Episode 32 - Sharing the Bliss of All-Chakra Lovemaking with Dr. Sasha Lessin and Janet Lessin
In this show, hear Dr. Patti talk to Dr. Sasha Lessin and his wife, Janet Lessin, about All-Chakra Tantra. The Lessins are the founders of the School of Tantra in Maui, Hawaii, where they teach people to make love with their whole being, and to unblock any and all stuck places that get in the way of intimacy, personal power and full orgasmic presence. Learn what the chakras mean, and how to use them to create a beautiful lovemaking ceremony. Experience for yourself a dynamic process that Sasha and Janet use to generate connection using the seven chakras to send shivers of delight up your spine! You can feel the energy while listening, and better yet, also reproduce this in your own home with the handout the Lessins give. Then, tune in as Sasha gives Janet a reenactment of a full ejaculatory orgasm. Sasha very specifically goes stroke by stroke over exactly how he evokes every little nuance and pleasure from Janet’s clit and “cave”, as well as creating her “gushing” over the edge. Youwill get lots of specific ideas. Janet’s commentaries on the emotional impact of Sasha’s touches, and her vulnerability, are priceless, as are both of their spoken words to one another. Learn the kind of work the Lessins do to help others with issues such as sexual healing and emotional blocks to sex in their private counseling. This show models how easily true expanded love can be made! Plus, find out how they connect their work to planetary healing.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to the Expanded Lovemaking show. I'm your host, Dr. Patti Taylor of Expanded Lovemaking dot com, and I teach you how to give and receive way more pleasure than you ever dreamed possible. Today on the show, we are talking about sharing the bliss of all chakra lovemaking with a partner. Usually, we have guests on talking about what they do. Today, we're so lucky to have two experts on the show experiencing intimate yet powerful lovemaking and talking to us as they go through it themselves. I'll be inviting you to join in energetically and to take back juicy knowledge and energy into your own lovemaking enjoyment. Our guests are Dr. Sasha Lessin, Dean of the School of Tantra, with his wife, Janet Lessin, Professor of Tantric Studies at the School of Tantra. So, welcome, Sasha and Janet Lessin.
Janet Lessin: Aloha! Thank you for having us here.
Sasha Lessin: Aloha.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Hi, so, Dr. Sasha Lessin is a practicing psychotherapist and relationship counselor for over thirty years who brings many special skills to his counseling, including hypnotherapy, holotropic breathing, healing and past-life regressions, spirit releasement, and voice dialogue. Janet Lessin is an accomplished writer and teacher of Tantra. Sasha and Janet teach their diverse healing and spiritual paths together through their School of Tantra. They're the authors of All Chakra Tantra and How to Really Love a Woman, amongst many other incredible books and things that they've created. They live in Maui, Hawaii, where they offer workshops, ceremonies, singles events, couples events, residential retreats, Tantra training of all sorts, and they also do counseling by phone. I think our listeners will love this show because, in a real life experience, you can feel the energy instead of just hearing about it. And I've always loved being able to model myself after experts. So today, then, we will find out all about All Chakra Tantra and have some demonstrations of the Lessins' most requested teachings. Hopefully some of them, anyway. Including creating an intimate female ejaculatory lovemaking session. So let's get started! Let's find out a little bit about All Chakra Tantra, and I think we need to start out finding out what is a chakra. So hello, and can you tell us a little about All Chakra Tantra?
