Jim Kukral on Creating Passive Income Sharing What You Know
Susan Bratton

Episode 137 - Jim Kukral on Creating Passive Income Sharing What You Know

Do you want to work less and make more money?

That's what Jim Kukral, entrepreneur, coach, teacher, author and emcee wants to help you do.

Tune in as I interview Jim live at Affiliate Summit.

His newest book, "Attention: This Book Will Make You Money" is coming out in July and he shares tidbits from it as well as his next book, "The Ultimate Pitch."

Jim is also the creator of PRfessor.com, a web service that allows you to create passive income by creating online workshops and ecourses on any subject which you market to your followers.

Tune in to meet the Biz Web Coach and learn more about monetization, motivation and mobile - three of Jim's areas of expertise.



Susan Bratton: Welcome to DishyMix. I’m your host, Susan Bratton, and on today’s show you’re going to get to meet Jim Kukral. Jim and I are here at Affiliate Summit, where he is, as he calls it, the pet of Sean and Missy of Affiliate Summit, being the MC of every show that’s every happened. Jim, if you don’t know him, is an author, a coach and a teacher. And he’s also most recently a web entrepreneur, having launched a new product or a new service that I think is super, super smart and we’re going to talk about it. So lets get him on the show and you’ll get to meet Jim. Welcome Jim.

Jim Kukral: Thank you very much Susan. I’m glad to be here.

Susan Bratton: It’s my pleasure. It’s good to finally meet you.

Jim Kukral: You as well.

Susan Bratton: So you’re a Cleveland guy. You have a wife and two beautiful children. You live in Cleveland, but you get all over the place.

Jim Kukral: I get all over the place. I get out and about, mostly for trade shows. But I like to stay home and just do my work from my nice little office.

Susan Bratton: Right. That’s so great, isn’t it?

Jim Kukral: Yeah.

Susan Bratton: So you just finished up a book recently called Attention: This Book Will Make You Money. That comes out in July from Wiley.

Jim Kukral: Yes, it’ll be in bookstores around the world in July 2010.

Susan Bratton: Awesome. And your next book that you’re coming out with in 2010 as well is The Ultimate Pitch. So you loving writing, you love teaching. You’re a teacher, aren’t you?

Jim Kukral: Yes I am. You know, it’s funny that my mom was a teacher for 35 years…

Susan Bratton: Got the bug.

Jim Kukral: And my dad was a mechanic, electrical mechanic.

Susan Bratton: Oh, so internet marketing meets teaching.

Jim Kukral: Yeah, but, you know, see here’s the thing, I have no skills. I’m not McGuyver or anything. I can’t fix anything. My wife has to do all that. But I did get the teaching part of that.

Susan Bratton: Uh huh. That’s awesome. So tell me, Attention: This Book Will Make You Money, what are some of the things that are maybe, if you had to have one big takeaway from the book, what would it be?

Jim Kukral: Well the big takeaway from the book is that anyone can go online now and act like an idiot, you know. Anyone can go online and…

Susan Bratton: That’s happening.

Jim Kukral: Yeah, and it does happen. It happens every single day. I mean in America, American culture, you can look at celebrities and people who have become celebrities out of the worst possible things that they’ve done to get attention for themselves. But what the book’s really trying to do is show businesses and brands and everybody how they can do smart things to go out and generate attention for themselves that drives revenue. You know, and revenue can be defined in any type of form – it could be sales, it could be leads, it could be publicity, could be subscribers to your blog, it could be a million different things. So what people need to do is use the tools that are available today to go out and get attention for themselves, and then turn it into something that makes sense. And that’s one of the biggest problems I see with small business owners or pretty much anyone who’s online or offline, is that they put something up, they get a blog, a website, they get into social media, and they have no idea how to turn that around and actually make some money or get some sales or something from that. So this book will inspire people to do that.

Susan Bratton: Well that’s, you’ve described yourself as a combination of Billy Mays and Tony Robins. You love the motivation. You love inspiring and motivating people. What do you think it is from a small business… In a small business person’s mind, what is it that turns on the lightbulb for them about the web and web marketing? Do you ever notice that there’s a certain set of things that you explain to them and they go “Ah, I get it”?

