Episode 47 - The Law of Attraction for Weight Loss Part 1
Be careful what you wish for, and precise in what you intend, because you are very likely to get it, especially if you have been listening to the show. Learn how to close the loopholes in your intent statements. And, in the first of our series on the Law of Attraction for weight loss, learn the hidden spiritual agenda of the law of attraction.
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Renée Stephens: Welcome to Inside Out Weight Loss! I’m your host, Renée Stephens, and together, we’re accessing and adjusting the control of your mind/body system, bringing ease and joy to your weight loss journey and fullness to the rest of your life.
On today’s show, be careful what you wish for and precise in what you intend because you’re very likely to get it. And in the first of our series on the law of attraction for weight loss, learn the hidden, spiritual agenda of the law of attraction.
Renée Stephens: So, now, she wants to embark on the phase of her journey which is the weight loss phase and typically, when I work with bulimic clients, I separate those two. I don’t find that it’s possible to lose weight until you are stable and out of a binge/purge cycle.
The law of attraction is not Christian, it’s not Muslim, it is not Buddhist. It is not any of the major religions or even the minor religions. And, yet, there’s clearly something very, very spiritual about it.
You can have anything that you want. You can have anything that you want, all you need to do is dream it and you will have it! In fact, you will have things better than you imagined that you can have with the law of attraction. All you have to do to get these things is follow the law of attraction, is do the steps that I’m about to outline. And, in fact, in the law of attraction there’s really just one step.
Renée Stephens: It’s time to check in and become present with you. It’s time to check in to “Hotel You.” Consider me your bell person because I’ll be showing you around and helping you become as comfortable as you can possibly be.
Step into the elevator… As the numbers go up, we’ll be going down, down into that place of deep comfort and relaxation where positive transformation is not only possible, but happens. Your cares from the day, the world around you, will be fading away as you simply focus on the present, on your current experience, from the inside out.
Notice how you’re feeling in this moment? Check inside with your body. Is it moving or still? Are you exercising and panting or are you relaxing? Simply be aware of your current experience. Check in emotionally. How are you feeling in this moment?
There may have been thoughts or concerns or schedules or to do lists on your mind when you began listening to this episode. And, if so, just let those fade into the background. You can always go back and attend to them later. Now, this is your time. This is “you” time, your gift to you. So, go ahead and arrive and be present. And while we’re here, let’s set our intention for this episode.
I ask each of my private clients to set their intention for our work together as we begin. And you know what? Again and again, to an extraordinary degree, I notice that my clients get exactly what they intend. Exactly what they intend. They say, “Be careful what you wish for.” Well, I’d like to modify that and say, “Be precise in what you intend because you’re likely to get it,” especially if you follow the steps that I outline in this podcast and we’ll be going over in the next couple of episodes.
Many of my clients will start out with an intention of something like, “My intention is to work towards…” “My intention is to work towards eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle or to work towards losing weight.” And when they set that intention, they typically get exactly that! So, what they get is working towards. That doesn’t mean arriving, that means working towards. As long as they have that intention, and before we reset it, which we typically do, as soon as they’ve had enough of the working towards and they actually want to get what it is that they’ve been moving towards, they change it.
So, if you set your intention that you want to work towards something, then that’s what you’ll get, a whole heck of a lot of working towards! On the other hand, if you set your intention to easily reach and maintain your desired weight, then that’s what you’ll get. So, think about that.
When my client set intention and I read their statements because I ask them to write it down, as I encourage you to do. Get your inside out weight loss journal and write down your intention. You can write it down for the entire journey and you can write it down for each episode. In fact, I encourage you to update your intent statement, review it on a monthly basis. On a quarterly basis, every three months, you can update it.
Perhaps, you’ve had enough of working towards and now, you’re ready to glide towards. Maybe you’d like to float to your weight loss goal, to your desired weight or fitness level, as if you were floating down a wonderful river, gently floating down with the warm sun on your skin and the gentle breeze with the smell of the fresh air and the clear, crisp water that carries you easily and effortlessly. Perhaps, that you’re intention.
