Episode 87 - TDC080324- Editing Show 87
A hodge podge of stories, thoughts, and ideas that never made the cut. While the Editing Nazi's away, the other Divas will play... Suzanne, Sharon, and Carrie share a glass of wine and reminisce about things that never made it past the editor; Funeral& Coma Friend, Panties on a Stick, Grief Box, Carrie's new media venture (www.WordsToMouth.com, www.DearZanny.com) and the Big Question posed by Suzanne: Should prostitution be legalized?Listen to the Divas on your phone. Dial510-495-6717Put it in your speed dial...Pease Help us outTake our 5-minute Survey to help us get better.Leave a Review Leave a comment Call us at678-884-0524Share us with your friendsPodSafe Music by:Our Regular Natalie Brown - Queen of Me Whitney Steele's Crazy