Episode 16 - The Role of Independent Media
What happens when three podcasters get together and talk green, independent media and give you the inside scoop on what drives them in interviews...listen to this episode and find out! You'll learn how decisions are made in the indepedant media space -- what makes good guests - what questions bring out the best stories and the path that Carolyn and Irv walked to get out of mainstream marketing and media and into the world of independent media. We'll talk about the impact of RFID chips on the children of the future, the importance of getting outside and some of the great guests that have contribued to the "American the Green" podcast. Learn about Paul Hawken and his guest appearance as well as the eco-savvy parenting that creates peace in these podcasts home! You'll love this open and deep dialoge about intimacy, the future of the planet and the importance of Living Green.
"America the Green" Podcast Show Hosts: The Role of Independent Media in the Green Movement
Announcer: This program is brought to you by personallifemedia.com
Meredith Medland: Welcome to Living Green. I'm your host Meredith Medland. And I'm delighted today to put you right behind the scenes of people who make podcasts, just like me. I wanna introduce you to Carolyn Parrs and Irv Weinberg, who have a podcast called America the Green which you can also find in iTunes. And today we're gonna talk about what the roll of media is in this whole "green" movement. We're gonna learn lots of wonderful things about Irv who is incredibly handsome, witty; he's an avid organic gardener; a writer and blogger for green companies. He's of course the family cook cuz the two of them live together. And we're gonna learn about Carolyn and specifically talk to her about her wilderness fast retreats in New Mexico. And of course they have two great children. So as they look forward into what's going on with our nation, of course they've got their wonderful kids in mind. But what you need to know today is a little bit more about America the Green. So each week from their home in Santa Fe New Mexico, Carolyn and Irv speak with lots of green business leaders, local community activists and forward thinkers— of course from sea to shining sea— so that they can create positive change in the world. America the Green is a little bit different than Living Green because it's a lot more based on the education standpoint. And if you've listened to this podcast before you know that my focus is to eliminate the psychology of ecology. So that when you're listening today our focus is really on pulling out the attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that both Irv and Carolyn bring to the table.
Irv Weinberg: You know Carolyn and I always believed in just doing it in a gentle way. You know we don't believe in the activist issue with people, so our whole thing is inclusion in every way.
Carolyn Parrs: Being green is a natural expression. Doing those outward things for the environment, for Mother Earth, is an outward expression of something that's happening on the inside.
Irv Weinberg: We realize that if we could educate people- everyone- in the movement that people would make a choice. And we have known from our own research that people say they will do more if they only knew what to do. So that's how we feel the role of technology plays into that.
Carolyn Parrs: Paul Hawkins, for example, we had him on our show— activist—
he was incredibly helpful with that. This movement, this green movement which is the largest "unnamed movement" as he called it— one to two million businesses, companies that don't even know each other— going out and doing something for environment and social issues.
Irv Weinberg: We actually come from New York City and we love the big cities. You can still look up at the sky. You can still see a bird. You can still walk through the park. You can take a moment. Hey bring your lunch, but bring the bag.
Meredith Medland: Welcome to the show! Hi guys.
Irv Weinberg: Well, thank you for having us.
Carolyn Parrs: Thank you!
Meredith Medland: What's it feel like being on the other side of the mike?
Irv Weinberg: I'm telling ya, I'm not sweating as much.
Meredith Medland: [laughter]
Carolyn Parrs: I'm sweating more!
Meredith Medland: Exactly! So when you're choosing guests for your show how do you go about doing that?
Carolyn Parrs: Well with America the Green our focus really is on bringing green to the mainstream and we take a look at a broad spectrum of guests and topics. Such as one of our favorite shows was green weddings, "How to Green Up Your Wedding." We just did a show recently on green funerals. And we talk about global warming. So we look at the wide spectrum of daily activities that we do as Americans. And we talk to, you know
experts or authors, or leaders in field on how to green up their lives that way. So— what we call green streaming of America. So, also if I take a personal interest— you know if it excites me— you know I give them a call. [laughs]
Meredith Medland: Excellent. What are you doing in your lives to be part of the movement?