Sasha Lessin: Oh, I'd love to, and I'll be posting this stuff on your site, Patti, so people can get it. Tantra, one of its meanings is "weaving." It means weaving all levels of your awareness, and these levels we call "chakras." These are things within you and between you and those you love. Think of the chakras with your body parts, the bottom of your torso, genitals is the next one, belly, heart, throat, brain, then the neocortex. And these are the parts that make you aware of first security, the sexuality, then power, love is the heart, talk the throat, clarity- that's the vision center. And spiritual connection. Each of these chakras constitues an inner dimension within you and an outer dimension between you and your lovers, and in each chakra you have a number of sub-cells or inner voices, energies concerned with the tasks of the chakra involved. Now, in All Chakra Tantra, you center yourself at each chakra with regard to the sub-cells active in the issues of concern to that chakra so you have the benefit of consulting them all. That's within you. And then you also center yourself in your lover relationship, so you create a two-person, or multi-person if you're polyamorous- an interpersonal entity. It could be diadic or triadic, but it weaves your needs with those of your lovers, and you and your lovers join together in an ocean of consciousness and merge with all of the humanities. And of course- let's look at each one, really get a feeling for it. The first chakra relates to your perineum, it concerns your need to feel, belong, feel safe, secure, and to take care of your inner child. And balance within yourself means being able to take care of this vulnerable part, the part that feels emotions and can be hurt so easily, and the part of you that protects that, being able to have a balance. You can decide how emotional you're going to be. It means that if you're in a Tantric relationship, you help your mate feel emotionally and financially secure and take care of each other's health. So that's the first chakra. We do a whole lot of real, real integration, of getting past the programs that our inner children have from their parents, the parents in the real world, so that we can be free to be with our lovers.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And the perineum is located where?
Sasha Lessin: It's between the genitals and the anal sphincter area. This is how you relate to the earth. Your security, your sense of belonging to life, belonging to a relationship. It's really critical that our children, the sensitive part of us, be allowed to be present in our lovemaking.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I would think without that active, that you couldn't even really start your lovemaking.
Sasha Lessin: No, it's really hard. You have to distinguish your lover from your dad and your mother so that you are just present with what's real for you in the relationship. It's totally critical. We're conditioned by so many little habits that we imprinted without even thinking by seeing how our parents interacted, and by our society. What we want to do is get free to really feel our sensorium and be present with all of our emotions. And that means you have to feel safe with your lover. That's the first chakra, and that's where the bonding patterns take place, and how to keep sweet interaction going. The second chakra is what we're going to deal with a bit today, which is your sexual needs, and within you it's being able to express yourself sexually and when to hold back. So in other words, for every chakra we try to balance ourselves out, many aspects of us that are concerned with in this case chakra two, the sexual chakra. We try to center ourselves among the impulses we have so we can make discriminating behaviors. For women, what we teach of the second chakra, we teach women how to have ejaculatory orgasms, where a fluid- anrida, it's called, it's alkaline -comes down from the urinary bladder down the urethra and squirts or burbles out, accompanied by a clitoral and vaginal orgasm, and it's really great. For a man we teach complete and total ejaculatory control, which is really very easy once you control your abdominal muscles. That's chakra two. The third chakra relates to the belly-diaphragm area. We have power, being able to lead or follow in the relationship, being able to let the other person lead, and being able to encourage them to take what's rightfully theirs in life. The fourth chakra- and we're going to be demonstrating each one of these when we do our lovemaking in a little bit, the re-enactment. But the fourth chakra is the heart chakra, being able to give love and to get love, to not- being so balanced within you means you're not into giving all the time so you use up all your energy and feel resentful, or not just demanding all the time so that you're so selfish no one wants to relate to you, but the balance. The fifth chakra is the throat chakra, and here we're concerned with expression, being able to both say what's really real for you in your authenticity and being able to keep your mouth shut when what you say won't be helpful, true, or kind. So, being able to choose what we say and don't say, and to really be able to hear each other. And then the next chakra, of course, is the brain chakra, and this is where you have vision, where you see things, intuit, and the intellect, where you think things. And all those, we ask that to be present in All Chakra lovemaking, and that's really, really important, too. Lots of times when you're making love you'll have visions of your childhood or past lives or archetypes or movies your saw. Let all those things happen. It really enriches everything. The seventh chakra, your crown chakra, we think of as opening up and allowing you to become spiritually one, so that you're not feeling separate at all from the person you're making love with, but you are one. You transcend your separate-self sense in that sense, so you're not just identified with little you and not just identified with your mate, but you identify with everything in the world, and that is the spiritual dimension that we seek. And there's a little chant that goes with it. And we're going to show you how we bring all that stuff into our lovemaking.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Wow, that's really exciting, and I'm really looking forward to this. I think a lot of our listeners would love to be having that kind of fully integrated, alive on all levels kind of lovemaking.
