Episode 141 - Josh Gordon on the Digital Magazine Advertising Revolution, Selling Against Your Competition and Deeper Hidden Truths
Josh Gordon is an old school print ad sales guy. And he's pushing the edge of digital magazine advertising.
In his groundbreaking research, revealed here on DishyMix before anywhere else, "The Case for Advertising in Interactive Digital Magazines," showcases the specific opportunities marketers have in creating highly effective digital print ads.
Find out which is more "engaged:" digital magazines or websites and why.
What makes an ad in a digital magazine get the most interaction?
What kinds of digital extras keep readers from skipping the ads?
What segment is the most accepting of digital magazines?
And, from Josh, author of four books on selling, find out:
What the most effective strategies are for getting a client to choose your brand over your competition during a presentation.
The key archetypes of difficult customers and how to handle them.
How to use a "motivational approach" to getting your customers to buy from you.
This is a great episode for anyone who has bought or sold media, had to give a critical presentation to a client or who is involved in digital publishing.