Episode 64 - The Shaman Method of Sacred Sex Magic (Part Two) with Kamala Devi
Hear Dr. Patti chat with Kamala Devi, co-author of Sacred Sexual Healing (along with Baba Dez Nichols), about the ancient secret ritual of sexual magic. Who does it? What can you ask for? What is not a good way to ask for things? Find out why ritual will empower your requests even further. What is the way to do a ritual? How can you intensify orgasms to add fuel to the fires? Is there a best way to make love? Can single people, and single-gendered couples do these rites? Learn the entire ritual as laid out in the SHAMAN method in their new book and find out just how often is appropriate for you to be asking for, and manifesting, all the dreams you’ve been desiring! Find out how easy it is, and how you just might be adding to world peace in the process!
Announcer: This program is intended for mature audiences only.
Dr. Patti Taylor: This is Part 2 of a two part podcast. If you liked Part 1, you’ll find it at personallifemedia.com.
Welcome to the Expanded Lovemaking’ show, I’m your host Dr. Patti Taylor of ExpandedLovemaking.com, and I teach you how to make exquisite love. This is part 2 of a two part series on Shamanic sexual practices.
Today we’re talking about Shaman method of ‘Sacred Sex Magic’; people have practiced sexually magic for thousands of years, to manifest all sorts of the amazing things on the [XX] plains.
Its inner wordings have remained a secret, but now our guest will share how we can use our orgasmic sexual magic to enrich our lives.
With this in mind, I like to welcome our Guest Kamala Devi.
Kamala Devi: Sex Magic is simple, and the simplest term is ‘anytime you infused your orgasmic energy with intention’ or you can call it a goal or a vision and then you release that and expand that in your body.
Anytime you are moving energy, and it's not for your self, meaning it's for somebody else, then you get into for one, it's hard to do, getting yourself part of your energized body, but first two, it could considered like, “Hey that may not be consensual magic.
So if you’re asking for something and you’re feeling guilty about asking for something, you don’t have the power, that’s necessary to actually manifest.
The end of the whole Shaman method, the last step is the next step, where you make a commitment to changing your behavior in a way that will take your step closer towards your goal.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Hi! Kamala
Kamala Devi: Hi! Patti, thank you.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Hi! it's really great to have you here. So we’ve already been talking and I’ve introduced Kamala just briefly, for those of you who have just jumping in. Kamala is a sex and relationship coach, she’s the author of ‘Sexual Sacred Healing’ and she is a Tantric coach for teachers and for the rest of us, for listeners and, anyway we’ve been talking in Part 1 already of the show, about doing sexual healings.
So I hope you’ve met Kamala already. In this session, we are going to go straight up in energy and have you in more intense love breaking experiences.
So we’ll find out exactly what to do and say to manifest our heart’s desires during love making and orgasms.
So, let’s talk about ‘Sex Magic’. First of all, how would you define ‘Sex Magic’?
Kamala Devi: Sex Magic is simple, and the simplest term is, anytime you infuse your orgasmic energy with intention, or you can call it a goal or a vision and then you release that and expand that in your body. So it's basically just putting your orgasm together with your desires.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay now, can you do this with anybody or do you have to give to love your partner in order to do this, in order for it to work or, how does it work?
Kamala Devi: Great question. I think that there’s a lot of miss numbers and misunderstanding about what sex magic is and how to practice it and do you have to be a priest or priestess, and basically my intention is to make this a practice totally accessible and also safe to the main stream.
So you don’t have to necessarily have a partner, you don’t have to necessarily be trained by a cousin to do this work, but I do invite people to every thing they do. In the realm of sex magic, you should do so with a pure intention and love is a part of that and doing it in the highest could involve the partner, is that and you can do it practicing alone or you can do it with a partner or even with a group in some cases.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay good, so what kinds of things might one ask for, how altruistic do I have to be?
Kamala Devi: Disguise a limit on what you could ask for and you are asking about altruism, well anytime you’re trying to move energy, another way of saying like, do magic, because in essence magic is just basically, transforming energy.
Anytime you are moving energy, and it's not for yourself, meaning it's for somebody else, then you get into, for one, it's hard to do, getting yourself part of your energized body, but first two, it could be considered like, “Hey that may not be consensual magic”.