Sasha Lessin: Cool. Yeah, we love to share that, and also on the site we have a thing that you can do by yourself where you feel each chakra, where you empower your inner child, you empower your sexual part. You go through each one of these. There's the chant you can do yourself looking in a mirror or, as we'll be doing in a little bit, with one lover putting their legs around the hips of the other and looking into each other's eyes and then making these sounds called the Bija Mantra. These Sanskrit sounds that activate these chakras doing blessings. We'll be doing that after the break.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, cool. Well, I know this is going to be sort of the short version of what could take possibly hours, so I thank you for- but I guess you could do this in a long version of a short version, so let's go ahead and give it a roll here. I'm all juicy and waiting to let it go.
Janet Lessin: Okay. So, we begin with the setup. While the woman is taking a bath and preparing herself for her Tantric ritual, her beloved prepares the space. And he puts out beautiful tapestries, or lights incense and candles and brings flowers. He's interviewed her beforehand so he knows what kind of music she likes, what kinds of things she likes to relax, maybe some fine wine or something. At our home, we're located high on West Maui Mountain, and for our date today, we have the phone on today because we're talking to you, but normally we turn off the phone, and we would lock all the doors, and turn off the TV, and get into a sacred ritual space. In our location, we're very fortunate. Our bed overlooks beautiful Maui Harbor, where we see windsurfers on the north shore. Sasha has prepared our Tantric lovemaking nest, and there's tapestries showing deities making love and he's put down all these wonderful, comfy pillows, and lots of towels so that when the woman- when I -eventually ejaculate, I won't be worried about wetting the bed.
Sasha Lessin: If she wets the bed, it's the man's reponsibility to sleep in the wet spot after. So what we do, way before we even connect like this, we take the time to share our emotions, so we makes sure there's no unfinished emotional business that hasn't been resolved and we can be fully present. Then we sit in this- it's called "yab yung" position, it's got her legs over mine. And now we breathe in and out at the same time and gaze in one another's left eyes. As I let my awareness flow through Janet's left eye, beyond her face, beyond her present form, I go to her deep soul, to the core of her. And she's doing the same for me. She meditates on experiencing my essence through my left eye. It's a portal to my soul. And when I feel her deepest essence, I can feel that contact, and then it resonates within me. Her consciousness and mine, I can realize, are identical. She is me and I am she and we are one. We experience this existential love. Unity.
Janet Lessin: Then we move into syncopated breaths, where one is breathing out and the other is breathing in. We're sharing breath. And I breathe out through my mouth towards Sasha's nose, and he inhales my breath through his nostrils. Then I inhale through my nose and he breathes out through his mouth towards my nose. Each time I inhale I say to myself, "He loves me." Each time I exhale into his nose, I say to myself, "I love you." And he does the same meditation.
Sasha Lessin: I love you.
Janet Lessin: Back and forth. "I love you, you love me," with each exhale and inhale.
Sasha Lessin: And now, as we keep gazing into each other's eyes, we chant this ancient Sanskrit mantra. It's got seven syllable words, "lam," "bam," "ram," "yam," "ham," and "ohm." Each syllable will activate a different one of these chakras that we were talking about. The "lam" will pump our perineum, the "bam" will invigorate our genitals, "ram" empowers our bellies, "yam" heals our hearts, "ham" frees our voices. Our third eye, from our head to the occipit vibrates with "oh," and we think and intuit at the same time. Then we chant "m" and our crowns open and unite us with all that is and will be. When we complete the seven syllables, we tighten our PC muscles and our belly muscles, pulse our anuses, and imagine energy flowing from the tip of our spine, the bottom, up through our bodies, out our crowns, where our energies meet. So we're going to chant these, and if you want to and it's safe to do so, you can even chant them with them, and they are "lam, bam, ram, yam, ham, and ohm." So here we go.
