Episode 99 - Secret Maps to Sexual Pleasure (Part One) with Sheri Winston
Listen in as Dr. Patti finds out about clitoral anatomy from Sheri Winston, a teacher and counselor with an extensive background and expertise in birthing, gynecology, sexuality counseling, and orgasmic pleasure. Learn why Sheri's updated genital mapping is such revolutionary news. We start with erectile tissue -- what is it? Why is it so important? How much of it is there in a woman, and, of course, where can we find it? Dr. Patti and Sheri go, step-by-step, from the clitoral head, to the shaft, to the clitoral legs, and then deeper, into the vestibular bulbs (they are awesome!), and the G-area, and uterus, in a rousing, playful show, chock full of suggestions, ideas, and practical insights! You'll have great fun!
Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to the Expanded Lovemaking show. I’m your host Dr. Patti Taylor of expandedlovemaking.com, and I teach you how to make exquisite love. This is part one of a two-part series. Today we’re talking about secret maps to sexual pleasure. Have you ever heard people say that we only use ten percent of our brains? I find that fascinating. I always wondered what would happen if we employed the other ninety percent, or even another ten percent. Would we double our capacity as a human being? Well when it comes to genital anatomy, a similar question arises. After all we’re only using a limited amount of our inborn innate genitalia. How can we use more of it or even all of it? And how much more pleasure could we be having? Well here to discuss this essential topic is today’s guest, Sheri Winston. So I am so pleased to welcome our guest for today, Sheri. Hi Sheri and welcome to the show.
Sheri Winston: Hi Patti. It is a pleasure to be on your show.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well hi Sheri. Let me tell our listeners about you Sheri. Sheri Winston is the founder for the Center for Intimate Arts with her background in nursing, healing arts and massage, and it’s a really long list, so I’m not going into it, but she’s got an extensive background in all of those areas. Sheri brings a unique and integral perspective to her curriculum of over 45 intimate arts and holistic sexuality classes. She’s located in Kingston, New York and also works with clients privately and by phone. So today we’re talking about the genital anatomy, and I know women have a clitoris so I thought maybe that’s where we’d start. Can you tell us what one is?
Sheri Winston: Well I will, but let me give you, let me give you a few more overview ideas about female genital anatomy and then I’ll get more specific, because one of the problems we have in our culture is we don’t actually have an accurate understanding of female genital anatomy. And when I say “we” I mean medical professionals, sexuality teachers, as well as the general public. And so it’s like we’re trying to play the piano, but we only know about some of the keys. And we’re left not being able to make the most exquisite music possible because women have parts that they don’t know about and their partners don’t know about. And it’s a, there’s actually a very interesting history about how that came about, and maybe we’ll talk about that some other day. But the bottom line is women have a system, a network of structures that are responsible for arousal and orgasm. And when we understand it as a system and how it all works together, then we can start to fully align their instrument. Now a little over a hundred years ago we didn’t even have the head of the clitoris. And it’s a reflection of cultural attitudes about women’s sexuality because all of the parts responsible for reproduction were still in the anatomy books. The parts responsible for pleasure got left out. So about a hundred years ago we got back the head of the clitoris. Now this is a fine thing to have gotten back. I’m glad we have it, I’m glad people know it exists. It is a really amazing structure, it is the most sensitive structure in the male or female body. In that little, somewhere between a pea and an olive sized organ we’ve got six to eight thousand nerve endings, making it exquisitely sensitive. But that’s just the head of the clitoris. The clitoris is actually a three-part structure, and there are other structures that make up what I call the erectile network. So let me tell you a little bit about the erectile network, and then I can tell you about some more of those other structures we have.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That would be wonderful, and I just have to pause for one moment and we’ll go on. And, it’s just a moment of shock to think that people just located the head of the clitoris a hundred years ago. You know, I think they located it millions of years ago, but they only recognized it a hundred years ago, right?