Irv Weinberg: Well, we have lived a green lifestyle for many, many years. In fact the home we live in is a totally green structure— it has no paint in it, it has no glue, it has no carpet— it's completely green. We've been eating green way before many people did. We were part of the organic movement for many years. So basically what happened Meredith was we followed our lifestyle not only into our business but into the show as well. So, this is not something we've just kind of come to. It's grown out of the things we have lived with and been interested in with our whole life.
Meredith Medland: So you transitioned— it sounds like outside of some of the more, oh, standard ways to go green— which is you know your household chemicals, and your food and your habits, and living simply. And you're kind of at the next level, let's say. So what are the changes that are occurring in your consciousness as you become more sustainable?
Irv Weinberg: Well I mean— and that's a great question. Mostly it's the spreading of the word. So we feel like we're evangelists in this movement. We have brought a lot people in our family, in our friendships and in our just general relationships into the green movement. And one of the favorite things we did when we lived in Connecticut— we had friends who were anything but green but we introduced them to organic milk, and then from there they went to organic products. And it's been really great to like educate people. And you know Carolyn and I always believed in just doing it in a gentle way. You know we don't believe in the activist issue with people so our whole thing is inclusion in every way. So whatever we can do to bring people into the fold, we feel that's doing something.
Carolyn Parrs: And also, I just want to say, that being green is an inside job rather than an outside job. I mean Irv said a lot of things that you can do in your life— you know change a light bulb or use nontoxic paints, but really it's a — for me it's a development of consciousness. It's just raising the consciousness. And when you raise the consciousness of yourself— whether it's through spirituality, meditation, yoga or whatever your spiritual beliefs are— being green is a natural expression. Doing those outward things for the environment, for Mother Earth, is an outward expression of something that's happening on the inside.
Meredith Medland: When you think of your children and the lives that they're being ushered into, what kind of vision do you hold for our future?
Irv Weinberg: Well, I mean our— everything about what we do is, is really based on that. You know there's the seven generation concept of leaving the planet in a good shape for the ones who come after. And actually our concerns are for our children and we bring them into it. It's all part of the way you know we live our lives: that they understand what we're doing; they understand why. And you know we're very fortunate; we live in a physically green environment. Even when we look outside our window. And I'm a big gardener and we believe in being part of nature. We take our— we hike a lot; we bring our kids into nature whenever possible, whenever we can. And we're also believers in sort of a more old fashioned lifestyle. It's just involving ourselves and our kids in the natural world. Because when you get out into nature— when you get your hands dirty, when you watch a plant grow that you have put in the ground— you care more about it. Then it becomes real; it's not theoretical it's actual.
Meredith Medland: Mm. I was interviewing (Richard Lube) who wrote "No Child Left Behind" in episode two, and he spoke a lot about the importance of being outside in nature. I live in Santa Barbara and love to get in the ocean. And I completely agree. So, one of the things I'd like people— our listeners— to know about the two of you, is that you actually have a background in advertising and marketing. So Irv, you've been at Young & Rubicam, and Gray advertising in New York City. And the two of you also have a marketing company. And Carolyn, your expertise has been more as a copywriter and also working in some nonprofit organizations. So you're coming from access to and involvement in Fortune 500 marketing. So given that experience combined now with— it sounds like you live in a pretty incredible home. I mean what you explained—
that's unique and different. What do you think the role of technology is in the spiritual component of this new ecology movement? Podcasts are growing. Audiences are growing and podcasts. But if our listeners are listening to a podcast they're probably pretty dialed into technology. So what I'm interested in is, you understand the marketing and the behavioral targeting that's available through online advertising and also through new forms of media coming online. And I'm curious, as you look at your children growing and you've got them in this ecologically sound environment, what does the role of technology play in their evolution as it relates to the ecology movement?
Irv Weinberg: Yeah well I'm thinking that technology is not a bad thing, it's actually a great thing. And it's a dissemination of information; the speed at which you can retrieve information today, the way— I mean take your podcasts as well as ours: we started this because we felt what can we do in this world to make it a better, greener place? And short of all the things that you do that are obvious— recycle, live carefully— the impetus for our own show was get the word out. And then we realized that if we could educate people— everyone— in the movement that people would make a choice. And we have known from our own research that people say they will do more if they only knew what to do. So that's how we feel the role of technology plays into that.