Jim Kukral: Yeah, you know, I mean the biggest thing, I’ll give you social media for example, okay. The biggest thing that I get when I talk to people about things like this is that I tell them “Look, this is business, not play time”, you know. Most small business owners or people who don’t do that stuff don’t do it because they think that it’s all about getting a million more friends or things like that. And, you know, look, everything that I do online is business. You know, I don’t go on Facebook and accept everybody because I want to have more friends, you know, all that type of stuff. I want to turn those people…

Susan Bratton: You’re not doing it for the validation, the personal validation?

Jim Kukral: No. My narcissistic side of me. I’m doing it so that I can get as many leads as possible. I have a sales funnel, and my sales funnel is to get as many people in the world and the top of it and funnel them down so they can either buy my books, come hire me to come speak or get me to coach for them. That’s what I do online. And I think to answer your question there is people need to, once they – they have this switch in their head – and once they realize that all of this stuff – not just social media, you know having a good website that converts well, building an email list – all of these things, once they have that switch flicked in their head and they realize the potential for publicity in sales and leads, then they’re like “Oh, I get it.” And then they realize that they don’t have to pay a lot of money for advertising or things like that anymore, so it’s a big deal.

Susan Bratton: That I like. How are you setting yourself up on Facebook? Do you have a fan page and your own personal page? And then how are you, if at all, collecting any email addresses from prospects through Facebook?

Jim Kukral: Sure, I mean I have a fan page. I mean the basic, you know, internet marketing playbook now is that, you know, if you’re a business or an individual or a brand of any type, you should have a Facebook fan page, ‘cause there’s obviously no limits to how many people you can have signed up on it. What a lot of people don’t realize is that you can bring in your own extraneous third party email code and stick it in there and start getting email signups through your Facebook fan page. So I do that as well.

Susan Bratton: How do you do that? When you say you take the code, exactly what did you do? What email speckend do you use?

Jim Kukral: Yeah, so I use A Webber.

Susan Bratton: Okay.

Jim Kukral: So here’s what you do. You use, Mail Chimp is free, A Webber’s…

Susan Bratton: I like Mail Chimp.

Jim Kukral: Yeah.

Susan Bratton: ‘Cause I use Batch Book and they’re, they work together. Have you tried that Batch Book service?

Jim Kukral: No, I haven’t.

Susan Bratton: Love that for my database.

Jim Kukral: Yeah, so what you do is you go into your Facebook fan page settings, and there’s a section in there where you can change, I think it’s called OMBL or OBML, I can’t remember it right now. But you can actually go in and insert a code, and it’ll add it to your Facebook fan page.

Susan Bratton: So then you can collect the email addresses from your fans if they want to opt in to your newsletter or what have you.

Jim Kukral: It’s just another way to get people subscribed to your content, which is the name of the game. You know, giving people so many choices. You know, that’s the other thing when you talk to businesses, they say “Well I don’t want to be here, I don’t want to be here.” I mean I once had a conversation with the chairman of the board of a major global healthcare company. And this person said, “I don’t want to be on YouTube, because my brand transcends YouTube and people falling off skateboards.” And I said, “You have 13,000 old tapes of video sitting around in your archives that you could own your brand name on the internet in video form”, but he didn’t want to do it. And what I tried to get across to them is you have to have your brand everywhere. You can’t just have it on your website, you can’t just put it in Facebook. It’s got to be in every single spot because people want to get the content from you the way they want it. It’s no longer the way you want to give it to people; it’s how they want it. People will only contact me through Facebook. Some people will only contact me through email…

Susan Bratton: Yeah.

Jim Kukral: or phone…

Susan Bratton: Or texting.

Jim Kukral: I still have clients who will only deal with me through the phone, but I do a web business. So you have to, you know, you have to really think that way.