Sheri Winston: Well what I mean by that, the study of anatomy, the official study of anatomy by scientists and doctors, human beings who are playing with each other, they found the good bits. They didn’t have books, but for established institutional learning, the study of anatomy actually goes through a really interesting process where all the parts that I’m going to talk about were pretty much known about at some point and then they got forgotten. Yeah, I call it genital amnesia.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I wanted to point out that, it’s like the Emperor is wearing clothes or not wearing clothes, it’s like we had these parts and people were blind to those parts, and so I’m so glad to have you on today because you are revealing things that are there that people have been unable to see for quite a long time, and the fact that doctors were only able to see the clitoris a hundred years ago, something that’s been there all along and, you know, we laugh about that now, it seems so obvious. And I think you represent the next generation in being able to see this network of structures about what the clitoris really is, is way more advanced and sophisticated. So I really want to honor you for coming on and talking about the clitoris, ‘cause I think a lot of people now think of the clitoris as just this little button there in that area, well that’s the clitoris, and what you’re saying is no, it’s actually this network of structures, and I think we need to open our minds, and this is what you’re doing. So it’s really a kind of a roundabout way of acknowledging that you’re really doing the next generation for us. Thank you Sheri. Please continue.
Sheri Winston: Well and it’s my pleasure and my mission. I mean, I, as you mentioned, I have extensive training on the nurse midwife and gynecology practitioners, so I learned all this stuff extensively in school about anatomy, but the stuff that I’m talking about now I didn’t learn in those places. So it was none of this, the stuff that I’m going to talk about that’s unusual comes from my many, many years of essential medical education or my years of studying tantra or holistic healing or any of those places. The information has just gotten lost, so we need to reclaim it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yes, this is very leading edge, so please continue. I think it’s amazing work that you’re doing.
Sheri Winston: Well it’s pretty exciting and empowering. You know, one of the things that happens when our mental model doesn’t match the reality of our experience is that we tend to discount our own experience. And so you have a lot of people walking around they’re broken or they don’t work right or there’s something wrong with them. But what they don’t get is that it’s the map, it’s the model that’s flawed, and when you have a map that matches your experience, your experience instantly expands…
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay…
Sheri Winston: You get these moments, you just go, “Oh, oh, that’s what I have. Oh, that’s what’s going on.” So let me tell you…
Dr. Patti Taylor: Please, please.
Sheri Winston: Let me tell you what’s down there. Women have a network of structures that are made out of erectile tissue. Now erectile tissue, we all know what that is because everyone’s familiar with the fabulous penis and its amazing abilities to go from being small and soft to getting big and hard. We all know about that. It’s a wonderful thing that it can do that. The thing is the reason it can do that is ‘cause it’s primarily made up of this specialized erectile tissue. Now here’s the kicker: women have got just as much erectile tissue as men.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Now can you tell us what erectile tissue is?
Sheri Winston: It’s specialized tissue, without going into the details, and in my class and in the book I’ve got coming out and my DVD and all that stuff I go into exquisite detail about it, but to just summarize it’s special tissue that can fill up with blood, and that’s what gives it its ability to go from small and soft to big and hard.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And it feels really good, doesn’t it?
Sheri Winston: Yeah, it does. And it feels really good. The more it fills up with blood – that’s called engorgement – the more engorged it gets the more sensitive it gets.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right, ‘cause then everything’s spread out, right?
Sheri Winston: Well it activates the nerve endings and does all kinds of wonderful things.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, well… Okay, good.
Sheri Winston: So here’s the thing though, women have pound for pound, inch for inch just as much erectile tissue as men do, except instead of it being in this one unit, it is separated into these different structures. So the clitoris is made of erectile tissue. There are three parts to the clitoris, and then there are several other structures also made of erectile tissue that work together as a system, as a network.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well we better find that erectile tissue, I’m telling you. Where is this located?