So, when my clients write their statements or set their intent statements, I put on my “attorney hat.” What’s an attorney hat? Well, attorneys are always looking for loopholes, that’s their job. I know, my father was an attorney. He was really, really good at finding loopholes, which, by the way, is a very interesting way to grow up, mind you. So, I look for loopholes.
I had a client yesterday who was setting her intention for the second phase of our work together. She’d already made tremendous progress and now wanted to go to the next level. She said, “My intent is to eat healthily” and I thought, “Well, gosh! Eat healthily? It sounds like you’re already doing quite a bit of that!” and she is. So, I said, “Well, what’s different about what you want from what you have?” “Well, I want to eat healthily all the time!” I said, “You do? You want to eat healthily all the time?” and she said, “Well, sometimes I might want to have something that’s not so healthy.”
So, we really had to spend some time understanding exactly what she wanted and the subtext was this client really wants to lose weight. She’s gone from being an active bulimic three months ago to being completely stable with no binges and no purges. So, now, she wants to embark on the phase of her journey which is the weight loss phase. Typically, when I work with bulimic clients, I separate those two. I don’t find that it’s possible to lose weight until you are stable and out of a binge/purge cycle.
Perhaps that’s my own limiting belief, but I like to do them one at a time and I find it works beautifully that way. Heck! Letting go of bulimia and completely letting go of bulimia in three months is pretty good going. So, we’re at phase two and she really wants to lose weight at this point. But that wasn’t in her intent statement. So, I said, “Well, is that there? Do you want to lose weight?” and she said, “Well, absolutely! I really, really want to lose weight! But, then again, I don’t really like the words ‘lose weight’ in an intent statement.” Why not? Did we talk about this in an early episode where we say, “Well, gosh, losing weight is one of those, the term ‘loss’ is one of those words that has mixed emotional connotations.”
And let’s face it, we don’t really want to lose weight only to find it again, which is the case with most things that we lose, we really want to find them. So, I like to use a different word when we’re setting our intent. I prefer “release weight” or better yet, “My intent is to easily reach X weight, X size, X feeling in your body. Whatever it is, I’d like to easily be, feel and live as a naturally slender person,” for example.
So, think about that. Play around with it, discuss it on the Yahoo group, write it down in your journal, discuss it with your support partners, so that you set an intent statement that truly is what you want. And you can even make a game out of it. Write down your intent for each episode of Inside Out Weight Loss and then before you listen to the next episode, see if you’ve achieved that intent. If you have achieved that intent, did you like it? Is that what you want? Or, perhaps you’d like to refine it and make it even better.
By the way, go ahead and take this opportunity to connect with all of the other listeners of this show across space and time. And perhaps even all of those who haven’t yet found this show. Perhaps those who are on a similar journey or would like to be. They don’t yet know what’s possible, that their journey can be easy and pleasurable, that they can let the struggle go and leave it behind as they step firmly and clearly into a life that they love to live!
Send them your support and feel theirs coming back to you magnified hundreds and millions of times over. Relax into that energy field and let it carry you downstream to the body and the life that you dream of.
It’s time to take a break now to support our sponsors. When we come back, how to make the law of attraction work for you, the inside out way. This is Renée Stephens and you’re listening to Inside Out Weight Loss on Personal Life Media.
[Commercial Break]
Renée Stephens: We’re back now. Before the break, we were talking about being precise in what you intend because you are extremely likely to get it, especially if you follow the steps that I’ll be outlining in this series on the law of attraction. Before we go there, I’d just like to share with you another wonderful day brightening, week brightening message that I got from one of the listeners.