Susan Bratton: Now I know that you, you teach at the University of San Francisco. You teach online marketing, both intermediate and advanced. You have the bizwebcoach.com, which is coaching for small business. So you’re really in the world of teaching people how to leverage the internet, and we’ve been talking about that. You also really focus on monetization of peoples sites and blogs. Are there any particular widgets, technologies, strategies, new little kind of techniques that you’ve come up with that you think are quite clever.

Jim Kukral: Well I mean, you know, for a business or for a…?

Susan Bratton: Yeah.

Jim Kukral: Yeah. No.

Susan Bratton: How about Twitter? What about something for Twitter? Do you think that people should be using that as another point of presence?

Jim Kukral: You know, people should be using Twitter absolutely as a… Like I said you have to be able to use that, you have use Facebook, you have to use everything. I mean, there’s stuff that happens everyday. There’s one new one called Gawala, a new one called Four Square. I mean…

Susan Bratton: Yeah, Four Square, right. Location based, uh huh.

Jim Kukral: There’s all of these crazy things that happen all the time that are just coming up, and you don’t know which one’s going to be the…

Susan Bratton: Yeah, Gawala’s mobile. That’s the…

Jim Kukral: Yeah.

Susan Bratton: mini reality one I think, isn’t it, or location based.

Jim Kukral: Yeah, I think the new ones are location based, and that’s going to be the new thing.

Susan Bratton: Yeah. I just talked about that on an episode of DishyMix with Garrick Schmitt from Razorfish. He loves all that location based stuff. He thinks that’s really hot for marketers.

Jim Kukral: Well I mean it is hot because, I was reading something about how people are only, like 7 percent of the time are they more than an arms reach away from their mobile phones. Right? Think about it….

Susan Bratton: Yeah, it’s like the only think people will go, if they’re 15 minutes from their house it’s the only thing they’ll turn around and go back and get.

Jim Kukral: And think about the power of that. I mean people are attached to these things.

Susan Bratton: The worlds in our hands now. I know, it’s completely different, isn’t it? It’s funny, I just met Todd – what was his last name? Todd… He just started Impact Radius. It’s sounds like a really interesting company…

Jim Kukral: Todd Crawford.

Susan Bratton: Todd Crawford. He’s very interesting. I met him and I said “Can I have your business car? Here’s my card.” And he said, “Oh, lets just, do you have an iPhone? Lets just bump.” And I was like “I don’t have that application. I have to go that application tonight.” That makes so much sense to just bump. I want to bump now. I’m dying to bump somebody.

Jim Kukral: See I have it, so…

Susan Bratton: Do you?

Jim Kukral: Pull it out, we’ll…

Susan Bratton: I’m going to download it and we’re going to bump. We’re doing that at dinner tonight.

Jim Kukral: And everyone, everyone who’s listening right now is like “What is going on?

Susan Bratton: Oh no. Everyone…

Jim Kukral: What are these people talking about?”

Susan Bratton: DishyMix listeners know all about iPhone apps and they are all nerds and they want them too…

Jim Kukral: Okay.

Susan Bratton: and they like to bump or whatever it is. They want to do it all, so don’t worry. So I also want to talk about the ultimate pitch and I want to talk about your, all of the things that you do in the scheme of motivation. You do a lot of teaching people about how to run their business better, get more out of what they’re doing. It’s kind of like internet marketing meets motivation. Tell me about what it is that you most often teach people. What do you do that motivates them?

Jim Kukral: Well I mean, you know, people have a lot of fear. They have a lot of doubt. You know, we’re human beings; we have that, and as an entrepreneur I like to go out and help other people, you know, figure out how to be entrepreneurs. And what’s happening right now in the recession is that we’ve created a big pool of accidental entrepreneurs. And these are accidental people who had full-time jobs…

Susan Bratton: Oh, that’s interesting. Right.

Jim Kukral: Right, and…

Susan Bratton: Yeah.

Jim Kukral: now they are saying “Well I don’t have a job…

Susan Bratton: “I don’t have a job, I might as well do something.”