Carolyn Parrs: Yeah and Meredith you said specifically our children. We balance technology in our house. I mean my children do not go on— during school time— they're not on the computer and they're not watching TV during the week. I mean that's just something that we do in the house so that they can have more interaction with the human values and nature. However my son does— my son is 14 and he has an iMac computer and he is very interested in editing and in technology. And we kind of weave that into our lives. I think it’s really important to have a balance between the two. I think what's happening with the new media and the social communities are remarkable. And the kids are— just pick it up so quickly, but for me it's really important that my children— and all children— don't get so technologically entrenched that they lose touch with, you know, with a pinecone. [laughs]
Meredith Medland: Yeah
Irv Weinberg: Right, the real world.
Carolyn Parrs: Yeah exactly. So we are really careful about the balance. They pick it up in second. I don't believe the thought that "Oh well they have to— at three or four or five— they have to be on the computer because they gotta learn, learn, learn now!" You know what? My son didn't start really until— I think it was ten and eleven— even going near a computer and he is a whiz right now. It was really important in the early time— in the early ages of our children— to really have them without all of that kind of media hitting them all time and so that they can really develop their own imagination and own thinking— abstract, abstract thinking.
Meredith Medland: What do you think the role of media will be in their lives in the next 15 years?
Irv Weinberg: Well I think the role for all of us is gonna be information. Now the question is gonna be "How do we make that information be positive?" I think that there's an onslaught today, a 24 hour news barrage of all different things coming at you all the time. And I think that because of that we should— you know we should use the tools that are available to us. And I think that there is more, perhaps a more conscious way to do things. And you know it's like any parent has the same responsibility; you make choices and you kind of guide your kids through it. Like some of my most enjoyable evenings that I spend with my son Zach— who's 14, who's a film person— is to sit with him and to analyze good film and what makes it good. And we have great conversations about cutting techniques and, you know, scenes and writing and screenplays. And I have to say he did— his first film that he did was in the Santa Fe Teenage Film Festival. And when I saw his name go up in lights— that he had written the script for this— I was so thrilled that I could barely sit still. So that's, that's how we see media. We're media people. We think media is a good thing when it's used in a good way.
Carolyn Parrs: And another comment there is that I think the internet and being able to find the information you want, not necessarily delivered by the big 5 stations and the big media companies. Right now everyone has a voice. Everyone can speak up. Look, you have a podcast here Meredith right, and so do I. And you can do it out of your home. You can do it out of your, your bedroom if you want to, and it gets out there to millions of people. So the role of media is really about— to me it's listening to the people more than ever, I believe.
Irv Weinberg: Yeah actually— I'd like to add on that because what Carolyn said is really what I think is the most remarkable part of the new media— is that we all have an equal voice. If your content is good, if your information is good, you can get listened to. Like when we started off podcasts the first moment we had it we had like six people that were listening to it. We were so excited about that, like "Where did they come from?" and now we are reaching mega thousands of people around the world that we— are telling us— that you guys have impacted us and we are like beside our self with happiness about that.
Carolyn Parrs: Yes and thank you iTunes for helping that ….
Meredith Medland: Yeah isn't that delightful? It's been so fun to get feedback from our listeners. I had a listener email me about an interview I did with Paul (S----) that is featured in the Eleventh Hour, Leonardo DiCaprio's new movie …
Carolyn Parrs: Yes! Yes!