Sasha and Janet Together: Lam, bam, ram, yam, ham, oh, m.
Sasha Lessin: Belly hold until you feel this whole field of energy, baby.
Janet Lessin: So we're vibrating together, sweetheart, in every one of our chakras.
Sasha Lessin: Oh, sweetheart, thank you for letting me worship and adore you. I delight in serving you, and I love relating this intimately. May my adoration heal hurts I have caused you or others have caused you. May our hearts unite, and may we become one with the universe. What would you like to say to consecrate the worship I offer you, darling?
Janet Lessin: Sweetheart, I love how you take the time to pleasure and honor who I am. You slow things down and listen to me kindly. Your love compels me until time is slow or all stands still. And nothing else seems to exist but you and me, as we become one with the infinite and all that there is. You help me to evolve, grow, expand in my path to consciousness. I appreciate how you meet me and are so present, touch me sweetly and softly, and speak these wonderful words to me as I dissolve into higher states of consciousness, and from there I can see other worlds and other realms and dimensions, and find new ways of being and becoming a more loving self. Thank you, my love.
Sasha Lessin: Okay, honey, I'm going to lie you down on your back. I wanted to dedicate my intention in this connect. I'm going to put first my left hand on your heart, there. You put your hand on top of mine. My right hand is going to be on each one of your chakras as I bless each. These are called mudras, it's to put you in the "moodras," so to speak. So first, I put my hand lightly on your perineum. Pulse your anal sphincter, honey. Sweetheart, I love you, I want you to feel your base, to enjoy health, safety, and security. I want you to know you belong and please, may your inner child be present in this lovemaking. Feel the energy, feel the energy. Now I'm going to touch your labia. I love you at your yoni- that's Sanskrit for "vagina" -and bless you sensually. May you be sensual, creative, and sexual. May your goddess of sensuality, the second chakra goddess, be present for this trice. Now I'm going to touch your belly. I love you in your power chakra. Take what's yours, sweetheart. May the goddess of strength enjoy the sensual touch we share at your genital chakra. Now I'm going to put both hands on your heart. I send you love. May you feel the touch with pleasure. May your romantic subpersonality enjoy this experience. Now the back of your neck with my right hand. I love you, may you say your thoughts, make sounds, and express as you connect with me. I'm going to touch your brow. I celebrate how you understand and intuit. I invite your visionary to give you images and insight as I stroke your grotto. And lastly I touch the top of your head. I love you and merge with you. May your spiritual self be present and may you experience unity with the universe. And now, sweetheart- oh, this feels so good -I'd like to give you a gentle massage all over. I'm going to especially rub the grasillus muscles- that is, the muscles on the inside of each of your thighs -because massaging this grasillus muscle also stimulates the lateral ends of your hidden clitoral tissues. There we go. Feel that?
Janet Lessin: Yeah.
Sasha Lessin: Now your belly muscles, just above the pubic bone, so that the energy can flow from your power chakra- that's the third chakra -down from your navel to your genital chakra. It takes a while. We do a long massage. So we'll just jump to the chase, here, and I'll say to Janet...I'd really like to give some focused touch to your temple of love, honey.
Janet Lessin: Okay. Please, please do.
Sasha Lessin: I'm going to massage, then I'm going to kiss your genital drapes and the valance, so to speak, over your pearl- clitoral tip. I want you to make sounds and direct me with words or sounds, give me feedback. I'm going to lick and stroke. I won't be able to talk soon, but what I'll be doing is I'll be lightly stroking her outer labia. Relaxing her clitoral hood-
Dr. Patti Taylor: Before we do that, can I just jump in for a second, before I hop on a plane to Hawaii? First thing I want to say is that it's totally astonishing, and we are just going to have to pause for break. Can you, like, hang out in that space for a moment?
