The Professor of Nothing
Joy of Living Creatively
Dr. Eric Maisel

Episode 33 - The Professor of Nothing

Today’s episode is part of a series called “Lessons from Paris.” In this series I’ve chosen essays from my book A Writer’s Paris that I’m betting will help you deepen your connection to your creative life and motivate you to create every day. Today’s show, the six in the series, is called “The Professor of Nothing.”

The episode begins this way:

“I meet an American writer at a café not far from the Right Bank Sorbonne annex where English is taught. Many Americans gather at this particular café because of the Sorbonne connection. Emily explains to me that in their midst is a fellow from the Midwest who is a poseur. He is posing as an instructor at the Sorbonne but, as she explains it, ‘He is really a professor of nothing!’”