Jim Kukral: I might as well do something. Why don’t I go out and figure out how to do internet marketing? Or why don’t I go out and start my fan poker site that I always wanted to do and learn how to monetize it through affiliate links?” But these people are not entrepreneurs, so they have to learn how to be entrepreneurs. So the very first thing you come into is the doubt and the fear and the failure and all that, so you really have to look people in the eye and convince them that this business and the things that we do online is really a try business. You have to go out there and do, you know. I wrote one quote in my life, right, and it’s “Doers get what they want and everyone else gets what they get”, because it’s absolutely true. The people who do get what they want, and everyone else just gets stuck with everything else that’s out there.

Susan Bratton: So how do you teach people to do? I just had John Santangelo on DishyMix and we talked about establishing your 2010 goals, getting really clear on what you want to accomplish, and then breaking it down into manageable pieces, and then figuring out who you need to enlist to help you accomplish those pieces and enrolling them in supporting you with your goals. That was his advice. His advice was the difference between people who achieve and who don’t. Anybody can have goals, but the people who actually accomplish them are the people who just keep moving it forward, keep checking off everything that’s going to need to get done to make that happen and keeping that front of mind with, you know, with… We joke about Post-It notes – I’m a crazy Post-It note lover. I think 3M should sponsor DishyMix. I think I talk about Post-It notes more than anything else on this show, it’s so ridiculous. But that was what his advice was. Now what would you take as a plus up to that conversation.

Jim Kukral: I have a great story about Post-It notes…

Susan Bratton: Well there you go.

Jim Kukral: in my book, so you’re going to have to read that…

Susan Bratton: Oh okay…

Jim Kukral: But it’s not really, it’s what…

Susan Bratton: Well you can’t tell us the story?

Jim Kukral: You want to hear that story? So when I first…

Susan Bratton: Of course I want to hear a Post-It note story, are you kidding me?

Jim Kukral: It’s a Post-It note story, it’s in my book. When I first got out of college, I was trying to get jobs as a graphic designer, which is what I started at…

Susan Bratton: Okay.

Jim Kukral: And I went to the job and I walked into the gentleman’s office and his entire walls were completely covered in Post-It notes.

Susan Bratton: That’s great. I like him already.

Jim Kukral: And I said “What’s going on?” And he said, “Well this is how I like to take notes and remind myself”, and it was like wallpaper. Yellow Post-It notes up and down, all over his wall. It looked really neat, but kind of bizarre. And I thought I did a good job in the interview. I left and I went home and I was talking with my fiancé, who’s now my wife, at the time, and I said “Boy, what can I do to get attention of this guy?” Right? Because that’s really what this book is all about and the same thing. So I was sitting there and I thought “Hmm”. So I went out and I bought this big white poster board and I went out and I bought three packs of Post-It notes, and I wrote down like a quality about me on each one - you know, thought provoking, hard working, you know, all of the basic, you know, college grad stuff you would put on resumes…

Susan Bratton: Cute.

Jim Kukral: Yeah, just stuff, just like silly stuff like that…

Susan Bratton: Lovable, furry…

Jim Kukral: Right, exactly. I wrote some kind of outrageous and silly ones on there as well. And we took them and we put them on the poster board and I delivered it to his office the next morning before he got there. And the receptionist kind of gave me a weird look. But the guy called me back fifteen minutes after I left and said “You got the job.” So it’s just, you know, little stuff like that.

Susan Bratton: Yeah. It kind of reminds me of Peter Shankman. What was, I don’t remember what his book was but it was essentially outrageous PR stunts…

Jim Kukral: His book is Can We Do That?

Susan Bratton: That’s it, Can We Do That? I love it. Yeah, he’s a kook and a half, isn’t he?

Jim Kukral He’s great.

Susan Bratton: Peter, he’s been on the show before. I mean we, basically I just giggled through the entire show. I wasn’t even really like the host of the show. I just laughed the whole time at him…

Jim Kukral: So did he too, right?

