Master the Dynamics of Sexual Passion (Part One) with Satyen Raja, Tantric Master and Founder of WarriorSage, Inc.
Expanded Lovemaking
Dr. Patti Taylor

Episode 83 - Master the Dynamics of Sexual Passion (Part One) with Satyen Raja, Tantric Master and Founder of WarriorSage, Inc.

Find out why Satyen inspires audiences worldwide with his dynamic instructions on exactly how to bring more passion, sexual heat, and enlightenment to your relationship. You will learn about Satyen's own relationship. Find out how he took his own slow-burn, low-excitement love-life through the roof! How did having children impact his passionate connection with his wife? What did they do to escalate their sexual desires to “off the charts”? Can love and passion be taught? Why are man/woman polarities so essential? How can we tell where we stand on the mix of sexual polarities? What do hot, steamy, truly passionate relationships look like? Can they be sustained, and if so how? How can men and women develop their natural potential capabilities as lovers to the fullest? This show is chock full of juicy examples that will inspire you to pick up the phone, and/or, run home and take action! Discover just how much you can do to boost and fuel the sex, love, and passion in your life.



Announcer: This program is intended for mature audiences only.


Dr. Patti Taylor: Welcome to the Expanded Lovemaking Show. I am your host, Dr. Patti Taylor of and I teach you how to make exquisite love. This is Part I of a two-part series. Today we are talking about mastering the dynamics of sexual passion. Walk down the street. Open a magazine. Turn on the TV. Read great fiction. If you are like me, your eyes and ears will be riveted to the images, the sounds and the memories of great scenes of passion. I can tell you why this is true for me at least because I have had that passion and I want more and I know how precious and fleeting desire can be. So, here to tell us how to flame the sands of passion and heat in our own lives is a master of this art, Satyen Raja. So hi Satyen and welcome to the show.

Satyen Raja: OK, great. Thanks for having me. I am actually so turned on already by your introduction. I think we are going to have a really great time in injecting a lot of passion in all the listeners.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah, me too. Well, hey let me tell you a little bit about you then to our listeners. Satyen Raja combines the power of the warrior and the wisdom of the sage to inspire audiences worldwide. He is a unique blend of power and heart. He is a Kung Fu master, a trainer of the renowned illumination intensive who has taught thousands of students in the United States, in Canada, Australia and Europe, the art of true power. He has a dramatic style. He is not for the timid and through his teachings your weaknesses will become strengths very quickly.

So I am so excited to have Satyen on our show today. We will learn many secrets.  Do opposites attract? How can men and women stay hot for each other and remain equal? We will be educated with his remarkable system for understanding sex, love and passion and we will be entertained too, because his passion truly extends towards all of life. So let’s get going.

Can you tell us Satyen briefly, what’s the focus of your work?

Satyen Raja: Well, you know, one of the areas that we focus on is sex, passion and enlightenment. And sex, passion and enlightenment, the reasons I focus on that, I’m in a marriage now for over 22 years with my partner and as you can imagine, there’s highs and lows in any type of relationship. But we have managed to keep our passion not only just at a light level but it continues to boil over year after year. We look at each other even to this day drooling for each other and at the same time our hearts open with each other and at the same time we are really hot on each other. And many people ask, “What is the secret? How do you maintain that in your life?”

And I have to tell you, I had a time over a decade ago where we were losing that passion and we sought out one of my main mentors, a fellow named David Dana (sp) and through his teaching, through his example and then us embodying the work, we have gone from mundane relationship, from perhaps fizzling out, to having a life-long passion.  And we learned to apply it in our own life. And I saw so many people over the thousands of years start out with great love, great passion but have it diminish. So I made it a personal mission of mine to teach folks how to maintain and ignite that passion and to ignite that sexual fire, as well as that deep heart spiritual connection, that creates really incredible passion and sexuality for a lifetime.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, I hear you there. So I would like to put some numbers on this. How long have you been with your partner?

Satyen Raja: We have been together 22 years.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Twenty-two years. And you started out, let’s do Richter scale.
Where did you start out on the Richter scale?

