Episode 88 - Alissa Kriteman on Transforming Regret and Resentment
I really appreciate when listeners write in to share their stories or ask for guidance on particular situations regarding dating, relationships and sex. Therefore, I make a point to have those questions and concerns answered on the show.
In this episode, it is me who offers insight to audience members on how to communicate truth with love using the "Acknowledgment Sandwich." This is a fantastic communication technique that allows you to be fully expressed or make requests while also honoring the person you are speaking to. Tune in and hear how it can work for you in your life!
In the second segment I offer my insight to an audience member who asks for support in "how to transform resentment and anger." Here I offer a powerful tool you can use with another person to clear congested emotion called the "Withhold Session."
When you do a Withhold Session, you allow yourself to blow off steam and get to the heart of what it is you want to say. Mostly our bottled up emotions are getting in the way of the love we desire to express. This technique will help you move through high emotion and get back to calm, centered, clarity.
Stay tuned for more information on the launch of my internet product: Masterful Techniques for Fear and Anxiety Relief at www.masterfultechniques.com