Susan Bratton: He’s such a standup guy, you know. Hey, lets go to a break so I can thank my sponsors, and when we come back I want to hear more about the motivation and how you can achieve your goals and what it is that you tell people to do. Sound good?

Jim Kukral: Sounds great.

Susan Bratton: All right, lets do it. We’re with Jim Kukral, and he is the author of a new book called Attention: This Book Will Make You Money. That sounds good to me, I’m sure it sounds good to you. Lets go to a break and when we come back we’ll talk more to Jim about motivation. Stay tuned.

Susan Bratton: We’re back, and I’m your host, Susan Bratton. It’s DishyMix. I’m glad you’re here. And lets talk to Jim. So Jim, we were talking about motivation. What do you have as far as good advice for us?

Jim Kukral: Motivation; well, you know, I’m kind of a different perspective guy. I know that there’s a lot of people who will tell you to go out and do step by step by step stuff, and I’m a big believer in you just have to go out and try and really fail. You really got to go out and fail. And it’s more important than ever in the internet business, is going out and failing as many times as you possibly can.

Susan Bratton: Yeah, fail and optimize, right?

Jim Kukral: Yeah. I mean there’s so much forgiveness out there right now, you know, in the internet marketing space. YouTube, I’ll give you YouTube for example. I mean YouTube has transformed the way that we are okay with videos now. Before YouTube came along everyone had, you thought you had to have this really nice pre-produced, you know, post production video that was very beautiful. Now it’s kind of like, you look at videos like that you’re kind of like “Ugh.”

Susan Bratton: It’s inauthentic now.

Jim Kukral: It is. And, you know, so it’s okay to make poor quality video now. It’s okay to go out and build a website or a blog or do something that’s not completely perfect, and this economy and everything that we’re, the technology that’s coming out is allowing people to be able to go out there and put stuff out there. So if you want to get motivated you got to go out there and actually just really try it.

Susan Bratton: So what do you think are the things that people should be focused on in the world of marketing? Lets just talk about someone from a small and medium business but a business big enough to have a marketer, right. So there’s someone who’s responsible, they might wear multiple hats, but, you know, I’ll give you an example. One of the, one of my listeners runs a museum in Oklahoma and… She doesn’t run the museum, she’s responsible for marketing the museum in Oklahoma. That’s a, you know, typical DishyMix listener. So she’s in marketing for a small company with almost no budget. She has a website, but not much more than that. So I kind of had some ideas of what she’s doing, but – and you don’t have to use her as a specific case study – but just a small business marketer who is willing to try and fail, what kinds of things are you seeing work well in this noisy crowded low conversion world we’re in right now?

Jim Kukral: Well I mean, it’s the age old tactic of you have to be memorable, you have to be remarkable.

Susan Bratton: That’s the attention again.

Jim Kukral: Yeah, I mean it is. I mean, you know, if you have a dwindling budget and everyone’s getting fired and cut and you’re marketing budget is non existent, you know, you have to find a way to be more memorable and to get people out there to talk about you. You know, and not just PR – and I think this is the disconnect and the kind of change that has happened in the internet marketing space and kind of in the PR space with social media and everything that’s come around. It’s not like you take a press release and you write it and you send it out on the newswire anymore…

Susan Bratton: Does anybody even write press releases and put them out on the wire?

Jim Kukral: They still do that.

Susan Bratton: I basically stopped doing it. I mean I do it, I’ve done two and I keep thinking to myself I used to write press releases all the time and go call people up and pitch them and talk to bloggers. It doesn’t seem like anything is effective in PR anymore. Do you think it is?

Jim Kukral: Yeah, I do. I think that, you know, Peter Shankman’s helpareporter.com is…

Susan Bratton: Yeah.

Jim Kukral: fantastic PR research, over a hundred thousand journalists and regular people, you know. Most people are using PR Web now and places like that just for search engine optimization…

Susan Bratton: That’s it.

Jim Kukral: putting their hard links into their press releases.

Susan Bratton: Right. It’s a paid links program.

Jim Kukral: Essentially it is.