Satyen Raja: Well, you know where we started out, I would say because we were high school friends, we were friends first, which is usually not the usual thing. Usually you see someone and it’s like wow. But we were high school friends first that developed passion for each other over time once we discovered each other and who we really were. But I would say we started out as an average, young couple that started liking each other. But once we started opening our hearts to each other, once we started knowing the depth of who we were with each other, the passion ignited. Unfortunately, what happens when people sometime get spiritually closer with one other, they become best friends and they lose that, if you want to call it that fuck force, the force of that divine penetration, that divine surrender which makes sexuality a passion for lifetime. So we have only gone upwards from there and it hasn’t even stopped. It is just starting for us.

Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, so where would you say you started on the Richter scale? Let’s say it’s the third year of your relationship.

Satyen Raja: I would say the third year on the scale of one to ten, we would be roughly at around a 6, 6 ½.

Dr. Patti Taylor: 6, OK, well that’s pretty good, OK. And how about at year ten? OK, you are at 22 years now. So year 10, that’s the halfway mark

Satyen Raja: Year ten, year ten it took a dive.

Dr Patti Taylor; OK

Satyen Raja: And the reason it took a dive is because we started having children. I started  focusing on other things. What men usually do who have a masculine nature, when things aren’t going right, they tend to focus on their work. They tend to focus on tasks and duties thinking that once I get all these things fixed up, and dealt with, that I am finally free enough to do, to spend time with my family and my wife. Then things will be right again. And so we go on this weird mission to try to do a ton of things for our future happiness.

So I started getting into that rut and my wife got into the run of just being a mom. Of course that takes an incredible amount of energy and needs to because it is sacred to have a child. But what happened was when she started focusing only on her being a mom, I started focusing on my tasks and my business only. Our sexuality diminished. I have got to tell you, it dropped down to probably a three.

Dr. Patti Taylor: OK what year did you start? I am asking you because you are so amazing and this is really humanizing you for all our listeners who can relate to this. What year did you start your training in becoming a great lover?

Satyen Raja: Well that was ten years ago.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Ten years. This is sort of your low point. Now you are a three on the Richter scale, right?

Satyen Raja: Well, we got together at a six. We started rising as we got closer together and then as own individual careers and our life paths started taking off, and we started concentrating on that, then the number went down. Then when we started having children, the love was there but the passion just plummeted. And we had to do something about it because we had love, but like so many couples I’ve seen, they think, “Oh my God, they don’t love me anymore because there is no passion.” We knew that we loved each other and so we sought out help. Just like a lot of couples don’t seek help unfortunately. They think that that’s the natural rut and they end up in liaisons. They end up cheating and so forth. Well, we discovered, my wife and I, a new way, a remarkable way to keep the passion ignited for a lifetime.

Dr. Patti Taylor: OK so this is really great because I think when you can bring the passion back, you are bringing it back not only for you, but for the little children, for yourself, for the family. I mean this is a message of incredible hope your story here so I am going to stick with it a little longer. So five years later, you’ve done this training, right? Now where are you?

Satyen Raja: Well, five years into the training of sex, passion, enlightenment, the training and the living of it, the simple practices, the simple gains, the simple winks, the unique things that I am going to share about, what happened was, my wife and I started falling in love, madly in love with each other. It was like a soul revival, like two young 18 year olds who couldn’t keep their hands off each other and at the same time we are blowing each other open to God, to truth, to ecstasy, something way beyond any words can describe and we were having this and then it started spilling over into our business life because couples and other people started saying, “Wow, what happened to you guys? You look younger. You look more vibrant. You just look like you are turned on by life.” The secret is when you are turned on, life is all turned on. And when you learn that a relationship is not just for yourself but it is a portal to help awaken and inspire and invigorate your family, your children, your businesses. Our businesses took off. I was teaching martial arts. I had a martial arts school. My business took off. My wife’s health and vitality, she took off and people started noticing us. And that’s when we started teaching the work because of really the demand where people said “We want what you have.” And we started out reluctantly but today we are doing it full blast and it’s a joy for us.

Dr. Patti Taylor: OK so now where are you on the Richter scale?

Satyen Raja: [laughter]

Dr. Patti Taylor: or do they have a number that high?

Satyen Raja: Well, we have to create a new scale because the Richter scale doesn’t rock and roll with us, you know.

Dr. Patti Taylor: OK, great. They don’t make numbers that high, right?

