Episode 22 - Theme Party
Today’s episode is part of a series called “Lessons from San Francisco.” In this series I’ve chosen essays from my book A Writer’s San Francisco that I’m betting will help you deepen your connection to your creative life and motivate you to create every day. Today’s show, the fourth in the series, is called “Theme Party.”
The episode begins this way:
“I was throwing a little party at our Bernal Heights flat for a visiting publisher, someone with whom I had a long history. She had been my editor fifteen years before, one of two editors on my first nonfiction book. Then she went back to school, into the Master’s program at San Francisco State, to hone her fiction skills. During that interlude I occasionally attended the salons she organized and hosted at her apartment in the foggy Richmond, so far west that it was almost in Japan. Then she bought a publishing house in Boston and published me. She was going to be in town and I rounded up some folks for a get-together.”
Tune in to hear more!