all pretty much had them. What’s
significant to notice is that, why are there few or hardly any temples anymore left around
the world? Why aren’t there? Where are the priests and the priestesses and where are
the true temples? And there’s a reason why they aren’t here and perhaps we can get
into that.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I was about to ask you that, so why don’t you continue on.
Baba Dez: OK, thanks. Basically, there’s some things that have happened in the last
several thousand years that historically, a lot of historians feel that have plummeted
humanity into an age of darkness, and that a lot of people feel like we’re coming out of
now. And basically what happened was that several thousand years ago there was a big movement as far as empire-building by political powers and the different empires,
specifically like the Roman Empire and also the Persian Empire and then the Chinese
Empire. I mean, a lot of different empires were empire-building. What happened was,
many of them went into collusion with religions to basically create a power base, and
they knew that if they could disconnect people from their sexuality, then people could be
controlled and they would be good servants and good slaves and good subjects, and so
they could assert their power. And so the way they did that, understanding energy to a
certain extent and understanding people, is that they knew if they could disconnect
people from their sexual energy that they could disconnect them from their power, and
then they could be very easily controlled and manipulated. So the first step to doing that
was, of course, getting rid of all the people who were supporting people to stand in their
power and in their freedom and in their independence. So the first thing that they
needed to undermine and attack were the priests and the priestesses and the temples.
So the temples were basically disbanded, the beings of power and support were
basically hunted down and silenced, which they basically plummeted the cultures and
the Earth into this cycle of humanity, into this cycle of darkness, which we are now
working to come out of.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That brings up the next question. What would be the manifestation of all
that? I mean, what would be the effect on people if this was done to them? What would
they... in other words, I’m guessing that before this happened we lived as sexually open,
as sexually free. What would happen if people.. if their temples were taken down and
Baba Dez: Well, that is what has happened, and because we’re standing in the
consciousness we’re in now, most of us have no reference for what living in our power
and living in our ease and living in our connection really feels like. And the ego, which
lives inside of all of us, it’s a really powerful mechanism that keeps us safe and feeling
good about ourselves. And so, the ego does not want to look at what is wrong. It just
wants to be in what’s right and feeling good and feeling empowered and everything’s
fine. And to a certain extent that’s true. So, like, what we’re dealing with here, we’re
dealing with what I like to call a core wound, and the core wound does not want to be
looked at, does not want to be discovered. And the core wound is our separation, and
it’s the separation of our wisdom from our power, or our core of consciousness from our
power base. And these archetypically can be looked at in different ways. I think the most powerful way we can look at it is as a disconnect from our own inner masculine or our own inner feminine. And when I say that, I mean our mind and our power. There’s a
disconnect between our mind and our power.
Dr. Patti Taylor: You know, I think what you’re saying is so intense, and it’s so hard for
people to hear that I’m just going to put kind of a bookmark there for a second and ask if
maybe you could give an example from your personal life, so we can almost go slow
motion here for a minute so that we can actually digest just a little bit.
Baba Dez: OK.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Because it’s just so powerful and so important what your saying and I
don’t want our listeners going “What did they just say?” or “I’m turning off the dial. I don’t
know what this core wound stuff is”, but this is so amazing what you’re saying, I actually
hope that we can all almost savor this beauty, not like it’s a bad thing, you know, not
like, “Oh, I don’t want to hear about a core wound on my drive home.” It’s just, there’s
something precious here.
Baba Dez: I just want to speak to that for a second because what happens when... this
is such an intense subject, and it’s so significant, and what happens is, for most people,
when we start talking into this, is that it’s almost like their eyes glaze over and people
tune out and go to sleep. Because, again, this is this information, and what is the nature
of being an extraordinary human being? What is the nature of manifesting our power
and using our dreams and desires and really being able to create a life and a situation
that we are ecstatic about?
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah, and if we could hear that about the core wound, I think we want
to, it’s just that like you said, the ego goes sort of ballistic and sometimes, hey, maybe
this would be a great time... actually we have to take a break first, but I would like
maybe you could give an example from your life or someone that’s really poignant and
obvious that we can hear because sometimes even if we hear “my best friend” or “I
know someone,” it’s sometimes easier if we hear it about someone else. So...
