Episode 10 - The Five Different Kinds of Orgasm with Ina Laughing Winds, Teacher from the Chuluaqui Quodoushka Ancient Mayan Tradition
The Five Different Kinds of Orgasm: Dr. Patti Talks to Ina Laughing Winds, Teacher from the Chuluaqui Quodoushka Ancient Mayan Tradition
Announcer: This program is intended for mature audiences only.
[intro music]
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Welcome to the “Expanded Lovemaking “ show. I’m your host, Dr. Patti Taylor, and I teach people how to make love. Today on the show we’re talking about the five different types of orgasm, for men and women, from the Chuluaqui Quodoushka, ancient Mayan tradition. In working with the five different orgasms I’m going to introduce the concept of the elements, water, earth, air, fire and void. So you’re riding a fine line of pressure and pleasure. In the north, this is a hurricane, once again; it’s called the ‘screaming wind’. This is very explosive, so it begins explosive. Usually, there are many orgasms at the clitoris. Now for some of us, once we’ve had a clitoral orgasm, just like a man, the head gets very sensitive. And there are thousands of more nerve endings at the end of out tiny little clitoris than there is at the head of a man’s cock. Our guest is Ina Laughingwinds, an international leader from this tradition. Ina began her apprenticeship in 1984. Today she is one of only 14 people worldwide, certified to bring this body of knowledge out into the world. We’re incredibly lucky to have Ina on our show. Ina, thanks for coming on, and welcome.
INA MLEKUSH: Thank you, Patti. It’s an honor to be sharing this time with you.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Among other things, Ina Laughingwinds is an international presenter of the Chuluaqui Quodoushka tradition. I might add, this tradition is an extremely popular set of teachings that is often referred to as ancient Native American Tantra. Ina is an accomplished lecturer and writer, and she’s a sexuality coach, and licensed marriage counselor, based in Phoenix, Arizona, with a nationwide clientele. I’m thrilled to have you here with us today, Ina. I think our listeners would love to find out more about sex and orgasms from an ancient Native American perspective. I want to know, too. And especially, how can these orgasmic differences help to make our love lives richer and more fulfilling? So today we’re going to ask Ina about the five different kinds of men’s and women’s orgasms, and share real-life examples of how people have benefited from this information. Let’s get started. Ina, what are the five different kinds of orgasms for men?
INA MLEKUSH: Well, first of all, for men we need to understand that there is a difference between orgasm and ejaculation. And so, when men do ejaculate, the orgasm happens so interwoven, that oftentimes men do not know that there is a difference. For men, to know that they can have multiple orgasms, that they can have orgasms with or without ejaculation, they can have orgasms with or without erection, and the idea is that it is the orgasm that brings about the tremendous pleasure, so for many men, if they have had a ‘quickie’ or if they maybe have picked somebody up, and they make love to them, and they realize that, for the expenditure of energy, they’re feeling rather depleted, and its’ not just an energy depletion, but it’s an emotional depletion; it’s mental; it just wasn’t very satisfying, and some of these men will often say, “I’d rather masturbate or self-pleasure, than to spend all that time and energy.” And then there is… it leaves them spiritually vacant. And so one of the most important things for us to teach, and it especially would be wonderful if can teach our young sons, that their orgasm and their ejaculation can be two different things.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: So I’m gathering that has a lot to do with your answer, as far as the five different kinds of orgasm, is they’re going to need to at least know that you can separate orgasm and ejaculation.
INA MLEKUSH: Absolutely right.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Okay, so what are the five? Or one of the five, you know?