Sheri Winston: I know, it’s so much fun. That’s why I’m always telling people there’s homework, it’s really home play…
Dr. Patti Taylor: I want my erectile tissue…
Sheri Winston: You want to know, you want to know where it is.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Where is this?
Sheri Winston: Well it’s, when I teach the class and in the DVD I give people homework, and the homework is to actually go and if you own this equipment to find it on your self, and if you are just a lucky visitor to somebody else’s equipment, obviously with her cooperation, you can find all of the things I’m going to tell you about.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, well we’re going to take a quick break and please stay with us, and then we’ll find out more about these interesting things. This is Dr. Patti Taylor and I’m here with Sheri Winston. And you can learn more about Sheri at her website, sheriwinston.com, and I’m going to spell that, s-h-e-r-i, w-i-n-s-t-o-n, dot com, and it’s a great website. It’s full of blogs and movies and DVD’s and all kinds of things. Anyway, please stay with us. We’ll be right back.
Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back and we’re talking about erectile tissue, where to find it. Please continue.
Sheri Winston: So the erectile network, we’ll begin with the head of the clitoris, the part that everybody already knows about that is indeed made of erectile tissue. Then there’s the shaft underneath the hood of the clitoris. If you put your fingers on the skin right above the head of the clitoris and push down under the skin you’ll feel what feels like a round, almost like a tucsic roundness, and that’s the shaft of the clitoris and that is made of erectile tissue. At the base of the shaft the clitoris splits into two, it has two legs like a fat fishbowl.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So I’m going to stop you right there…
Sheri Winston: Okay.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Because I want to talk about the shaft.
Sheri Winston: Okay.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Alright, I love my shaft, and I have gotten off so many times with a man just playing with my shaft, without even rubbing my, the head of my clitoris. I, you know, I’ve had orgasms on my shaft just that have sent me into complete bliss and ecstasy.
Sheri Winston: Well it’s erectile tissue first of all, so naturally it is happy to respond. And the other thing is the head of the clitoris has got so many nerve endings, it’s so sensitive that it can easily be over stimulated or irritated. And the shaft is actually a safer place to play because it’s less likely to get that, have that problem.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s right. A lot of women also will often ask their partner, or prefer themselves, either way, to just touch their shaft, which is underneath, which is underneath the hood usually, their clitoral hood, which is, I don’t know what you call that, but there’s a hood covering the shaft…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: It’s the skin. I just asked to be played with through the skin that covers the shaft…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: instead of directly on the clit because they actually will enjoy that more, and you can find the shaft very easily just by pinching kind of the sides of the shaft and kind of going up and down. It sort of feels like a omen, you’ll feel the shaft right between your two fingers.
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: But do you have any other suggestions for accessing the shaft?
Sheri Winston: Well it’s, you know, it’s in a sort of a fibris tube and there’s a play to it, so if you have your fingers sort of flat on the skin above it and you’re pressing through the skin to roll it back and forth a little bit, and make little circles on it and go up and down or sideways, and those are some of women’s favorite solo sex moves in fact.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Uh huh.
Sheri Winston: So that is a popular, popular move. And then of course since you’re doing homework, since you’re checking all this out, I like to encourage people look at the head of the clitoris, look at the size, the shape, the color, feel it, feel the shaft, and then after you pleasure yourself for a while or your partner does the job for you, after you’re really aroused check it out again and see how it changes. See how the head swells up, gets more red or almost purple, feel how the shaft enlarges, and that’s what starts getting you thinking, “Oh yeah, this is erectile tissue I’m playing with.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Oh, you’re darn right it is.
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Lets get this shaft to shift, really good stuff.
Sheri Winston: Now the clitoris also has legs…
Dr. Patti Taylor: Ooh.
Sheri Winston: And so at the base of the shaft it splits into two, and one leg on either side, kind of like a wishbone. And it’s, the legs are the part you really are not usually going to be able to find. They’re buried under a lot of tissue. But at high level arousal you can also find the tops of the legs.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Where are they.
