TDC080112- Sex77
Amy Rissier, Julie Karneboge, Sharon Martin, Carrie Runnals, Suzanne Maiden

Episode 77 - TDC080112- Sex77

Sharon’s vying to be Weight Watcher’s new spokesperson as she advocates counting lovemaking as a Weight Watcher’s Activity Point! Come join The Divas as they explore sexuality and relationships with licensed psychologist and certified sex therapist, Dr. Lori Buckley of OnTheMindsOfMen. Learn how tomake time for intimacy with your partner when you don’t feel like you have time to breathe. Don’t have sex with anyone you don’t want to have sex with, but if you wait to have sex until you’re “in the mood,” it may NEVER happen. Learn with The Divas how to get aroused and have a spectacular love life. If we’re thinking of sex as just another obligatory thing to do/plan…there may be other things getting in the way. Mismatched Libidos, Wanting Sex for Different Reasons, Communicating Inside AND Outside the bedroom—We talk about it all and share our secrets!Pease Help us outTakeour 5-minute Survey to help us get better.Leave a Review Leave a comment Call us at678-884-0524Share us with your friendsPodSafe Music by:Our Regular Natalie Brown - Queen of Me Girl’s Stuff - Cheer Me Up