INA MLEKUSH: In working with the five different orgasms, I’m going to introduce the concept of the elements: water, earth, air, fire, and void. Any Native American people, or any indigenous people, understand our relationship to the world and to the elements. And so ‘water orgasm’ is also known as what’s called an ‘owl’. There’s an owl expression, and the winged one of the owl flies so silently that when it nabs its prey, the prey is totally unexpectant, so what that looks like in the man is that he has this tremendous emotion, and oftentimes there is a partial to no erection, and there is, unbeknownst to him… it’s a surprise to him, to have a full ejaculation. Now in our culture today, oftentimes we might call that ‘early ejaculation’, or ‘premature’, and I want to first clarify that there’s nothing premature about that ejaculation. It feels wonderful; it’s an expression of the man’s passion for the woman; it’s fully birthed out of his body. It is early though; it’s earlier than what he desires it to be. So the one orgasm expression is a ‘water orgasm’, and there are a lot of feelings and emotions to it, with or without the erection, full orgasm, and full ejaculation. And we’ve put that at the south of the medicine wheel. If we’re looking at the west of the medicine wheel, this is the place of the body, where the south is the place of the water; the physical is the place of the earth and the body. So this is a full erection, it is a full ejaculation, and it’s a full orgasm. This is what most men are used to, and what they look forward to. For a man to understand that he can have these orgasms without those expressions sometimes is rather challenging. And in this ‘earth orgasm’, he not only has that wonderful, wonderful erection that he loves, with that full ejaculation, he has built a tremendous amount of energy in the passion, in the foreplay, in the lovemaking. So when he does have that final release, his body very much is like an earthquake. He energy sweeps through him, and he has aftershocks. His whole body quakes. Although there is a genital focus here, it still impacts the body. This is again what most men are used to. Then if we move into the north, which is where the winds are, the air, this is called a ‘tornado’. This is where there is a full erection; there is no ejaculation whatsoever, but there’s a full orgasm. Many men love learning how to do this, because they can have multiple orgasms, and then maintain their erections to have intercourse for twenty minutes, a half hour, an hour, or two hours. And so from our tradition, we teach that because there are five different types of orgasms, two of them do have a full ejaculation, and this is what is natural for the man’s body. God or Great Spirit created the man’s body meaning to ejaculate. When the man learns how to build the passion, he is not going to have what we call a ‘zero’ or ‘low-level’ orgasm where he loses energy. This is taught in other traditions, that men lose energy, and therefore they highly recommend that this is the only orgasm, or the majority of the time this is the orgasm that a man has. In our tradition we say that the prostate stays healthy when it does what God created it to do, and that is ejaculate. So the key here is building a tremendous passion and energy between the two people, so that when the ejaculation takes place, they do not lose energy. And to learn how to do this north, ‘tornado’ orgasm means that their… the body is feeling as if it’s caught in the wind, and the energy is the whipping of the sound and the whipping of the energy, and this is such… it’s like they’re getting caught in the eye of the storm and then… there’s no ejaculation! It’s like this eye of the storm; there’s a sense of peacefulness, but at the same time it absolutely feels as if they’re ejaculating. As a woman, when a man has this type of orgasm, I cannot tell the difference between if he’s actually ejaculated fluid, or he has had a north tornado orgasm. And so in this, I actually have to even ask him, and what’s delightful about this is both men and women, in lovemaking, is this allows the woman to reach heights and states of her need for passion, because you know women just take longer than men. And when a man can maintain his erection for a longer period than just five or ten minutes, if he can maintain it for twenty minutes, an hour, and the woman can relax with that, and use lubricant if need be, because you know we can get dry. There’s a place inside of the woman that opens up, that every woman wants to give to her man.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Just to clarify, this is a full erection, but he can go as long as he wants, and then at the end he can either ejaculate or not? Is that what you’re saying?
INA MLEKUSH: Actually not, Patti.
INA MLEKUSH: Most men, when they hit this place, they’ve gone beyond the ejaculation. So most men, when thy have intercourse for a long period of time, and they’re maintaining their erection, that this particular orgasm has no ejaculation at the end.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Okay, I got it. So they have the orgasms without the ejaculations?
INA MLEKUSH: Full orgasm without ejaculation.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Okay, got it.
INA MLEKUSH: Multiple orgasms. And that’s why this is so wonderful for men, because they start experiencing multiple orgasms.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Oh, got it. Okay, great.
