Episode 28 - Multiple Orgasm Triggers – A Program For More Pleasurable and Intensified Orgasms with Jack Johnston
In this show, Dr. Patti asks Jack Johnston to describe the revolutionary Multiple Orgasm Trigger Method for men and women, designed to intensify pleasurable sensation, prolong feelings before ejaculation (for men), and experience wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure. Jack tells us how the protocol works, and why he feels it so effective for prolonging orgasm.& Learn why the use of sound can be so essential for bringing out and accentuating the body's own orgasmic wiring. Find out why Dr. Patti is so excited to learn of the applications of this technology. Learn about the range of orgasmic situations and challenges that can be addressed with these practices: premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, and inability to have orgasm are just a few.& People seeking to intensify already functional and exceptional sex lives also love this work.& Find out about Jack's extensive support network surrounding his audio program and the Key Sound that he teaches, and why a deep Barry White voice is so sexy! Learn how thousands of others have responded to doing this work, and what Dr. Patti and her partner felt when they began practicing in preparation for the show. Note: the turn on went in unexpected directions! Patti reads comments from Jack&’s user group for a &“reality show&” feeling this week. You'll get the point: this stuff is amazing and really works!& Check out this show, it's not to be missed. Rather&— share it with everyone you want to see have a spring in their step and a smile on their face!
Announcer: This program was intended for mature audiences only.
Dr. Patti Taylor: In this amazing show, discover how you can awaken new levels of sensation in your genitals, expand those feelings throughout your body, and prolong those feelings on your own or with a partner. During sex, or even just enjoying life.
Jack Johnston: It only takes at most, and this is at most, 20 minutes of practice about 3 times a week, and that's it. And if you just continue to do that what happens is you start to awaken this deeper and a truly multi-orgasmic response. Ejaculation is the emission of fluid, okay? Orgasm is the intense rushes of pleasure. What triggers ejaculation in men is generally very shallow breathing and a fair amount of muscle tension as you start approaching ejaculation and a lot of stimulation and so on. So, what I did was to not do those things but instead this method, the multiple orgasm trigger protocol, is based on relaxing, to learn how to awaken the response. So, we're not chasing after the orgasm. We let it come to us, like one woman from the UK said, she said you need to learn to let the faun, the baby deer, come to you. You need to not chase it, because if you chase it it'll run off into the woods.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to the Expanded Lovemaking show. I'm your host, Dr. Patti Taylor. Expanded Lovemaking.com And I teach you to give and receive way more pleasure than you ever dreamed possible. Today on the show we are speaking about multiple orgasm triggers, a program for more pleasurable and more intensified orgasms. Our guest is Jack Johnson, developer of the multiple orgasm trigger. This unique methodology can be used by anyone seeking to enhance sexual experience by making it more intensely pleasurable. It will also teach you to last longer in bed before ejaculating, and to unleash wave after wave of orgasm. So, welcome, Jack.
Jack Johnston: Hi.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Hi. It's great to have you here.
Jack Johnson: Yeah, it's great to be able to talk with you today, and your audience as well.
Dr: Patti Taylor: Thank you! And Jack Johnson has an MA from the California School for Professional Psychology. He discovered and developed this protocol and has been teaching his work since 1993, worldwide. He's famous for his bestselling audio program around this work. In addition to selling this audio program, he has various seminars, blogs, and live chats to help people deepen their practice of this work, as well as to have relationships and more passionate and fulfilling lovemaking. So, I am really happy to have you here with us today. Orgasms are such an amazing gift that we can give ourselves, and they bring us beautiful bonding with our partners.
Jack Johnston: Yeah, they sure do.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah! Well, you're work is so exciting because it offers value to such a wide range of people. And there's no apparent limit to how far you can go in learning this method. It doesn't seem to contradict other methods that a person may have learned. It just adds on. I've been working with it myself since I contacted you, and I've been absolutely... blown away by what I have learned. I absolutely think that this is a truly amazing body of knowledge. So, let's get started right away to see what sort of ways we can put this information to use in our lives. Let's find out about, what are multiple orgasm triggers? Can you tell us?