Sasha Lessin: Sure, I'll just be sure not to rub her the wrong way.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I don't think that's possible. But we do have to stop for a quick break, to support our sponsors. You guys just hang out there. I'm shaking from head to toe, so it won't be a problem for me. This is Dr. Patti Taylor, and I'm with Sasha and Janet Lessin in their magical space, and we will be right back. You can learn more about Sasha and Janet at www.schooloftantra.com.
Dr. Patti Taylor: We're back, and we are talking about sharing the bliss of All Chakra Lovemaking with a partner. We were talking about the All Chakra Tantra blessing, and now we are going into the female ejaculatory orgasm. Why don't you just keep going?
Sasha: Okay. While we've had the break, I've been stroking her labia, and gently, gently rolling the clitoral hood around the crown itself. And I notice, now, that her vaginal lips are starting to swell. The outer lips are swelling and now I can see the beautiful little inner lips. I trace circles, spirals, horizontals, verticals, diagonals, figure eights on them with my finger. I alternate long and short strokes. Playful. Tap, rub, knead. It takes a lot of air time, but we would do this for about fifteen minutes until the clitoral hood itself starts to push back and I can see the tip of the clitoris itself, and then I say...sweetheart, would you like me to polish your pearl?
Janet Lessin: Oh, yes. Oh-ho, yes.
Sasha Lessin: First I blow on your genitals. It's really important not to blow inside the vagina because it's an anaerobic system, but I just want to make some hot air on the outside, little baby kisses on the clitoris. I'm going to twirl my tongue around the crown and lick your labia and reach softly into your yoni with my fingers. All the time, even though I'm down here, I'm looking into your eyes. I salivate as much as I can to really lubricate your orifice.
Janet Lessin: Ah, yes. Thank you. What I'm experiencing right now- I've got to come back into consciousness in order to talk to you -is I'm not really thinking per se, but I'm evolving into this higher state of consciousness. And Sasha and I are divine, sacred, twin souls but I know the way. He's taken me there endless, numerous times. So here I'm experiencing pure pleasure. It's a state of total bliss, like a continuous orgasmic state where one orgasm blends into another, and I become one with my beloved Sasha. I recognize that we are eternal beings, that we've always been together and always will be. And then I become one with my animal friends, and nature, the island of Maui, the earth, the solar system, out to the cosmos and eventually I feel my oneness with Source, that divine, infinite space of love and light, and I'm simultaneously feeling my oneness with Sasha here in the physical plane. So I've transcended and I've brought Heaven to earth. And he comes into his oneness with me, and he feels it just as if it's happening to him.
Sasha Lessin: Oh, you bet, baby. I'm taking my mouth off of her clitoris for a minute to ask a question. I would like to enter your sacred cave with my right ring finger. Would you like that, honey?
Janet Lessin: Oh, yes, lover. Please take me even higher.
Sasha Lessin: Okay, so I lick my finger so it's quite moist, and I place the tip of my fingerpad just inside the vaginal opening. Now pull my finger in, honey.
Janet Lessin: Okay.
Sasha Lessin: I feel the muscles pulsing on my finger. Now I'm going to curl my fingerpad inside your yoni towards your navel and back towards your inner leg so it rests gently on your G-spot area, just behind the pubic bone. Let's breathe together. I'm going to keep my hand still, and I want you to just to imagine that my finger reaches inside all the way to your heart. Okay, now I'm going to start a "c'mere" motion with my finger, taking the pad from the cervix to the orifice. Slowly, back and forth. From the top of your cave to the cervix, to the cave's opening. And all the while, I'm going to keep kissing your pearl and lapping your labia, releasing lots of saliva. This would go on for some time. Then I start turning my wrist from side to side, and I trace a crescent over Janet's G-spot. Then, very soft and light at first, I sweep, turning my wrist from up to down, from the left half of your cave. Slowly I skim the front of my right finger from the cave roof to its floor and the outside door, and then I'm going to have to take my right ring finger and put my left finger inside. Tben I can get the whole other side of your yoni roof.
