Episode 111 - TDC080918 Emails
Getting your MoJo back is all about attitude. Calling all Divas to a Sunday afternoon day of chillin' out and hanging out - No makeup. Shout out to Debba Haupert at Girlfriendology.com. The new High School Cheerleading outfits. Carrie is on the radio -Make it happen with Mel Robbins. Discussion of "Boys will be boys." Join us Manic Mommies Escape. Listen to the Divas on your phone. Dial 510-495-6717 Put it in your speed dial... Pease Help us outTake our 5-minute Survey to help us get better.Leave a Review Leave a comment Call us at 678-884-0524 Share us with your friendsPodSafe Music by:Our Regular Natalie Brown - Queen of MeCheck out other songs at music.mevio.com Mevio