Jack Johnston: Certainly. I started off wanting to solve that problem for men, that feeling after ejaculation of, 'is that all there is?' A lot of times men feel afterwards kind of emptied out and they get that glimpse of extreme pleasure, but after that it's over. And it seemed to me that nature isn't that cruel, really. Frankly, that there's more to it than that, and of course there have been a number of methods described about how men can last longer and so on and so forth but they're mostly based on holding back at the last minute before ejaculation. And there are different ways that that's described depending on which point of view or theoretical framework surrounds it, but I really wanted to get to the basics. No matter what a person's belief system is, we have this in common. This is a common solution and I just had a really strong feeling about that. And that's why I said about wanting to discover that answer. And it boils down to a very simple process that takes at most, and this is at most, 20 minutes of practice It only takes at most, and this is at most, 20 minutes of practice about 3 times a week, and that's it. And if you just continue to do that what happens is you start to awaken this deeper and a truly multi-orgasmic response. The thing about it is that it's really important for us to distinguish between orgasm and ejaculation, though, Patti, because a lot of times, even among the sex experts, they use those words interchangeably when in fact they're actually two distinct reflexes both for men and for women. And that's a really important distinction. Ejaculation is the emission of fluid, okay? Orgasm is the intense rushes of pleasure. Alright? And so, the challenge was to identify what triggers each of the reflexes. What kind of behavior triggers each of the reflexes. What kind of behavior triggers the ejaculation reflex versus what kind of behavior triggers the orgasm reflex, the rushes of energy. Okay? So, I figured that if I could identify that and figure out just the behaviors that triggered orgasm, but without doing the behaviors that triggered ejaculation, then we'd have it, then we'd have the doors open. And when I discovered it, the doors flew open. Wide open. And from what people describe from age 18 into even their 70s and 80s even as they learn this, it just goes on and on. In other words, they just keep experiencing more and more as they learn to relax more and they practice the protocol more. And in fact on my homepage there's a wonderful statement from a fellow who goes by the username Mogg on our forums, we have these pseudonyms on our forums so people can speak freely, so he goes by the name of Mogg and he's now age 77, and he started the practice when he was age 74. And if I may quote him, just very briefly, for your audience, he says, "I simply could not have dreamt of the extreme, prolonged, and exotic sensations. Even just in the last two months," and this was after three years of practice, "even in just the last two months, I have made some unexpected and extraordinary gains."
Dr. Patti Taylor: So, I think that's really amazing because a lot of people are just perfectly orgasmic, but a lot of people are not that orgasmic or they have trouble being orgasmic, so what you're saying is that ... are you saying that basically anybody can learn to do this approach, pretty much?
Jack Johnson: Yeah. Certainly, and even someone who feels that they're very orgasmic and so on, that's wonderful, I mean, that's a head start. This can enhance their experience.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Okay. Someone who's not, I mean, someone, let's say women that are not orgasmic or men that have had let's say prostate difficulties I'm thinking, so many people have issues with like men who are premature ejaculators or delayed, so this is something for everybody. Which is what I really love. How does it work?
Jack Johnson: Sure, sure, exactly. Yeah. Well, basically what it involves is, a lot of it has to do with relaxation. Learning how to relax enough and so on and basically what I looked at was what are the behaviors that tend to trigger ejaculation in men. And when I figured out how to kind of set that aside, how to teach men to set that aside, and yet do certain things that would nevertheless activate the multiple orgasm response that I knew was embedded in all of us that we're all born with the capacity for this, across the spectrum of gender and across the spectrum of sexual orientation. I started working with the idea that what triggers ejaculation in men is usually shallow, rapid breathing and a fair amount of muscle tension as you start approaching ejaculation and a lot of stimulation and so on. So, what I did was to not do those things but instead this method, the multiple orgasm trigger protocol, is based on relaxing, to learn how to awaken the response using very, very little stimulation. Very little stimulation to learn how to awaken the response. So, we're not chasing after the orgasm. We let it come to us, like one woman from the UK said, one woman who's in our forum, she said "you need to learn to let the faun come to you, the baby deer, come to you rather than chasing after it, because if you start to chase it it'll run off into the woods." And I thought that was a beautiful metaphor for this because what happens is as you start the relaxation and the breathing, the relaxed breathing, and use just very little stimulation, then we still needed to find some way to replace stimulation a way of amplifying arousal. And that was really the pivotal discovery. And that's where I discovered a particular sound. And I call it the 'key' sound. And I call it that because it unlocks this gateway to all those multiple orgasms. And it's not a sound that you have to make during intercourse or when you're sharing with a partner, but, you can, but you use it during the brief practice sessions, the 20-minute practice sessions I referred to to help open the gateways, okay. And as soon as you get these gateways open, then the response is available to you whenever you call upon it. In fact, I think you're gonna mention Zeitgeist a little later in the program, a chap who made a wonderful report in our online coaching chat last saturday, where he mentions that it can be called upon at any time. And that's a really important point, that you don't have to do a lot of vigorous stimulation and a lot of straining or using... vibrators can be fun, certainly, but they're not necessary to get to this place. So, basically, in a nutshell, what it's based upon is relaxation, single touch or caress of a pleasurable area - it doesn't even have to be genital - , and then to gently use this key sound that I discovered. And what that does is it starts building these automatic responses, it starts triggering these automatic responses in your body that are called echo effects. It's like you do this sound and then you notice that your skin starts tingling and maybe tingling in your genitals, maybe other parts of your body, and the response starts to awaken. And then as you continue, over one practice session and then over a series of practice sessions, those echo effects get stronger and stronger until finally the floodgates open and it's just a rush of orgasmic energy. Okay.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, my problem is that my partner and I have been having a blast practicing this key sound. You were kind enough in preparation for the interview to let me talk knowledgeably about it so I got to practice it and it's pretty easy to learn and it's unique. Now of course you're not gonna wanna do it over the air, god forbid someone's in their car, but we can talk about it just for a moment. What I would call the Barry White Sound, how would you describe it? It's like, baby baby oh take me take me oh and... wow... How would you call it?