Sheri Winston: So once you’ve found the shaft, put your fingers a little bit wider apart, feel through the skin, and at high level arousal you might be able to feel kind of these ropey, the tops of the legs of the clitoris.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, can you walk us through that one more time?
Sheri Winston: I can. This is easy to do with pictures or a pussy pillow. But, you’ve got your fingers on the shaft and you just separate them a little bit. So you’ve got one finger on either side and feel through the skin, and at low level arousal you probably won’t feel anything, but at high level arousal you might be able to feel the tops of the legs. How’s that?
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, that is great. Great. I felt my legs, they feel pretty good, you know, when I play with them. I mean I like it all.
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm. And, you know, every woman is different, so for some women they will be able to feel them more easily at lower levels of arousal. Other women will be easier to feel at high levels. But if you can find them then you want to sort of follow them down and see how far down you can follow them. They will at some point get buried under too much tissue to really feel, but it’s a fun little game to find out how much of them you can feel.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I think you’re making a really good point, which is the level of arousal. Can you say more about that? Like doesn’t it depend on how aroused you are in terms of how good your homework’s going to be here?
Sheri Winston: Well that’s why it’s actually important to do your homework in stages. If you think again about a penis, if all you were doing was checking out a flaccid penis and that’s all you knew and you saw, you would think, “Okay, well penises are these small soft little sloppy things…”
Dr. Patti Taylor: Uh huh.
Sheri Winston: But then when they have their magnificent erection, you go, “Wow, look at how big and hard and how the color’s changing”, and so the same thing goes with the genital anatomy of women, that system, which is you really want to be able to see how it transforms with arousal, how it happens as it gets engorged. So that’s why I think it’s great to really do your homework in stages where you check everything out completely non aroused, play around for a while, get to like medium arousal, check it out again, play some more, get to the point where you’re almost having an orgasm and stop – that’s the hard part – stop and check it all out again at high level arousal and you’ll be able to pretty much I think amaze yourself really with just how much is there and how big it gets and how dramatic the change is once you start paying attention and noticing it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I think that is phenomenal advice, and I think I’m about 20 different women. My genital landscape goes through at least that many changes as I get aroused. You know, my hot spots change, what works and doesn’t work goes through the, you know, as the erectile tissue changes.
Sheri Winston: And whether it gets attention or not, ‘cause one of the things that’s somewhat different with women from men is because of the arrangement they have, that’s kind of an all or nothing system. You don’t have, you know, a quarter of the penis hard, right. The whole thing’s, you know, in the game. I mean there’s different levels of hardness, but it’s not like one chunk can be hard and the rest can be soft. But because women have this network of structures we can get aroused and orgasmic with just some of those structures engaged.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Interesting.
Sheri Winston: And that is one of the reasons that women can have orgasms that are good orgasms, but they aren’t the fireworks going off earth moving kind of orgasms, ‘cause if they’re only using part of the system it’s not going to be as good.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Amazing. I want to say there’s a good map on Wikipedia if you just look up clitoris that shows the legs and the shaft and all of that.
Sheri Winston: Also the other place to look is a book called New View of a Woman’s Body.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, great. Great.
Sheri Winston: An old book that’s been in and out of print, but it was the one that got me started whenever it first came out 20 years ago or something, going, “Wait a minute, there’s more here than they taught me in school.”
Dr. Patti Taylor: Wow!
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, so then what happens? You’ve got the legs, the shaft, it’s a whole network…
Sheri Winston: Okay, we’ll that’s just the parts of the clitoris. The next part of the erectile network are what are called the vestibular bulbs…
Dr. Patti Taylor: Ooh.
Sheri Winston: Now the vestibular bulbs are like to big fat parentheses. They’re underneath the outer lip, there’s one on either side, and the bottom part of them, which is very fat and bulbular, is on either side of the vaginal opening. But they run up along the sides and they actually attach to the shaft of the clitoris. So… Should I do that again?