Susan Bratton: I love PR Web, but it’s paid links. That’s all it is.

Jim Kukral: That’s really what its become.

Susan Bratton: It’s like $180 dollar paid links.

Jim Kukral: Yeah. You’re right; it’s essentially what its become. I interviewed a woman who wanted to get her story in the USA Today. She went out and bought a Carvel cake, and she had targeted the reporter that she wanted to go after, and she wrote “Call me” and wrote her phone number in icing on the cake and delivered it to the reporter, and she got a call back and of course she was able to get her pitch in. You know, doing some things, if you can target specific individuals within media outlets that are really going to get you the most bang for your buck, but you have to have a better story when it comes to that point. Even if she calls her back and she says “Okay, give me your 30 second pitch”, you have to be ready with that. And everyone listening has to have their 30 second pitch ready to go with the right words in place. And the biggest thing you should ever remember about pitching is solve peoples problems.

Susan Bratton: Okay. So give me the pitch for prfessor.com, that’s your new website. It’s p-r-f-e-s-s-o-r, dot com. I think it’s a great idea. It was the reason I invited you onto the show. I saved the best for last, but I want to hear your good pitch. No pressure, Jim….

Jim Kukral: All right, here is the….

Susan Bratton: Aaahhhhhh!!!! Go ahead.

Jim Kukral: All right, so Prfessor is, allows you to build, instantly build your own online university, academy or training center that you can instantly start to generate revenue from today.

Susan Bratton: Okay, give me an example. And that was good.

Jim Kukral: So an example would be Lou Bortone is a person who does online video, that’s his brand. He built the Online Video University. And he takes content and videos and all of the things that he does in his blog forum and everything else and he brings it in the Prfessor. And he puts a classroom format on it and says “Hey, you can now learn how to use the flip camera for $97 dollars.” Prfessor allows him to instantly be able to put that content in, put a price on it and make money like that, where you don’t have to go out and set up all of this crazy stuff. It’s fully integrated with PayPal, you can hook your merchant account up to it in two seconds. So literally you can begin making money in less than 30 minutes.

Susan Bratton: I was in London this summer on a blogger junkit called The Traveling Geeks. And one of the companies – and I can’t remember their name – but one of the companies I met there was essentially a website that was a clearinghouse for people teaching other people specialty things. For example, if you wanted to, if you lived in Manchester and you wanted to learn to play the violin, you could find a violin teacher in Manchester. So it was for a lot of teachers in fairly esoteric kinds of things, you know, who were going on this website. And I think he was successful at this localized teaching, which I thought was good. But what I think is great about what you’re doing is you’re making it a global opportunity with audio/video. So what are all, when you make a classroom on Prfessor, what are – what’s a good word I want – like the components that you can put in there? Can you put e-books and workbooks and then audio and video? Can it be a multi-module learning kind of a thing or is it video based?

Jim Kukral: Imagine building a really great wordpress or a blog for yourself, except that it’s behind a firewall and somebody has to go in and pay you some money to access all that content. So you can put in videos, PDF’s, powerpoints, anything you can embed. You can put tons of text, images, anything that you want – audio – anything you want in there. You’re taking content, you’re taking something out of your head – the knowledge in your head – and you’re transferring it to your wallet, right. You’re taking the things that you’re really good at, the things…

Susan Bratton: Hey, that’d be a good tagline.

Jim Kukral: That is one of our taglines. So it’s, you know, “Empty your head into your wallet”, is essentially the tagline.

Susan Bratton: Uh huh.

Jim Kukral: So take, everybody knows a lot about something…

Susan Bratton: Yeah.

Jim Kukral: or a little about something, right. And the hardest part for people is trying to figure out, is trying to get that thing out of them that they may know a lot about. They may say “Look, I’m the worlds best most expert on, you know, Disney Mickey Mouse characters or something.” Well guess what; there’s probably, you know, a thousand, a hundred thousand people in the world who want to also know how to do, be that expert or want you to share that information with them. And so people get caught up and they’re like “Well what I know isn’t worth anything” and that’s absolutely the wrong attitude to have. Everyone listening has something that they’re really good at or something they know a lot about, and there are other people in the world who want that information or who want to learn how to do what you know how to do. So what you do is you take Prfessor or any type of system, get that in your head and just start sharing it with people, and allowing them to enroll and get in your courses and you can make money from that. It’s, you don’t have to just give it away anymore.