Jack Johnston: Well, that's why when we were talking I mentioned Barry White. Some of your audience will probably recognize that name. He's passed on now, but he was a black musician, vocalist, and the guy was about 300 pounds, you know, and if you go out and you google Barry White photos you'll see photos of him and he's about 300 pounds and yet the audiences and the girls they would just go wild over this guy, y'know, and why was it? Why did they go nuts over his singing? Well, it's because when he would sing and especially when he would talk in between the singing, he would get down into this lower register like this and it's just that kind of sound and the girls would just go wild, you know, for him. And I call it the bedroom sound and...
Dr. Patti Taylor: ... They knew something was going on...
Jack Johnston: Something was happening and they would feel it, they would actually feel it, and it was that lower register like that where this key sound lives if you will. It's based on one of the lowest sounds that the human body can make, and so what that does is it starts activating this response in us, those echo effects, the tingles, and the rushes of energy, and so then when you start combining that with just a little tiny bit of stimulation to begin with. Remember that if you do a lot of stimulation, then, especially for men, that's going to trigger the ejaculation reflex. And then the party's over, or fairly much over. There's a big drop in energy. You can still, of course, be connected to a partner and so on and so forth but so we want to shy away from that, and just stay with this process of letting it build and build without switching over to lots of stimulation. What a lot of guys refer to as going for it. You know, and they switch gears and use lots of stimulation and so, you know, that kind of activity is fine to have in your life, I'm not saying don't ever do it, but in the practice sessions I encourage people not to go into that mode but to stay with gentle, very minimal stimulation and then to use this key sound, that I demonstrate in my audio seminars. How to amplify it. And once they make that connection, then they really start getting excited, they say, wow, this is really cool.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, it's a very amazing sound, I've been practicing it, and when you really get it right, I mean hopping on a motorcycle and listening to Barry White is a good start, but I don't think it'll get you all the way there. To really get it right, boy, you know it and you feel it all the way in your hands and toes and from what I understand - I've just begun it myself, so... anyway, we're gonna stop for a break. This is Dr. Patti Taylor and I'm with Jack Johnston and we'll be right back. You can find out more about Jack Johnston at www.multiples.com, that's multiples with an S, and so please stay with us.
(commercial break)
Dr. Patti Taylor: We're back, and I'm Dr. Patti Taylor, and we're talking to Jack Johnston about multiple orgasm triggers. So, before the break we were talking about what Jack's program is. Now we want to continue talking about who can benefit from this program. I just want to say that, Jack, you developed your program for men and then discovered that women also could benefit, which I can attest to. Now, I'm pretty wired up so I'm not surprised that I found it pretty easy to get with the program, quote, un-quote. But, you also have some amazing stories. Actually, one of the things that's really fun is you can go on your chat board once you sign up and see real live testimonials. I think there's nothing more encouraging than to actually just ... this is reality itself, to go on and to see the testimonials of people whose lives are changing in real time because they're working with the key sound. So, it's a lot better than airy fairy hocus pocus read a book theoretical. But I wanna just go back and just go to the ... I'm sure they can find out all about that, but let's just talk about men for a moment. You developed this work for men. So how do you think men benefit from this program?