Meredith Medland: … you know his whole thing is around mycelium and mushroom consciousness. And he was saying he was so excited to get in touch with Paul and he wanted a sample of one of the things he'd written. So I called Paul and said "Hey, I've got a listener here that's interested." and the two of them have connected and it really— for me— media is a form of connecting people to the information that they need, as quickly as we can. And so if you choose to believe that, what is the most important information that you know that's being spoken about in the inner circles of the people who are your close friends and family about future forecasting? What are those, what are those intimate secrets? [laughs]
Carolyn Parrs: Well it depends on who you speak to. If it's a scientist, or an engineer we have a lot of friends of ours who are in renewable energy. We get a grim a story. [laughs] Frankly every time— I have a good friend Mark (Fordella) — Hi Mark, if you're listening! — he's out in California and he had a company called Local Energy. It's really about bringing renewable energy right into the local communities. He's a really smart guy but every time we talk to him I get depressed! Because he's like "We've already tapped our renewable, I mean our energy sources and if we don't do something now …" Actually he thought if we didn't do something 20 years ago we were gonna be in trouble. Then if I speak to some of my friends who are more in the consciousness area—spirituality, psychology— there's a whole different story; there's a hopeful one. Paul Hawkins for example, we had him on our show Activists. He was incredibly hopeful about this movement, this green movement which is the largest "unnamed movement" as he called it— One to two million businesses, companies that don't even know about each other—
that are going out and doing something for environment and social issues. So I can't say that there's one specific or over riding belief. It really depends on the individual and the group that you speak to. Irv, what do you think of …?
Irv Weinberg: Well, I— you know we just spent some time on Friday with a very knowledgeable man in the energy field. And his philosophy really moved me. It was like— it's about cooperation. That's what I think is happening. You know the environmental movement has polarized a number of people, like the politics in the country have right now, but his notion was really right on to me. He was saying it's about "you don't have to adopt other people's beliefs". We all have to work with each other. So I think what you're gonna start to see is a movement forming that is gonna be about us all cooperating to take the realities of the situation and say "What can we really do about it to work with the systems and make the improvements that go along the way." But in fact we interviewed a woman yesterday who is Republicans for …..
Carolyn Parrs: … Environmental Protection.
Irv Weinberg: … Environmental Protection. And they're a subgroup within the Republican Party pushing the party back to their environmental roots which began with Teddy Roosevelt. So that was like really interesting because well again, Meredith, the thing that Carolyn and I are the most committed to is inclusion in everybody. And we're also into making it happen, so that you can— everybody can take part in it. So it's not like the problem is so overwhelming that I just can't deal with it. What we're suggesting to everyone is that there are small, simple everyday steps that we can all make to do, to improve everything. And when people realize they’re making forward progress then I think you're gonna get to a situation where people say "Hey, we can really solve this problem. Let's get together and do it."
Carolyn Parrs: Yeah, so you see which side of the fence we're on. [laughs]
Meredith Medland: [laughs] Well I heard a few things that I wanted to pull out for our listeners that are kind of action items. So the first is: My experience is if I write down what's working in my life— particularly in what ever domain there is worry in— so if that's in "Oh my goodness what's happening with the planet, what's the role of technology, what do we do with RDIF chips, or ID chips, what— What do we do, what's going on here, aaaaaahhhhhhh!! Sort of frenetic from speaking to the, lets say the doomsday crowd, really focusing on what's working in my life. And how much am I getting out into nature and what's my connection to the Divine or to my internal intelligence like? And really creating a list. And what the does is put my beliefs about what's happening in my reality down on paper in a way that I can see them. So I hear that from you.
The second thing I also wanted to go back to is the episode where you interviewed Paul Hawkins. Now if you haven't read "Blessed Unrest" that's Paul's new book. And Paul spoke at Biomimicry the digital Be- In; the podcast we did where we interviewed Larry Harvey there. And the key that Paul always says whether he's speaking at the TED Conference— which is Technology, Entertainment and Design— or where ever he is, is that there are so many organizations and people in the world who are committed to a very, very similar thing. And it's uniting all of us together and saying "Hey, we're saying the same words, we're living in the same space, we want the same vision and it's taking place and it's coming through independent media. And what you see on the news or in the newspaper is really just one perspective and it's actually not even that true. So let's take a look at what is happening in our podcast and our vidcasts and in our blogger environment and see another version of truth.
Carolyn Parrs: Amen!
Irv Weinberg: Yeah that's true.