So as long as it's within your own power and energy filled, then you are safe. So if you want to wish for deeper connection with your partner, beautiful. If you want to wish for a promotion that you work, because it's something that you want to try harder; be better at, then you can use your sexual energy to get a promotion.
If you want to ask for a new tires on your truck, then great, work on that as well, but when you start asking for, well I want my husband to get a promotion at his work, it's a little bit more of a stress because it doesn’t have to do with your energy and it's not directly within your control.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay now, obviously this is, and I am the first person to ask you this, what about world peace?
Kamala Devi: Yeah, world peace is beautiful, a beautiful thing to ask for and because as we, as we are always reminded by the words of Gandhi that, “Hey the world peace begins within us”. So it is within our power, when we’re using our orgasmic energy towards global peace, we are really asking for inner peace as well, and to the degree that we can be in our inner peace than we are actually transforming world peace.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay or you pray for healing, for someone, that we’ve never met, that’s okay too? So,
Kamala Devi: Yeah absolutely, yeah.
Dr. Patti Taylor: But something specific like your boyfriend’s promotion is getting a little edgy.
Kamala Devi: No, it's not, all of the edgy, okay, not okay; it's all like judgment from the ego extent point. Like so, we’re not to say whether it's right or wrong, basically what I want to do is empower you to note that your orgasm is really powerful.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay Kamala. I like a lot of what you have to say, so if I want to ask for a Mercedes Benz, I don’t have to feel guilty, like I am being selfish or something, like it's like more power to me, right? My orgasm, and if I want to….
Kamala Devi: You being up a really good point, so sex magic doesn’t work when there’s guilt in your system.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right.
Kamala Devi: So if you are feeling guilty, and you are using [cross talk] and I am using this example, which is a great example.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay
Kamala Devi: If you are asking for something and you are feeling guilty about asking for something, you don’t have the power necessary to actually manifest, so last segment, last time I was on your show, I got to talk about ‘Sexual Healing’ and sexual healing comes before sex magic, because healing is where overcome the guilt, the fear, the shame, once you’ve cleared your system of a lot of sexual guilt, fear and shame then you have more power to put towards the magic.
But if you have a lot of sexual stuff, like holding back and uncomfortable and unconscious about your sex then you really not going to have the potential that you could, to do sex magic. Sex magic takes a lot of healing first.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well these are really good points and I’m pretty sure we’re going to find out how to do it. But I have a few more questions first. I’ve actually noticed, for a long time, I have practiced sex magic without really knowing the specifics why.
It just like, the point of orgasm, I am fantasizing about what I want and what the role is going to look like and so, but does anyone know why it works or is it just a sort of, well I will let you take it from there?
Kamala Devi: Well when we get into an ecstatic state of arousal, we are opening up doorways and it’s that doorway between the Monday and the extraordinary.
So I mentioned before that orgasm is the most powerful power on the planet. It's the most powerful force, it actually pierces through the veil of, like the in adamant, it's like you actually bring in life, life forms forced through orgasm, and so you can tape in the same powerful life force even if you are not going to conceive a child, that’s why it seems so magical and mysterious, but it's basically the point at which we become so expanded, we’re god like and can have a profound effect on a reality.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s a great answer, it's the highest creative powerful point, there is, isn’t it? That’s a beautiful answer. So just a few things don’t have to give me a really long list, but what are just a few things that you’ve asked for and received?
Kamala Devi: Well I live, it's kind of funny it's like, everything in my life that I have right now is the combination of juicy sex that I’ve had. So I look around myself, I have a beautiful tantric partner, he and I have a baby, one and a half year old, he was consciously conceived, we did sex magic when we were conceiving him.
We live in a beach house in pacific beach and that’s a million dollar home and we probably did sex magic for two years before getting this home, but it's a community home and it really serves the tantric community. We hold events here all the time, and then my partner and co-author Baba Dez Nichols, when he came to me and said “Let’s make a book”. We handled it just like as if we were making a baby.
We made love with very conscious intention to create a manual that would really serve and heal people on the sexual level. So those are all examples, of sex magic.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well those are great examples, so I must say you do seem to have a very magical life, so I love, I love that you just watching you talk.