Satyen Raja: [laughter] I wish I could say that it just comes and goes but because there’s an art, a science and just simple practices as well as a joyful way to embody what I am going to be talking about, these techniques, if you will. It’s not more homework. A lot of guys go, “Oh, I got to do this. I got to do that. I got to take on some New Agey(sp) fu fu crap.” And I got to tell you as a Kung Fu teacher, the last thing I like is New Agey(sp) fu fu stuff. For me, it has got to be practical and so forth.

My wife on the other hand she’s a goddess. She loves the flowery language, the flowery words. She loves the romance. And we had to find a way to incorporate me as a guy, a real down-to-earth guy, who is not really fu fu, straight to business and connect up with a goodness who is really delicious, juicy and loves the romance of life. We found a way to ignite passion, clarity, sexuality for both of us, as a man who is a real guy and a goddess who’s a real woman and that’s the secret. If it’s too feminine based, it’s going to turn off the guys, put them to sleep and bore them to hell. If it’s just hardcore techniques, detail and so forth, it’s going to kill the natural juice and flow and romance and creativity of the feminine. So by [music] taking into account our unique differences and the masculine me and the feminine me and learning how to evoke both those unique sparks sexually, that’s the secret. That’s the key for a lifelong marriage and sex.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, I think you have got everyone’s attention at this point. So please stay with us. This is Dr. Patti Taylor and I’m here with Satyen Raja. I’m going to spell that. Satyen, space. That’s his first name, Satyen. Raja and you can learn more about Satyen Raja at his website and we will be right back. So please stay with us

Announcer: [commercial break]


Dr. Patti Taylor: We are back and we are talking about mastering the dynamic of sexual passion. And let’s just jump right in because I want to find out what do you teach people?

Satyen Raja: That’s OK. Well, first of all, within each one of us there’s different types of sexual energy depending on who we are. And it doesn’t matter whether you are straight, gay, bi, lesbian or otherwise or all of the above. Within each one of us, we have a masculine feminine energy. Now some of us have more of a masculine-skewed energy and some of us have more of a feminine-skewed energy, meaning our deepest resting place is either more feminine or masculine.

Some of us, very few of us, are actually right in the center where if you took a scale and said OK 100% is one side, masculine. The other side is 100% feminine. Very few people are right in the center meaning exactly balanced. Those people wouldn’t most likely be listening to this radio show simply because of nature of it wouldn’t be as provocative. Now, those of us who are more masculine we are more moved by the movement towards freedom, the desire to have more freedom and emptiness in our life.

Those of us who are more moved by the feminine or more feminine in our deepest heart, we are more moved by love, connection, intimacy and by understanding that there’s a difference between the masculine and the feminine and finding out where we stand on that scale then rather than, for example, a feminine person trying to say feminine things to a masculine guy to turn him on, it won’t. It will depolarize him. If you are a masculine person and you are using masculine words to try to evoke and try to bring passion to a feminine being, it causes the exact opposite of what you want because we are wired totally different

Dr. Patti Taylor: This is a great place for an example

Satyen Raja: Yes, certainly. Let me give you a real example. As a masculine person myself, I am more moved toward freedom and I am more a direction-oriented person. Let’s say I am sitting in my car with my wife and we are going on a hot date or we are going to an event that friends have invited us or a show or move and we want to get the romantic energies going. All of a sudden she looks at a street sign and says turn left here. Now as a man who has a deeply masculine essence, when she is asserting her direction and saying turn left, guess what? That’s going to turn me off and if you wonder why a lot for guys get off when a woman is giving direction is because he is very masculine and to tell a guy to turn left here, turn right here, undermines his direction and that creates a short-circuited sexuality.

Now if she invites him and says, “Honey could it be left here? He says, “Well, let me take a look. Yes it is. We are going to turn left here.” She can rest knowing that he is taking charge in that way, asserting his masculine direction. That makes him feel more of a man, makes him feel more on top of the world, makes him feel more in his sexual power. She feel he’s taking charge. I don’t have to direct him and tell him what to do all the time. By telling him not what to do but by inviting him she starts to open her feminine sexual energy and all of a sudden what could have been a disaster in the car where two lovers turn into people who are fighting with each other, it now turns into a romantic play of invitation and sexual direction.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah, I can see how that works because I know for myself that I have a certain way where I feel the best around people. And I have to be honest. I am kind of a femme. I mean, I wouldn’t exactly a girly girl because I don’t know exactly how to express what I am but I do feel better when a guy takes charge. I love a guy who opens the door for me and gets me or pulls out my chair and waits on me hand and foot and I treat them like a king. [laughter]