Meredith Medland: Two pieces to illuminate. Now that being said, I am so completely in alignment with that philosophy, cuz everywhere I go my experience is people are moving toward wholeness and goodness and love and planetary— you know people are aligned. However, there are conversations that I've been engaged in and these are the sort of two, three am dinner party conversations. And it's around what happened with the couple in Florida getting chips, getting chips put in them. Or the clubs in London where now you can get a chip implant that has your ATM card or your MasterCard as well as your driver's license information. And I should say just for our listeners and for my credibility that I don't have an article to cite on the clubs in London. So please email me one if you do. I haven't done my research about that but it's come up probably seven times in my conversations over the last— a lot in the last couple weeks, but it's something I'd heard about probably a year ago. So there is also this kind of thing to look at if you want to make a metaphor toward— to consciousness, sort of ths dis-ease in the self and the whole of our community, of this tracking or reaching consumers through marketing or "Hey, what data's being collected and where is that all going?" And specifically the chipping is what I'm hearing environmental activists start getting really nervous about. And I'm wondering if you have any opinions or ideas on that.
Irv Weinberg : You know what, I'm into privacy issues. I don't – that's something that actually concerns me. And I understand that there is potentially a good side to that; for instance if your child is ever missing and things like that. But I don't like the invasion or the over-mining of data. I think that those things have a lot of potential for abuse. And to me each person's privacy and business and where they go and what they do really is their own business. So that issue concerns me. And I just feel that we have to be careful how much power as individuals we give away to a greater entity, whether it be the government or corporate interests. You know, I know that if you shop in a store, you use an ATM and you can be monitored on what you buy, how often you buy it. And all that data is something that is really no one's business anymore what brand of toothpaste you buy or what, how often you get cereal. So I just think these are things like everything else, you can give up too much liberty and then the fight to get it back is really monumental.
Meredith Medland: Well these are really good issues that we're touching on. And listeners if you're interested in them I encourage you to do your research and engage in the conversations about the things that you're afraid of so, that the education you receive will give you freedom. When we come back from the break Carolyn we're gonna talk to you about the freedom that you received in the desert. And Irv, we're gonna to you about some of the fabulous organic recipes you have and the things that you like to write most about. Thanks so much for listening to Living Green.
[commercial break]
Meredith Medland: So thanks to our sponsors. My name is Meredith Medland. And again you're listening to Living Green. And we're here with Carolyn and Irv who also have a podcast called America the Green. And Carolyn let's take a little journey outside of technology and talk to you about what it's been like being in the desert environment and going on your wilderness fast retreat in New Mexico.
Carolyn Parrs: Yeah that was a— it made big changes in my life. Going out on the land solo, without food and carrying whatever you are gonna bring with you on your back. No more, no less. I took some time to prepare for that. We went out with a group but we were solo in our time out there. And what happened was, a lot of fears before going out there arose in me. And those are natural fears that people think about, like animals. Out in New Mexico we're got mountain lions and bobcats and coyotes, and so it was a really wonderful— I feel— purification to think about those things and then to release them. And this actually happened before I started America the Green but influenced my dedication to America the Green by being out on the land in that way. And for me what happened was— what really took my fears away was the thought and the belief that I was going to be protected; and what came to me in meditation was "in the belly of the mother". And actually that chokes me up when I say it all these years later. And being out there on the land when I was finally there everything— all those fears— just left; being so in tuned with everything around me and getting clear and being fed by other resources. So that's why I think everybody— Democratic, Republican no matter who you are— if they got out on the land for any period of time I think we'd all be green. [laughs]
Meredith Medland: Oh I love it!
Carolyn Parrs: Maybe we'll just have a really big wilderness retreat for the ….
Meredith Medland: Yeah I'm headed out there. We're gonna be filming and doing shows from (Bernyman) in Nevada so ….
Carolyn Parrs: Oooh- whoo….
Meredith Medland: What I do want to say is to illustrate the point you just made, which is the education that's available to us— through the internet, through podcasts, through quick search, all this awesome stuff that I'm so grateful for— is equally as valuable as the information available to us through our internal intelligence which only comes in times of quiet, when listening is occurring.