Janet Lessin: Yeah. Well, after a few minutes, Sasha changes his position, so he eases his back and neck, and he rubs and taps and touches all over inside my vagina. He strokes different levels, different depths, finding the pressure. He alters his speed, and he goes in and out, and traces the throbbing veins and the arteries, and presses gently all the way to the bone in each part of my sacred cave.
Sasha Lessin: Sweetheart, would you like me to pet you with two fingers inside?
Janet Lessin: Yes, please.
Sasha Lessin: Okay, so now I move my fingers from the cervix- I get right between my two fingers toward the orifice, and I have in my fingers- I can feel through the intervening flesh, I can feel the inner clitoris, and also the urethral sponge. I can feel the sponge, which surrounds the urethra and goes from the urinary bladder to the urinary viatus where the urine comes out. The tissue gets rough. You can feel it descending, it's about the size of a little finger now. It's getting quite stimulated. The area just behind the pubic bone is swelling. This is the so-called G-spot area. That's it, that's it. Do I got it?
Janet Lessin: Yes, you have the right spot, sweetheart. If you keep going like that, in short order I can ejaculate.
Sasha Lessin: Great! Push your uterus out like you're delivering a baby. Push out, honey.
Janet Lessin: Thank you, sweetheart.
Sasha Lessin: Wow, that's great, honey! Wow! Oh, Janet's ejaculating, squirting ounces of anrida. Divine nectar! Now's where I say your affirmations, honey. You're beautiful! Forever young! I love you forever! You're coming into your power!
Janet Lessin: I love you, sweetheart.
Sasha Lessin: This is so beautiful, sweetheart.
Janet Lessin: Thank you.
Sasha Lessin: Now let me just hold you a bit. Let me come up here. I'm going to keep my hand in your yoni, the palm of my hand across your mons. I love you so much.
Janet Lessin: I love you so much. So, in a normal Tantric day, we would just keep continuing.
Sasha Lessin: The easiest time to have an orgasm is-
Janet Lessin: Right after you have an orgasm.
Sasha Lessin: What is important when a woman has an ejaculatory orgasm is not to demand intercourse. If she wants to have intercourse next you can, but what's really nice is to just, if you're the giver, to just be there quietly and just see what she wants to say if that's the entire experience. Because usually when a person has an orgasm like this, it has clitoral and vaginal, as well as a urinal ejaculatory aspects, and it's so overwhelming that silence and meditation is just perfect because you feel at one with your mate and you feel at one with the universe.
Janet Lessin: It's a very blissful state, but it's also very vulnerable. So it's important for the giver to be sensitive about his own needs and not push an agenda. Just be there for his beloved so that she can reconnect and find all the pieces of her soul and reconnect with the tissues of her body. And that sometimes takes a long time, especially if someone had a history of abuse of any kind.
Sasha: Yeah. In a more advanced Tantra, I would put some lubricant on fingers of my other hand and slowly work those fingers into the base chakra. Then I would move the fingers in different insane patterns than the fingers I have in the yoni, my tongue on the clitoris, so that I have many, many different stimulations going at the same time. I would tap a little finger against the very tip of her lowest vertebrae so that the kundolini, the energy from the tip of the spine, starts to move up. I'm looking in her eyes, and saying beautiful things. So we have all these things going at once, and then I may take my other hand, my left hand, out of the base chakra, push through the top, right underneath the navel, through the outside of her skin. That's called "uniting the fingers," with my fingers inside and the fingers outside of her belly go in different directions. I move the entire clitoris, which is quite a large organ. You only see the very teeny eighth of an inch or so of the clitoral tip, but actually the clitoris goes back about an inch and a half into the body, and then bifurcates, goes down each leg, so that this rubbing that I did in the beginning of the grasillus muscle, which is one of the ductor muscles of the leg. This massage of that grasillus was also massaging the tip of the clitoris, which is a really large organ. You don't know it, but you can sure feel it inside.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Wow. Well, that is...I just can't thank you enough for sharing so...I know it's just a re-enactment, but still powerful and intimate and very inspirational.