So anyway we are going to take a short break, so please stay with us, this is Dr. Patti Taylor and I am here with Kamala Devi and we will be right back I promise.
You can learn more about Kamala at partnerplayshop.com and she is the author of the book, ‘Sacred Sexual Healing’, the co-author I should say with Baba Dez Nichols, and you can get that book, I am sure at partnerplayshop.com, and find out, learn more about what Kamala is doing, because she’s doing all kinds of interesting things.
Actually find website partnerplayshop.com, you should just go there and check it out.
So do stay with us.
[Commercial break]
Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back and I am Dr. Patti Taylor, and we’re talking about sex with our guest Kamala Devi, we should say sacred sex magic.
Any way, before the break we were just getting into some of the great thing that you have done. When you talk about this, you mentioned that were some ritual aspects that you recommend, could you sort of paint out a picture of how this might look, for people that are going ahead to do it?
Kamala Devi: You had mentioned earlier that you’ve been in high states of arousals, even at the point of orgasm and kind of visioning what the world might look like and that “Wow, that’s, it's like this”, imposed to do sex magic naturally.
I do think that’s really typical, like we are natural creators and at that height and state of arousal you want to create something. But what I am sharing in our book ‘The Shaman method of Sex Magic’ is how to super charge that and flash that out and make it very effective based on ancient tools and practices as well as modern ones.
So it is more than just thinking about what you want when you come. The first ingredient is intention, and that’s really before you start making love getting clear on what it is that you wanting to manifest.
A man, we layout a six step process called the Shaman method, which is actually an acronym S H A M A N, to each of the steps for the process and as I am going to ask you, Patti, what is it that you would want to create?
Dr. Patti Taylor: I would like to dedicate this year to taking my physical wellbeing, I had an injury, injury earlier this year so and I am doing very well, I want to just take my health and I am working on it, but I want to take it to a level of actual phenomenal radiance, beyond any thing I’ve every felt in my entire life.
Kamala Devi: Beautiful.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay
Kamala Devi: It's like twist and total recovery of the injury and then taking your health beyond, where
Dr. Patti Taylor: On all levels, absolute, stunning
Kamala Devi: Good and where was the injury, just so we can visualize that painfully?
Dr. Patti Taylor: It was a sound injury.
Kamala Devi: Okay, so when we do the Shaman method we would set that intention, which is beautifully stated, and you might even write it out or you might even color it or paint it, and then what you would do is you would come to, you would begin to create a sacred space for it.
Like a temple where you are going to do this practice and for some that just means light a candle, and for others that means you’ve got a [xx] with music and sound and lighting and or you out in nature or whatever it is, you’re creating a really sacred environment and that’s the ritualistic element to it.
The more energy you put into it, the more energy you will get out of it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay
Kamala Devi: And then we do this practice called holding space, I’m just going to share with you a couple of the steps, the second step here is ‘H’ for ‘Holding Space’ and this is the profound beep, practice of just being, present to whatever is real for you.
So you just shared with us you vision, and it's easy to talk about like, “Oh! It feels juicy and I am excited about it, but let’s be real, honest and transparent, underneath that you probably got some frustration about the injury and the healing. You might have some like, “Ho! And I’m so busy”.
So I would just, if we were doing it together, ask you for like’ “what’s the deepest treat, what’s you biggest fear, about this ritual?” and by you voicing it we are not energizing it but at least we are not resisting it. Because you’ve heard, just as a personal growth, and the personal growth you’ve heard that what you resist, persist.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right, so we’re open to it, I guess.
Kamala Devi: You got it. We are releasing the power from it and we’ve held space for whatever that’s, your fears, your boundaries and once that’s all, kind of, in its proper place, then we start activating the ‘Kundalini’ which is the ‘A’ in the Shaman method and that is all of the juicy foreplay.
From a ritualistic standpoint, that could be belly dancing or just moving and breathing and wimbling your finger tips and toes, or even just undulating, the other with your partner, whatever is appropriate for you and the key to shaman method is to: know who you are, and to be really true to that. It's not like follow this formulae, that’s outside of you but tailor it to what works for you.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So foreplay could that also be sexual play?