Satyen Raja: It’s natural because here’s what happens. If you take a car battery OK for the guys who are listening, OK? There are two main poles in it. If the poles aren’t strong, you don’t get a spark. The same with sexuality. If both poles or one of the poles are not really fired up. So, if you are neutralized and you are just pecking each other on the cheek. You are not really passionate with each other and you are just best friends then what happens is that you lose the passion. It is really important to spark up. So here’s the number one secret on creating passion for a lifetime. Are you ready?

Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah

Satyen Raja: If you are a feminine person, you have got to bring up your feminine. You  got to expand it. You have got to exaggerate it. You have got to let it spill out to your masculine lover. If you are a masculine being, you got to take more direction. You got to take more charge. You got to surprise your lover. Show her things out of the ordinary. Sweep her off her feet. Let me give you a real example, OK? Specific example, OK?

Dr. Patti Taylor: Please

Satyen Raja: OK

Dr. Patti Taylor:  because I have some questions for you.

Satyen Raja:  OK, perfect. Here’s a real specific example. When going on a date, now there’s a lot of guys who have a masculine nature and have been taught to be a nice guy the typical New Age nice guy or the flowing guy. They say, “Honey, where would you like to go? “Well, I don’t know, Love. Where would you like to go?” “Well, I don’t know, Honey. What’s best for you? What do you feel like?” Now how many times have you heard that? It’s great. It’s cordial. It’s balanced. Both partners are equal but guess what? After a minute or two of that, the passion is lost. Instead of two lovers going out to an amazing event it becomes two buddies. And I got to tell you buddies are good but passionate lovers who bring each other to ecstasy is more of what we are looking for. I’m sure, OK.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, yeah.

Satyen Raja: Here’s the key. For a fellow who is more masculine by nature what the feminine loves is spontaneous surprises more. So rather than always asking her where she wants to go, feel into her heart. Feel into her being. Feel into what would surprise her? What would take her off kilter? What would make her ravished if you will?

So an example would be calling her up on Thursday or Friday morning and saying “Honey, it’s Friday night, 7 o’clock. Wear something red.  Just be ready and wear something red. She is going to go, “Well, where are we going?” “Honey, 7 o’clock I love you. Wear something red.’

Dr. Patti Taylor: That’s hot. I can see the phone calls this Friday night [laughter] are going to be off the hook. Wear something whatever. [laughter] That’s hot. I love that. That’s great.

Satyen Raja: Yeah because first of all

Dr. Patti Taylor: For me, of course, I’m a girly girl so I love that, right?

Satyen Raja: The feminine loves surprises. The feminine love being ravished. And being ravished is not just a physical, sexual thing of taking command and lead lovingly. Being ravished means in the way we teach it at Sex, tantra, alignment is feeling your lover’s heart. You are doing it for yourself as a guy. You are not doing just to get your rocks off.      You are doing it because you are loving your woman so deeply. You are saying what would turn her on? What would really ravish her? What would make her feel like a queen, my personal queen? What would make her feel like a goddess of sexuality and what really turns on the goddess are continuous, spontaneous direction, surprises coming out of nowhere.

Another example for the fellow feminine lover is let’s say you are emailing your lover room a work or business trip or maybe you are just in another room [laugh] emailing her and saying something like “Honey I am coming home tomorrow make sure you book a chiropractor’s appointment for the day after. You will really need it.

Dr. Patti Taylor: [laughter] I have a couple of questions and they may be connected. In the bedroom I think surrender is great as a woman. That’s my favorite thing to do. I have dreams, surrender dreams. They are hot, fantasy dreams of mine but when it comes to be my turn to be a giver, I like that too so

