The Non-Negotiables of Conscious Business: Transformation and Grooviness
Conscious Business
Theo Horesh

Episode 19 - The Non-Negotiables of Conscious Business: Transformation and Grooviness

Find out why transformative value and the quality of grooviness in the workplace are non-negotiables at Sounds True—a multimedia publishing company. Also listen in as Tami Simon, the founder of Sounds True, discusses the importance having a collaborative workplace tempered with strong leadership, and of choosing products that have both transformative potential and saleability. These general business practices apply to all kinds of businesses where multiple bottom lines are in effect, and where financial gain takes a backseat (at times) to making a meaningful contribution to the world.

This is part 2 of two-part series. Listen to Part 1, Why are the Employees at Sounds True So Happy?

Additional Resources:

- Sounds True
- Conscious Business CD by Fred Kofman [available from Sounds True]
- Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism by Patricia Aburdene