Jack Johnston: Well, as I was mentioning before, the main thing is that men, and men who are trying to last longer in bed, and so on, usually what happens is they get to the brink of ejaculation and then they gotta slam on the breaks, okay. By tensing up and tensing their muscles and wait stop don't do anymore stimulation hold on wait wait stop and all this kind of monitoring, and so that didn't really seem natural to me that a guy has to be distracted in that way when he wants to at least be with himself and perhaps if he's got a partner to really be connected emotionally to his partner and in the moment and what they're sharing rather than let's see am I there yet am I getting too close and then it's like well, no I can go a bit longer and then oh darn it and then all of a sudden it's over with. And so that can be very frustrating, it can even cause some conflict or disappointments in a relationship. So, for men, I felt that it was really important that they get this and that they didn't have to feel that they have to wait until that last minute until that last minute before they thought that ejaculation might be about to happen and then start doing something. So from this we build this response from the ground up, in other words from the very first touch in the practice session. You start very slowly and then you gradually build up the response. And so once you learn how to do that, then as those echo effects get stronger and stronger during your practice sessions, or even, and this is really interesting, you do the practice session and you may feel some echo effects and so on, but then when you stop the practice the practice session, the echo effects can continue afterwards.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And the echo effects, again, we'd like to just remind are...
Jack Johnston: Yes, yes, the echo effects are the spontaneous responses from your body. In other words, when you do this practice and you use the key sound, and it's really kind of like a meditation with this very special mantra if you want to. Some people, that's very familiar to them and comfortable, but if it's not comfortable for you that's fine. It's a sound, but it's a very important one. And so, when you do that, you, right after you do the sound and you do some relaxing breathing you'll notice in your body you'll start noticing maybe goosebumps or tingles or something and it may start in your genitals or it may start in some other part of your body. Sometimes it's a rush of warmth that flows through your body and so on. So by continuing to practice for 20 minutes those waves of pleasure and those tingles you'll start to notice them getting stronger and stronger. And so then what happened and to me this was very amazing yet made a lot of sense was during the 20 minute session you notice these feelings you start noticing these feelings but then once you stop the practice, then after that, when you're not really trying to make anything happen, these things will start happening these echo effects will start happening the feelings will happen. And sometimes even on the days between practice. And it's a very common thing you'll see in our discussion forum which, by the way, goes back to 1995, it's all online there, so there's a record from the very beginning of this practice, which started back in 1995, and my teaching of it, where people say "I wasn't expecting anything, and then it happened." You know, that phrase. Just really jumped out at me about this because it let me know that what the trigger does is that it teaches your body or it really teaches your conscious mind to connect with that capacity in your body and you can just kind of sit back and relax and enjoy the ride.
Dr. Patti Taylor: And I'm sure you've worked with thousands and thousands of men, right?
Jack Johnston: Yeah, definitely, and a lot of women as well.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So, I wanna take, right, so, but we're still stuck on the men here. Focusing on them. I wanna just get a picture, here, then, so someone does this practice just 3 times a week on average for 20 minutes...
Jack Johnston: Yeah, and no more than that!
Dr. Patti Taylor: Right, so whether they're... and I hate to use this word, but if they're an early ejaculator, or a delayed ejaculator, or a no ejaculator or they're an orgasmic genius or anywhere in between, if they're an average guy who just wants to get a little more fun in their life or whatever. You just do this program wherever you are in your life and you will start to then have the rest of your life and whether you're making love or not or whatever it is you just go on with your life and start to notice these effects that are just way increased feelings in your body, so would that start to lead to more feelings during lovemaking, more feelings in your sex life?
Jack Johnston: Oh, absolutely, because you get, what happens is you learn how to call upon it at will and I think Zeitgeist mentions that and we had discussed before the program that you had wanted to mention him and I know you will and so then your listeners can just kinda be on the lookout for when he says, when he describes how the response can be called on whenever, and so of course you would want to be able to open yourself to it during lovemaking. And it's really a response to sexual stimulation and erotic stimulation, but it can also be a response to other pleasurable things, a beautiful piece of music or a gorgeous sunrise or sunset or whatever. I mean, this really opens you up to really feel life and feel the life energy, and yet it can also be very genital, too. And so it's not just a good feeling.
Dr. Patti Taylor: I think that's very beautiful.
Jack Johnston: Yeah, thank you.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Because you're wiring your body is what you're really doing, and what you're really doing, it sounds to me, is that you're wiring your body using the sound and you say it's a very yin practice, but you're training your body and that's really what it is, to feel the orgasmic energy. And then it's just showing up in all your life because all of life could be very orgasmic.