INA MLEKUSH: And this opens up a space for the woman to go deeper into her own passion. Now lets move to the east. We still have two more orgasm to share. And this is called the ‘raging forest fire’, because in the east is where the element of fire is. So we have water in the south, earth in the west, wind in the north, and fire in the east. There is absolutely no erection. There is no ejaculation. There is a full orgasm, and the way this feels for men is there is almost as if their genitals, externally as well as internal genital area, becomes very ignited with heat. And this heat rises in waves through the genitals, and it spreads not only up the torso, but it spreads down the legs. This man may break out in a tremendous sweat. Or he is running such a hot fire, energy, his body will be very dry; his mouth will be very dry. So it can go either way, just sweat pouring off of him, and his body will vibrate into an orgasm, with no erection, no ejaculation. This is an orgasm that it’s difficult, if a man says, “I want to learn how to do that”… one of the things about these orgasm types, you almost need to be in the moment, spontaneous, allowing your free expression to be present, and your body will then take you around the wheel to experience these. It’s not like you can specifically plan it, although it’s a little bit easier with the avalanche, the south orgasm which I referred to as ‘owl’. The earthquake, the tornado, the east orgasm is one of the most challenging ones, for the man to experience, because the tendency is always to have that erection. SO in the center, in the void, this is called the ‘thunderbird’ or the ‘fire breath’ orgasm. This is a total body orgasm, and it’s not even localized in the genitals. So with this fire breath, literally they breathe energy up, through their first chakra. I use the term ‘chakra’ because it’s well known. The native American Mayan Toltec, from Quodoushka saw the wheels of energy; so if you were to interpret the word ‘chakra’, it means ‘wheel’. So Native Americans referred to it, and again I’m referring to the ancient ones, referred to it as ‘wheels of energy’. So in the fire breath orgasm, a man can breathe energy, the universal life force energy… he can breathe energy up and he will not feel anything in his cock. I prefer to use the word ‘cock’ rather than ‘penis’. “Penis’ is a very clinical term; I don’t think many men refer to that part of their anatomy as a ‘penis’. They refer to it as their cock, or from my tradition it would be called the [tupeeli] for the man. So it is not localized in his genitals, in his tupeeli. It is through breathing, and there is a passion of energy through breath that move up the wheels, or up the chakras, up to the heart chakra, bursting through into the throat with sound, out with the seventh chakra, into the tenth, which is what we see as the halo, and energy now is pouring from the universe, being brought in through the first chakra, all the way up and out the top of their head. So this man may be in a body arch. He can go into an orgastic state for five, ten, fifteen, twenty minutes. This is not where it’s out…
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: I can certainly see why these teachings are incredibly popular. What man wouldn’t want to have this whole range of expression? So, I’d like to ask you… I know that you’re a sexual counselor, and that you integrate that in with these fabulous teachings, and I know in my own experience too that a lot of men have a certain kind of cock that can, let’s say ‘perform’ in a natural range. Either they’re really good at getting erect, but they tend to have orgasms that look like the ones from the east or the ones from the west, or the ones from the north. They have a natural capability in one area or the other, but often struggle to make it into the other zones. How easy is it, do you find, to expand your range, to teach somebody to go… I guess it varies for men, individually, But do most men, do you find, have a hard time learning to go around the range?
INA MLEKUSH: there’s a key here, and that is, anytime you’re looking at a wheel, the key to any wheel is the hub; be it a bicycle wheel, if the hub is not solid, with the spokes going out straight, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. So the key to learning the outer expressions is to learn the inner expression, which is how to bring the body into an orgastic state through breath alone. Now once a man learns how to do that, and when we teach our workshops the Chuluaqui Quodoushka workshops, we do teach the breathing technique to both men and women. Some of them learn it within the first twenty minutes. When I first learned this breath I was one of the first people to learn it; it took me nine months, practicing three times a week for twenty minutes. But I was in the ‘hundred monkey period’; I was one of the first monkeys, you might say. In learning this technique, we now teach it around the world, and so people are learning it much faster. Once a man learns how to breathe his body into an orgasm, now what starts happening is he starts experiencing having an erection with that. He now starts learning through breath how to control what the south orgasm, which is when it ejaculates without the erection, or partial, and what men may call early ejaculation; he now knows through breath how to have a full erection, no ejaculation, full orgasm. And again, the east, where the fire is, through breath, how to relax, and so the body does not actually get erect, but the orgasm is there. So the key to any wheel is understanding the center of the wheel. Any man, no matter his thickness, his length, no matter his size, is what we call… We have made sweet medicine animal names that represent the energetic. So a coyote man usually is, and we measure by the man’s palm, so he’s usually… the length of a palm, or the palm and a head, his girth is quite narrow. Now this man, with this avalanche orgasm, he does have a proclivity to ejaculate early. There’s nothing wrong with him. He usually has this wonderful heart space. He’s no enamored with the beauty and the smell and the fragrance of that woman’s pussy, and making love to her that he just ejaculates early. I teach men… and early ejaculation is so prevalent in today’s culture, and no one talks about it, no one. And that’s a major part of the work I do, is teaching the men how using their breath in a simple exercise that does not require them to take their hands away from their lover, to have total control over their ejaculation.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: I have to agree with you, and I also want to say that studies have shown that some of the other techniques, such as holding your breath; I’ve read that they actually, actually they’re effective for awhile, and then they wear off, over six months or so, and the effect goes away, and you’re kind of back to where you started. I actually have also found, that what you’re saying, the breath and using the breath to actually spread the energy is far more effective, so I was really happy to hear about that.
We’re going to have to take a break to support our sponsors, but I have quick question maybe you could squeeze in before that. There are a lot of men in our society, that I’ve run into, that have what’s known as delayed ejaculation, if you’ll pardon the terms, where they have a hard time ejaculating. What do you say to them?