Carolyn Parrs: Absolutely, absolutely. You know the information that we get over the net and books are great, but it really usually comes through a mental— a mental expression. And when you do something like that, in going out whether it's out on the land or people who have you know practices that they do— inner practices they do— it really goes beyond the mind. It gets to a very visceral level; a level that goes beyond us spiritual, emotional; it really takes the whole body and the whole — all the body: mental, spiritual, emotional all together— to kind of come together in those places. So the internet is a great way to start. It can move people and it can create an impetus for change. But for me the real guts of it, is when you're out there. For instance, yesterday when we interviewed the woman Martha Marks, who was the President of the Republicans for Environmental Protection— her impetus was because she would love to go outdoors and photograph bugs, and photograph birds. And that was her love; that came from a heart space. And look what she's doing now, in the Republican Party, to really forward the action. So it’s the inside and outside that happens here.
Meredith Medland: Indeed it is. Irv, you spend lots of time outside. You've got your kids and you have a lifelong interest in environmental issues as well as just this great lifestyle. As you look back over the last 12 months as you've been doing America the Green and other activities, what's the most transformative moment that you've had where you've felt in alignment with the earth and nature?
Irv Weinberg: Well I think that's an interesting question. I mean one is the nature of the show itself. We feel so privileged, and I do personally, to be able to you know to have a voice in this world. And to listen to what's being said and what's being asked. And I— but I will tell you the single most transformative experience I've ever had was when we bought our house. And I was you know restoring some of the gardens that had been left neglected for a while. And when I looked up there was a mountain lion standing behind me. And in that moment I realized— you know I've always said to people you never know what you’re reaction is gonna be to something until you're in the moment. And I knew all the things from the websites about what to do if you see one, and instead of over reacting to it, that lion and I just looked at each other for what might have been a moment or a minute, but it seemed like forever. And we looked into each other's eyes and I sent him a mental signal, which was like "I'm OK and you're OK and I'm in your environment so welcome me into it." And this guy just walked out of my back property, like a, like a house cat. And for days afterwards I was in a, in a heightened experience because I had been one with that thing. And instead some of my friends in New York said "Oh you should get a gun." and all of those things. No- it was just about the two of us connecting. And I let this guy know I was not gonna be a threat to him and he needn't be a threat to me. So that really transformed me.
Meredith Medland: Mm— I love it— nature and animals— and all sorts of good stuff. We're gonna take a break to thank our sponsors. And when we come back from the break we're gonna talk about what there is to do for people who are living the corporate kind of, corporate life, going into their offices during the week. And it's great that you know I might have access to the beach and you've got this great eco home. But what do people do who are in larger cities and that accessibility isn't quite the same as you and I experience. So we're gonna come back— we're gonna take a break, thank our sponsors. and we're gonna cover that right when we come back. Thank so much and you're listening to Living Green.
[commercial break]
Meredith Medland: Welcome back, my name's Meredith Medland and we're gonna wrap up our show today talking about what you can do if you're not able to get outside right now. And how you can increase the goodness that you feel about what's happening with the planet. So Irv and Carolyn what do you have to say for the people who are goin' into their offices today, to get them in a frame of mind that keeps them in this "sustainability, move the earth forward everything's gonna be OK?"
Irv Weinberg: Well, I would say what's a phrase I've begun to use and I like a lot which is "We are a part of nature; we're not apart from it." So do everything you can. Take a deep breath and whether you're in the city— and we actually come from New York City and we love the big cities— you can still look up at the sky; you can still see a bird; you can still walk through the park; you can take a moment. You can hey bring your lunch, but bring the bag. You know do— do whatever you can. I mean Carolyn—I've seen her do some great things. We were on a beach in Mexico a year ago. She saw some debris on the beach and she did what I named "eco-beachcombing". She picked up the cans, she took it to a receptacle and we were able to recycle it. So I think that if you're just aware, and you say to yourself "I'm gonna do whatever I can."— even the smallest thing like picking up piece of paper on the ground and putting it in a proper place— that is I think something you can do all the time. And it's great if that becomes your consciousness and you don't leave it for the next person to do it. That’s what I would say.
