Episode 8 - The Inner Secrets of Sacred Spot Massage with Charles Muir and Leah Alchin
The Inner Secrets of Sacred Spot Massage with Charles Muir and Leah Alchin
Announcer: This program is intended for mature audiences only.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: Charles Muir is credited as an originator of the modern Tantra movement in the United States, and he continues to be one of the movement’s most distinguished, respected, and sought-after teachers.
“In 1973, I met a lady who I went to a private session for ESTing, Rolfing, patterning. She was a triple Scorpio that had me in bed that night with her best girlfriend, and I just thought it was the coolest thing. The awakening in our classes after a three-hour crash course, usually about 25% of the women open up to a level of sexual energy they’ve never felt, longer orgasms, more powerful orgasms.”
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: In 1978 he founded “The Source of Tantra” in Maui in Hawaii, which continues to operate as one of the world’s major centers of Tantra study and teaching. In 1980 Charles developed the “Art of Conscious Loving”. As part of that approach he created the idea of ‘sacred spot massage’. This practice, along with many of his other experiential exercises, is today accepted as a cornerstone of contemporary tantric practice.
I’d like to start off by asking you, kind of, how did you first start entering into sacred spot massage? What was your very first experience with this? And how did it come about?
CHARLES MUIR: In 1973 I met a lady who I went to a private session for ESTing, Rolfing, patterning. She was a triple Scorpio that had me in bed that night with her best girlfriend, and I just thought it was the coolest thing. And she said, “Look, I want to show you something. If you press here, and you come in from there…” And she had the most explosive orgasms I’ve ever felt in my life. And I thought it was a pretty cool thing, so I tried it on every woman I was with, from there. Times were a little more sparse, as far as finding woman in New York City to do things with. But it never seemed to have the same response as it did on her. In ’79, or maybe it was ’78, I met my first female Tantra teacher, by the name of [Tara Amrita]. She kind of initiated me in some Tantra stuff, and again there was a certain sensitivity when I did this pressure and had a finger inside her this time instead of a penis. In my lifetime for practice I knew that a place in the perineum was called “yoni nadi”, even on men, the sacred spot, which is the core access to a person’s second chakra, their sexual energy, their sexual psyche. And it was pretty much trial and error and a lot of observation. That’s one of the things I do good, is pay attention. During a phase in my life where I was multiple-relating, with different ladies, and usually in different cities, to avoid insanity, I watched an awakening process happening from contacting this spot, massaging it, at first just in a sexy way. I’d been trained in massage, but I’d never put the two, massage and sex, together, other than as using one to get the other. It was during this period that I started speaking with conviction that an awakening process could happen from massaging this area, because I was watching it happen. I also was coming to understand how the psyche could be stimulated by the sacred spot, because I watched the process come up in these women. One city after the other, I thought, “Boy, you’ve got bad luck, Charles. You’re getting all these crazy women you’re pulling into your life.” With some insight I saw, “Wait a minute! This is part of it. Look how they’re shining; look how they’re getting more powerful; look how they’re getting more conscious; look how much easier it is for them to orgasm.” And oh my god, these orgasms! So powerful, so long, and oft-times accompanied with these gushes of clear liquid. Sometimes it was a little milky; sometimes it pushed a little urine out; but to me this is the goddess, and this must be what’s called the “Amrita”. In my readings and understandings of white Tantra, the solo practices of [laya yoga]. SO I speculated that and I continued to teach with growing conviction that this is an important area. When John Perry and Beverly Whipple started teaching that here is the g-spot, the core access to a woman’s sexual energy, named after a male gynecologist, unfortunately, Dr. Grafenberg, I surmised this must be the same, and due to my sensitivity to energy from years of yoga and massage and shiatsu and understanding of energy, I started seeing that while one would massage an entire area of tissue, there would be one particular point that would kind of come to the surface. Sometimes it would swell up from underneath. Other times it was just a deep pounding throb of energy. And I surmised that the sacred spot was actually found within this area of tissue that they were proclaiming as the g-spot. And though they talked about that g-spot and popularized it as best they could, they never really told people what to do to this area. They never indicated there was an obvious psychological impact from going into the sexual psyche of a woman. The sexual healing aspect was another thing they didn’t really talk about. They talked about it being a sexy spot. When you have experience with a thousand or so different yonis, you’re bound to learn a lot, and I started sharing with my students, some 20,000 of them over the last 25 years, in person 25,000, that this is the spot that they talked about in white Tantra, and that we in this generation, the end of the 20th century, of course we’re now in the 21st century, that is an important area to put our consciousness on, to infuse with love, and putting together what I knew about massage and energy, I devised a system, this is how to awaken it, and it’s very very effective.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: Are you saying that this spot, or this area had some type of historical mention in ancient Tantra?