Susan Bratton: Now are you creating it so that there’s a membership kind of a situation or continuity program where you can have a person sign up and be billed on a monthly basis for more content to be revealed to them? What’s the strategy there?

Jim Kukral: So right now Prfessor works on a regular class enrollment schedule. So you can go in, you can set up a class that was 4 to 6 weeks and just allow people to have access to that course during that time. By the way, it has full testing capabilities built right into it, so you can build tests for your students and you can decide what their passing grade is and everything. So in the future, in version two, what is coming out is exactly what you just talked about, which is the ability to say “Okay, if you want to be enrolled in my content, in my courses, I’m going to update my class every week or every month”, and you can turn on the membership option and say “Ah, I’d love to, you know, be in your class every month”, you know. The thing about this type of learning is that this what we understand, you know. We don’t, as human beings when we, you know, come out of the womb we’re put into a classroom, and they give us this format and say “This is how you’re conditioned to learn for the rest of your life.” Now you’re not conditioned to sign up for a membership program online, you know. You’re not conditioned to join an email list. This is the type of learning that people really get because they’ve been doing it forever. Buy a course, someone teaches you what they know, you take the information and you digest it and do whatever you want with it. So that’s why the system is designed that way.

Susan Bratton: What markets do you think would be the best for prfessor.com? Are there, I was thinking about authors – authors who… When I build information products, when I create a brand with an author, I am always looking for things that aren’t, that a book is not enough. That they actually, to learn this thing reading a book about it won’t get you where you need to go. You have to make behavioral changes, take some kind of action, do a practice, you know, do something, not just read something. And so that’s what I look for when I build information products, something that’s more multi-module. Are there any particular categories where you think that prfessor.com might be really strong?

Jim Kukral: Yes, there are. And I think to your point there, I think what you’re saying and one of the things I always say is everyone needs to have their own signature product, you know. And whether that’s a course or an e-book or a book or a coaching program or whatever the heck it is, everyone needs to have that signature product. Now a specific niche or specific group of people who could use this… You know, I mean the low hanging fruit is of course bloggers and internet marketers and people who are already online. But what the software allows people to do is anyone who doesn’t have tech skills can even get into there, which is really what’s great about the software. If you don’t know HTML and you don’t want to know any of that stuff, you know, you don’t have to do that. If you don’t want to deal with setting up a merchant account and all that stuff and you just want to have PayPal and you just want to plug the thing in and have it work for you, that can work for you. So coaches, authors, bloggers, that’s obviously the low hanging fruit. But like I said before, there are millions and millions of people who are really good at some things, whatever it is that they know, so they can come in and take this information. So I like to say it’s a really wide net.

Susan Bratton: It is. I think it’s, you know, it’s almost a limitless platform, that’s for sure. So it’ll be interesting to see who naturally comes to your product and leverages it. So we’re here at Affiliate Summit. You’ve been coming for a long time. What should I not miss? What’s, what are the highlights here?

Jim Kukral: Well the best thing about Affiliate Summit is really getting together and networking with people. I mean meeting people like yourself…

Susan Bratton: I’ve met great people already today.

Jim Kukral: Yeah. This industry, if you’ve never been to this show before I think what you’ll find out, what you do find out when you come, as everybody who tells me after, is you do find the most friendliest most knowledgeable people in the business who know how to make money and not in the way, you know, where some guy in China sent in 10 billion spam messages that they… Real legitimate businesses that make money online, and they will share and tell you exactly how to do it. And they’re friendly, and it’s not like other shows you’ve been to and there’s a lot of cliques and a lot of people who, you know, don’t want to hang out with the newbies, you know, the quote/quote “newbie people.” This show is really designed to bring everyone together, to get them in the rooms together and to network together and for everyone to have a good time.

