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Green Radio
Sean Daily
Green Radio helps you lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Navigate the explosion of green and ecology-oriented products and services with host, Sean Daily, CEO and co-founder of Support the environment by changing your preferences and behaviors, not by simply increasing consumerism. Sean entertains and educates you with smart choices on products and services in the green world through interviews with innovative and caring companies, authors and experts from around the world. Hear the critical issues facing the global environment today, as well as the technologies, products and practices you can employ to go green in every area of your life including alternative energy and fuels, green building and remodeling materials and practices, organic and natural foods, natural medicine and health, hybrid and electric cars and motorcycles, eco-tourism and green hospitality, forestry management and green printing, green real estate, co-housing communities, natural body care, recyclable carpet and clothing, eco-friendly diapers, wind-powered appliances, solar water heating, fair trade consumables, organic wine and viticulture, bio-dynamic farming, recyclable shopping bags, green office practices, green banking and all of the freshest ideas in green living!


Natural Clay Paints with American Clay

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-In-Chief, discusses the topic of sustainable and recycled wood flooring for green home projects with Lindsay Barczuk of Carlisle Wide Plank Flooring.


Reused and Recycled Electronics with UsedCisco

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-In-Chief, talks with Amy Hemmert, Founder and Owner of Laptop Lunches / Obentec about reusable lunch containers for children and adults.


Go Green for Free with CA Youth Energy Services

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-In-Chief, talks about the use of natural clay plasters for healthier homes with Carol Baumgartel, VP Sales and Marketing at American Clay.


Green Tips and Carbon Calculator with Yahoo

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-In-Chief, talks technology recycling and reuse with Green Living Ideas Technology Green Guru, Joshua Levitt of


Alternative Fuel Hybrid Vehicles with Toyota

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-In-Chief, talks with David Kram, Energy Specialist for the Rising Sun Energy Center of the California Youth Energy Services about how California residents can get free home energy audits as well as energy-efficient lightbulb replacements and... Read More


Natural Paints with Green Planet Paints

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-In-Chief, discusses green living tips and carbon calculators with Meg Garlinghouse, Director of the Yahoo! for Good division of Yahoo! Green.


Green Building Materials with Certain Teed

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-In-Chief, discusses alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles with guest Mary Nickerson, National Marketing Manager for Toyota.


Green Bathroom Remodeling with Debra Lynn Dadd

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-In-Chief, discusses the topic of natural paints with Meredith Aronson, President of Green Planet Paints.


Hastings NE Greenest City with Mayor Rossen

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-In-Chief, discusses the topic of what to look for in green building materials with Mike Loughery, Communications Manager for CertainTeed.


Exterior Doors for Green Homes with ThermaTru Doors

Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas' Editor-In-Chief, discusses the topics of non-toxic household cleaning products and green bathroom remodeling with the "Queen of Green," author and blogger Debra Lynn Dadd.