Janet Lessin: Thank you for inviting us to share.
Sasha Lessin: We love sharing. We should do it on TV for you sometime.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, you know, I wanted to say, I checked out your website, and we'll give the link again in just a minute. But you have some beautiful pictures on your website, including how to sit for the lesson that we talked about in the first segment of the show. And you have the gorgeous pictures that go along with the beautiful chakras, and your website is a trip. I absolutely think everybody who listens to the show should go to www.schooloftantra.com and just spend a day there or, you know, an hour there, and just tool around and have some fun with you guys. 'Cause there's just more there than you can imagine. Anyway, we're going to have to take another break, just for our sponsors. This is Dr. Patti Taylor, and I'm with Sasha and Janet Lessin, and we will be right back. And as I said, you can learn more, and definitely we'll have a great time learning more about Sasha and Janet. They do so many things. They teach, they have residential stuff, they write books. Schooloftantra dot com. You can also visit our episode page and we'll put up some links for them and their new book All Chakra Tantra.
Dr. Patti Taylor: We're back, and we are talking about sharing the bliss of All Chakra Lovemaking with a partner. So, before the break, we were talking about- I don't know if "talking about" is the right word. We were in the throes of the most exquisite, intimate sharing imaginable of your experiencing this gorgeous female ejaculatory orgasm, and I think I'm still almost speechless with the beauty of it all. I really want to thank you for an incredible gift that you've given me and my listeners. Our listeners.
Janet Lessin: Our pleasure.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So, just to kind of close down the show a little, here, I just want to just talk a little bit about what you do with the people that go all the way to Maui or people that live in Maui. But, you know, how you empower people. Who are you? Let's find out a little about you.
Sasha Lessin: One of the most important things that we do is while we're doing- instead of just going into merely the pleasure part, which we've done, we take the time to slowly explore every centimeter of the inside of the yoni and map where it feels good at different levels of pressure and where there's a numbness or lack of feeling. Wherever there's numbness or lack of feeling, I say free associate, and that's when people start to re-live unfinished emotional things. They're creating blocks to their ejaculatory orgasms and they will actually start to re-live things that they've forgotten. And I have them express more than they expressed in the original situation and then have an imaginary scenario where they act it out so they get another program that allows them to feel everywhere. And then I move my finger back to where it felt good in the yoni and then back to where it felt numb until that feels good, too, until by stimulus generalization the entire yoni is like a G-spot and the person doesn't have any blocks to full emotional and sexual feeling.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay, so one thing you do for sure is you help people wake up their potential for full-on orgasmic expression.
Janet Lessin: Right, if they have any emotional or psychological issues or trauma it'll block their chakras and they won't be able to experience their sexuality to its fullest potential. So we do a lot of cowpering, we do a lot of communications, we help couples grow closer to each other, we help singles learn how to attract and learn how to keep their beloved. We use a lot of different psychotechnologies, and communication techniques, like non-body communication, voice dialogue, gestalt therapy, existential and past-life and childhood re-scripting therapies. These are all part of our Tantra school. People can come and learn how to be Tantric cowpers and therapists and teachers on all different levels. Some people like to give workshops and conferences. Some like to do therapy, individually or couples or in small groups. So Sasha Lessin has been a therapist, cowper for about forty years. He's just one of the best on the planet and I'm so blessed to be married to him.
Dr. Patti Taylor: You have stuff going on all the time and it's such a wide variety of things. Even to get to be around you is just a cornucopia, an abundance of knowledge pouring out of the two of you. Do you have any examples of somebody that you've helped recently, and what happened?