INA MLEKUSH: Oftentimes there are two things going on. One is their body knows that the woman they’re with does not respect them, and that their partner has lost respect for the man, and his seed is the most precious thing in that man, and when he gives his seed to a woman he has to know that it’s being received with respect and that he is appreciated. The other thing is men will get distracted. Their mind is on work, on other activities, and what they need to do is they need to keep both heads on the same page, something, thinking erotic fantasy, passion thoughts. The minute the upper head and the lower head, and this is true for women too, the minute the upper head is thinking about anything other than that delightful and intimate engagement, it is going to be difficult for a woman to orgasm, or for a man.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: So again the breath would combine the genital with the mind and also again as you said going into the inner hub would get them all on one page, their upper half and lower half.
INA MLEKUSH: Yes. And to repeat that a man’s body knows the woman he’s with. If she really does not love him anymore, or respect him anymore, no matter what she says, if she’s internally holding resentment, he may start having a difficult time giving his seed to her because his seed carries the potential of all of his dreams, of everything he chooses to accomplish in life, and if there’s not a receptive ‘garden’ for him to plant his seed in, we’re not talking seeds of babies… Women are the garden; we’re the earth; they’re the sun, needing to plant the seeds of potential, and so men cannot release their seed if they’re not feeling that, and it’s on a very spiritual intuitive level. So there are two issues there.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Okay, great. So we’re going to just take a quick break. I’m talking to Ina Laughingwinds. This is Dr. Patti Taylor. You can find out more about Ina at her web site www.SpiritualSexuality.com. So please stay with us.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: We’re back, and I’m Dr. Patti Taylor. We’re talking to Ina Laughingwinds about the five different types of orgasms, for men and women. Before the break we were talking about the five different kinds of orgasm for men. Ina, I want to ask you now about the five different kinds of orgasms for a woman.
INA MLEKUSH: Thank you so much, because it’s wonderful to know that there’s more than one type. First of all, for women, we need to know that having orgasms is our birthright, and we have a tremendous amount of sexual repression in our culture and in our religion, that for many women it makes it difficult for them to have ANY type of orgasm, let alone having five different types of orgasms. And so just like the men we worked with on the medicine wheel, and in the south, this is called the tidal wave. So think of water. Think of that tidal wave, where the energy is pulling, pulling, pulling. And then when the orgasm finally comes there’s this tremendous crash of feelings and emotions, and the way that can look for a woman is all of a sudden she may be sobbing, just crying, and then laughing, and then sobbing, and then crying, and this poor man thinks, “O my God, I hurt her. What did I do to her?” And so he stops his thrusting and she looks at him and goes, “What are you doing?!” He says, “I’m hurting you and…” “Keep going! Keep going! I’m fine! I’m fine!” And so please, ladies, if your tendency is to have this wonderful expression of emotions, let your man know, so that he knows not to stop; he’s not hurting you, and you’re just going to keep going. Now this orgasm originates with the g-spot, or what’s better known as the ‘g-area’. So it’s very internal, and women can ejaculate. And this ejaculation is such a deep satisfying orgasm, and women almost need to teach themselves to ejaculate, because the ejaculative fluid comes out of the urethra, which is where we urinate, no different than a man, and we think we’re peeing. And then we get so embarrassed and we close it down. So ladies, if you’re listening out there, one way for you to learn how to have an ejaculation orgasm, which comes as a result of stimulating the g-area, is put some towels under you. Invite your partner first with his fingers to find your g-spot, and the way you find it, and I’m going off the track a little bit, but the ejaculation can be had all the way around the wheel, but the way you find your g-spot is it could be anywhere from, put your finger inside, it could be anywhere from right at the very opening where the first knuckle is, and all the way back where the finger cannot even reach it because it’s so far back and tilted up. It’s always on the upper wall of the ‘tupuli’, or the vagina. Tupuli is our name for that sacred womb space, tupuli. It’s always on the upper wall, between 11, 12, or 1:00. So if the clitoris is 12:00, then 11 or 1, somewhere in that range, so you want to first pleasure yourself a bit, make love a bit, let it get engorged, because the g-area or g-spot engorges, and when it engorges, it feels a bit rough, like a cat’s tongue. The skin is not smooth, and once you find that, and you do a ‘come hither’, a ‘come here’ motion over it, you won’t even feel much eroticism with it, not at first; it just makes you feel like your partner is pushing against your bladder and you have to go to the bathroom. So what I tell both my male and female clients is, “Ok, jump up, go to the bathroom, come back. Men, go right to the same spot.” The women are going to say, “What are you doing? You’re making me feel like I have to pee again.” At that point you know you’re on the right spot. So as you continue stimulating the g-spot, caressing the breasts, maybe reaching up and kissing and finding different positions. My husband and I have found a wonderful position, where he is almost kind of over me, slightly off to the side, so if I want I can be holding his tupeeli, his cock; I can be doing oral sex on his cock, while he is actually stimulating me and bringing me to an ejaculation and orgasm. Ladies, you can learn how to do this. I taught myself how to ejaculate. You might want to put anywhere from two to four towels under you, because once you’ve learned how, you could really flood.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Wow, that was really expressive. I think our listeners really appreciate that, because a lot of people are hearing this information for the first time. I love your suggestion about going to the bathroom and peeing, because many, many a time I have actually ejaculated, and then gotten up and gone to the bathroom, and then it’s like, they’re completely different things, so that’s the other way of looking at it, so that’s a great suggestion. So, I guess you’re going to go on to the west?