Satyen Raja: Well. Here’s how that works. None of us are purely masculine. None of us are purely feminine. It’s important to learn to play the whole scale of masculine and feminine. So masculine, very simplified is direction and feeling into and ravishing. The feminine is being open and receptive and allowing yourself to be ravished, invitation into your deepest heart. Now, a lot of men and people of a masculine essence, you have to get that for feminine beings, their whole body, their vagina, their breasts, their legs, their butts, their breasts, their lungs, their face, their eyes. Their whole body is a living heart. You are not just fucking a woman’s vagina. You are not just fucking her with your eyes. When you are making love to her, you are fucking whole soul, mind, body at one time and you have to appreciate this. You have to feel this as, this is your goddess. You want to feel, what would open her to God? What would open her to ecstasy, not what will get your own sexual rocks on. When you start focusing on how can I navigate her as an ocean to unwind, to unpeel? How can I navigate her as a fruit to devour so that she feels moment to moment that you are devouring her through your touch, through your tasting, through your touching, through your eye-gazing, through your tantalizing through your intense words, through your delicate words. It’s a moment-to-moment dance.

So yes, it’s important that we cultivate the whole spectrum of feminine and masculine, all of us, as males and females, straight, gay, bi, lesbian. And then when we have got that spectrum down, we start artfully applying “OK do I need to be more ravishing now? Do I need to surrender now?” Look, I am a guy with a more masculine essence. I would say 705 masculine and 307 feminine. That means 7 out of ten times I love leading, directing, ravishing my women, taking charge but I got to tell you three out of ten times I love when she does that to me, you know?

Dr. Patti Taylor: I love what you just said by the way. I am melting in my chair. And what I wanted to say is when someone treats me like you have been talking about, I turn from being that girly girl into a roaring tigress that will devour you. So I switch, right?  I mean

Satyen Raja: Exactly

Dr. Patti Taylor: I am ravished. It’s like you’ve woken up my inner you know animal so people can switch. That’s my question, I guess.

Satyen Raja: Exactly. Not only can they switch, imagine a piano keyboard. If you just played on a third of it you would get du du du du. If you played the middle part you would get just a variance. If you played the higher notes, you would get a variance. But there are darker notes, deeper notes and there’s lighter more energetic notes. Same too on the sexual spectrum. There’s lighter energy. The lighter energy between lovers is the deep hugs, the kissing, pecking on the cheek, the sweet gazes, the sweet exchanges. Then you get into the middle notes which are the general love play that people make, the tossing and turning in bed the sex that most people have.

To have incredibly passionate sex you have to be willing to learn to open into the darker spectrum, just like there are darker deeper notes on a keyboard, just like there are different strings on a guitar, deeper strings on any musical instrument there is a scale. So too in the sexual energy, there is a scale.

Now for example with feminine beings there is a lighter scale. There’s a lot of women out there who have been taught by society to be nice genteel not to be dirty, not to talk dirty, not to be extremely hot provocative. Now that type of sex is great but it is limiting and it can only go so far If you want to go to deeper places of surrender, you got to remember that for the feminine being, sometimes the most deeply spiritual experience that they’ve had is in the depths of surrender sexuality with a lover who is feeling and navigating their heart all the way to God.

Dr. Patti Taylor: We have to take a break. Hold that thought. This is Dr. Patti Taylor. I am here with Satyen Raja. I am going to spell that Satyen space Raja. That’s Satyen Raja. You can find out more about Satyen Raja at his website and I will even spell that Please stay with us. We will be right back

Announcer: [commercial break]


Dr. Patti Taylor: We are back and we are talking about mastering the dynamics of sexual passion. So you were talking about needing to occupy the whole range of our sexual being in order to really feel that sexual passion. And you’ve been talking about the woman and how about the man now?

Satyen Raja: Well, same too as the man. The man has more of a masculine essence has to learn not just to be a buddy or to be a lover who just rolls onto his lover and makes love and that’s nice but the thing is that within each one of us is the sexual master, what I call the warrior sage, a sage of life, a master of life and to me learning to make love to a woman is the same as learning to live life in a grand way. So your woman is a reflection of the depth of how you are living. So if your woman is not deeply open and surrendered in her heart, it basically means that you are not living at our deepest edge.  You are not living from your deepest purpose. And no matter what type of sexual techniques you try to master, you will always find yourself living shallow.

And so for a man, it is so important who has a masculine essence to find, hey, what brings me life? What brings me purpose? What must I do so that when I die, I die complete. I am not regretting anything. And we help men find that because there are a lot of guys who have lost that essence. They’ve fallen asleep. They’ve got themselves into dead end lives or ruts that they just don’t know how to get out of and they feel life is flat. They feel stuck and trapped by their life circumstances, bills and circumstances and families and God knows what else.