Baba Dez: I’d love to.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Please stay with us. This is Dr. Patii Taylor with Baba Dez Nichols. And
you can learn more about Baba Dez at his website, babadez.com. I’ll spell that. B-a-b-a d-e-z dot com. And he’s the author, along with Kamala Duffy, of “Sacred Healing: The
Shaman Method of Sex Magic.” And we’ll be right back.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, so we’re talking about orgasmic radiance, moving from the
personal story into overflowing ecstasy with Baba Dez. So, we were talking about the
core wound. We just jumped right into that one, didn’t we? And we’re looking for an
Baba Dez: OK, here’s a very personal example. I grew up in this culture, like many
people did. I grew up in the Santa Monica, west Los Angeles area, going to school,
brothers and sisters and family, kind of normal, would you say, American upbringing.
And what I was brought up in and what I was trained to do is to really exercise my mind.
And I was trained in this culture that if I had a healthy mind, and if I was quick enough,
smart enough, fast enough mentally and I could figure things out, I would be a
successful person. The other thing I learned in this culture is that if I was a good enough
athlete or if I was handsome enough, women were beautiful enough, then that’s the
other way you could be successful in this culture. So it’s either beauty or brains or
physical prowess. So it’s either the body or the mind that we have exercised or put the
emphasis on to become successful in this culture.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And you’re thinking as a man now, right?
Baba Dez: As a man or a woman.
Dr. Patti Taylor: As a woman either beauty or a mind?
Baba Dez: In this culture we’ve been conditioned and trained that we either need to be
smart enough or that we need to be physical enough to succeed, OK?
Dr. Patti Taylor: Uh-huh. Right.
Baba Dez: And so this is where the core wound is. Because those two aspects are only
half of who we are. There’s two other aspects of people’s being, besides the body and
the mind, there’s two other aspects of being that a wholeness in us, and those other
aspects of being are the heart and the emotional body. And the heart and the emotional
body generally have not been developed. They are these emaciated aspects of
ourselves, so there has been this entire split in our humanness where the mind and the
body have accelerated and become, if you can almost have an image of like, these
muscle-bound, well worked-out entities within us, and our hearts and our emotional
bodies are these atrophied, starving, emaciated parts of us. And so, that’s the split.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So, what did you do, probably at this point I’m guessing some of our
listeners are going “Well, yeah, that could be true, but, gee, you know I’d pay a million
dollars if I could fix that”, so what... I just want to say, for those of you that haven’t had
the pleasure of meeting Baba Dez, you know, you are such a radiant example of
someone who has really walked the walk and talked the talk. You know, you are a
radiant being, and, you know, you certainly have integrated clearly. You know, it’s really
obvious. What did you do to overcome that? How long did it take? As an example
Baba Dez: Well..
Dr. Patti Taylor: I don’t want to put you on the spot like this. You know, I’m being modest.
As a role model?
Baba Dez: OK, for me, what I did was, as a young man, probably in my teens, I realized
that something just didn’t feel right. Something was out, something was wrong, and so I
created, I validated, my own feelings. And I suppose I had some core people show up in
my life and validate my feelings in this area. So early on in my teens I started
manifesting different teachers in my life that somehow, magically, showed up for me,
energetically showed up for me to support me in a lot of these esoteric teachings that I
now teach. And I think that that was, like, the most crucial thing, and for whatever
reason I got that support and I got that training and what that looked like for me was
basically, first of all, realizing that I have an emotional body, that I needed to reclaim that emotional body, learning the tools, techniques and practices to actually reclaim the
emotional body, and then once I do that, start bringing it into health. And getting it strong and getting it healthy and getting it functioning again, because the emotional body is the power of manifestation, the engine of manifestation.
And the heart, what the heart does, the heart, that aspect of being, creates the union,
the resolution. So between exercising and bringing those emaciated parts back in me,
my ability to create resolution and union, and then actually bring manifestation into
power along with a healthy mind and a healthy body, creates a level of wholeness that
most people aren’t aware of. Like I said, this whole aspect of the emotional body is a
concept that most people are like, “What is he talking about?”
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, so, um, was this a painful process? How long did it take? Did it take you many years?
Baba Dez: It did take many years. It took many years because what it does is it keeps
building on itself, and what happens is as we start looking at all the things that are
blocking us from our love and our power, then all those things need to be moved
through, and it can be a painful process, but the thing is as you move through it, it’s
such a joyous process. Because nothing feels better and sweeter than stepping into
more power and more love. And it’s not something, “OK, now I’ve done this, and I’m
finished with it,” you know, it’s something that keeps building and growing in our beings.