INA MLEKUSH: I need to just complete the south now. I got a little bit sidetracked. I just love ejaculation orgasm. So, in the south it begins with the g-spot area, but then it’s going to move outward, and you might find that you have waves of energy producing a clitoral explosion. So it’s internal to external.
Now the west. This is again the earthquake. This is primarily an implosive orgasm, where the south was implosive/explosive, the west is mainly implosive. Earthquake, it’s very physical. This is where the tupuli, the vaginal muscles are going to be orgasming and spasming, and there are multiple orgasms here. The body is shaking. And your lover, men or women, whoever your lover is, if your lover just gently touches you after your orgasm, you’ll find that your body will just shake again, aftershock. The lighter the touch, the tendency is your body will respond to that. Very powerful physical satisfaction.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: I’m sure those are very popular in your workshops.
INA MLEKUSH: You know, they are all popular. I’ve never known a bad orgasm; I’ve never known a bad orgasm.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: [laughs] Let’s keep going here.
INA MLEKUSH: In the north, this is the hurricane, once again; it’s called the ‘screaming wind’. This is very explosive, so it begins explosive. Usually, there are many orgasms at the clitoris. Now for some of us, once we’ve had a clitoral orgasm, like a man, the head gets very sensitive, and there are thousands of more nerve endings at the end of our tiny little clitoris than there is at the head of a man’s cock, and his head is so much bigger than ours. SO the head of our clitoris gets highly sensitive, and the thing to do here, to experience those many orgasms, is to go to one side, then the other side, back off a little bit, and then have a little oral stimulation, wet fingers to re-ignite that, so you’re riding a fine line of pressure and pleasure. Or pressure, a tiny bit of discomfort, and then it goes into this amazing pleasure. So you have to be willing to ride that point of discomfort and push through it to have more clitoral orgasms. Then what happens is it goes internal. It becomes implosive, and with that implosive, what helps is strong fantasy, strong mental images, and oftentimes there is loud sound. Ladies, please, please make sound. Gentlemen, make sound. When you make sound, I get turned on as the lover. I need to make my own sound. I need to hear sound. If you have children in your home they need to know you make sound when you make love. If they’re concerned that the sounds are that someone’s hurting each other, tell them beforehand, “Mommy and Daddy make sound; we’re making love; it’s passion; it’s wonderful. You don’t have to be concerned.” Start educating your children when they are hearing these things, so that they can go to sleep knowing that there’s love in their house.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Oh! That is so touching. Wow! Wow wow.