Jack Johnston: That's right, and the one thing I would say differently is that your body is training you, not the other way around. Instead of us wiring our body, instead of us making something something happen in our body, what we're doing is putting ourselves in a position where we can receive what our body has to give us. We're wired with this, we were born with this capacity, we were born with this capacity. The wiring is already there and the response is there. It's just sleeping, and we learn how to awaken it and to notice it and recognize it and then to use the key sound, which is an arousal amplifier. That's the role of the key sound, and what that does is that then that lets this inborn inherent capacity that we all have, regardless of gender, it helps that come forward.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So, then this must be a real godsend for all those people who, you know, have been shut down to know that just because they haven't had the training or the education just to learn how to reclaim something that's already there inside of them.
Jack Johnston: Exactly, exactly.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So how, just briefly, how about women? You've found that women were equally capable of feelings...
Jack Johnston: Yeah, and that's because it's not about tensing up, doing keagals, or pelvic squeezing or anything like that to try to block ejaculation or any of that. There's none of that involved with this, you see, and to me that's what really distinguishes it from pretty much everything I'm aware of out there that gets taught out there for men about how to prolong their sexual experience and so on. And so, since that's not part of it, since ejaculation itself or blocking ejaculation, there's no sense of having to block ejaculation with this, I mean, when a man uses this he begins he starts having orgasms when he starts thinking about being with his lover. When they first get together, when they get into bed together. I mean, he can start orgasming then just out of anticipation, and likewise when she learns this skill, same thing. And so that's why it translates really well to women. Because it's not about blocking ejaculation. It's not about preventing that event. It actually in a sense has very little to do with ejaculation. But when a guy does ejaculate, since he's way more open, since he's got this multi-orgasmic response open and energized in that moment, the feelings that he does feel when he ejaculates are much more intense. Way more intense.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Wow. Well, we're gonna have to pause and take another break to support our sponsors. So, I'm with Jack Johnston. We will be back, I promise. You can find out more about Jack Johnston at www.multiples.com. That's really easy to remember, right? Multiple orgasm triggers, just shortened down to multiples and please stay with us.
(commercial break)
Dr. Patti Taylor: We're back, and I'm Dr. Patti Taylor and we're talking to Jack Johnston about multiple orgasm triggers. We were talking about women, and I just wanted to say that I know I'm multiply orgasmic and I haven't been using the sound but I know that -- well, I do use sound and vibration and so it really does help, and breathing and relaxation and a lot of that stuff, so that really helps me to remain multiply orgasmic, so I think you're really on the right path there. So, I wanted to talk about sound, too, you also made the point that we kind of have a ban on using sound, so there's something very fraying in just using sound for some people to start expressing themselves.
Jack Johnston: Yes, definitely, and as I mentioned, you don't have to use the key sound during sex with a partner or anything like that, but I encourage people to allow sound - not only to use the key sound, and I actually in the introductory seminar I included an exercise for couples where they can learn to just start by working with the sound and passing the sound back and forth even when they're not having sex, just as a practice to connect with each other energetically that way but then also as these intense rushes of pleasure start happening, it's very natural to express it in sound. And so to whatever extent a person is not comfortable doing that, then they're blocking the energy that wants to flow. And of course if someone's a student, they live in a dorm or an apartment with thin walls and stuff, there's some discussion on the website in our discussion forum about 'let's see, I'm gonna start lining the walls with soundproofing...' or whatever, and sometimes you just need to give yourself a little erotic vacation and go to a retreat, find somewhere where there is privacy. Where you really can let it all hang out, as it were. And really let those sounds come out, because by doing that instead of blocking that energy, you will be able to feel a great deal more.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, I know I practiced it it the other night with my partner. I was like, 'okay, you're going to try some key sounds with me' and he wanted to, anyway, he was like, 'what are you doing?' and I told him and so, you know, it's the work I do, so we just sat there side by side and well you do it, I do it, you do it, I do it and at the end he was just like wow I got really turned on listening to you doing these sounds because it's husky, you know, and so it's really cute. Anyway, I did want to, as promised, I did want to talk about a few of the people and I thought I'd read a little bit. This is about Zeitgeist, I know all your names are manufactured....
Jack Johnston: Yeah, they're pseudonyms. And the purpose of that is so that people can speak more freely in the forums, so they're not revealing their actual identities.