Dr. Patti Taylor: No, just tell me how to rub it, at what point during the date so I can get off better, okay? And all my listeners, okay?
Sheri Winston: Well basically they’re underneath the outer lips, and they like firm raw stimulation. You know how sometimes you’re making out with somebody and they’ve got their thigh pressed up against your whole crotch?
Dr. Patti Taylor: Uh huh. Yeah.
Sheri Winston: The reason that feels good is that’s stimulating the vestibular bulbs.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So next time some guy is like, I’m just kind of really pressing into him, I’m like, “Oh god, my vestibular bulb. Oh.”
Sheri Winston: Exactly. And the bulbs are great ‘cause they get huge. You should have, you should have a handful of pussy when you (unintelligible). And they’re, you know the way a penis can, you just start playing with it, it’s limp and it just like puffs up in your hand like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, you know how fun that is?
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yes, yes, yes.
Sheri Winston: Well, the bulbs are like that. When you start playing with them they just puff right up.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Ooh.
Sheri Winston: I know it. And when I first discovered these I literally sat there and went, “How did I miss this?”
Dr. Patti Taylor: And they’re erectile tissue too?
Sheri Winston: Exactly.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Oh my god.
Sheri Winston: And, you know, when they get really big and puffy, then the sensations around the vaginal opening, not only are the sensations around the vaginal opening better, but it also is connected to the clitoris.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well I mean I knew all that felt good.
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Now I know why I need to do more homework to see why it feels so good.
Sheri Winston: Well you know, when I first started having sex I did not have orgasms from intercourse, and over half of women don’t have orgasms from intercourse. Now there’s a number of reasons why that is so, but one of the reasons is because we don’t know about the bulbs. And if you don’t know about them and if you don’t play with them and they don’t get big and puffy and erect, then it’s not going to feel as good when you have something inside your vagina.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Mm hmm.
Sheri Winston: But when those bulbs are big and puffy, well then it’s like, oh, not only does it feel great to have something there, it also connects up with the clitoral system.
Dr. Patti Taylor: It makes total sense to me…
Sheri Winston: Doesn’t it?
Dr. Patti Taylor: Engorgement is the key to, you know, being orgasmic, so, and having it feel good when you’re making love, and, you know…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So we’re going to take another break…
Sheri Winston: I’ve got more to tell you.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Please stay with us. We are talking with Sheri Winston. You can learn more about her at her website, sheriwinston.com. And so, you’re the author of a book coming out in the Fall right?
Sheri Winston: I am, I have a book coming out.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Uh huh, and, The Anatomy of Arousal, interestingly enough, Women’s Unknown Erectile Circuits and Other Secret Maps to Buried Pleasure, so…
Sheri Winston: Yes ma’am.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I’m glad to hear that. So please stay with us, we’ll be right back.
Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re back and we’re talking with Sheri Winston about secret maps to sexual pleasure and how it all links up. So, what else is there to link up?
Sheri Winston: Well, we were just talking, we talked so far about the three parts of the clitoris, and we talked about the vestibular bulbs and how they actually connect up to the shaft and are those big fat parentheses that go around the opening of the vagina, and that the way you get at them is through the outer lips. So you’re going to put your hand on the outer lips and press down and rub what’s underneath there. So that’s all the stuff you can get to from the outside. But now we’re going to go inside and find some more erectile structures. The first one I’ll talk about is in the floor of the vagina, and it is in the wall between the vaginal canal and the anal canal. And this erectile tissue is just almost nowhere, almost nobody gets that there’s erectile tissue that’s in the floor of the vagina. So if you were feeling it for yourself, you would put your thumb inside your vagina and push down toward your butt.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I just want to say that I love that. I didn’t know it was erectile tissue, but we do that, you know, often…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I mean, and it’s like totally amazing…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I didn’t know it was erectile tissue, so please continue.