CHARLES MUIR: In the Eastern understanding, there’s energy that flows through our body, just like blood flows through our body, and these conduits, instead of being called veins, are called ‘nadis’, N-A-D-I, channels for energy, and this was the core access to the second chakra. Men utilize it in ejaculatory control. They use a pressure on it to reverse the charge, or the flow, polarity if you will, of their sexual energy, so it can flow inward and upward instead of being lost. So that part we know is historically true, and there was no mention of massaging it. There was an activation technique in Tantra called ‘nyasa’, N-Y-A-S-A, and it was for all of the chakras. And I happened to have a teacher that showed nyasa on a couple of the other chakras, not the second chakra. The ritual charging and awakening, also cleansing of the nadis, from the chakras, to activate them, to awaken the sleeping consciousness, and the sleeping energy, and most Westerners perhaps know of the concept of [shaktipa], where the teacher activates the spiritual center, the third eye. But there’s nyasa really for all of the chakras. And historically, a lot is not known about what they did to the second chakra, but if you know what a teacher is trained to do when they give [shaktipa] to the brow center or the heart center, if you apply the same principles and pay attention, you see that it works also. So in my teachers trainings I give very explicit trainings to the students who want to work on other people to bring wholeness to this chakra, and in my beginners’ classes I tend to divide the men and women up and train the men in how to create a ritual for their women in sexual spot awakening. My co-teacher, Caroline, my former wife who I teach with, and Leah, who’s here with us today, teach the women their part in this activation process, and of course to teach it you have to go through it. SO perhaps she could tell us a little bit about her experience.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: So, Leah, can you tell us, how does a woman have to be prepared for this? How does she have to be ready, be made ready?
LEAH ALCHIN: Well I think a key part is allowing oneself to receive. And women in our day and age sometimes have a hard time receiving because they’re so good at giving. They take care of their friends and their family, and they do everything they can do at work to be successful, and we’re caretakers by nature. And for some women it takes them a moment to sit back and say, “Well, I get to have a ritual that’s just for me, and I don’t have to give back. A man is proclaiming to give me a massage, to create an environment that helps me to feel special and valued. And he uses his eyes and his words to appreciate and acknowledge.” And this begins to open a woman to a place of receptivity, so she has to step into a place of trust. And the more she’s willing to surrender… and that’s not being taken; that is allowing herself to give herself the gift of completely opening, and being willing to take a look at whatever is there. Because often what you’ll find when people put love in, especially into this part of our sexual psyche, whatever isn’t love can filter out. So the man learns how to hold space for a woman, and through that holding of the space, where he doesn’t try to fix her feelings; he doesn’t tell her that she’s wrong; he just shows up and comforts her, a woman begins to really trust. And the more that she can deeply trust the masculine, the more she’s able to go deeply into her own opening. The more she starts to own her pleasure and her ecstasy, the more that becomes alive, the more trustworthy a man feels, and I believe that combination allows a great opening to happen, more pleasure, more feelings, and also a recognition of, “Wow! I’ve stored some things in my life.” You know, that abortion, or that miscarriage, or the time I was molested, or father issues, brother issues, even mom issues. The collective issue of what we do to the earth can be stored in this part of our sexual and emotional psyche. SO to have a safe place, a container to express through sound and breathing, to relieve one’s body of the pressure of everyday life and stress… We have dualities. There are lots of things in life that would give us good reason to suffer or to be sad or to grieve or to be depressed. So to have these marvelous centers in our bodies that are laden with nerve endings, that are just waiting to be awakened and to feel pleasure, I believe is a true gift, because life is a duality. It has its joys; it ahs its pain, and Tantra is about embracing all of it, and doing your best to be present.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: Let’s talk about what happens, for instance when a woman comes to you and says, “I’ve never had an orgasm. Can you help me?” How do you start with someone who is already wanting to be open, is already ready to just be touched and find how she can connect with herself?