And once you taste the sweetness of being connected with the divine and being
connected with the earth and being connected with another human being and having
that connected feeling without the separation, there’s no other way to live. It’s part of
what being human is all about, what being divine is all about. It’s living in that connected
place. So, yes, when we come up against our walls and our blocks and our challenges
and our wounds, oftentimes then we turn our conscious gaze onto these things, we then
become reconnected with our emotional bodies and we feel the pain of separation. But
as we heal the pain of the separation, we heal the separation, then we feel the joy of
communion, within ourself and with our entire reality.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So, if you’re a listener, and you’re not sure, I mean you’ve probably got
a lot of clients that come in and they go “You know, I don’t really know what’s wrong. I’m
kind of numb.” You know, what might be some signs that there’s something that’s not
quite right? You know shame, guilt, addiction...
Baba Dez: Yes I do. You know, one of the things that is really important is being able to,
when a client comes in, to be able to discern exactly where they’re at in their evolution,
because one person may need one thing, another person needs another thing. So
where are they at, and where is their next step? So if there’s discomfort or there’s pain
or separation in their bodies, we address that. If it’s in their hearts, we address that. If
they’re disconnected emotionally, we address that. And it’s really important when you’re
working with a client not to send them into overwhelm, because sometimes there’s so
many different facets they need to be working on it can seem like there’s just a whole lot
to do, and that’s the nature of the wound and the disconnect. Keeping it simple, keeping
it sweet, keeping it easy, and if we can make one huge difference in someone’s life
every day, or even a small difference, that they’re moving in a way that they can say
“OK, life is getting better, life is getting sweeter, I can handle this,” then they’ll keep
going on their path.
So, you know, it’s like this idea of healing the separation and then starting to feel
everything that we haven’t felt because it’s been too painful in our lives, you don’t want
to open up the floodgates all at once, it can send someone into overwhelm. So you just
take it one piece at a time depending upon how well they’re able to move through the
territory to assimilate and process. So it’s a very nurturing process and a very loving
process when it’s done with presence and integrity.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So that sounds like very good advice there, not to overwhelm yourself
and just take it one step at a time. You wrote a beautiful book, “Sacred Sexual Healing,”
so do you have a favorite starting out exercise that’s really good for people? That you
just love, that you think works for a lot of people getting in touch with their sacred
Baba Dez: You know, I love presence. And what I mean my presence is that I love that
place where we maybe, you can picture yourself in your busy day, running here, running
there or doing this, doing that. And there’s this place where what I really love is doing
this session with people is where we stop, and we breathe, and we drop everything else
away and get really present in the moment with our breath, with the sounds in the room,
with everything that’s happening for us and feel the agitation slip away and just come
right in to what’s happening right now, in my body, in my heart, in my belly. And feel that
place with just the silence of a ticking clock or a chirping bird, or the breeze going past
our faces, or just really taking it into the moment, getting really present, and slowing life
down. And then in that place being able to set our intention for what it is we want to
create and what we want to move into in our lives.
So I love that starting place of intent and focus and presence. That’s a real sweet place
in every emotion.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Wow, that was beautiful. It really got me present right then. Are we
doing a podcast right now or am I just sitting here with the birds? No, I think we’re doing
a podcast. Wow.
Baba Dez: We’re human beings. We love to feel, we love to sense, we love to be
present, and we’ll continue to do that which feels good, and the things that don’t feel
good, we’re gonna want to avoid those. It’s pretty simple.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, you know one of the nice things about this work is that it’s play,
really, and it’s beautiful, it feels so good; it’s just so rewarding, you know. So, excuse
me, I’ve got to do my practices now.