Summer writes, “Thank you for everything you’ve offered my life so far. You’ve brought something to my, and I know many other’s life, that is unique. It’s quite ineffable, but also incredible. Thank you in advance so very much for everything! For me, repetition, listening to your podcast and your sabotage sell sabotage, compulsion blowout, appetite adjuster, yes, I got them all! Tee hee hee…” she writes, “and love them! Over again, it has been quite fruitful, even for me.”
I want to thank you for that, Summer, because you make a really good point. Many listeners write in to me and tell me that they listen to the episodes again and again and each time, they find a little something different that speaks to them and is just what they need in that moment. In fact, you could set your intent for each episode to get just what you need in the moment to move you to the next level, to achieve what it is that you’ve been wanting to achieve.
Repeating journeys and processes is a great way to go because each time you do it, it will take you to the next level up. The nature of this journey is evolutionary. What that means is that each step you take forward puts you in a new place where you have a new perspective and new even greater things are available and within reach. So, thank you so much for that, Summer.
Now, we’d like to talk to you about the law of attraction. Law of attraction is so popular right now, especially because of the movie, “The Secret,” which really brought it to the attention of so many. Then Oprah joined the bandwagon and said that this is something that she’s been doing for years. Heck! If Oprah’s been doing it, look at her success! There must be something to it.
And, yet, I’d like to suggest that there is a greater level of detail to the law of attraction. There is a bit more to it, maybe quite a bit more to it than you might gather from The Secret because in a format like that, they don’t really have the time to go into the details of what it truly takes to manifest or why you would be manifesting and what the point of it all is in the first place.
So, I’d like to take some time in this and the following episodes to walk you through the law of attraction and give you a very simple three step process to manifest almost like a magician, to create and attract into your life those things that bring you joy, satisfaction and fulfillment, and especially the body that you dream of, the weight that you dream of, the health that you dream of, the peace of mind that you dream of. How the heck do we apply the law of attraction to weight loss?
But before we get there, I want to talk to you a little bit about the spiritual nature of the law of attraction because I’m quite intrigued by this concept and I think understanding it really brings your ability to use it, to integrate it, to a higher level. The law of attraction is not Christian, it’s not Muslim, it is not Buddhist, it is not any of the major religions or even the minor religions. And, yet, there is clearly something very, very spiritual about it.
What I’d like to share with you is something that I talked about briefly on an earlier episode, about how the law of attraction is really, in many ways, a perfect spiritual entre for our modern society. I live in the United States, many of the listeners to this program do. Many of you, of course, live in other countries as well. But all of us can identify, can understand and relate to the capitalist, materialistic values of modern, Western society, especially the society in the United States.
We like to have things, we like to achieve things, we love to make money, we hate to not have money, we are basically capitalistic and materialistic, that’s one of the values that is there. Now, some of you may be saying, “Yes, but that’s bad stuff. I don’t want to be materialistic. There are things that I want that are much more valuable and important to that. You don’t need to have a lot of money to be happy”, which is absolutely true, by the way, and we’ll learn more about that.”
But, to me, the brilliance of the law of attraction is that it says you can have anything that you want. You can have anything that you want! All you need to do is dream it and you will have it! In fact, you will have things better than you imagined that you can have with the law of attraction. All you have to do to get these things is follow the law of attraction, is do the steps that I’m about to outline. And, in fact, in the law of attraction, there’s really just one step. There’s really one step in the law of attraction which I will tell you in a moment what it is.
But understand this first, that the law of attraction, you may already know this, is really about being able to get anything that you desire, to be able to achieve your dreams, live your dreams. I love the law of attraction! I use it extensively in my own life and since I have been using it, I can tell you that things have gone wonderfully for me. Not perfectly, not that I haven’t had ups and downs, but amazing things have been happening in my life, including this show, since I started using the law of attraction and practicing the principles of it.
So, what is that one thing that you’re supposed to do to achieve whatever you want in the law of attraction? It’s really just one thing. And that one thing is to feel good now. Feel good now. You can have anything you want as long as you feel good now. That’s what the law of attraction says to us, “feel good now.” It’s very, very simple.
