Sally Hogshead on Fascinate – 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation
Susan Bratton

Episode 191 - Sally Hogshead on Fascinate – 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation

Would YOU like to be more personally FASCINATING?

Would you like to make your brand, your company or your public persona more fascinating?

Sally Hogshead has a plan to find your personal fascination triggers. Take her Fascination Score Test

Learn why your emotional message needs to tap into one of our instinctual survival triggers to be noticed in a world of info overload.

See what your top two triggers are and what your dormant trigger is. (Mine are Lust, Power and Trust.)

Learn the Gold Hallmarks of a Fascinating Message and how you can craft your fascination for competitive differentiation.

"Work this book and inspire your own personal fascination (or the fascination of your brand) with Sally's easy-to-follow implementation plan and terrific examples. You'll feel more alive!" -- Susan Bratton, DishyMix