CHARLES MUIR: We get many, many women who have never had a vaginal orgasm, and struggle to have clitoral orgasms. We teach them how to just allow themselves to feel loved, and go for that feeling, rather than try to make an orgasm happen. Because if they can pay attention, and if the man is skilled in putting in the energy, through touch, through understanding of energy, she’ll begin to feel things. But if she’s looking for the orgasm, and trying to get through the door of the orgasm, she misses what the connection is about and the connection is what helps bring this energy. Some of the connecting is physical connection, come into your body, some of it is energy connection, go beyond your physical body, and the practitioner knows things to do to open the energy body. And some of it is learn to pay more attention, rather than fantasizing, daydreaming, worrying, being afraid of something, to stay present. And then the most important thing for women: How are you breathing when this is all happening? Many women short-circuit their sexual energy by getting close to coming, and then they forget to breathe. They keep their lungs full, and try to breathe with full lungs and them it’s [panting]… and the energy drops like a short circuit, and it’s gone! Where did it go? You stopped breathing. So we teach women, when they get close, connect their in-breath with their out-breath, continue to breathe like that and watch the orgasm come to you; you don’t have to chase after it. Now inside, when we seek the realm of vaginal orgasm, we understand that her sacred spot has to be activated. It’s asleep. One session may not do that. SO we tell the women the pressure’s off; allow yourself to be massaged, and this man will be there for whatever you feel, whether that’s pleasure, burning, numbness, outright pain, aliveness, fire, electricity, or orgasm, he’ll be there for all that energy. Can you own what you’re feeling and let go, while he holds the space for you to unwind? This is a teamwork proposition. It’s not, “He’s doing her.” Together they’re playing with the sacred spot and I say ‘playing’ because we try to give this an attitude of two kids playing doctor, rather than two doctors playing doctor. So, forget about the scientific, let’s be present; let’s be enthusiastic. Let’s have an adventure, and I convince my man, “Hey, we do LOTS of different things in the name of adventure. This is a lot safer and a lot more fun.” And the awakening in our classes after a three-hour crash course is usually about 25% of the women open up to a level of sexual energy they never felt. Longer orgasms, more powerful orgasms, waves of orgasms! “I touched God!”-orgasms. About one out of four often hit some kind of psychological process; the good energy goes in, brings up something from the past that’s holding them back. Grief from an abortion, men that all their lives the women felt the men were just jerking off in their vagina, rather than making love to them, getting off on them rather than loving them. That often has to get healed a little bit, and it gets pushed up.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: Charles, can you talk a little bit about what you mean by ‘sacred spot’, better known as the g-spot?
CHARLES MUIR: The g-spot is an area… there’s a core access energetic point that seems to move. Yu could be on it for a while; it’s right there, and then, “Where did the energy go? Oh! A little to the left, or a little higher, or…” It can actually move. The chakra rotates like a globe. And when you touch down on that g-spot area, the first time you touch down on it, if it were a globe, it might be Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Mardi Gras night, experience. “Oh! My sacred spot, my g-spot!” But an hour and a half later or the next session, same physiological area, and you’re touching Salt Lake City, Utah, Sunday night, 10 PM. “There’s nothing happening here!” Or there’s paranoia and fear in this area now. So one has to understand it’s really about energy. Yes there’s nerve-laden erectile tissue called the g-spot, but we look to refine it a little more, and find the key access to it, and then well, how do we touch it? We teach about eight different strokes in this little area, some for activation, some for clearing out blocks, some for clearing out resistance, some for amping the energy up, that good old passion energy, and some for going in deeper to her psyche, because the psyche maybe has to release a little bit before the physiological release can happen. And there are nerves and energy meridians that go right from this area through her body to the brain. So we’re opening up the energetic analogues of those veins, called nadis, so the energy that usually goes out, flows up, but more importantly, according to the Eastern understanding, the vaginal orgasm and the amrita come from a place in the brain, that center of the brain called the ‘yoni of the mind’, where all enlightened activity happens, and the man in her vagina is beckoning to the goddess, who’s up there in heaven now, “Come down, nourish each of her chakras, come out to the earth, blessing the lucky man that serves, and bringing harmony to the earth-mother herself, bringing harmony to the whole village, or at least to the family unit.” It is a powerful harmonizing energy, this amrita, and it involves awakening the god essence in the woman through her sexual center. For from the sexual center, you can access all of her.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: And how would you refer to this sexual center, corresponding to the man?