Kamala Devi: Absolutely, absolutely as long as it's activating the ‘Kundalini’, like really arousing you, really getting and raising the energy in the bedroom.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, got it.
Kamala Devi: And then from there, we get to move in to, some of the merging and the magic, which is what the ‘M’ stands for, and that’s when and also in tantra it's called ‘Maha Mudra’ which is the great lock, the seal, and if you practicing with a partner, it would be, in your penetration, if you are practicing alone, it would be penetrating yourself, or really starting to take yourself to that arousal, you are really masturbating at that point. So that’s where the end is.
And there is some teachings about how to get the most out of that step. I was going to step us through those three, so you get and idea like, “Oh! Step by step we’re creating a ritual” and then there is technology on how to confuse the orgasm and the realm.
The intention to gather at the end, and most usually we talk about doing it, “Right at the point of orgasm”, but the shaman method brings up the very important magical place after orgasm.
Have you ever noticed Patti that, like after you come, you kind of float down, back down to the world, and there’s this feeling of like, “Wow! You are in your light body and it's almost so real”, and that’s the very powerful bonding time between either you and your partner or you and your intentions.
So, it's after lovemaking that you want to affirm, you want to end up the other ‘A’ is really affirm, what it was that you were visioning.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well is that what you are recommending for this? My orgasms are all over the maps. [Laughing]
Kamala Devi: Well you know, I am not saying that you want to change your orgasm at all. What I am saying is that when you have completed your orgasmic flow, so when like it that wave is over, then in the afterglow of the orgasm, is want to do some affirming. Anchoring, it's like you are anchoring it into that place.
Dr. Patti Taylor: No, because I am going to follow, I am going to do this step-by-step, exactly the way you prescribed it. I’d love to hear it from you, because it is a very powerful method, and it's so simple and if you do this, whatever it is, like next year you are going to be like, “Oh my gosh, I had the best most vibrant healthy year of my life”, you are going to be writing me emails while you are running marathons.
Alright, well let me when you’ve done describing this, because my next question is how often can I do this and can our listeners do the same? Let me know when you are done.
Kamala Devi: Sure, so I’ve taken you through that S H A M A and then the last ‘N’, the last letter and which actually stands for ‘next steps’. So the important thing is you have created the contract with the universe, about what it is that you are creating. But it's up to you to take the next step.
So the universe can help you manifest total vibrant half, but you have to meet her halfway. What are you going to do? Are you going to change your diet or going to start going on walks, is it diet, is it exercise, is it sleep. But you need to make a commitment to taking a step towards this affirmation that you have energized.
So that once you take a step towards the universe, the universe can take ten steps towards you. So, it's this really powerful partnership.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And does that come after you’ve done the affirmation?
Kamala Devi: Yes, that’s at the end of the whole, shaman method, the last step is the next step, where you make this commitment to changing you behavior in a way that will take you a step closer towards your goal.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay now. So my next question is, I have one question before I end, which is, is there some things you can do to intensify the orgasm? Let’s not holdback, now [Laughing] do show us just a little please.
Kamala Devi: One of the keys that you’re not, one of the indicators that you’re not in your fuller orgasmic credentials, anytime you are holding your breath. So if during orgasm, you find that you are clinching, you are holding, that’s when you discontinue to exhale, let it out.
Exhale is really important, people love to inhale in, but the exhale actually creates more space, it's like you are letting energy out, so that you can take more in, on the next breath.
So you really want to work with expanding the breath, and that’s actually, how we get from orgasm to multiple orgasms, which by the way is where you continue to experience waves of bliss without dropping below the plateau of arousal.
So you’ve experienced one climax, and instead of resting, in the refractory period, before going back into orgasm, you actually allow another wave to crash over, and crash over.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And that’s for men and for women?
Kamala Devi: For both men and women. For men there is several, there is more of a training on how to hold back the ejaculation, so that you can experience orgasm, and there is a really important distinction between, ejaculation and orgasm, because you can have multiple orgasms but not necessarily multiple ejaculations, where you are releasing the semen
and thereby releasing the charge.