Baba Dez: You know, Patti, what’s really fascinating as a healer and as a sacred sexual
healer because there are so many facets to being a daka or a dakini or a temple priest
or priestess. But what’s really fascinating about it is, you know, there’s so many different
parts of life that people are wanting. One of the big things is that people are all wanting
to love and be loved, and as human beings a big part of loving and being loved is our
sexuality, you know. That’s moving in all of us, either we desire it and we want it, or
we’re afraid of it and we’re pushing it away. But all of us have a relationship to our
sexuality. How is that relationship serving us and how is it not? And where can we use
that powerful, potent energy that is so powerful that it can manifest life and manifest the
procreation of the human race? That energy is so powerful, how can we use it in other
ways, to actually create a better planet and serve the divine and really channel that
energy? And this whole idea of sacred sexual healing is a very powerful one, and,
again, it’s such a loaded subject because there’s so much guilt, shame and fear around
who we are as sexual beings that most people kind of go unconscious or run away from
the whole topic, and yet that’s really the source of our power.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I really love that I said that, and I have a great question for you, but we
have to take a break so don’t go away. Anyway, this is Dr. Patti Taylor and I’m here with
Baba Dez Nichols and you can learn more about Baba Dez at his website,
babaddez.com. And he’s the author, along with Kamala Duffy, of the book “Sacred
Sexual Healing: The Shaman Method of Sex Magic.” We’ll be right back. I also want to
say we did interview Kamala Duffy on another show not too long ago. She talked about
the book, too, so you can listen to her take on what they both co-wrote about. Please
stay with us.
Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back, and we’ve been talking about orgasmic radiance, moving
from personal story into overflowing ecstasy with Baba Dez. Actually, I have a question
for you. What do you do about people that say, “Well, I don’t have any core wounds,” or
“I don’t know, you know, what my core wounds are?” or, you know, or those people that
are sort of in total denial?
Baba Dez: That’s a great question and I fell that it’s really valid, because how can we
know about something that we don’t know about? And how can we feel something that
we don’t feel? And it’s an interesting paradigm because what the core wound is about is
a disconnect from our emotional bodies, which is our ability to feel. So if we’re
disconnected and we’re not feeling something, then we don’t know. We don’t know that
we don’t know.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Almost by definition, doesn’t the core wound try to stay hidden? Isn’t
that, I mean, when they destroyed the temples, they tried to turn it in on yourself so you
couldn’t see it?
Baba Dez: Of course. Well, see, that’s what happened. All that information and support,
all that power, it was all spread out, and it was all buried, it was all destroyed. You know, they burned the libraries, they tried to destroy that information.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s hidden, so I must be crazy, I hate myself, my sexuality is dirty
and all of that, but it was hidden, so you just sort of start to walk around and think
something’s wrong with you, but you don’t even know, and you don’t want to admit it,
either. And so it’s all very subterranean, and so what happens?
Baba Dez: What happens... two or three different things happen. One thing is, the
emotional body is our power, so what it does unconsciously and subconsciously is it will
create situations and circumstances in our lives to wake us up.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Ahah...
Baba Dez: So what’ll happen is, it will either create breakdown in the body, or
breakdown on relationships, or breakdown in finances. It’ll create some kind of
breakdown in our life so that it brings us to our knees and we start to feel.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK. Got it.
Baba Dez: So if we’re not actively seeking our shadow, our shadow will seek us, and it
will do what it can to wake us up and bring us back into feeling. And so, here’s the guy
with the relationships breaking up, he loses his job, he’s broke financially. He finally
breaks down and cries, has a major catharsis, he’s on the operating table, he’s on his
deathbed, having a heart attack, whatever it is. I’m just drawing this picture. Whatever it
is, that shakes us into our awakening. Now, we can even...
Dr. Patti Taylor: I said, now isn’t that so profound?
Baba Dez: Well, it is, and the interesting thing is either it shakes us to our awareness of,
almost unconsciously something hits us over the head, or we get an idea that
something’s not right and we actually pursue it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah, but before that point.
Baba Dez: Yeah, before breakdown. So as a shaman, or as a being of power, our
choice is “OK, I am actually going to go after it rather than it going after me.” And so
that’s a very powerful choice because what we’re saying is “I am on a path of..” and you
know, basically that’s what spirituality is all about, that’s basically what all extraordinary
beings have done throughout history. That they’ve actively cultivated their power and
their presence and their love, and used that energy for service. And so, that’s basically
how that can work.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right. And I want to add that I think sometimes, in addition to that, I
think sometimes there are people on a hero’s journey, where you just need to get
clobbered over the head. Maybe you didn’t end up on the operating table, but you really
did get smashed to smithereens to some extent...
Baba Dez: Sure.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And then you either end up at a daka or a dakini, you know...