Carolyn Parrs: Yeah we— my children and I, have a little game that we play, is that we even when we walk in the parking lot of you know Target— or [laughs] what ever you know, the supermarket that we go to— is that we pick up one piece of garbage, you know. And we do it consciously and just not to think about "Well that person should've picked it up, why should I?" It's just like "It's here." and just throwing it away. It connects us back to the goodness of the planet, even when it's paved, in a parking lot; a plant on a desk; watering the plant and making it— making that your mantra, you know; eating foods that are alive. You know if you're in New York or any of those big cities— if you're in LA— you know, you can go to places that actually you know have food that's alive instead of food that's canned or heavily packaged. And just putting that kind of nutrients in your body and why you're doing it, is really taking a moment and being with the food you're eating instead of just like gobbling it down and having a conversation. So just these kind of inner moments— connecting with what's alive and real no matter where you live— can bring you back or really bring you back and actually set us all forward to think more green.
Irv Weinberg: And if you're in New York City, go to the 14th Street Green Market. It's one of the great ones. If you're in LA go to the Farmer's Market. Remember that food doesn't grow in a plastic bag, and there's a life force in all of it. And I think what Carolyn said is really great. Appreciate the life force in what you're putting in your body. And believe me it's gonna taste a lot better when you look at it, when you think about it and then you experience it; you're gonna say "Wow, that strawberry's good!"
Carolyn Parrs: And here's another thing that I do no matter where you live is, when you go shopping you know, watch what you buy that— even with the packaging. If there is like secondary packaging— meaning like there's a bottle with another box over it with the saran wrap thing over that with an extra little card hanging off of it. All of that is extra packaging that gets chucked. You know it doesn't, doesn't really help the environment at all and is just more marketing. You know speaking from a marketing person, it's just more ways to, you know sell a product. So watching what you buy, even looking you know at the package and the, and the ingredients that's in it. If it’s closer to nature, go in that direction.
Irv Weinberg: Yeah and there's one more thing that just reminded me of. Many years ago on Thanksgiving, Carolyn and I took our kids— we went and picked up a bunch of meals. And we took 'em into New York City in the place where there was a lot of homeless people on the streets. And we had our children hand out meals to people on the street, so that they would understand that they are lucky and have something and there are others that don't. And including your kids in those activities is so great for them. And then you don't have to give 'em a theoretical lecture about why you should do it; you just do it and you don't make a big deal out of it. And you just say "Let's go and do this sharing of what we have to others." And the effect is amazing. And we still talk about the things that we do. And they're simple to do. Pick up, go to the Post Office and get letters to Santa from neighborhoods that might not have the advantage yours does, and fill those requests. It will put a glow in your life that will never dim.
Carolyn Parrs: Yeah that was Port Authority where we did that Irv, remember?
Irv Weinberg: Yup.
Meredith Medland: I love it. The primary thing that I'm hearing through the whole show today is around connection. Whether that's connecting into the eyes of someone who is receiving a meal from you; getting change at the marketplace or the counter where you're buying food today; to make that connection with the person, with the food, with the land. And I just want to thank our listeners for connecting to the three of us today. And I highly encourage you to check out America the Green. I've listened to the podcast with Paul Hawkin, I think it is exceptional. I've listened to— you've got some great podcasts around food for people who are interested in some of the resources and the changes they can make in their diets. And I'm just so grateful to be connected to the two of you. And so grateful that we're connected in this fantastic digital space and that we get to spend our days this way. So thank you so much for being my guests here on Living Green.
Irv Weinberg: Well thanks for having us on. It was an honor to be on your show.
Carolyn Parrs: Yeah and thank you for connecting us! You're the— you were the great connector today, Meredith.
Meredith Medland: Oh, thank you!
Carolyn Parrs: (inaudible) Here we are you know, miles and miles away and I can feel— I can feel your big heart here. Thank you.
Meredith Medland: Oh, my pleasure. Listeners if you'd like to connect to me, you can— you're welcome to email me personally at [email protected].
I do return emails. I do write a blog. Check it out— you can go to personallifemedia.com— it's real short excerpts, mainly predictions and certain things I see coming down the pipeline. And for text and transcripts— a whole transcript— of this show and other shows on the Personal Life Media.com network, all you need to do is go to personallifemedia.com.
Thanks so much for tuning in and come back and see us next week on Living Green.
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