INA MLEKUSH: Thank you. SO let’s move to the east. Now this is all explosive. So like in the west with the earthquake it’s implosive, in the east with the fire it’s explosive; its’ the volcano. This is where it’s multiple climaxes, multiple, multiple, and there’s a sense of fire. The body is very hot. And this, amazingly, no matter how wet you are, women, you may find that you dry out. The more passionate you get, the more orgasms you have, the more clitoral stimulation, you get dry. There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s just that you’re dancing in the fires of the east. Get yourself some lubricant. Have that readily available. No matter what part of the bed you’re laying on, your hand can reach for a bottle. I have two or three always across the top. It doesn’t matter if we’re in menopause or not, but especially if any women is in menopause, they want to work with lubricant. So this is multiple climaxes, working mainly with clitoral. Then we go into the center of the wheel, back to that thunderbird, that fire breath orgasm. Again, it’s a whole-body orgasm. I do not feel anything in the clitoris; I don’t feel anything in the outer lips. Where I do feel it is internally. I feel my PC muscles, the pubococcygea muscles, and the vaginal muscles beginning to pulsate and with my intent, and with a breathing technique, I’m puling the energy through my sacred tupuli, and the energy up into my body. Now I’d like to share here, Patti, that when, over 25 years ago, when I first was introduced to this body of knowledge, like many women I did not have orgasm during intercourse. The only way I could have an orgasm was with oral sex or with self-pleasuring, which I started doing rather later in life. And I had only one type of orgasm, and I was quite happy when I even had that. When I learned how to do this breathing technique, and I learned how to breathe my body into an orgastic state, it was not clitoral; not g-spot, it was an orgastic state with life force energy being pulled through my first chakra, through my sacred tupuli, up into my belly, filling my belly, into my heart chakra. My heart opened, and then I made sound and the energy went into my throat and I saw stars and the energy went straight out through my head and it was just the most amazing thing I’d experienced. That breath started moving my body and I started having implosive orgasms that lifted my upper body into these wonderful spasms of contraction. Then I’d have explosive orgasms, and I would arch my body back and it would be very expansive. SO for me, when I learned to breath my body into an orgasm, when I took responsibility, and did not expect my partner to do it for me, that’s when my body took me around this wheel, and I didn’t try to do any of them. I just breathed, and my body naturally expressed itself in these ways. Well, 25 years later, I am still responsible for my own orgasms. I have orgasms with intercourse. My husband knows I have ejaculation orgasms and that is often done with his fingers; but my PC muscles are very strong, and this is the key for female orgasms. Women, we need to be teaching our daughters to do the kegel exercises, for many reasons. One, it helps in childbirth. Two, it helps them to learn how to have orgasms in intercourse. And three, keeping those muscles very tight helps with urinary incontinence. The kegel exercises are not being taught from generation to generation anymore. And so, the stronger our PC muscles are, the more we can experience orgasms and we can grip our man’s tupeeli, his cock, with our muscles, and milk it, and we can bring greater sensation into our bodies. To lie there, without using your internal muscles is like his cock going into a bowl of jelly. It feels nice, but we’re the jelly. It will totally change your passion and your lovemaking to start using your internal muscles. And I want to speak this to the men also. Men are not taught to do kegel exercises. For men I call it “C 200’s”, and I explain that the prostate is nestled into the pubococcygea muscles. Every time they do an isometric and contract their PC muscle they’re massaging their own prostate. When a man has an erection, and he’s playing, and he’s bobbing the erection, those are the PC muscles I’m talking about.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Or if you’re urinating you can just see where you would stop the urine mid-stream, and that’s it.
INA MLEKUSH: That’s the PC muscle. It seems like a tiny muscle, but actually if you were to look at an anatomy book you would see… I call it the ‘sit muscle’; it’s really quite a large muscle. So men and women, 200 times, twice a day.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: That will have a healthy effect, and that’s a great tip, because you can do it while you’re at a stoplight, or brushing your teeth, as long as it’s a set time. What effect would that have if someone went on a 30-day program and did it, how many times a day? Twice a day?
INA MLEKUSH: This is what I recommend, that the first time they do it they contract their PC muscle, for both men and women, as many times as they can, and they count the number. SO let’s say you can do it 50 times and then your muscle fatigues and it won’t respond. That’s your base number. Then every morning before you get out of bed, every night when you crawl into bed you do up to your base number, 50 times. When your muscle starts developing, getting stronger, you increase it slowly, 55, 60, 70. That will take place over a period of time until eventually you’re doing 200 times twice a day. Once you can do it 200 times twice a day, you do that for 30 days. It may take you a month to get there. Once you’re there you do it 30 days to get that muscle good and strong. Phase 2 is another base number. You contract the PC muscle, hold it, and time it. How many seconds can you hold it in a contracted state? Maybe it’s five seconds, ten seconds. This second phase is much more challenging than the first one. Once you know your base number, now every morning, every night, you substitute phase 2. You contract and hold. The goal, eventually, build slowly; the goal is to hold that PC muscle for two minutes, twice a day. Once you can hold that muscle for two minutes twice a day for the rest of your life it doesn’t matter what you do but do something in the morning and something in the evening, and that for men literally prevents urinary incontinence. Now there’s something I want to add here. For women, our muscle tone does not have total control over urinary incontinence. What is needed as women get older and we start dealing with leaking when we laugh, when we run, or when we sneeze, the best thing for that is to work with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, and ask for what’s called ‘libido cream’. I’m not a doctor. This is just something I do, and an organization I work with, they work with everyone across the United States. It’s called “Profile Health”; you can locate them at www.ProfileHealth.com; they have high integrity. That the only thing they work with, bio-identical. Women, you need a tiny touch, about the size of a rice grain, of testosterone cream, placed on the clitoris.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Okay, well that’s some great advice. We have to stop and take a break for our sponsors. I just want to say I did that PC exercise thing for sexological bodywork training that I was in, where I was doing the squeezes for I forget how many times a day, but a lot. And I was just like it was just sending me into an orgasmic state. So we’re going to take a break, so please stay with us. This is Dr. Patti Taylor. We are talking to Ina Laughingwinds about the five different types of orgasms for men and women. Ina’s web site is www.SpiritualSexuality.com and she is with the Chuluaqui Quodoushka tradition of ancient Native American Tantra.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: We’re back, and I’m Dr. Patti Taylor, and we’re talking to Ina Laughingwinds about the five different types of orgasms for men and women. Before the break we were talking about the five different types of orgasms for women. Now let’s go on to some real-life examples.