Dr. Patti Taylor: So, this is fresh off of last Saturday. It's not like I dug around for the best one ever. But I was very impressed as just an example of what's possible with this, and I'm just going to read a little bit here, just fresh off this post. "I've made some progress with the technique as per my recent posts and I've managed to increase the energy in my key sounds. I've calibrated more closely the way my body moves at higher energy levels." And of course he had no idea that we were going to read this, so he was just being candid. "I really get the automatic nature of that expanding belly movement, with generates a sort of delayed pouring into my boots effect even after the key sound. Pouring, and experiencing more of the local effects in my local body cavity area, as well as generating more an overall effect elsewhere. Sort of a tickle," I'm kinda cutting out a bunch of the other stuff, "similar to that effect when someone comes up close behind and speaks gently into one's ear and you're not quite expecting it, one can experience a sort of a tickling effect. These resonances from the key sound can be anywhere within the lower body, along with elsewhere. Over the coordination of muscle movement, it seems that the whole front of my body wants to move in a certain way. Sets of muscles have sensual and sexual effects. Wow. Upper, lower, intermediate all seem to have their own rhythm. Yes, and I try to ride movements and breath. Energy, yes." And then you come in, oh, and he says, "There's a sort of coordination," he says, "to maximize these effects which allow me to to discover the expanding nature which up until now has not been apparent." and you say "Yes, you're riding the cunnilany serpent." and he goes, "Ride 'em, man!" and he says, "I suspect there's an increase in the sound volume connected with the rising energy" and anyway it goes on and on but reading that I'm going 'wow, that does sound like an expanded series of multiple orgasms.' You know, I haven't gotten there yet, I've only practiced it two or three times, but it seems to me that this is a key body of work that is intensely promising for somebody that's on the path. And there must be lots of examples of people like that for anyone who does go on. Is the forum free for anyone who wants to just go?
Jack Johnston: Right, you can there's a link from my homepage, there's a link called training forums and you can pop over there and read samples of it and there's a link called gold nuggets and if you hit that link that'll take you to some of the great descriptions that people have. And actually there's one little tiny piece more of Zeitgeist's that I want to share with you from the same segment you were quoting, where he says that "one great thing is that the effects can be called upon at any time just by breathing or thinking about them." Now people are going to say, come on, that's way over the top, but it's actually true. This is something that has been documented over and over again over the past 12 years now, that once you have these gates open you have access to this energy whenever you want to access it. You can have it, you don't have to stand on your head or anything to get it. It's right there, right at your fingertips if you will, it's just at the tip of your will, basically your choice. That, plus, people talk about the fractal nature of it; that is the dooor after door after door like the quote I gave you about Mogg and how doors just continue to open for him. It's just like, oh, it can't get any better than this and then it's like oh my god and there's another new level of experience with it. So, it's very exciting that way and it's one of the reasons I'm so motivated to share that with people.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, you know, Jack, truly since I'm in the business I've heard nothing but rave rave rave reviews of your work, and I think this is why - it's because you've discovered something that a very genuine and profound path and I'm just so so thrilled that you could be on our show with us. Before we go I have one final question. What is been the most fulfilling aspect for you putting this work out into the world?
Jack Johnston: That's pretty easy for me to say, it's the responses I get from people, the way they describe it's changed their life, changed their whole attitude. To read their excitement, or to hear their excitement when I do phone coaching with them, or to read their excitement in the chats and in the forum that we do online, and to talk about how much it has changed their life and not just their sex life but how that flows into their entire life and just permeates it that joy and it's like wow there's hope for me. And that's what does it for me.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, thank you very much for being on our show. I am just totally motivated and I'm so thrilled I got to meet you and I think our listeners are going to be very inspired to check it out. I think people might wanna check out your website. It's multiples.com, M-U-L-T-I-P-L-E-S.com,
Jack Johnston: Right, with a triple W in front of it.
Dr. Patti Taylor: Yes. And that brings us to the end of our show. Please send me email at [email protected] and for texts and transcripts of this show just visit our website at personallifemedia.com and you can post some blog comments on our blog page at personallifemedia.com, too. Also, please be sure to subscribe to the Expanded Lovemaking show so that you can get automatic updates as soon as they become available. You can also do that in iTunes if you like. And you can visit me, Dr. Patti Taylor, at www.expandedlovemaking.com, where you can join my mailing list and find out more about my products and services and events. So, this is your host, Dr. Patti Taylor, and that's all for now. I remain yours in ever-expanding bliss and I'll see you next week.
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