For women, well actually for men and women, the key here is, instead of holding, because we are afraid of loosing control, afraid of like surrendering, you really want to allow the feminine principle to take over you. Which means, ‘Trust’, breath, bring all of your awareness into that place of sensation and be very focused, so that the orgasm can continue to expand instead of cutting off and holding you back from the potential.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That is so beautiful and exhaling, right? That is so beautiful, well we are going to take another break, but [inhaling deeply] I sure [Laughing and cross talking].
So we are going to take another break this is Dr. Patti Taylor and I am talking to Kamala Devi.
You can learn more about Kamala at partnerplayshop.com, she is the author of the book, ‘Sacred Sexual Healing’, with her co-author Baba Dez Nichols, I should say the subtitle is ‘The Shaman Method of Sex Magic’ usually I leave that off because people remember free words a lot easier and I don’t know seven, but in this case is probably important.
As I mentioned this is such a great book, I love books that empower people to do some fun, their own, I think we’re living in a world where a lot of people are about power man, and a lot of our listeners who want to empower themselves and their partners to be healers and to heal and I think a lot of healers, who write these books have that vision are that we all heal ourselves and heal the world.
And so when they see a book like this, it gives me shivers because I know that someone could pick up this book and just healing themselves and their partner, and it brings tears to my eyes, I’m so moved because, Kamala can’t see everybody in [xx].
But you can buy book and start having profound intimate connections, with yourself and your partner, just from here, and I am sure Kamala have seen a lot of people and just comes from a wealth of experience, so this is really a precious book.
Kamala Devi: Hey, thank you.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So please stay with us, we will be right back and talk about some more juicy stuff before we wrap up the show.
[Commercial break]
Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back and I am Dr. Patti Taylor, and we’re talking about Shaman method of sex magic with our guest Kamala Devi.
Okay well, I’m sure all our listeners are like, their brains are just like, “turning around and going wild” can I do a week you know [Laughing].
Finally got a list, a mile long, the things they want to heal and manifest. So let’s hear short answer on that, how often can I do this?
Kamala Devi: Well it has, it's directly proportionate to how much power, how much personal power you have. So before, I mentioned, before you get into the realm of magic and transformation, then you have to do your own personal growth work.
You have to make sure that you’re clear of the lower emotions and so if you needs them, and by the way I am not saying don’t do this until such and such, it's like, this is your birth right, you practice this, but you also simultaneously have to practice clearing your negative stuff.
Because then with the personal power it's like you have a greater frequency to do more positive change.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I think that’s a beautiful point. I just want to say, I’ve been in this field myself, I don’t know, since before time began and I am always doing sexual healing, so that the image that you’re healing, then you done is, I don’t know where that came from, but life is full of ups and downs and I think it's a process where you have stuff happening and you kill it, and maybe that is such a thing.
You heal it, you cure it and then you get enough power to do the sex magic and it's like that, a series of cycles.
Kamala Devi: Yeah, in fact in China, we talk about the healing path, as the journey, as if it's linear, like its one mind, but in the east it's a spiral, a spiral healing path. This is some times you are on that path and you realize, “Gosh, it seems like I’ve been here before”, but you are not regressing, you are actually, further along than you were, it's just some of the cycles are coming back around.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s really beautiful, so maybe you do sex magic when the time feels right.
Kamala Devi: Yeah, you are right. Yeah it's got to be divinely guided and really supportive.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Now you said, here is another question for you, you said that people go into the stiff position, I think you said this in the book, I don’t know if you said this, when you were describing where the woman is sitting on top of the man and in a sitting position, to manifest, at the orgasmic moment, am I correct?
Kamala Devi: Yeah, let me show with the okay, so what you are describing, when a woman straddles a man and is the typical ‘Yab-Yum’ [sp] position. ‘Yab-Yum’ [sp] meaning mother-father coming together and this is very powerful for magic and transformation because the spine is actually vertical.
So the spine being the channel, the divine channel between earth and heaven, and when it's vertical, it's like where conduits were. And the other beautiful thing about man and woman sitting like this is that, the woman, they are equals, they are coming together as equals not as he’s on top or she’s on top.
So this very, very powerful position, and it creates a sacred geometry, and it's important to be aware that every sexual position you engage in has a sacred geometry and has different spiritual significance, but no particular position is necessary for sex magic.