CHARLES MUIR: Yoni nadi in the man has an external access in the perineum. We use it for ejaculatory control. We use it for short-circuiting his energy when he gets close, “I’m gonna come!” but prefers, “No, let me send this energy back into my body, back to the chakras from whence it came.” Because it leaves the chakras to go create life, and the second chakra, and we want to bring that energy out, in a kind of investment, mix it with the woman’s sexual energy, and bring back that mixed component called the quintessence or the elixir of life, to go back to the chakras, which will regenerate them, make them younger, make them more vital. Now when he starts being sexual again, five minutes later, doing what he’s going to do, that energy comes again from the chakras but now it’s vibrating a little more spin to those electrons whirling around the nucleus. More life force. How many times would you invest this energy before you spend it? Would you like to get a lot of interesting new chakras before you spend your energy? So it behooves the man to make love, not ejaculate, send the energy in, and then make a choice, “Do I want to make love again? DO I want to lose my energy the way I do when I ejaculate? Or do I want to keep the investment in me, or turn over my CD and make love some more and still not ejaculate, so that the interest charges up my account, as it were?” if I could use this financial analogy. SO that my brain has more of my shaktis, my communication, my heart, my power center, and so that it’s always there in my genitals for when I need it. So as far as the male sacred spot, it’s also accessible via the anus. And we teach the women are trained how to go in to his base chakra, his lotus blossom, and it’s just a little girl-finger, so men don’t have to be afraid and fear that their sexual preference will change if they like this. It’s just a tiny way in and there are two areas that are contacted. One is the prostate gland, which is found higher up, and beneath is his sacred spot, which is very smooth tissue which gets sort of bumpy like the female sacred spot does, and the women learn to massage that energy, run energy into it. But you see it’s not just massaging it; it’s also then, “How can I get the energy from down here connected to up there?” So in addition to massage, with its yin or yang, hard or soft, slow or fast preferences, we also teach the ‘mutras’ which are finger, hand, or body positions that greatly influence energy and allow us to change the direction energy flows. So then our sexual energy flows to the higher chakras, in the process of awakening all the chakras, and this is very handy for women to know with men, because you’re going to get to him through his favorite chakra. Do you want to open his heart? Well if your mom told you the way to a man’s heart is through his belly, she missed it by a chakra.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: It sounds to me a little bit like the man has a different energy focus than the woman, regarding orgasm. The women don’t seem to have a focus, from what I’m understanding you’re saying, on necessarily bringing the energy up to the brain and charging, whereas the men seem to, in how you’re explaining it. So it seems like the energy is running in a slightly different direction. Am I hearing that right, Charles?
CHARLES MUIR: They’re slightly different energies. Clitoral orgasm in a woman is just like a male orgasm. It’s short; it’s intense. Some women can have more than one of them with ease, just as some men can have more than one. Normal male orgasm, let’s call it an ejaculatory orgasm; men can learn to have “injaculations”, reverse the flow of energy so it bubbles upwards, a full-body orgasm. Women have another type of orgasm, not the clitoral, vaginal. Freud said something to this effect, but he pissed off women by saying, “clitoral orgasms are infantile, and there’s a mature orgasm”. Sexology believed what he said until, oh, Hite, and some of the early Masters & Johnson, started checking these things out, and then the party line was, “Oh no, there’s only clitoral orgasms.” And yet there are enough women, and men who were with those women, who said, “No, there’s something different here. There are vaginal orgasms.” So the vaginal orgasm flows from the yoni of the mind, and each wave of orgasm kind of primes the pump for the next wave. She can have dozens of them, fifty, a hundred, continual waves of them, that blow a woman’s mind, and blow the mind of the man who happens to be with that woman, blessed is he.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: And you said that comes from the yoni of the mind down?