This is an ancient Mayan Toltec spiritual sexuality tradition. What draws people in today’s increasingly busy and modernized technological world? Why? What’s the draw?
INA MLEKUSH: I think people really know that there is much more to sexuality than what they’ve been taught by their culture, no matter what part of the world they live in, because these teachings have been brought out to countries, Sweden, Norway, Italy, New Zealand, Jamaica, Canada, parts of the United States. There is a draw to this body of knowledge, because people, sexually, are dying inside. They know that sexuality is something more than doing it Thursday night in the bedroom with the lights out. They know that sexuality is more than just the procreation of children. They have an inner knowing, an inner knowledge that we all can access, but for the first time, when they hear this body of teachings, when they go onto my web site, they see the brochures and they read the testimonials, they say, “I’m home. Finally someone is speaking truth; someone is speaking what sacred sexuality really is about.” And the fact that this comes from ancient traditions is just an indication of how sexually repressed we have become in our modern world, and that this knowledge, as Tantra, as many traditions of sacred sexuality went underground to preserve itself. It’s coming up and out because our world right now especially is called ‘the razor’s edge’. Between now and 2011, when the Mayan calendar ends we are completing the cycle of what’s called ‘the fourth world’, and we’re moving into the cycle of the human, the fifth world. So embracing one’s sacred sexuality as a way to, in the orgastic state, to open up windows and doorways to other dimensional realities. People know there’s something more than just the joy and passion and intimacy of making love with another, which is beautiful. I’m not saying that’s not reason enough to make love. But truly when you step into sacred sexuality you begin to understand that sexuality is magical, and you start opening up what’s called the ‘morphogenetic field’. Rupert Sheldrake speaks about this in the ‘hundredth monkey’ theory, and that there’s actually a field of energy around the planet that for, just quickly… he did a research project in which when the hundredth monkey accomplished a task, every monkey on two islands separated from each other started learning, doing the same task. When we hit a level, for humans, or 144,000 in each of the eight great powers, when we hit 144,000 people awakened, choosing to step into the light, choosing to live their lives in integrity, not lying, not cheating, and not manipulating, but truly using their sexuality to connect themselves to spirit, to become sacred human beings, to awaken into evolution, then we can improve the planet. We can become a better world for everyone to live in. And we have a battle ahead of us, 2011.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: So I may come back to that, possibly in a moment, but before I do I’d like to give those listeners just a kind of a taste of what might happen in a workshop, because something I know about the workshops; I’ve seen some of the stuff you do, and it’s so rich in the ceremony, and the beauty of the tradition. Could you just sort of paint out, just a gypsy scene, kind of rich in detail that someone, a fly on the wall and watching, just a little bit of the visuals. And let’s just say if they were to contribute to the opening and the creation of that passage in 2011 and learning how to do that, becoming more orgastic, and orgasmic. But there they are in your workshop. What would it be looking like, on that day when there’s a ceremony, and people are being, are participating in something? Could you repeat that out for us?