Baba Dez: Or a priest or a priestess or something...
Dr. Patti Taylor: ...and you say, you know, “I just don’t want this, but I need to save my
Baba Dez: Yes.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I call that the hero’s journey.
Baba Dez: Yes, and Patti, the core difference is that when it’s the hero’s journey there’s
a recognition that it’s happening to you. It’s like the dark night of the soul. You have the
conscious awareness that you’re on the journey and that something’s happening and
that you’re committed to moving through it, which is a little different than all this stuff
happening and you don’t have a clue what’s going on and you’re still kind of in victim
Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s right. So I guess what you would say is if, for our listeners, is if
you find yourself, something isn’t right, and you can paraphrase what I said, something
isn’t right and there are stirrings in your soul and question marks just floating out of the
top of your head, like if you don’t know what your core wound is, how about this? If you
just don’t even know what your core wounds are, because there are probably many,
they come and go, if you can’t just sit down right now and say “Here are my core
wounds,” maybe it’s time you started being able to name them off every day of the
week. Because I could tell you right now off the top of my head what my top five are for
today, so, you know...
Baba Dez: That’s a good question, Patti. That’s a good thing to point out, because
sometimes there’s a wound but how it shows up is in the symptoms of our life. And so,
you know, you can bet that if you have a physical breakdown or an emotional
breakdown or a relational breakdown, financial breakdown. If you’re not all the way in
your joy and there are things in your life that are causing you discomfort and pain, that
is a symptom of your core wound.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, and I think that we all have core wounds. And we can have them
healed, core wounds, but my life is very different than your life, I guarantee you. And the
way I was treated as a child is very different than the way anyone else was treated as a
child, so even when I heal my core wounds I guarantee you my scars will be more
easily broken in certain places.
Baba Dez: Well, that’s just a very different...every soul has its own unique journey, and
we all have our challenges to face and some of our are just trying to deal with just
feeding ourselves and not be in starvation mode on this planet, while others there’s a
great emotional challenge or spiritual challenges or the family dynamic challenges or
financial challenges. Every soul is on its journey and we all have our own particular
challenge that we’re moving through. And you know, part of that, in owning the core
wound, healing it and then realizing that when we do that what happens is that we end
duality and we move into a place of oneness again where there is no separation.
And that’s what living in ecstasy and bliss is about, ending the separation, which is the
core wound, and coming back into wholeness. And that’s ....go ahead.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I was going to say, we’re going to bring this show to an end pretty soon
and continue this on in a second show, but I just want to end on a very, very beautiful
note, which is that, as you have said so eloquently, is that for me, discovering my core
wounds has opened up my heart into intimacies never imaginable for me before, with all
my sexual training and everything else and awakenings and spirituality. But the core
wound definitely held many keys to my heart, and so I think this is very important and
beautiful work, and it is the key, the way to unlock profound radiance.
Baba Dez: Thank you, that was beautiful.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So we’re gonna bring the show to a close and I was just wondering if
you had any final words you would like to say.
Baba Dez: Well, I think that one thing I would like to say to everyone listening is that,
don’t be afraid to feel, because it will point you in the direction of where you need to
heal, and bring you back into more wholeness, and as much as we resist what isn’t
working in our lives we can actually embrace it and deal with it, then that’s how we bring
in more joy and happiness and health and abundance, so go for it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: OK. Hmmm..go for it. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Baba Dez: Mm-Hmm. Thank You.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Thank you, Baba Dez. So, we’ve been talking to Baba Dez Nichols, and
he’s the author of the book “Sacred Sexual Healing: The Shaman Method of Sex
Magic,” and this book is actually a compendium of a lot of what he teaches in his own
dakini work with people. So if you haven’t yet had a chance to work with Baba Dez, or
Kamala Duffy, this is an amazing kind of a guide or a handbook for everything from
doing some of that emotional work to sacred spot ritual and multiple orgasms and just
so much. So it’s a really great guide and a compendium of their combined wisdom. Just
so you know about it, you can get it by going to babadez.com, his website. So in part
two of the show we’re going to talk about another amazing facet of Baba Dez, which is
Sedona Temple, which is one of the greatest parties on the planet, and possibly we’ll
get into the whole cultural, larger picture of orgasmic energy, so stay with us for part two
and thank you all for listening.