Sasha Lessin: Let's just tell you the story of Janet and how this worked for her.
Janet Lessin: Oh...well, I wasn't prepared for that. I was very luded in my childhood. There was a lot of rape and incest issues, so I was kind of on the way out, I was dying and I'd been to all these different therapists, and when I met Dr. Lessin we started doing the yoni work and the- I had what was called "mecunhe," I had a blocked issue about an incest-rape issue. And once that came forth, it reversed my physical ails, and once that happened for me I devoted my life to learning this so I could help other people. So as a consequence we give people all the time to have these issues, they're not sure what's going on with them sexually, they don't know why they're depressed or they're having reactions to where they're stifling their creativity. They get into incredible negative bonding patterns with each other. Go ahead, honey. What did you want to say?
Sasha Lessin: It's just so gratifying to realize that you're not stuck, that you can re-program anything to allow yourself all the pleasures that life has to hold. And the interesting thing about ejaculatory orgasms is that since it comes from the urinary bladder, even people that have had hysterectomies can have incredibly intense ejaculatory orgasms.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That sounds so amazing. And you combine it with a trip to Hawaii on top of that, right?
Janet Lessin: Yes, so you want Tantra to become a lifestyle that affects all avenues of your life. It'll help you in your job, and transcend over to all your relationships. Your family, friends.
Sasha Lessin: We really think that making love is the alternative to violence. The evidence is overwhelming that if you don't abuse or hit your children, and if you allow good sex among people without a lot of restrictions, then people do not engage in violent crime or war. So make love, not war. And we teach you how to really make love well.
Dr. Patti Taylor: That's really beautiful. Well, we're almost out of time, so I just have time for one final question each. So, if you could leave our listeners today with one final thought, what will it be? And you can decide who goes first.
Sasha Lessin: Go first, darling.
Janet Lessin: Be true to yourself. In Tantra we encourage authentic communication. Learn how to speak close to the truth and sometimes you may have consequences but at least you'll set yourself free. Free to be who you really are.
Sasha Lessin: Listen to each other. When your lover is emotional, don't just shut it off, but encourage it. Let their feelings out. Empathize with those feelings. Find out what they need, and then ask what you can do to help meet those needs.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Wow. Thank you so much. That's very, very beautiful, heartfelt advice, but why am I not surprised? I just deeply want to thank you for revealing of yourselves and essentially modeling for me and for all of us the beautiful stuff you had to share today. I want to remind everyone that we will have links up on our episode page to a handout that you can actually download so that you can have the bija mantras and take them home and practice them with your lover, because it sounds like that would be a great way to kick off any fabulous lovemaking session. And I also want to say that these beautiful mantras seem to be at the bottom of pretty much every page of your website as well. So you will be able to go to our episodes page for this show and get a handout, as well as finding out about their book, All Chakra Tantra and How to Love a Woman.
Sasha Lessin: And also for those people that have alternate relationships, that is something we really love to do. You don't have to be conventional. You get to choose for yourself who make love with and how.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right. So you are very, very diverse in your talents. Thank you once again for coming on the show. I had a phenomenal time and experience today.
Janet Lessin: Thank you for having us.
[All exchange goodbyes.]
Dr. Patti Taylor: So this brings us to the end of our show. Thank you, listeners, for listening and joining in. Please send me email at [email protected]. For text and transcripts of this show and other shows, please visit our website at personallifemedia.com. And come post a blog comment at our blog page, too. So, if you haven't already, please be sure to subscribe to the Expanded Lovemaking show, so that you can get automatic updates as soon as they become available. And please visit me, Dr. Patti Taylor, at expandedlovemaking.com, where you can join my mailing list and find out more about my products, services, and events. So this is your host, Dr. Patti Taylor, and that's all for now. And I remain yours in ever expanding lovemaking. And I'll see you next week.