Sheri Winston: Isn’t it great? We all like it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: It’s great. Keep going.
Sheri Winston: Another way to get to that one is if you have one finger in the vagina and one finger in the ass.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Uh huh.
Sheri Winston: Obviously a well lubed finger, no one knows. Once the fingers been in the ass it can go back in the pussy, but…
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right, right.
Sheri Winston: If you have two fingers, one in each hole, you’ll feel - and they’ll be about an inch in size more or less, it’ll depend on your anatomy - you’ll feel a fat place between the walls. That’s where the erectile tissue is. If you go further in, if you go deeper in then it gets very thin, the wall between the two canals.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right, and there’s so many nerve endings in the ass too. I mean…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: it’s a win-win situation, right. There’s no erectile tissue now in the anus, but…
Sheri Winston: Well….
Dr. Patti Taylor: your basic… Is there?
Sheri Winston: Well this erectile tissue that’s in the floor of the vagina is also, it basically in, there’s sort of like a triangle of the perennials, that skin between the two holes…
Dr. Patti Taylor: Uh huh.
Sheri Winston: And you’ve got a canal that converge, and so there’s like a triangle between them…
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right.
Sheri Winston: And that is erectile tissue, and you can get to that from the ass.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Oh, okay. So you sort of can’t remove once you’re in that area basically, right?
Sheri Winston: Yeah, and I mean the hole, you know, and there’s all these nerve pathways in that wall between the two also.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Oh okay, cool. So basically once you start lighting things up, the way I see it, the easier it gets. Now let me stop and just ask you one question. My thought is, my experience is when you start with the clit and then you kind of spread your way out, that by starting with the head of the clit, since that’s where the concentration of nerve ending is, is right up in the head, that it’s sort of easier to spread things out and then work your way down in terms of engorgement. Would you say that’s true?
Sheri Winston: Well I have a little bit of a different take on that.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay.
Sheri Winston: And it’s about how sexual energy moves and how it tends to move somewhat differently for men and women. We both have, everyone has both masculine and feminine or yin and yang sexual energy, however you want to frame it. But generally speaking most women have more of what I call yin sexual energy and most men tend to have more of that yang kind. Another way of looking at it is pussycats and puppy dogs, but we’ll talk about that another day. Yin sexual energy starts from the outside and moves towards the center. And yang energy starts in the sex center and can stay there because it doesn’t have anywhere it has to go or it can move outward. So in general when playing with women and female genitalia I usually suggest that… Well first of all, you don’t start with the genitalia, you start with the rest of the body and you start with the mind and feeling safe and you’re moving energy, you’re trying to coalesce it, you’re trying to pull that energy down towards the genitals. Once you’re actually at the genitals, I think the best place to start is actually the most external structures in a way, and I think the vestibular bulbs are a great place to start.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, sure. That would make total sense.
Sheri Winston: And then move to the shaft of the clitoris…
Dr. Patti Taylor: Uh huh.
Sheri Winston: And not actually get to the head of the clitoris until the woman is at moderate or high level arousal.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Makes total sense…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Absolute total sense. Get her engorged…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: and then go to the clit…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And then go to the clit, right, and then start spreading the energy elsewhere.
Sheri Winston: Yeah. (unintelligible) the vagina you do reach up into the roof of it, but it is a round dime size spot, it’ll feel like a ridge that’ll run along the top. And you can feel, if your fingers are together you’ll feel the center of the ridge. If you move your fingers apart a little bit you’ll feel along the sides. If you can reach in deep enough you can feel the back of it where it ends. So it’s about more or less two inches long, and also, and this is sort of advanced homework, but if you have a good light and a magnifying mirror and you play with all of those yummy parts of the erectile network, you get everything really big and juicy and swollen, including that tube of erectile tissue, which has got various names but I prefer calling it the sponge, in that spongy tube of erectile tissue you can actually from the outside look at where the urethra is and you’ll see the end of the tube, like a raised area around the urethral opening.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well that sounds like very, very fun homework. Now I often call it the g-area and I just substitute goddess for g, so it…
Sheri Winston: That one works too. And, you know, like I said, I’m going to try to get away from the spot thing too so…
Dr. Patti Taylor: It’s true.
