Episode 119 - Sexual Qi Gong Practices for Sexual Vitality, Passion, and Longevity (Part One): Dr. Patti Talks to Bruce Frantzis, Taoist Lineage Master
Dr. Patti talks to Bruce Frantzis, Taoist lineage master, about sexual Qi Gong (Chi Gung). What is Qi? How is it generated and why is it important? What happens to our sexuality when the Qi is blocked? How did the Taoists discover the range of practices to enhance sexual vitality and feeling? Why is it so important to dissolve negative energy for oneself if one is to have a good sex life? Listen in as Bruce gives us a “dissolving practice” and inspires us to become way more aware of how our energy impacts both our nervous system and the nervous system of our partner when we touch him or her. How do we touch a woman’s favorite spot? Where is it located and why does it naturally keep changing? This and more in this fascinating show. Plus, be sure to find out about the free downloads our listeners can get at his website,www.energyarts.com.