Susan Bratton: Yeah, I just went into the Meet Market. I spent about two hours in the Meet Market.

Jim Kukral: Oh my gosh. Yeah, it’s, that’s intense, isn’t it?

Susan Bratton: I love the name.

Jim Kukral: Yeah.

Susan Bratton: It’s so funny. Actually a guy tried to pick me up.

Jim Kukral: Did he?

Susan Bratton: Yeah. It was great. I really appreciate it.

Jim Kukral: Who was it? ‘Cause I need to know.

Susan Bratton: I can’t tell you on the show, but it was really particularly good because he was half my size. ‘Cause Jim you know, I’m really tall, right? And he was half my size and half my age and dude tried to pick me up and I thought “Thank you very much. I’m in the Meet Market and I just got picked up. I love that.” He wanted to know if my wedding ring was real.

Jim Kukral: Did he?

Susan Bratton: Yeah.

Jim Kukral: For people who don’t, who’ve never been to the Meet Market, it’s basically a big room and they have a bunch of small little tables in the middle of it. But they pack like….

Susan Bratton: It’s packed.

Jim Kukral: a thousand people in this room and it’s loud and…

Susan Bratton: And it’s m-e-e-t.

Jim Kukral: Yeah, it is, yeah.

Susan Bratton: Maybe this guy didn’t know it was m-e-e-t, maybe he thought it was Meat Market, m-e-a-t….

Jim Kukral: Maybe he was confused. Maybe he’s dyslexic and he didn’t pick up the e instead of an a.

Susan Bratton: Listen, when you get to be my age you’re glad when anybody tries to pick you up, that’s what I say. I love it. So what are you going to do in Vegas? What’s the hot ticket? What do you love? What’s the fun party or are you, what are you going to do?

Jim Kukral: You know, I loved hanging out with friends and going to dinner and of course hitting…

Susan Bratton: Do you have any dinner place you want to go, some high end thing or you just happy to be with your buddies?

Jim Kukral: Not this time. I think we’re going to go someplace that’s here in the casino. There was a Wolfgang Puck restaurant we went to last time was really good. But, you know, I kind of like to hang out and just hang out with people and have a drink and relax and network with people. The Sherasil Party tonight is a great party to go to…

Susan Bratton: Are you going to wear an 80’s prom dress?

Jim Kukral: Is it 80’s party?

Susan Bratton: Yeah. Did you bring your 80’s prom dress?

Jim Kukral: No, I didn’t bring my 80’s gear.

Susan Bratton: ‘Cause I think you would look like hell in an 80’s prom dress, Jim. You should do it just for fun.

Jim Kukral: You know what…

Susan Bratton: Get some big powder blue thing and…

Jim Kukral: You know what, it would get a lot of attention.

Susan Bratton: Yes it would.

Jim Kukral: But what I, there’s a difference…

Susan Bratton: Attention…

Jim Kukral: Would I look like a fool or would I look like a, I don’t know.

Susan Bratton: You could have it be “Attention: this dress will make you money.

Jim Kukral: Right.

Susan Bratton: Oh no, that’s not it.

Jim Kukral: Attention: I’m the idiot in the dress.

Susan Bratton: I love it. Well, I’ll see you at the Share A Sale party and I really appreciate you coming on the show. Good luck with the prfessor.com and all the best with your book launches. You are a busy man.

Jim Kukral: Well thank you for having me and I’m truly honored to be here. This was a great show, and I love your show.

Susan Bratton: Awww!

Jim Kukral: Love it.

Susan Bratton: Jim, thank you. That’s so nice. I really appreciate it. All right, well I’m glad we got to do it in person. And for those of you who are DishyMix listeners who haven’t been to Affiliate Summit, it might be fun to check it out. It’s not a pitch, just letting you know. I’m here. And check out Jim’s book when it comes out, Attention: This Book Will Make You Money. Have a great day and I will talk to you next week. Bye.