Sheri Winston: Yeah. They’re all, you know… We’re all coming up with names, like the squirt tube.
Dr. Patti Taylor: The thing I don’t like about spot is that it implies that there’s one spot…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm, exactly.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And there isn’t one spot. To me there are lots of spots, and like you said, it’s, I love, well I didn’t know it was two inches long, my goodness, I just knew it was an area, and to me it’s like it’s lighting, different areas are lighting up at different points in time. So first it feels really good and… I have certain areas that I like at different times. There’s an area on the right that I like and then there’s this place a little to the left that I often like and, you know what I’m saying?
Sheri Winston: Absolutely, you know, and, but what’s interesting is part of it is about arousal level and how engorged the tissue is. The other piece of this is, there’s a whole other part which we’re not really talking about right now about nerve pathways, and that women have certain spots where a major nerve is sort of entering and branching, and those are very good spots to find.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s right, that’s right.
Sheri Winston: Uh huh.
Dr. Patti Taylor: We’re going to have to bring the show to a close pretty soon. You didn’t talk about the cervix, but there is, when you go way past the - not way past, it’s not that big – but slightly past the g-area and, or the sponge and…
Sheri Winston: Mm hmm.
Dr. Patti Taylor: sort of reach around and sort of caress the cervix, the cervical area, different women like it sort of behind or under or on or, you know…
Sheri Winston: Well this fits into the nerve pathway…
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yes, the nerve pathways, different nerve pathways…
Sheri Winston: Yeah.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Go into that.
Sheri Winston: Yeah. I mean and sure there are some major nerve pathways that enter just behind the cervix. And then nerve patterns are one of the things people are more individual about than almost any other part of anatomy. So that’s why some women, there’ll be a spot here that they really like and another woman that spot won’t do anything for them.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well gladly we, we squeezed that into the show. We do want to talk about men; thank god we have a part two to this show. So we’re going to bring this show…
Sheri Winston: Well I will tell you that there’s a whole bunch of stuff about women, we did cover the whole erectile network, but we didn’t even begin to talk about the uterus and the cervix, so we’ve got more to talk about another time.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, well maybe in part two. We will bring this show to a close. I would love to invite you to share a parting thought or quote.
Sheri Winston: Well I would just say that I really encourage people to go home and do their homework play, and really just discover this for yourselves, because once you do, once you own this knowledge, once you know it’s the way it is, then no one can tell you different, so I really want to encourage people to become their own experts.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I love that.
Sheri Winston: Well thank you.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Short and to the point. Thank you so much for coming on this show today.
Sheri Winston: Oh it is my pleasure.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yes. We’ve been talking to Sheri Winston about secret maps to sexual pleasure. So you can find out more about Sheri Winston at her website, sheriwinston.com, s-h-e-r-i, w-i-n-s-t-o-n, dot com. And she is the upcoming, she’s the author of the upcoming book The Anatomy of Arousal. So thank you so much for listening today. If you haven’t already, please check out our new feature at personallifemedia.com. It’s called Notify Me, and you can just go to personallifemedia.com/signup to choose same day notification or get a weekly digest to be notified every time an episode of the Expanded Lovemaking show comes out. Personallifemedia.com/signup. So please send me, Patti, email at [email protected], for text and transcripts of this show. Also please visit me, Dr. Patti Taylor at expandedlovemaking.com where you can join my mailing list and find out more about my products, services and events. This is Dr. Patti Taylor. That’s all for now. I remain yours in ever expanding lovemaking, and I’ll see you next week.