And we say, “Well, great! If that’s all I have to do, I’ll sign up for that program. I’ll feel good now!” But then you get into it and you think, “Gosh! How do I do that because I’m kind of bummed that I don’t have 10 million dollars. I’m kind of bummed out I don’t have that plum job. I’m kind of bummed out I don’t have that relationship that I want or that child that I want or that dog that I want or that outfit that I want. Whatever the heck it is, I’m bummed! I’m bummed that I’m eating that chocolate that I want to be eating right now. So, I feel bad about that. I don’t like it at all! In fact, maybe I’m feeling a little deprived. I look at all these other people and they seem to have it. I go pick up a magazine and look at those people on the magazines! Look at those people on TV, they’re perfect! They’re beautiful! They have no wrinkles, they have no fat, they have no freckles and speckles and anything. They just look fantastic! If they can have it, why can’t I have it?”
And we start feeling bad. That line of thinking makes us feel really bad. We get jealous. We say, “That’s not fair! I guess I don’t deserve it. Maybe there’s something wrong with me why I don’t have it.” And so, we’re feeling bad. In that moment of feeling bad, we’re completely out of synch with the law of attraction. But here’s the catch, the law of attraction says, “Well, you know what? That’s not going to work for you. You got to find a way to feel good now before you have what it is that you want so much.”
So, how are you going to do that? One way to do that is through gratitude, is by saying, “You know, I may not have the house on the hill, I may not have the body of my dreams, I may not be super svelte, skinny and sexy the way I want to be, but let me appreciate the fact that I have a body that works. Let me appreciate the health that I do have. Let me appreciate the fact that I can listen and I can speak and I can walk, if you can walk. Let me appreciate those things because I feel good when I think about those things. When I compare myself to those less fortunate, I feel truly good.”
And so, we go into gratitude, and gratitude starts raising our spirits a little bit. We start feeling that open-hearted feeling that is such a delight. It feels so good to be grateful. And now, we’re feeling good now and things start going a little better for us because gosh, other people like to be around us when we’re feeling good, don’t they? They’re more inclined to connect with us, to offer us things, to expose us to opportunities when we’re feeling good. We’re sending out that positive energy.
And so, in a backhanded kind of secretive, materialistic, capitalistic way, the law of attraction’s getting us to bathe in gratitude and appreciation. Boy, that sounds like a spiritual principle to me! It sounds like a spiritual principle that is supported by most of the world’s religious traditions, as a matter of fact. Huh! Isn’t that interesting?
When we come back on the next episode of Inside Out Weight Loss, I’ll share the next kicker of the law of attraction, the next secret agenda. And then, we’ll go into the one, two, three easy steps… I keep saying “easy,” don’t I? I just love easy! Are you getting that from me? I really like easy. I tried hard, too much work. We’re going for easy. So, the one, two, three easy steps to following the law of attraction to creating that body, that piece of mind, that wardrobe that you want.
That brings us to the end of the show today. Thank you for being present. Want more? Want to go to the next level? Then consider joining the Yahoo group called “Inside Out Weight Loss” to support and be supported. Consider purchasing one of the guided journeys available on my site, mindforbody.com under the Products tab. The three powerful journeys that Summer mentioned are available for download there. Also, you can check out logo gear on the blog at personallifemedia.com/renée.
So many ways to get involved, so many ways to take this journey to the next level…
Renée Stephens: For other shows on the Personal Life Media network, please visit our website at personallifemedia.com. There is so much terrific content to feed your mind, body and spirit. This is your host, Renée Stephens, and I am on a mission to eradicate the weight struggle from the planet, enabling you to share your soul’s gifts. Join me as we evolve the world by evolving ourselves. Take good care!
Female Announcer: Find more great shows like this on personallifemedia.com.