Dr. Patti Taylor: You know, one thing I really, really like about what you are saying is that you are connecting someone’s sexual life essence with all of your life. If your sex life isn’t somewhere off the Richter scale or at least heading in that direction, don’t look at it as unconnected from your whole life and I just really say, “Right on. I love that. They are connected.”

Satyen Raja: Well in our Sex, Passion and Life intensive that we teach, my organization, what we see is a lot of men awaken to their life’s purpose They awaken to, what happens within a short period of time they let go of all the droll and slumber they have been in and feel magnificent and they feel great to be a man. Then when they need a partner if they are single, my God, the ladies are dropping for them because they are on purpose. The man who is on purpose is a sexy man. What we teach the man is how to master this sexual energy not only for the bedroom which is great but how to master their sexual energy for success in life. So for a guy, you got to learn to penetrate life and penetrate your woman with love and integrity and from the warrior within you.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Well, we are coming to the end of our show and I have two more questions for you. We have do have another show so fortunately we are only half way through. But do you think that when a man comes on purpose that the energy he will just start attracting women. Women will start calling him up, “I don’t why I am calling you. It’s been a year.” Will this energy extend way outside his normal immediate field.

Satyen Raja: It does. It does. It’s something magical because when as a guy gets on purpose with his life, when he gets on purpose and he starts to master his sexual energy not just to be a great guy in bed but you realize that sexual energy is the key to success in the world. And what starts to happen is if you are with a woman in a relationship, she is going to start to melt. She is going to start to feel like she can trust you. She is not going to be biting at your balls or trying to lead you all the time or telling you what to do. She is going to start to trust your direction in life.

And that’s what every man wants. He wants a woman who loves him but that is not scared of him, who is equal to him but can meet his power. So does every enlightened woman. She wants a man who can meet her energy because I got to tell you, the goddess energy is the energy of creation. It’s the energy of the whole universe and when men respect that and when women start to respect that they are the goddess of really creation and that they learn to love themselves as a woman, the polarity is going to happen in the relationship and the abundance that is going to happen outside of he bedroom is going to be mind blowing.

Dr. Patti Taylor: Wow. [laughter] You are making that pretty clear. OK, well listen, we are going to close out the show. Do you have a thought that you can just leave

Satyen: Yeah

Dr. Patti Taylor:  with our listeners to inspire them? [laughter] I mean can you top everything you’ve said? I don’t even know if that’s possible. [laughter]

Satyen Raja: Well, first of all, I like once again, I would like everyone to be able to experience Sex, Passion, Enlightenment in their lives personally and to that avail, I would love everyone to go to my website Our contact information is there. Please let them know you have been listening to this Expanded Lovemaking Show with Patricia. Email us and we will make sure we send out to you two free tickets to our introductory workshop for Sex, Passion and Enlightenment. But you must mention the show because the tickets are $79. But we will make sure everyone who has listened to this show gets them absolutely complementary. Email us at our contact or you can phone us. Our contact information is at and again, mention the Expanded Lovemaking Show and we will make sure that you get two free tickets to our introductory Sex, Passion and Enlightenment workshop so that you can embody this in your life. Men, women, single men, single women. You are going to meet amazing people. The couples who have been together for short term, long term. Come so that you can really have passion, sexuality and enlightenment to last a lifetime

Dr. Patti Taylor: Yeah and also you will be on our episode page so we will give that information out. So thank you very, very much for coming on our show today. It has been a total joy having you.

Satyen Raja: Thank you so much.

Dr. Patti Taylor: And we have been talking to Satyen Raja. You can find out more about Satyen Raja at So before we close the show, I am just going to ask my listeners[music] if they will fill out an anonymous survey for me at It’s fast and easy. I took it so I would love it if you take it too.  

That does bring us to the end of the show. Thank you for listening. Please send me email at Patti@ For text and transcripts of this show and other shows on the Personal life Media network, please visit our website at Also, please visit me, Dr. Patti Taylor at where you can join my mailing list and find out more about my products, services and events. This is Dr. Patti Taylor. That’s all for now and I remain yours in ever expanding lovemaking and I will see you next week.

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