CHARLES MUIR: Downward and it nourishes each chakra. So women want to learn to pull clitoral orgasm up, give it a voice, and that’s a very important part for them to open their throat chakra when they’re orgasming. Many women make more sound eating their dessert than they do when they have an orgasm, and that’s not funny; that’s the truth. If they add more sound, more breath, the experience will be bigger, and they can actually pull the feeling of, “Oh! I’m coming down there!” and suck it up to their brain, and let it rip, so that the energy from down there fills them. So there are actually two energies. Men have these two energies also, but they’re only familiar with the old squirt, “Uh oh! I feel sexual energy; I’m horny! Better squirt.” And they’re given no choice other than that, and they never find ecstasy. They never even find intense pleasure. It’s always good! They never meet an ejaculatory orgasm they don’t like, but they never go to the highest octaves of what it can be for a man. They never experience anything but a ‘sneeze in the groin’ compared to orgasms ringing the bells, lighting up the other chakras.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: That’s pretty inviting for many people to want to study with you.
Leah, let me ask you as a woman, when you feel clitoral orgasms versus vaginal orgasms, are there different pressures that are more responsive to those respective areas, that are different from each other?
LEAH ALCHIN: I think every woman is different in terms of how much pressure she likes with the clitoral orgasms, and there are some women who don’t like to be touched right on top of the clitoris; they would prefer you went around in circles, or you took their lips, their labia, and you massaged their clitoris by taking the two lips and rubbing them against the clitoris. Or they like a lot of pressure, like a shaking or a vibration over their clitoris continuously, and so for many women they have to discover for themselves, “How much pressure do I like? DO I like him to start out real slow and then build up speed?” And some women like a limited amount of pressure. So it’s fun for guys to experiment and to discover and to ask her, “How much pressure do you like, darling?” So I don’t think that there’s just an easy answer regarding how much pressure and how much speed. What I do know is that there are 8000 nerve endings in the clitoris, and that it’s erectile tissue. So there are three inches of the clitoris that actually become erect inside of the woman, and this area gets engorged with blood when it’s aroused. So, a man has like where the nerve endings reside in his frenulum, around the coronal ridge of his penis, there are about 4000 nerve endings. So bless men’s hearts as they learn about sexual energy and they begin to touch themselves as young men, they know a certain amount of speed and pressure that they like, and as they go out into the world and start exploring with women, they apply what they’ve learned on their own bodies to a woman’s body. So oftentimes a woman finds that her clitoris quickly becomes numb or gets over-stimulated, and therefore that can also short-circuit a woman’s ability to have an orgasm in that part of her body. So for guys to perhaps really investigate yin touch or to build anticipation, to go a little bit slower, to be softer about his pressure, and to let the woman guide him is a great way to discover greater intimacy and ecstasy in terms of her clitoral orgasm. I’ve also found that there comes a point for many women who, through their clitoral orgasm will have a spike, or such an intense peak, I mean it’s so hot and it’s so good that all of a sudden they have to recharge their battery. They can’t be touched anymore. They have a tendency to withdraw. Often men feel the same way after they’ve had a powerful ejaculatory orgasm where they need to withdraw. They can’t be touched anymore. I have found if you use the breathing and the connected breath, so when you start to feel that, “Ooh, I’m starting to come…” and a woman breaths, takes a big in-breath, and imagines that breath coming all the way to the back of her brain, and through a completed breath lets some sound out of her mouth when she exhales, and then she empties all of that breath and then she quickly brings in another breath up to her brain, she’s able to make that orgasm go longer. And you don’t count it in seconds; you count it in breaths. And the more you allow yourself to just breathe this connected breathing and sound, you won’t always reach that sharp peak that leaves you deflated and having to retreat to recharge, but you can allow the energy to suddenly move away from the orgasm, so that moments later you can have another one. So women will find that they can have more clitoral orgasms if they are conscious about their breathing, so they’re not having so many sharp peaks that force them to shut down, but allow them to have one clitoral orgasm after another clitoral orgasm. So it takes a little bit of willingness to take a look as white Tantra, to take a look at meditation, to take a look at breath control, [parmiala], and allow oneself to apply that to their sexual experiences.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: Wonderful. When we go inside and start massaging the g-spot now, I imagine we’re applying pressure to the urethral sponge, the upper area… How about the perineal sponge? There seems to be many women who talk about being very sensitive, sometimes even more sensitive at the floor of the vagina as opposed to the roof of the vagina. Can you talk about that?