INA MLEKUSH: I can, and I will. And I’m going to give an introduction to that, because most people attending the workshops are nervous! They haven’t attended something that teaches spiritual sexuality. They are concerned. They want to be sure that they’re not getting involved in some kind of an orgy, some kind of a situation where their boundaries are not going to be respected. And so first and foremost, we establish the tremendous dignity and respect for each person’s boundaries and for that they’re choosing to come here to learn, so we have been acknowledged as having the highest level of integrity in regards to what we do. And so one of the sacred ceremonies that is done is learning how to work with the energy that is in the body, in the luminosity. So we give first a teaching of how we can work with not only our physical body, but with our energetic body. Now how are you going to touch a person’s face or their body? Are you first going to just… bam! You’re in? You’re touching; you’re just going for the genitals, the breast, the cock, or… no! What you’re going to do is breathe. And it’s not a matter of gazing into each other’s eyes just for ten or fifteen minutes. One person is going into the feminine-receptive; the other is acting as the giver, and so your learning first to breathe and connect to the energy of the luminosity, and to feel, and as you do that, this person breathes and they start relaxing. Then it’s a matter of touching the body. Then it’s a matter of a specific shamanic technique where you’re helping to release pain. So this doesn’t sound sexual at all. What we’re dong is we’re helping the body to release pain-tape, so it then can receive sensual erotic touching. Every exercise we do, the couples see a demonstration of it, and they know exactly what the exercise is. Then they sit with each other, and they honor each other; they gift each other, maybe incense or dark chocolate or a good CD and they say, “Thank you for doing this exercise with me. I want to respect you. What are your boundaries?” So for those people who come as a married monogamous couple, or not married but monogamous couple, they also make their agreements. For those people who do not have a partner and want to learn about these teachings, they come, and we keep a male/female gender balance, with the agreement they will be working with three or four different partners. There is no intercourse in these workshops. That’s not appropriate. There is sacred learning, for the first time in people’s lives. You can learn to be a doctor, and you can learn to do surgery. You can learn to be a dentist and you can practice in people’s mouths. But nowhere on our planet is it permissible that you can learn how to touch, or how to work with sacred sexual energy, and actually have teachers guiding you.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: And I might say that the location there is in the desert often, or maybe it’s wherever it is in the world, but…
INA MLEKUSH: It’s a private venue, no matter where it is in the world.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: It’s usually rich, in very beautiful surroundings as well that are actually evocative for drawing you in visually, and the sounds are very beautiful, and so the environment just draws you in deeply as well.
INA MLEKUSH: Yes and we teach the fire breath, and that’s something you learn to do by yourself.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: It really helps to be there, if at all possible, so we’re actually coming to the end of our show. I’m going to ask you one more question. Thank goodness. I could go on and on. And I was wondering if there was a parting thought you’d like to leave us with for today, or action, or encouraging word?
I: Thank you for this opportunity to speak to them. It is so important for the healing of the individual, that we can stop the sexual rape and abuse of not only the feminine on the planet, but grandmother earth. It is so important for us to stand up and be strong in our physical body. Prowess and strength, to have a healthy body, and to embrace sacred sexuality, that sex is beautiful; it’s natural. Men and women are different and equal. And we need to start once again, women need to start learning how to be women; men need to stand up again in their prowess and learning to be men, and they are respected for it and we are honored for it, so that we can look deeply into each other’s eyes, and come together and make love, and make a new universe, every moment that we decide to share our bodies with another person.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Wow. Wow wow.
INA MLEKUSH: Patti, I’d like just one more moment. Sexual Solutions is a part of who I am bringing myself out to the world, so that… and I’m beginning more and more to work with Ina Mlekush. And so if you go to my web site www.SpiritualSexuality.com you’re going to see Sexual Solutions, Ina Mlekush, so that I can reach more people, so they can feel more comfortable with gaining true wisdom and knowledge of sacred sexuality. I don’t want anything, or any words or any names to stop people from reaching out and gaining this God-given right that we have this knowledge for ourselves.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: Thank you, Ina, so much for joining us today. I am totally inspired. I just want to say, having worked with a lot of men and women myself, I feel very strongly that no matter how great you are as a lover, or how much you’re just starting down this path, most people just know what they know, and so the opportunity to extend your range, and to learn five different ways to have orgasm, and your partner’s, or four different ways, because you’re already doing at least one, or several different new ways, is an amazing opportunity. The idea that you can truly expand your range by going into your center and learning this breath, or the fire breath orgasm, which I’ve just heard rave reviews about. Certainly through your tradition, I’ve heard absolutely nothing but these astonishing reviews. It’s absolutely such inspiring news for anybody that wants to expand their range, so you’ve really brought some inspiring news. It’s been really great having you on our show. Thank you so much.
INA MLEKUSH: Thank you.
DR. PATTI TAYLOR: So check out some of our other recent shows on orgasmic wisdom and empowerment; recently we’ve had Marco Anondon, on Sky-dancing Tantra, Kenneth Stubbs on Energy Orgasms, and Gary Schubach on Female Empowerment with the G-Spot. That brings us today to the end of our show. Thank you for listening. Please send me email at [email protected] . For text and transcripts of this show and other shows at the Personal Life Media Network, please visit our web site at www.PersonalLfeMedia.com. This is your host, Dr. Patti Taylor, and I remain yours in ever-expanding lovemaking, and I’ll see you next week.[Music]
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