Episode 46 - CREATING SEXUAL PASSION IN IMPERFECT RELATIONSHIPS with Dr. Anastas Harris & Dr. Steven Vogue
CREATING SEXUAL PASSION IN IMPERFECT RELATIONSHIPS with Dr. Anastas Harris, Phd Psycholgy, & Dr. Steven Vogue, Dr. of Chiropratics and Naturopathy, married 23 years, sexual potential workshop leaders, and currently writing & researching "Re-Romancing Your Relationship; Creating Emotional Intimacy & Sexual Passion in an Imperfect & Highly Valued Relationship - A Tantric, Psychological, and Biochemical Approach"
In this episode, longterm couple Anastas and Steven share insights and practices from their own relationship and their current research. Discover what to do to return novelty to your relationship. Practice a technique the connects the physical appreciation with the heart. Learn how your bodies hormones can work for or against your sex life. Learn how longterm sexual chemistry and the style of lovemaking that lights the fires of passion.