LEAH ALCHIN: Well, you know what? When I’m working with men, one of the things that I communicate to them is to explore the entire yoni, the sacred space of a woman. Yoni is the Sanskrit word for vagina, basically. And so for her to have this sacred space (that’s what ‘yoni’ means in Sanskrit), to explore all of it, and the outside of the lips, we are laden with nerve endings. And because that often goes unexplored, through the lack of foreplay or just through the lack of investigation… I mean both women and men need to take a look at their own sexual center and pinch their labia and massage their inner and outer labia, and see how many layers of lips do they have, and the hood of their clitoris, and their perineum, and begin to explore that first inch and a half of the vagina, which is laden with nerve endings, right at the inside of a woman’s yoni, that first inch and a half. If you were to look at it as the face of a clock, and you were to go inside, and twelve o’clock would be inside but opposite the clitoris, and six o’clock would be all the way down towards the perineum. Let’s call that spot the [cali] spot, which you referred to as the perineum spongy tissue, and that has a whole new level of orgasmic potential that is exciting to explore.
CHARLES MUIR: It’s actually more 5:00 and 7:00. First we teach the sacred spot in a beginners’ class. We have an excellent home-study course called “Awakening the goddess, freeing the female orgasm”, two CD’s of me coaching the men how to give the ritual, one CD of Caroline teaching the women, and it’s got a 72-page booklet on sacred spot massage. In that we primarily focus on clitoris and the sacred spot area. After beginner’s work we start to explore several other areas. The idea to make the entire ‘yoni’, the word means ‘sacred space’ activate and become sacred. Many women are numb down to 5 and 7. Many women just past 6 have a lot of suppressed emotions. It’s like, we call it, I call it, the ‘cali spot’, because if you’re going to go poking around there guys, you got to know that Cali is just behind the closet door and could jump out on you at any moment, but all of these areas are holy. They all are treated with reverence; they’re all held with reverence, with awe, with love, with an intention to activate, heal, and awaken.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: Before we ask our last final question, where can our listeners contact you? Can you give us that information, where they can buy your videos?
CHARLES MUIR: www.sourcetantra.com on the Internet will have lots of articles, training features, all of our Tantra shop items, information about our seminars in Hawaii, and all across the USA. I’m just so delighted that after 26 years of teaching it, it’s out there. You know what was a concept that I kind of looked at and explored and started talking about; it along with a lot of the exercises I’ve created around learning Tantra, are just a part of everybody’s Tantra work now and I don’t mind being called the ‘grandpa’ of the modern Tantra day.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: So one final question: Could you tell us, as a vision, how you would like to get communities and even our political institutions to recognize touch as a vital education learning tool, to learning this love-making, because it seems like learning how to touch with our hands, and connecting, seems to be the whole cornerstone of your sacred spot massage?
CHARLES MUIR: Well we have to understand touch is not just physical; touch is energetic, and that needs to be taught. And it needs to be taught to men how to be present for a woman’s emotions, because she’ll have emotions when this area is touched, and sometimes they’ll come out in a way that the average man will say, “You’re being crazy now.” And she’s not being crazy; she’s having feelings moved up and she’s in the right hemisphere of her brain and she can’t communicate clearly. So a lot of men run away when those feelings come up. So a man must be coached into what a woman needs when she’s having feelings, and touch is a part of it, but how we move our body, how we start to use our penis as a massage tool, as a wand of light to assist in the awakening; we learn the positions as well as the way of movement. So how can I reach her g-spot with my wand of light, if I could use those poetic terms? How can we weave the energies? The word ‘Tantra’ means an expansive weaving, ‘TAN-TRA’, and then ‘yoga’ – union – union through an expansive weaving of energies, and it’s not just second-chakra energy, but it’s all of the chakras that get connected, energy transmitted and received, chakra-to-chakra, back and forth. So we magnetize with each other, and then we start weaving the energies into a tight unique weave of me and you. We are connected through our ‘Tantra’.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: Charles and Leah, it’s been a pleasure interviewing you. We look forward to your next visit to New York City, and hope to be seeing more enlightened communities that you’re creating here in our urban communities. We really need your work here.
CHARLES MUIR: It seems wherever we teach our weekend seminars, communities sprout up. We stay away from the concept of being gurus. We’re teachers and sharers of Tantra, but in every city, one or two Tantra communities start developing from these students, and we’d like to empower our students and teach them that the guru, the teacher, is within them and it’s our job to kind of point in that direction. In this case it’s pointing from a rather unique angle, the second chakra.
RICHARD ANTON DIAZ: Thank you, guys. It’s been a pleasure.
LEAH ALCHIN: Thank you.
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