You could be in a wheelchair and you can do that practice, very powerful sex magic, you could be like completely spooning or on an aero plane under blankets, trying not to let stewardess see you. [Laughing]
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah,
Kamala Devi: And I think that’s really important because, I as a tantric want to emphasize that we have ideas of what constitutes sacred and will also, I acknowledge you to be very human and that the profane can be very sacred as well.
And so, as long as it's spirit guided and you are really listening to your body and what your body wants in a moment, listening to your lover and what’s appropriate for the two of you to co-create then you are in the perfect position.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Such a beautiful answer, we are running out of time, but I have a few more questions, just see if we can kinas it through them.
What about people of like two women, two men where it's not quite sure, or just by yourself?
Kamala Devi: Different than the man woman thing.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I am a bisexual woman and I love, a lot of tantric teachers, teaching some very header sexes that I love, will be emphasizing that, this is about your orgasmic energy, this is about your sacred connection and it's totally independent of what your gender is.
Kamala Devi: So you could do this, by yourself.
Dr. Patti Taylor: You talk about this in the book.
Kamala Devi: Certainly, certainly very powerful to do sex magic ritual through a masturbation meditation.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah,
Kamala Devi: And by the way you can do this practice alone a lot, and then you can also, even do sex manage magic to manifest a partner.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Oh, wow, well you got all the single people.
Kamala Devi: Yeah you can manifest, if you really master it, it's not like just, you’re playing with your self and you are thinking about, oh I wish I had somebody here, that’s not how it works.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Of course, you have to go through the shaman method, thank you very much.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I learnt my lesson today, okay now and you can use G-spot and pressing massage to enhance this?
Kamala Devi: Sure
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, so let’s not be limited to intercourse, right?
Kamala Devi: Yes.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay. And can you ever become a channel at the point of orgasm? Like bring through other energies, since you are already in that place?
Kamala Devi: Yeah, I am glad you mentioned that. It's a great closing note, because there’s nothing like sex magic to remind us of how extraordinarily big we are.
That we are really expanded beings and the sex magic great for manifestation, but it's also powerful to bring us closer to our divine nature, to remind us of our enlightenment and the more sex magic we practice, you can bring, higher conscious intentions, like the healing of the planet, as you mentioned, or also just intending to make love for the enlightenment of our beings.
Dedicate your lovemaking, over to the highest good of all humanity, very powerful.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well thank you very much, I have to say there is not very much, this is for our listeners, there’s not very much written that, since the year 1750, okay you want to go back to, ancient scrolls and dig through those, you can but there is very little written, that’s intelligible to the modern person on sex magic.
You’ve written so clearly, and made it accessible to contemporary listeners, it really is just fabulous and I’ve learnt more today than I even thought I would. I am so inspired.
I want to ask you just one final question, but I just say thank you for just sharing this information with us all.
Kamala Devi: It's just really special, people, our listeners will got out and do this, because I think our world would be better off if people selfishly, joyfully ask for what they wanted.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah and they probably would have. [Laughter] we would probably start getting it, among other things. Would you be so kind, as to leave us a parting hi.
Kamala Devi: Yeah the work starts with you. So whether you have a partner or not, do sacred sexual shaman method of sex magic with your self, first and that’s where you’ll build your power and then be able to bring it into relationship as well.
So start with you, and expand out from there. Okay, well love yourself and expand ever outward.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So thank you so much, Kamala Devi for joining us today.
Kamala Devi: Thank you, I’m sorry about the interruption but [Laughing] connecting with you soon.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well you know when you are that hot; everyone just starts beating a path to your door, what can I say [Laughing]
Kamala Devi: I like to think so.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So, we’ve been talking with Kamala Devi partnerplayshop.com, thank you so much, her book ‘Sacred Sexual Healing’ and you’ve been to me
Please send me Patti email, at [email protected] for text and transcripts of this show and other shows from the personal life media network.
Please visit personallifemedia.com. Also please visit me Dr. Patti Taylor at www.expandedlovemaking.com or you can join my mailing list and find out more about my products services and events.
This is Dr. Patti Taylor and that’s all for now. I remain yours and ever extending lovemaking and I’ll see you next week.
[Commercial Break]