Episode 72 - TDC071130- MarriageCounseling72
Suzanne shares that we can basically be a well-suited and compatible couple and simply need some help communicating. If you go through marital counseling, you will feel worse before you feel better. It’s as if you are remodeling/redecorating your marital house. A good Diva does something nice for her spouse every day--choreplay. And if that spouse doesn’t reciprocate, she hunts him down and kills him or at least signs him up for counseling. The Divas revealbook give- away winners.Pease Help us outTake our 5-minute Survey to help us get better.Leave a Review Leave a comment Call us at678-884-0524Share us with your friendsPodSafe Music by:Our Regular Natalie Brown - Queen of Me Allan Richard Feliciano - Chances Are